NUMB EXTREMITIESSYMPTOMSThere is a "going to sleep" feeling in the toes, fingers, arms, or legs. CAUSES AND TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTHow lovingly the angels of God guard His earthly children who cry to Him for help. You cannot now understand all the mysteries of Providence; but, by faith, you can know that all things work together for your best good. COLD EXTREMITIESSYMPTOMSHands and feet frequently, or always, feeling cold. CAUSES AND TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTThe heart in which Jesus makes His abode will be quickened, purified, guided, and ruled by the Holy Spirit; and the soul will be enabled to overcome those sins which he could never put away by himself. Thank God for His enabling grace. FROSTBITE (Hypothermia; Chilblains)SYMPTOMSFirst there is a tingling, then a redness, followed by paleness and numbness in a body partgenerally the fingers, toes, cheeks, nose, and ears. If not immediately cared for, tissue can die and gangrene sets in. Frostnip is superficial frostbite, and leaves the area firm, white, and cold. It can result in peeling and blistering, 24-72 hours later, and perhaps cold sensitivity in the area. In contrast, deep frostbite produces a cold, hard, white condition, which is painless while it remains frozen. On rewarming, it becomes blotchy red, swollen, and can be quite painful. CAUSESFrostbite or freezing of an exposed body part. TREATMENT
CHILBLAINSThis is a lowering of the overall body temperature (not just in the extremities). But because it so often centers in the extremities, we are including it in this section. The same treatment should be applied. The temperature is lowered to subnormal levels for some length of time, resulting in near frostbite. Severe numbness and loss of function may occur if the problem is not dealt with. Colds, flu, and infection can result. ENCOURAGEMENTHide within your heart the precious promises of God's Word, and you will be strengthened in time of need. Cling to Christ and trust Him to care for you to the end. FELON (Whitlow)SYMPTOMSA swelling on an abscess of a thumb or finger (sometimes a toe), which includes throbbing pain and extreme tenderness. It may, at first, seem to be an infection or inflammation of the skin. CAUSESThe germs causing the infection are usually carried under the skin by a deep pinprick, thorn, sliver, or some other sharp object. The inflammation and pus are deep among the tendons, tendon sheaths, or even next to the bone. If the felon is not carefully, and thoroughly, lanced promptly, the tendons could slough or the bone be damaged. This would result in a permanently crippled body part. Moreover, if the pus is not drained, there is danger that the infection may travel to the hand and more extensive crippling occur, or the infection may infect the blood, and blood poisoning will result. (See Blood Poisoning.) TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTThose who take the name of Christian should come to God in earnestness and humility, pleading for help. Jesus has told us to pray without ceasing. And so many need our prayers. ERYTHROMELALGIASYMPTOMSA skin neurosis, accompanied by burning and throbbing which comes and goes, and affects any of the extremities, but especially the feet. CAUSESAlthough this is a nerve problem, it is listed here because it rather consistently affects the extremities. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTLet your affections center upon God. Think of His goodness, and let His Spirit guide you into deeper obedience to His Ten Commandment law. GANGRENESYMPTOMSThe skin darkens, and either remains soft and moist or becomes dry and shrivels. Eventually it sloughs off. Gas gangrene can occur in a wound where certain bacteria are present. CAUSESDeath and decay of body tissue is caused when the blood supply is cut off or as a result of certain bacterial infections. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTIt is difficult to exercise living faith when we are discouraged. Yet this, of all others, is the very time when we should exercise faith. When you have the greatest need, that is the time to seek God the most earnestly. He will hear, He will answer, He will help. RAYNAUD'S DISEASESYMPTOMSThe small arteries in the extremities constrict or tighten. The hands and feet are extremely sensitive to the cold, and suddenly contract. Lack of oxygenated blood causes the fingers or toes to become whitish or bluish in hue. As a result, the affected area may temporarily shrink in size! Unless these attacks are reduced, ulcers may form, which further damage the tissue and produce chronic infection under, and near, the fingernails and toenails. The hands are the areas most often affected. But it can occur in the fingers and possibly toes, nose, tongue, cheeks, ears, or chin. The blood spasm may initially blanch the area. Tingling, and then swelling, may occur and become painful. The appearance may change to a bright red, as the blood vessels again distend and fresh blood is sent back into the area. The attacks usually do not last long. But, in those instances in which they do, gangrene can develop. CAUSESA cold attack is generally brought on by exposure to cold or emotional upset. The hands go into the refrigerator for a moment, a difficult written exam must be taken, or a verbal conflict occurs. Spasms of small arteries result. The underlying cause may be less easy to identify. It might be high blood pressure, drugs, connective tissue disease, inflammation of the arteries, or equipment vibrations which injure the blood vessels. Some individuals have lived in a cold, improperly heated environment for too many months or years, and the problem developed. Try to avoid resting or sleeping in ice cold places. Food allergies, junk food, or a poor diet which is high in starches and low in greens, vitamins, and minerals may cause it. Apparently the cause is not a "thoracic inlet syndrome"; that is, squeezing of nerves or arteries issuing from the thorax by muscles or bones. Instead of Raynaud's, you might have Buerger's disease (a nerve disorder which gradually cuts off nerve supply to the extremities). Buerger's disease is primarily caused by using tobacco products. (Buerger's is a steady cutting off of nerve flow; whereas Raynaud's is an intermittent blood flow.) Antihypertensives, ergot drugs, channel blockers, or alpha-and beta-adrenergic blockers can be the cause. There are two forms of this condition:
Frequency of the attacks are significant: They may be rare or occur as often as several times a day. Mild occurrences only last a few minutes; severe ones may continue for hours. Between attacks the hands will at first appear normal; later they may remain slightly bluish. Gradually the attacks will be more frequent and last longer. In later years, the hands will be slightly bluish all the time. The fingers become swollen. The skin turns pale, discolored, shiny, taut, and smooth. The nails become clubbed and deformed. In advanced stages, poor blood supply can weaken the fingers and damage the sense of touch. The sense of feel may decrease and delicate movements become more difficult to perform. Infections and gangrene may occur more frequently in the affected area. TREATMENT
Also see "Buerger's Disease." ENCOURAGEMENTTalk with Jesus as though He were right by your side. If there is a place you cannot go with Jesus, then do not go there. If there is anything you cannot watch or listen to with Him, then turn away from it immediately. BUERGER'S DISEASE (Thromboangiitis Obliterans)SYMPTOMSContinual coldness of the extremity is frequently the first symptom. But numbness, tingling, and aching may also be noticed. When lowered for long periods of time, the feet may turn blue. The problem generally begins in the feet; but it can, and will, occur in the hands and eventually the whole, bodyif the cause is not stopped. Jews develop this problem more frequently than anyone else, and 75 men have it for every one woman who develops it. It most frequently begins at the ages of 20 to 45. There are alternate periods of worsening and inactivity of the disease. CAUSESThis is an inflammation of the blood vessel walls, accompanied by blood clots and thickening of the blood vessel walls. Eventually they close entirely. The primary cause is the use of tobacco products. Rarely does a non-nicotine user get it. TREATMENT
Also see "Raynaud's Disease." ENCOURAGEMENTWhen we learn to walk by faith and not by feeling, we shall have help from God just when we need it, and His peace will come into our hearts. |
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