HYPOTHYROIDISM (Underactive Thyroid; Goiter)SYMPTOMSFatigue and inability to tolerate cold are the most common symptoms. Others include: loss of appetite, a slow heart rate, muscle weakness and possible cramps, dry and scaly skin, recurrent infections, water retention (edema) and overweight, brittle nails, constipation, depression, difficulty in concentrating, a yellow-orange coloration of the skin (especially on the palms of the hands). In women, there might be painful menstruation, a milky breast discharge, and fertility problems. CAUSESThe thyroid gland is the body's thermostat. It tells the rest of the body when to produce more heat or less. Thyroxine is secreted by the thyroid (a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck), and affects several body functions, including the general rate of metabolism. The pituitary, located in the center of the skull, sends out TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), to tell the thyroid to speed up or slow down. When a weak thyroid does not respond, TSH levels remain highand you have hypothyroidism. The hormone, thyroxine, is almost pure iodine. First thing in the morning, place a thermometer under your arm for 15 minutes while keeping still. A temperature of 97.6o F. or lower may indicate an underactive thyroid. Write down the result for five days. (Others say that if the test is consistently below 98, you are low thyroid.) A low thyroid condition generally does not produce goiter (which see). If you had goiter, your thyroid gland would enlarge. It is thought that Hashimoto's disease is the most common cause of an underactive thyroid. This occurs when the body becomes allergic to its own thyroxine! It is not clear why this happens. In addition, the immune system can produce antibodies that invade and attack the thyroid, disrupting hormone production. This destruction of the thyroid, resulting in hypothyroidism, is called myxedema. It is actually a disease of the immune system. It is believed that an excess of chemicals, poisonous fumes, medicinal drugs, tobacco smoke, impure living, etc., disrupts the immune system and starts it on such rampages. Get away from the chemicals by moving to the country, live a clean life, eat right, use a distiller to make your own water, work out-of-doors part of the time, have peace with God, and you will feel better every day. Medical treatment includes the taking of thyroxine from animals, or synthroid. This is generally 3-9 grains each morning. An excess will cause increase in heart rate and shaking of the extended arm. The active ingredient in synthroid and other synthetic thyroid medications, is levothyroxine. It can cause a loss of as much as 13 percent of bone mass. An estimated 19 million people in the U.S. take this drug for thyroid problems or thyroid cancer. Thyroid supplementation can cause cardiac arrest in those whose hearts are not strong enough for the increased activity the thyroid dosage places upon it. Thyroid medication can have a similar effect on the adrenals. They may be working poorly, as a result of years of low thyroxine. The medication can cause adrenal insufficiency. Diabetes can be made worse by the thyroid pill. Anticoagulants can be upset. In newborn infants, synostosis can occur if they are given thyroid. The skull bones close prematurely and the brain does not develop properly. Thyroid supplementation also increases the need for insulin and, in some, for antidepressants as they become extremely agitated. Thyroid medication can produce arrhythmia, angina, and tachycardia, or hair loss. After menopause, a smaller dose of thyroid medication is often needed by women. The human body needs less thyroid as it gets older, so older folk should try reducing their dose of synthroid. To do this, try reducing the amount you take by one dose a week (example: 5 doses a week, then 4 doses the next week, etc.). When you encounter problems, stay with that amount for 4 weeks to see if the thyroid will adjust itself to this new amount. After a month, try reducing the dosage again, but staying one month at each reduced level. TREATMENT
GOITERHe also recommends this: To eliminate goiter (an enlarged thyroid gland): Follow the above program; and then, after the 2-4 weeks, do one or more of the following four neck applications: (1) Put an Epsom salt compress on the neck every night, and leave it on all night for 10 nights. (2) Use a compress of white oak bark tea over the goiter for better results. (3) Put two hot fomentations around the neck, for 4 minutes each and one cold compress for 4 minutes. Continue alternating this for an hour. Then spend 5-10 minutes doing exercises with the neck in various positions. (4) Put a poultice of ground-up almonds completely around the neck and leave it on all night, for 3-10 nights. This is especially good for harder, more fibrous, goiters. Nitrates are goitrogenic; that is, they stimulate goiter formation. Nitrates can be found in hot dogs, sausages, luncheon meats, and variously prepared meat products. Nitrates are also found in well water, from fertilizer runoff. Interestingly enough, many people with Parkinson's disease (which see) tend to have hypothyroidism. ENCOURAGEMENTThe secret of happiness is to live a life wholly dedicated to God. You are the Lord's, for He created you. Give Him your heart and your plans, obey His Written Word, and He will wonderfully guide your life. HYPERTHYROIDISM (Overactive Thyroid)SYMPTOMSFatigue; insomnia; intolerance; irritability; increased perspiration; constantly feeling hot; frequent bowel movements; hair and weight loss; nails separate from nail bed; change in skin thickness; hand tremors; intolerance of heat; rapid heartbeat; goiter; and, sometimes, protruding eyeballs. In women, there may also be less frequent menstruation and decreased flow. CAUSESHypothyroidism is caused by an underactive thyroid, and results in a slow metabolism and all it brings with it. Hyperthyroidism is the opposite: The thyroid is overactive; metabolism is too fast, and that brings its own problems. The thyroid gland is producing too much thyroxine. Sometimes called thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism is not a simple problem to deal with. Graves' disease is the most common form of it, which 2.5 million Americans have. A detailed discussion of the thyroid is found in our article on Hypothyroidism (which see), which is far more common. Both affect women more often than men. When the thyroid does not work properly, a variety of different physical problems can develop. In fact, the word, "hypochondriac," was coined many years ago, to describe these strange people who have all kinds of things wrong with them, when they do not seem to have anything wrong with them. Surely, it must all be in their heads! Well, it was in their throats. We now know those people had under or overactive thyroids. Infection of the thyroid or certain prescription drugs can temporarily produce hyperthyroidism. TREATMENT
For much more, see "Hypothyroidism." ENCOURAGEMENTIn Christ, the family of earth and the family of heaven are bound together. Christ glorified is our brother. Go to Him with all your sorrows and cares. |