LOU GEHRIG'S DISEASE1 (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)SYMPTOMSProgressive muscular weakness and atrophy, weakened respiratory muscles (which can result in pneumonia), difficulty chewing and swallowing, stiffness, cramping, and involuntary quivering of small muscles. CAUSESAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common motor neuron disease, resulting in muscular atrophy. Causes include heredity (10% of the cases) or strenuous physical work in one's occupation, combined with nutritional deficiencies (especially vitamins B complex, E, F, and C). Other factors include viral infections, physical exhaustion, and trauma. Heavy metals, ingested or inhaled, can induce damage to the nervous system. TREATMENT
Also see "Lou Gehrig's Disease2." ENCOURAGEMENTGod's Ten Commandment law is so brief that we can easily memorize it, yet so far-reaching as to express the whole will of God for our lives. Thank God that there is a moral standard in our world, whether men like it or not. AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)BASIC APPLICATIONSProlonged Neutral Baths, 1-3 hours daily; massage. GENERAL METHODBuild up the general health by gentle tonic measures, slowly increased in intensity, suppressing the formation of toxic substances and promoting their elimination by a suitable dietary, improvement of digestion and the employment of the other measures indicated above. By the suppression of the active causes of the disease and the adoption of better means for the improvement of general nutrition and especially of the nutrition of the spinal cord, it is usually possible to arrest the disease; and, not infrequently, a considerable degree of improvement may be secured. Therapeutic measures must be most thoroughly and perseveringly employed. The progress of the disease may be delayed, even when it cannot be altogether arrested. Also see "Lou Gehrig's Disease1." LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)IMPROVE GENERAL NUTRITIONCareful Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub; Very carefully Graduated Cold Baths; Wet Sheet Pack, protecting the spine by a dry towel, followed by Cold Mitten Friction and Pail Pour or Half Bath at 850 F. COMBAT TOXEMIA by short sweating baths, followed by appropriate Graduated Cold Baths. Prolonged Neutral Bath, beginning at 960 F. and daily lowering the temperature to 900 F.; increase duration from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours daily; copious water drinking; colonic daily. IMPROVE NUTRITION OF SPINAL CORDFomentation to the spine at 1100-1200 F. twice daily, with Heating Compress during the interval between. Thorough massage of the back; suspension, or spine-stretching by flexion of the trunk upon the thighs or flexion of the thighs upon the trunk. ATAXIC MOVEMENTSSpecial exercises in small movements of each of the affected muscular groups. LIGHTNING PAINProlonged Warm Fan Douche to spine at 95o-100o F., 2-3 times a day (with pressure at 2-5 pounds.) GASTRIC CRISESVery hot Fomentation to the abdomen several times a day, followed by Heating Compress when nerves of lower back are sensitive; continue for several weeks; Revulsive Compress to stomach. LOCAL PAINSRevulsive Compress and Revulsive Douche, followed by Heating Compress. RECTAL PAINVery hot Anal Douche at 115o-122oF., with little pressure; Revulsive Sitz Bath; Fomentation over buttocks; Hot Colonic. PARESIS OF BLADDERDaily Colonic. Cold Plantar Douche. TROPHIC CHANGES - CHARCOT'S JOINTSFomentation to the parts when painful, 3 times a day, with Heating Compress during the intervals between. Apply mechanical support when necessary. CONTRAINDICATIONSCold baths, cold applications to spine, general cold douche, very hot applications. GENERAL METHODBuild up his general health by gentle tonic measures, carefully avoiding such applications of cold water as are found to increase pain or aggravate other symptoms; combat the local morbid process in the spine by the measures above indicated, and restore the power of coordinated movement in the affected muscular groups by special gymnastic training. MENINGITIS1SYMPTOMSSymptoms vary considerably, but usually include a sore throat, fever, headache, stiff neck, and vomiting. Children and adults can become critically ill in 6-24 hours after the first appearance of the symptoms. This condition requires rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment. Take him to the emergency room immediately! Demand immediate help! Symptoms include sore throat, red or