Part 2
SYMPTOMSNot enough saliva, causing a dry-mouth
condition. Or too much saliva.
Without proper saliva, you cannot absorb your food
properly, for digestion begins in the mouth. Always chew
carbohydrate ("starchy") foods especially well.
This includes such things as bread and all grain products,
potatoes, etc.
The chewing gum habit is not good. It overworks
your salivary glands when they should be resting.
If you have a dry mouth, take a little lemon juice
or honey before the meal to stimulate the flow of saliva. If
you are not obtaining enough vitamin A, your saliva flow may
be inadequate.
If you seem to have too much saliva, drink a tea of
one of the following: white oak bark, goldenseal root, or
Important: You may have Sjogren's Syndrome
(which see).
ENCOURAGEMENTThank God every day for temporal
blessings and whatever comforts He bestows upon us in this life.
He has a bright future for us; and, if we will but cooperate with
His plans, our future is very bright.
SYMPTOMSThe breath has an unpleasant odor.
CAUSESTouch the back of your hand with your
tongue, and then smell it. This is a simple test which may tell
you something you need to know.
Not caring for your teeth properly, brushing them can be a
primary cause. But tooth decay, indigestion, improper diet, gum
disease, constipation, inadequate digestion of proteins,
infection in the nose or throat, poorly functioning liver,
stress, or heavy metal buildup can also be major problems.
Brush your teeth after each meal. Use dental floss.
Brush the tongue carefully. It often has food
particles and bacteria, and needs cleaning.
Drink more water. Dehydration often causes bad
breath, especially first thing in the morning. Saliva does
not flow during sleep, so no mouth cleaning occurs at night.
Eat parsley. Other chlorophyll-containing foods are
also good for your breath.
Take charcoal by mouth. Let them dissolve slowly in
the mouth.
Go on a five-day raw food diet, during which 50% of
what you eat is raw. This will help clean out your system.
Apples, carrots, celery, etc., are excellent for
cleaning out your mouth at the close of a meal. They remove
odor-causing bacteria from the mouth.
Outdoor exercise will bring more oxygen into the
lungs and help clean out the system, reducing bad breath.
In the lives of many, gum disease is a major cause
of bad breath. (See "Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease.")
Place goldenseal over the infected gums or mouth sores.
Do this for 3 days, to help heal the gums.
Far less likely, mouth breathing may cause bad
breath. Yet, for many, the advantages of mouth breathing
(obtaining more oxygen than otherwise could be done)
outweighs the possible disadvantages.
Sinus infection produces a discharge with a bad
odor. If you have sinus trouble, this may be the cause of
your bad breath.
Do not eat spicy foods.
Meat eating can produce bad breath, both because of
the particles left in the mouth and because of later
Cheese and fish both cause bad breath.
Yes, there is garlic, but it is such a powerful
germ killer that you may need to take it anyway.
Drinking coffee, beer, wine, or whiskey are
excellent ways to have bad breath. Water is the best liquid
for your body.
Use myrrh, rosemary, or peppermint to brush your
teeth and rinse your mouth.
Avoid foods that get stuck between the teeth too
Avoid foods that are too likely to cause tooth
decay, such as meat, candies, and sticky sweets.
Instances have been reported of food allergies
having caused bad breath. Search out the foods you are
allergic to, and avoid them. (See Allergies.)
Avoid constipation.
In cases of bad breath caused by stomach problems,
thyme tea can be helpful.
Boil your toothbrush each month or buy a new one.
Bacteria grow on the toothbrush. Rinse it with hydrogen
peroxide occasionally during the month.
Chew fennel or anise seeds after eating an odorous
Do not use commercial mouthwashes. They irritate
the mouth more than they solve any problems. All they have is
alcohol, dye, and flavoring.
Bad breath may be a sign of an underlying health problem.
See "Gingivitis
and Periodontal Disease."
ENCOURAGEMENTGive the Word of God, the Bible, the
honored place as the guide in your home, and you and your family
will be blessed for it. The Bible presents a perfect standard of
character, and its divine Author can give us the grace to obey it
CHEILOSIS (Angular Stomatitis; Geographic Tongue)
SYMPTOMSCracks appear in the corners of the mouth
and in the (nasolabial) corners of the nose.
On the top and sides of the tongue are irregular, denuded
areas that appear very smooth. Geographic tongue is not painful,
and the sense of taste may, or may not, be affected.
CAUSES AND TREATMENTThis is a nutritional
The cracks are caused by a vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
The geographic tongue means you are not absorbing B3,
B6, B5, B12, folic acid, or
zinc properly. The cause is frequently malabsorption from
celiac disease-like changes in the small intestine.
Do a series of pulse tests
(which see) to determine the foods you may be allergic to.
Avoid those allergens; take supplementary vitamins and
minerals, especially B2; the entire B complex; and
zinc. Also take betaine HCL before each meal.
ENCOURAGEMENTBy firm principle and unwavering
trust in God, we can live clean, honest lives that will be a
blessing to all around us. This is the will of God for us.
