Part 10
SYMPTOMSBurning, pain, itching, inflammation,
swelling, irritation, seepage, and bleeding.
CAUSESHemorrhoids are enlarged varicose veins,
found in the anus and rectum.
Those occurring below the internal sphincter (a circular
muscle which closes the rectum) are called external hemorrhoids.
Those above that sphincter are called internal hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids are generally painless, but often
bleed. When they do, the blood is bright red.
External hemorrhoids are also called piles. Sometimes
they protrude from the anus. Because they enlarge and lose their
elasticity, they often form little sacs which protrude into the
anal canal. The skin above them turns blue or purple and can be
extremely painful.
A prolapsed hemorrhoid is an internal one which is protruding
outside the anus. Often there is a mucous discharge and heavy
bleeding. They can be very painful.
When they bleed, a fair amount of blood can issue forth. But
it does not indicate a serious disease.
Older people are more likely to have them. Pregnant women, and
women who have had children, tend to have hemorrhoids more often
than other younger people.
Circulatory weakness of the veins, along with constipation,
are primary causes of hemorrhoids. Liver congestion can also be a
Any condition which increases pressure on that area or reduces
the flow of blood through those veins can induce hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are common in folk who live on junk food diets,
low-fiber diets, lack exercise, are sitting while working
(especially sitting when tense and nervous), do heavy lifting,
are obese, pregnant, straining at the stool, heavily coughing,
frequently sneezing, have prolonged use of laxatives or enemas,
have elevated pressure on the portal vein of the liver (as occurs
in cirrhosis of the liver), and sit on something cold.
To whatever degree you are able, take corrective
actions as indicated in the above two paragraphs.
Avoid spicy, highly seasoned foods, for they
irritate the inflamed area.
Avoid sitting or standing for longer periods of
If you must lift something, bend your knees and not
your back. Do not hold your breath as you lift. Instead, take
a deep breath and exhale at the moment of lifting. Avoid
heavy lifting as much as possible.
Do not sit on anything which does not warm up (a
rock, steel, the ground) for periods of time.
Do not forget the high-fiber diet; it, and a proper
diet, is crucial to success in avoiding or managing this
Use soft toilet paper, and only dab with it. Use
only non-perfumed, white toilet paper.
Do not scratch the area.
Diarrhea intensifies the problem, so avoid this.
(See "Diarrhea.")
For the same reason, avoid constipation
(which see).
Sitz (sitting) baths soothe inflamed tissues and
relax spasms of the rectal and anal muscles.
Apply cold witch hazel tea , to help shrink them.
In severe cases, take an alternating hot and cold
sitz (sitting) bath. Use two large galvanized wash tubs,
propped up at one one end, to make sitting in them more
comfortable. Fold a large towel and place it in the bottom
and sides, for comfort. Fill one with hot water (100o
F.), the other with tap water. Sit in the hot, for 5 minutes,
and in the cold, for 30 seconds. Spread the buttocks, as you
do this, so the temperature changes will have the best effect
on the desired area. Do this 3 times. You can come back later
and do it again as needed.
An alternate method, to use in less severe cases,
is to sit in a bathtub of 10-12 inches of hot water. Do this
3-5 times a day.
Cranberry poultices are helpful. Blend a handful,
wrap a tablespoonful in cloth, and lay against the area.
Change an hour later, and repeat when you wish.
Dab lecithin on the area, as you would Vaseline.
An ice pack to that area may also bring relief.
Peel a garlic bulb and scrape it, to get the juice,
to flow. Then insert it. It will be expelled the next day
during elimination. Do this 3 times a week.
Cut a piece of aloe vera, about 2˝ inches in
length, peel, and insert.
Applications of white oak bark tea or witch hazel
will, through astringent action, tend to shrink the
Medicinal drugs generally contain local
anesthetics, but these often irritate the area and delay
A 1976 report stated that there was no evidence
that any of the ingredients in Preparation H could
reduce inflammation or shrink hemorrhoids.
Aspirin will intensify the bleeding.
Prolapsed hemorrhoids can become thrombosed;
that is, they can form clots inside them which prevent their
receding. Severe, increased pain indicates this has happened.
Go to a physician, to remove the clot. This is not the same
as a hemorrhoidectomy, and is a simple, rapid treatment.
In case of persistent, severe problems, some may
choose to have hemorrhoidectomy done. Find a physician who
has done this and adequately knows what to do.
A Personal testimony:
I have essentially been cured of my hemorrhoids with the following
I suffered with hemmorhoids for nearly 10 years,
practically living on Preparation H, and often in great pain. Again
and again I had to have surgery for clots. This was extremely
unpleasant and painful, but the alternative was months of being almost
unable to walk at all.
On one occasion I developed four clots, and an extremely
painful flareup. I was out of all medication for the pain, and was
desparate. I looked around for anything that might help.
I had on hand a solution that we had used on animals for skin
problems. It consisted of 9 parts colloidal silver (liquid,
electrically made), and 1 part DMSO. I knew that the DMSO had
pain-relieving properties, and decided to try in on my hemmorhoids, which
I did.
The pain relief was not spectacular, but it did help some.
So every 20 to 30 minutes when the pain got bad, I applied it again.
After a day or so, I noticed that the pain was definitely getting better,
and I had to apply the mixture less frequently.