purple skin rash, fever, chills, malaise, headaches, vomiting, sensitivity to light, nausea, delirium, stiff neck, and convulsions. In infants: vomiting, fever, difficult feeding, irritability, a high-pitched cry, a bulging fontanel (soft spot on top of the head). Changes in temperament and extreme sleepiness indicate dangerous changes in cerebrospinal fluid. Warning: A child can be hurt when he is picked up. CAUSESMeningitis is an inflammation of the two membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. They are called the meninges. In addition, the thin membranes that cover the spinal cord may also be infected. It is a contagious disease. Causes include several different viruses (including those causing polio, measles, rubella, fungi, yeast infection) and several types of bacteria. Infection can spread from the nose and throat to the meninges. A depleted immune system (along with nose and throat trouble) can cause it to enter the blood stream and go to the brain. If not treated properly, a case of flu or ear, nose, and throat infections can develop into meningitis. Eating heavy meals or taking drugs while sick can cause an infection to drive deeper into the system and enter the brain area. Other factors aiding in the development of meningitis are alcoholism, brain surgery, brain cancer, exposure to chemical agents, head injury, pneumonia, Lyme disease, syphilis, tuberculosis, or anything that weakens the immune system (chemotherapy, radiation treatment, steroid therapy, HIV infection, and certain types of cancer). Of the three main types of meningitis, viral infection is more common and produces milder symptoms, such as malaise and headache, which generally clears up on its own in a week or two. But the bacterial type requires prompt, aggressive treatmentor brain damage or death can result. (Any time a bacterial infection occurs [such as strep throat or an ear infection], eliminate it; do not ignore the problem.) Fungal meningitis progresses more slowly, but also requires medical care. Do not guess! Call a physician! Meningitis is more common in children than adults. TREATMENT
Also see "Meningitis2." ENCOURAGEMENTChrist calls to you, "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." There is necessity for a decided choice, for Jesus said, "You cannot serve God and mammon." We cannot have divided service, part for God and part for the devil. Give your life to God. MENINGITIS2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERALCareful Cold Mitten Friction, 2-4 times daily. COMBAT CONGESTION OF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORDIce Cap; Ice Collar; Cooling Compress to the head; Ice Bag to the spine; general derivative treatments, such as Hot Hip Packs and Hot Leg Packs; Hot Blanket Pack; Hot Full Bath at 1020F. The head should be protected by the Ice Cap, or Ice Collar, during all hot applications. Fomentation to the spine every 2 hours. Spinal Ice Bag during intervals between. Vigorous skin circulation must be maintained (see "general," just above). PREVENT BRONCHITISFomentation to the chest twice daily; well-protected Heating Compress during interval between. Keep shoulders dry and well-protected while in bed. In Cold Bath, see that the water covers the shoulders. The Chest Compress must cover the shoulders. HEADACHEFomentation to the back of the neck, Ice Compress to head and neck, Hot and Cold Head Compress. PAIN IN BACK AND LEGSFomentation to back; Hot Hip Pack. Repeat every 4 hours or more often. Heating Compress or Ice Bag during interval between. VOMITINGIce Bag over stomach; Hot and Cold Trunk. DIARRHEAEnema at 950 F. after each movement. During interval between, give Cold Abdominal Compress at 600 F., renewed every 15 minutes with Fomentations to the abdomen for 15 minutes, every 2 hours. MUSCULAR RIGIDITYHot Blanket Pack; Hot Full Bath; Hot Fomentation, followed by well-protected Heating Compress. HYPERESTHESIANeutral Bath at 940-960F. DELIRIUM OR MANIAProlonged Wet Sheet Pack, Ice cap, or Ice Collar. MUSCULAR SPASMHot Full Bath at 1020 F. for 15-30 minutes, with Ice Cap and Ice Collar. Prolonged Neutral Bath. Heating Spinal Compress. CONTRAINDICATIONSDo not use Cold Full Baths and other general cold procedures. GENERAL METHODThe object to be sought, by treatment, is to relieve congestion of the brain and spinal cord by diverting as much blood as possible into the skin hence the skin must be kept constantly warm. General cold procedures, such as the Cold Full Bath and the Cooling Pack must be avoided. Undue