POOR CIRCULATION AND CHILLSSYMPTOMSCold hands and feet, and numb tingling fingers and toes. A general sense of chilliness when others are warm. CAUSESPoor circulation can be caused by cardiovascular disease, low thyroid, and vitamin E deficiency. TREATMENT
Also see "Chills." ENCOURAGEMENTNo sooner does a child of God approach the mercy seat in the Sanctuary in heaven, where Jesus is, than he is received. Pray, earnestly pray, for the help that you so much need. God loves you and will answer your prayers in the very best way. ANEMIA1 (Simple Anemia, Iron Anemia)SYMPTOMSEasy tiring, dizziness, headache, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath or exertion, and pale skin, nails, and lips. There is a sensitivity to cold, poor appetite, and cravings for clay, ice, or starch. CAUSESThere are several types of anemia (simple, pernicious, sickle cell, folic acid, copper, etc.) This article will deal only with simple anemia. Millions of people are anemic. The cause is usually a reduction in the number of red blood cells, or the amount of hemoglobin, in the blood. In either case, not enough oxygen is carried throughout the body. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and occurs when there is not enough iron in the body. This can occur when the body is not absorbing enough iron from the food, during chronic blood loss, pregnancy, menstruation, hemorrhoids or ulcers, diverticular disease, liver damage, surgery, repeated pregnancies, periods of rapid growth, and aging. Infections, hemorrhage, and nutritional deficiencies can also cause it. Infants and young children on a milk diet, without minerals and essential fatty acids, are prone to anemia. Red blood cells are called erythrocytes, and are tiny discs which are concave on both sides. These cells contain hemoglobin, which is bright red because of the iron in it. About 60-70% of the iron in your body is in the hemoglobin in your blood. (About 30-35% of the iron is stored in the liver.) There are more red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood than elsewhere. The percentage of RBCs in the blood is called the hematocrit. The primary function of the RBCs is to carry oxygen to the cells. Following birth, the bone marrow of the infant, child, and adult makes the red blood cells. Aging causes RBC formation to lessen. An average RBC wears out in 120 days or less, so your body must keep making more. TREATMENT
Also see "Anemia2," "Chlorosis," and "Pernicious Anemia." ENCOURAGEMENTWe are to have a spirit of pity and compassion toward those who have trespassed against us. Pray for them, that they may come to Jesus. Unselfish ministry is the hallmark of the genuine Christian. ANEMIA2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)INCREASE BLOOD-MAKING PROCESSGraduated cold applications. The Radiant Heat Bath is especially valuable as a means of heating before giving the general cold applications; aseptic dietary, a nourishing diet; rest in bed, if he is emaciated; out-of-door life; cold-air baths; sunbaths; sea bathing; massage; oxygen inhalation. GENERAL METHODCold water is the most valuable of all measures in treating anemia. Apply twice daily, graduating carefully. Autointoxication, arising from dilation or prolapse of the stomach or chronic constipation, is often an important factor. Also see "Anemia1." CHLOROSIS (Green Sickness, type of anemia) (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)Chlorosis is a form of anemia in adolescent girls, generally due to faulty diet during puberty. It is also called "green sickness." CORRECT ENTEROPTOSISAbdominal supporter; abdominal massage; corrective exercises; Cold Douche to abdomen. INCREASE VITAL RESISTANCEGeneral graduated cold procedures (Tonic Frictions) twice daily. COMBAT AUTOINTOXICATIONAseptic diet; sweating bath (Hot Full Bath) to begin perspiration, Radiant Heat Bath or sunbath, followed by short cold application. VASOMOTOR SPASMGeneral Revulsive Douche; Alternate Full Bath at 1050-1100F., 30 seconds, and then into one at 800-900 F., for 15 seconds; simultaneous Revulsive Douche. VISCERAL ANEMIASDouches to visceral (trunk) areas; Alternate Douche or Revulsive Douche, with short percussion for either; Alternate Compress over the afflicted part, followed by a well-protected Heating Compress; protected (plastic covered) Hot Abdominal Pack at night; Cool Enema at 750-680 F., 1-3 pints, daily. Also see "Anemia1."