It was really helping, so over the next few days and weeks I
continued the treatment, and the pattern continued of needing the
application less and less often. In amazement I realized that the
clots were actually dissolving! Nothing but surgery had ever gotten
rid of them before! And, in time, all the swelling went away.
It has been years since this occurred. Once in a while
I will have a twinge of pain, and will apply the solution again. But
one application is usually sufficient to remove all symptoms. For
months at a time I have absolutely no symptoms at all.
If you have further questions about how I applied this
remarkable remedy, you can contact me at
[email protected].
Also see "Hemorrhoids2."
ENCOURAGEMENTBible religion is to be interwoven
into everything we do and say. Let others see Jesus in you. Make
His honor first. Show others that the Ten Commandments are the
best commands to be kept in the whole world.
(J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)
PORTAL CONGESTIONCold Foot Bath, in running
water; Hot Foot Bath or Hot Foot and Leg Bath; Hot Leg Pack;
Revulsive Douche to feet and legs; Hot Abdominal Pack.
IRREDUCIBLE PROLAPSERest in bed; lying on the
face; knee-chest position, if required. Ice Compress; bathing
parts with ice water; daily small Cold Enema after stool. Relive
bowels while lying in horizontal position; avoid straining; Need
abdominal supporter. In many cases, surgical measures are
INFLAMED HEMORRHOIDSRest in bed with feet and
hips elevated; knee-chest position, if necessary; Ice Cold
Compress, pressed firmly against anus; ice suppositories (ice
placed in rectum); very shallow Ice cold Sitz Bath.
PAINIf due to inflammation, short hot Fomentation
followed by cold compress applied to the anus and nates, with Hot
Foot Bath at the same time; repeat Fomentation hourly or every 2
hours; Prolonged tepid Sitz Bath, at 850-800
F.; Hot Hip and Leg Pack, followed by Cold Compress over nates,
perineum, and lower back.
Also see "Hemorrhoids1."
SYMPTOMSAfter passing a larger-diameter bowel
movement, there is burning, stinging, and possible bleeding on
the rectum. Painful red swelling at, or near, the anal opening.
CAUSESHemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus
and rectum area. Fissures are ulcers or breaks in the skin which
just happen to occur in the same area.
The margins where skin meets the mucous membrane can have
small tears. This occurs sometimes at the corners of the mouth.
Fissures on the rectum are somewhat similar.
A common cause is the passing of a large, hard stool.
Avoid constipation. Be sure and include enough
fiber in the diet and drink enough water each day. The two,
combined, will produce soft stools. Eat more fruits and
vegetables, and drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.
Do not scratch the area. Wipe yourself gently.
Avoid diarrhea. An ongoing case of it can soften
rectal tissue, so it is more likely to tear.
Sit on something soft. A special pillow can be
purchased in the drugstore.
Fairly hot water on the area will relax and sooth
If needed, place corn starch on the area after each
bath, to keep it dry. Do not use talcum powder for
thisor anything else. It can cause cancer. Talcum
powder is rock dust.
These swellings may be opened with a blade or by
soaking it in hot sitz baths of 3% boric acid. A poultice of
echinacea may be applied directly to the abscess, to
disinfect and help bring it to a pointed shape, so it can be
opened. Flush the opened abscess with 3% hydrogen peroxide,
to clean it out and disinfect the wound.
ENCOURAGEMENTIf Christ is dwelling in the heart,
it is impossible to conceal the light of His presence. Let Him
use you to be the blessing to others, which they so much need.
SYMPTOMSItching around the anus.
CAUSESCauses include infection, parasites, poor
hygiene, diabetes, estrogen deficiency, or liver disease. Skin
diseases, such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema
can also cause it. Another possible cause is contact dermatitis,
due to perfumed or dyed toilet tissue, deodorants, soap, or
underclothing. Food allergies are thought to be another cause.
Rectal itching is a symptom of a problem rather than a
disease. Resolving the basic problem is essential to eliminating
the itching.
Pinworms are frequently the cause in children, but rarely in
adults. (See pinworms in "Worms.")
Take pulse tests to determine food allergies. (See
Several foods have been found to cause allergies,
leading to itching: beer, wine, hard liquor, coffee, milk,
cola drinks, tea, citrus, chocolate, tomatoes, popcorn, nuts,
and spicy food.
Avoid gas-forming foods.
Take vitamin A and flaxseed oil orally.
Avoid stressful situations. High-strung individuals
tend to have this problem more than others. Their nerves are
on edge.
Use wet tissue to clean the area after a bowel
movement, but do not leave the area wet.
Eliminating moisture from the area is a key factor.
Moisture, leakage, and fecal soiling are frequently primary
Do not use anesthetic medications with
"caine" in the name. They produce strong allergic
reactions, making the condition worse. They also tend to keep
moisture on the area.
Avoid using soap in the area, for soap is highly
After a bowel movement, it will help to wash the
area with a syringe of water. Dry thoroughly afterward.
Take a hot sitz bath daily. After the bath, apply
lemon juice to the area with a piece of cotton. Or rub wheat
germ oil on all affected parts after washing and drying well.
A warm (not hot) tea bag of goldenseal may be
applied to the area for up to a half hour, to relieve
Avoid tight clothing of any type in the abdominal
Avoid drugs; many irritate the colon, leading to
Also see pinworms under "Worms."
ENCOURAGEMENTResolve that, not in your own
strength, but in the strength and grace given of God, that you
will consecrate to Him now, just now, every power and ability of
your life.