excitement of the brain and spinal cord during hot applications is prevented by protecting these parts by Ice Compresses and the application of an Ice Bag over the heart. Partial cold applications, as Cold Mitten Friction, should be administered several times daily to maintain vital resistance, care being taken to maintain surface warmth by the application of heat to the spine and legs or other parts during the treatment so as to avoid retrostasis. Also see "Meningitis1." MENINGOCELE (Spina Bifida; Severe Anencephalia)SYMPTOMSA severe birth defect. CAUSESWe cannot provide you with solutions once this occurs. We can only tell you what would have prevented it. This severe birth defect results in exposure of the brain or spinal cord and its coverings (meninges) because of the improper formation of the vertebrae. Death may result. Medical treatment is limited to surgery PREVENTIONThis birth defect is caused by a deficiency of folic acid, B12, zinc, or vitamin A during early pregnancy. These deficiencies may be the result of poor and inadequate nutrition or intestinal malabsorption problems in the mother. ENCOURAGEMENTChrist's glory is concerned in our success. When, by faith in Him, we live for Him and obey Him, we honor and glorify Him. What a thought is this! He is our sympathizing Saviour. Yield Him your life. MENKE'S SYNDROMESYMPTOMSKinky, sparse, and brittle hair. Loss of hair color, arterial aneurysms, scurvy-like bone disease (ostosis), and progressive brain degeneration. CAUSESThe current theory is that it is a genetic disease, but it is actually a malabsorption problem in early infancy. Celiac disease (primarily from feeding the infant wheat at too early an age; see Celiac Disease) can produce a copper deficiency, along with other deficiencies. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTIf your heart is filled with love for Christ, it will be shown that He is stronger than the passions which have ruled you in the past, whose indulgence undermined noble impulses and left the soul to the mercy of Satan's temptations. When the heart of the sinner is touched, he yields his will to God's will. MULTIPLE SCLEROSISSYMPTOMSEarlier stages: occasional dizziness, mood swings or depression, numbness in the fingers and feet, weakness in the hands and feet, loss of balance, nausea and vomiting, muscular stiffness, tremors, slurred speech, and difficult breathing. Later stages: difficulty in walking, a staggering gait. Later still: spastic movements, paralysis, extreme fatigue, and bowel and bladder incontinence. Symptoms flare up, and then nearly disappear for a time. Yet the problem keeps worsening, over a matter of weeks, but sometimes slowly over decades. CAUSESMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. The nerves are covered with a coating called myelin. MS destroys this covering, leaving scar tissue (called plaques) in its place. Eventually the nerves themselves become sclerotic (hardened) and stop functioning. Possible causes include an autoimmune attacking by the white blood cells of the myelin sheaths; malnutrition or poor diet; stress; possible food allergies (dairy products or gluten); metal poisoning (lead, mercury, etc.); chemicals (industrial chemicals, pesticides, etc.); toxins from bacteria and fungi in the body; and vaccinations. Diet appears to be a primary factor: heavy consumption of meat, sugar, refined grains, and rancid oils. Overwork, emotional stress, fatigue, pregnancy, acute respiratory infections, chemical poisoning, and poor diet are known to precede the onset. MS usually begins between 25 and 40, and twice as often in women as men. There is no known cure, but suggestions, below, will help retard (and possible halt) the progress of the disorder. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTThere is no mystery in the law of God. All can comprehend the great truths which it embodies. Everyone can grasp its rules. Obedience to the law is essential, not only to our salvation, but to our own happiness and the happiness of all with whom we are connected. But only in Christ's enabling strength can we render that obedience. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHYSYMPTOMSWeakness of the muscles, scoliosis (curvature of the spine), enlargement of certain muscle groups (calves, trapezius, etc.) to compensate for loss of major muscle groups. The muscles gradually shrivel and weaken. The muscles in the trunk are especially affected. All muscles eventually become involved. CAUSESMuscular dystrophy (MD) produces a weakening and wasting of muscle tissue which is not noticed (because of replacement of muscle tissue with fat and fibrous scar tissue) until there is substantial damage. Animals given a vitamin E deficient diet develop muscular dystrophy. It is believed that MD could be wiped out if vitamin E was given to all expectant mothers and bottle-fed babies. Mother's milk has six times as much vitamin E as cow's milk, and almost twice as much selenium. There may a hereditary factor, but diet is still the crucial issue. TREATMENT