PERNICIOUS ANEMIASYMPTOMSWeakness, slight yellowing of the skin, tingling of the extremities, and gastrointestinal disturbances causing a sore tongue. There can be partial loss of coordination of the fingers, feet, and legs. Some nerve deterioration may occur. Diarrhea and loss of appetite may also be present. CAUSESPernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12. This is a severe form of anemia in which the bone marrow fails to produce mature red blood cells. The stomach has to be able to produce what is known as "intrinsic factor," in order for vitamin B12 to be absorbed by the intestines. Pernicious anemia rarely occurs under the age of 30, but it becomes more common with age. Without treatment, pernicious anemia may be fatal. TREATMENT
Also see "Anemia1." ENCOURAGEMENTA lamp, however small, if kept steadily burning, may be the means of lighting many other lamps. Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, our ability small, our opportunities few, yet God can work through us to help many others. BLEEDING, EXTERNALSYMPTOMSBleeding from a surface wound. CAUSESWhen a blood vessel is cut, bleeding (external bleeding) or hemorrhage (bleeding from internally) begins. If an artery is cut, the blood spurts and flows fast, and is usually bright red. If a vein is cut, the blood is darker and flows more constantly and slowly. TREATMENT When external cuts are bleeding, cover the cut with powdered cayenne, and it will stop the bleeding immediately. When an artery or vein is severed, apply powdered cayenne immediately. Then apply direct pressure, seek a physician, or go to a hospital. Also see "Wounds." ENCOURAGEMENTTrue happiness does not consist in the possession of wealth or position, but in the possession of a pure, clean heart, cleansed by obedience to the Word of God. How thankful we can be that God can enable us to obey His laws and resist temptation to sin. HEMORRHAGESYMPTOMS AND CAUSESBleeding in the stool, which indicates stomach ulcers (black blood stool), ulcerative colitis (bloody mucus in stool), colon cancer (bloody mucus in the stool), and hemorrhoids (bright red blood). Coughing blood indicates lung cancer and tuberculosis. Also see "Peptic Ulcers," "Colitis," "Cancer," "Hemorrhoids," "Tuberculosis," "Nosebleed," and "Menstrual Disorders," etc. ENCOURAGEMENTThe consciousness that you are doing those things which God can approve will make you strong in His strength; and, by copying Christ the great Pattern, you may be able to be the blessing He intends for you to be in this world. HEMOPHILIASYMPTOMSWhen a wound occurs, blood does not clot normally. Early warning signs of internal bleeding include a bubbling or tingling sensation or a feeling of warmth, tightness, or stiffness in the hemorrhaging area. Headache, confusion, drowsiness, or a blow to the head may indicate bleeding in the head. If your hemophiliac child cries for no apparent reason, refuses to walk, use his arm or leg, or seems to have a swelling or unusual bruising, go to an emergency room. CAUSESHemophilia is hereditary. It primarily affects males and is passed down through females (who are carriers). Children of carriers have a 50% chance of inheriting the defective gene. If they inherit it, the boys will be hemophiliacs, and the girls will be carriers. The sons of hemophiliacs will not give the problem to their sons, but the daughters will always be carriers. As many as two-thirds of all hemophiliacs, in America, have HIV. They contracted it from contaminated blood transfusion sources. About 450 babies are born with hemophilia each year. The blood of hemophiliacs does not clot properly, but minor bleeding is not serious. It is internal bleeding that can be fatal, if not treated. Bleeding frequently occurs in the knees, which causes painful swelling. Repeated swelling destroys the knee cartilage and results in a permanently stiff knee (called hemophiliac arthritis). Other joints can also be affected. Other body parts, including the brain, can also be affected by internal bleeding. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTTo go forward without stumbling, we must have the assurance that a hand all-powerful will hold us up and an infinite pity be exercised toward us if we fall. God alone can, at all times, hear our cry for help. BLOOD POISONING (Septicemia)SYMPTOMSSwelling, severe localized pain, discoloration, red streaks from the wound up the veins toward the heart, and sores that do not heal. CAUSESWhenever a sore, cut, or abrasion becomes red and infected, it could produce blood poisoning. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTIt is a solemn thought that the removal of one safeguard from the conscience, the failure to fulfill one duty, the formation of one wrong habit, may result not only in our own ruin, but in the ruin of another. |