MOLES (and unknown spots)CAUSEMost moles are harmless. But those that are flat, or nearly flat, are larger than the top of a pencil eraser or have a mottled color should be checked. If an existing mole turns blue, white, or red and begins to bleed or develops a crusthave it checked. It may be skin cancer. TREATMENT
For more on this see "Skin Cancer." ENCOURAGEMENTJesus has said that He has set before us an open door, and no man can shut it. The open door is before us; and, through the grace of Christ, beams of merciful light stream forth from the gates ajar. Be faithful, trust and obey, and your future is bright. ACNESYMPTOMSBlackheads, whiteheads, pustules, inflamed and infected nodules, sacs, and cysts. They occur where the sebaceous (oil) glands are most numerous: face, neck, chest, and back. Permanently expanded pores, as well as scarring, can result. CAUSESA sebaceous gland is located in every hair follicle, and produces oil which lubricates the skin. Some of the oil becomes clogged, bacteria multiply, and inflammation results. This occurs during adolescence (between 12 and 24), when androgens (male hormones) are released in increased amounts in both boys and girls. A few have acne all their lives. Other causes include junk foods, oral contraceptives, allergies, stress, and heredity. The problem is intensified when sebum, combined with skin pigments, plugs the poresand produces blackheads. If scales below the surface fill with sebum, whiteheads are formed. Canadian Eskimos, prior to 1950, never had acne. When "modern foods" were brought in, acne became common. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTAt times it will seem that you cannot take another step. Well, wait and know that "I am God," He tells you. "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Trust Him and, by His enabling grace, obey His Ten Commandment law. BLACKHEADSSYMPTOMSBlackheads are small, tallow-like plugs formed in the pores by the accumulation of dirt, oil, and bacteria. They are black, at the exposed end, because of oxidation rather than the presence of germs. They generally cause no itching or pain, but are unsightly. CAUSESThe duct of an oil gland becomes plugged with partly dried oil mixed with, more or less, dust or dirt. Most cases occur between 12 and 30 years of age. Problems with digestion, constipation, or underactive thyroid and anemia seem to be contributing factors. Although germs do not cause them, blackheads can easily become infected. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTWe can have access to God and be accepted by Him, through Christ our Lord. Jesus can strengthen us to obey commands given in the Bible. In Christ, we can overcome our sins. AGE SPOTS (Liver Spots)SYMPTOMSAge spots (also called liver spots) are the flat brown spots which appear on the skin. They are especially noticeable on the back of the hands. CAUSESLiver spots are different than freckles. Freckles are caused by melanin pigments which react to the sunlight in fair-skinned people. Liver spots are the result of a "ceroid" pigment build up in the skin of older people. These latter spots are the outward signs of free radical destruction within the body. There is pre-oxidation of fatsin the cells instead of in the liver. Free radical damage produces waste materials in cells throughout the body, including the brain and liver. The causes are poor diet, eating rancid fats, lack of exercise, excess exposure to the sun, autointoxication, and sluggish liver function. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTThe gifts of Him, who has all power in heaven and earth, are in store for the children of God. These gifts are precious, for they come to us through the costly sacrifice of the Redeemer's blood. In Christ we can be overcomers. |