Also see "Birth Defects." ENCOURAGEMENTBattles are to be fought every day. A great warfare is going on over every soul, between the prince of darkness and the Prince of life. And you and I are in the middle of it. We must stand true to God, and we do this by continually choosing to remain submissive to His will. No one but your own choice can remove you from Christ's protection. MYASTHENIA GRAVISSYMPTOMSMuscular weakness, fatigue, emotional stress, and droopy eyelids. Difficulty in breathing, swallowing, and speaking. The onset is gradual, and the symptoms are worse in the evening. The person complains of difficulty in chewing, swallowing, and talking. CAUSESMyasthenia gravis is a disease characterized by great muscular weakness (without atrophy) and progressive fatigability. The name means "muscle weakness." Adolescents and young adults, especially women, are the most likely to have this problem. But it sometimes occurs in newborn infants and adults over 40. In the latter case, a tumor in the thymus is involved. It rarely occurs past 50. The muscles of the face and neck are primarily involved, but those in the trunk and extremities may also be involved. Some cases are mild; others are rapidly fatal. When the respiratory system is involved, death is much more likely to result from this disease. Progress of the disorder is variable, and prolonged remission may occur. It is thought to be an autoimmune disease that causes malfunctioning of the enzyme, acetylcholine, which is responsible for inducing muscles to contract. (It is conjectured that there may also be an excess of cholinesterase at the myoneural junction in which the nerve impulses fail to induce normal muscle contractions, but this is less likely.) There is a failure in transmission of nerve impulses at the neuromuscular junction. Either the acetylcholine release is not adequate or the muscle response to the acetylcholine is not sufficient. An autoimmune factor may be involved (i.e., there are so many toxins in the body, that the system interferes with normal functions.) Autointoxication may thus be a primary cause. Toxins accumulate in the bloodstream from chemicals, chronic constipation, etc. Either they destroy the muscular system or they trigger other body systems to do so. Chronic constipation can cause the cecum to press against the ileocecal valve, releasing poisons of the colon back into the small intestine. This is a dangerous situation, since toxins in the small intestine are absorbed into the blood far more quickly than when they are in the colon. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTThe world that Satan has claimed and has ruled over with cruel tyranny, the son of God has, by one vast achievement, encircled in His love and connected again with the throne of God. Thank your heavenly Father for what He offers you! And accept it now, right now. PARKINSON'S DISEASE (Shaking Palsy, Paralysis agitans, Parkinsonianism)SYMPTOMSInitially: mild to moderate tremor of the hand or hands while at rest, a feeling of being slow and heavy, tendency to tire more easily, muscular stiffness, loss of skill in the fingers and thumb (writing, buttoning and unbuttoning, playing the piano, etc.) Later: depression, loss of appetite, muscular rigidity, permanent rigid stoop, shuffling gait, drooling, tremors, fixed facial expression, and impaired speech. Ability to maintain balance may be affected. The body gradually becomes rigid as limbs stiffen. Dementia may occur. Principle signs are tremor at rest, muscle rigidity, and slow or retarded movement. Tremors and slowness generally begin in one limb, then progress to the other limb on the same side; later still to the other side. Usually the hands are affected before the feet. CAUSESParkinson's disease is a gradual degeneration of the nervous system. The nerve cells in the basal ganglion of the brain are gradually destroyed. Parkinson's disease is one of the most common debilitating diseases in the United States. But actual disability usually does not occur for 10-15 years after onset of symptoms. Although the underlying cause is not known, symptoms appear when there is a lack of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is made by the body, and carries messages from one nerve cell to another. Normally, another neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, is made, to keep dopamine in balance. When there is not enough acetylcholine, myasthenia gravis occurs; when there is not enough dopamine, the result is Parkinson's disease. In Parkinson's, the problem generally is destruction of the cells which make dopamine. But sometimes the cause is blockage of the dopamine receptors in the brain. One possible cause of this disorder is that too many toxins have been released in the body for the blood to filter out through the liver. An excess of chemicals, drugs, toxins in meat eating, etc., are thought to be involved. It is known that one of the chemicals in heroine directly destroys the key brain cells preventing Parkinson's. A chronic poor diet, over many years, is also considered to be a significant factor. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTMan's happiness must always be guarded by the law of God. That law is the hedge which God has placed about His vineyard. By it those who obey are protected from evil. But only through Christ's enabling merits can you be empowered to obey the Ten Commandments. POLIO (Poliomyelitis, Infantile Paralysis)SYMPTOMSFever, nausea, diarrhea, headache, and irritability. Incubation is generally 2-7 days, and onset is often abrupt. There may be digestive disturbance, plus a slight elevation of temperature, usually for not more than 3 days. Then paralysis may, or may not, develop. Bend the person's neck forward. If it aches, polio may be coming on. CAUSESPoliomyelitis means "gray marrow," and is inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord. The condition is not confined to infancy, nor is paralysis always involved. Polio is a virus infection of the spinal cord which destroys the nerves controlling muscular movement, often resulting in paralysis of certain muscles. The first of two stages of polio is the infectious stage, when the virus is active. The second is the noninfectious stage, when recovery may occur. Paralysis may be confined to a small part of the body or much, or nearly all, of it. But muscle atrophy may also occur. Death usually only occurs in bulbar and respiratory cases. Aside from bronchopneumonia, other complications are relatively few. Epidemics, when they occur, usually reach their peak during the warmest months (July and August). TREATMENT
Other factors:
ENCOURAGEMENTThe way of salvation has been opened to the fallen race on Planet Earth. That salvation is offered to you, right now. It is yours to claim, as you accept Christ and let Him strengthen you, to obey the precepts in the Bible. POST-POLIO SYNDROMESYMPTOMSDifficulty in swallowing, which could produce a risk of choking. A progressive muscle weakness. CAUSESMore than 125,000 Americans have post-polio syndrome. TREATMENT
Also see "Polio" and "Nerves Strengthening." ENCOURAGEMENTThere are many battles to be fought, but our part is to cling to Christ as little children, pleading for His help. He will enable you to come off more than conqueror in the battles with temptation and sin. KURUSYMPTOMSAtaxia (balance problems) and decreased coordination progressing to paralysis, dementia, slurring of speech, and visual disturbances. CAUSE AND PREVENTIONKuru is a slow, progressive, fatal viral infection of the central nervous system. The incubation period may be 30 or more years, but death usually occurs within months of the onset of symptoms. There are only two classes of people who contract kuru: (1) cannibals, particularly in the central New Guinea highlands and (2) those who submit to transplant surgery. Research reveals that brain tissue from infected people produces the disease when inoculated into primates in the laboratory. So the solution is to not eat people, either through cannibalism or by having transplant surgery. (A second problem to transplant surgery is that most persons must thereafter remain on immuno-suppressants the rest of their life. Doing so renders them as vulnerable to disease as a person with AIDS.) ENCOURAGEMENTWe owe to Christ all that makes life desirable, and He asks of us the affections of the heart and the obedience of the life. His precepts, if obeyed, will bring happiness into the home life, happiness to every individual. |