The Student’s Elements of Geology



The Fossils, the names of which appear in Italics, are figured in the Text.

ABBEVILLE, flint tools of, 152
Aberdeenshire, granite of, 558
Abich, M., on trachytic rocks, 504
Acer trilobatum, Miocene, 220, 221
Acrodus nobilis, Lias, 359
Acrogens, term explained, 303
Acrolepis Sedgwickii, Permian, 390
Actæon acutus, Great Oolite, 345
Actinocyclas, in Atlantic mud, 288
Actinolite, 499, 502
—— schist, 578
Æchmodus Leachii, Lias, 358
Adiantites Hibernica, Old Red, 441
Agassiz on fish of Sheppey, 267
—— on fish of the Brown-Coal, 540
—— on fish of Monte Bolca, 544
—— on Old Red fossil fish, 443, 447
—— on Silurian fish, 460
Age of metamorphic rocks, 597
—— of Plutonic rocks, 564
—— of strata, tests of, 123
—— of volcanic rocks, 520
Agglomerate described, 509
Agnostus integer. A. Rex, 488
Air-breathers of the Coal, 413
Aix-la-Chapelle, Cretaceous flora of, 302
Alabaster defined, 39
Alberti on Keuper, 376
Albite, 499, 500
Aldeby and Chillesford beds, 192
Alkali, present in the Palæozoic strata, 587
Alpine blocks on the Jura, 169
Alps, age of metamorphic rocks in, 599
——, nummulitic limestone and flysch of, 77
Alum schists of Norway and Sweden, 489
Alluvial deposits, Recent and Post-pliocene, 151
Alluvium, term explained, 99
—— in Auvergne, 100
Alternations of marine and fresh-water strata, 72
Alum Bay beds, plants of the, 262
Amblyrhynchus cristatus, a living marine saurian, 362
America. See United States, Canada, Nova Scotia.
——, North, Glacial formations of, 182
——, South, gradual rise of land in, 72
——, Silurian strata of, 478
American character of Lower Miocene flora, 238
—— forms in Swiss Miocene flora, 223
Amiens, flint tools of, 152
Ammonites bifrons, Lias, 356
—— Braikenridgii, Oolite, 351
—— Bucklandi, Lias, 356
—— Deshayesii, Neocomian, 311
—— Humphresianus, Inferior Oolite, 351
—— Jason, Oxford Clay, 340
—— Noricus, Speeton, 312
—— macrocephalus, Oolite, 352
—— margaritatus, Lias, 357
—— planorbis, Lias, 356
—— rhotomagensis, Chalk marl, 298
Amphibole group of minerals, 499, 502
Amphistegina Hauerina, Vienna basin, 225
Amphitherium Broderipii, in Stonesfield, 348
—— Prevostii, Stonesfield slate, 347
Ampullaria glauca, 56
Amygdaloid, 507
Analcime, 500
Anamesite, a variety of basalt, 504
Ananchytes ovatus, White chalk, 293
——, with crania attached, 49
Ancillaria subulata, Eocene, 57
Ancyloceras gigas, 309
—— spinigerum, Gault, 301
—— Duvallei, Neocomian, 312
Ancylus velletia (A. elegans), 55
Andalusite, 500
Andes, Plutonic rocks of the, 569
Andreasburg, metalliferous vein of, 611
Angelin, on Cambrian of Sweden, 489
Angiosperms, 303
—— of the Coal, 429
Anglesea, dike cutting through shale in, 514
Anodonta Cordierii, 54
—— Jukesii, Upper Old Red, 441
—— latimarginata, 54
Anoplotherium commune, Binstead, 254
—— gracile, Paris basin, 271
Anorthite, 499, 501
Annularia sphenophylloides, Coal, 425
Antholithes, coal-measures, 429
Anthracite, conversion of coal into, 408
Anticlinal and synclinal curves, 74, 85
Antrim, Chalk altered by a dike in, 516
——, Lower Miocene, volcanic rocks of, 539
Antwerp Crag, 204
Apateon pedestris, a carboniferous reptile, 406
Apatite, 500
Apennines, Northern, metamorphic rocks of, 599
Apes, fossil of the Upper Miocene, 215
Apiocrinites rotundus, Bradford, 343
Appalachians, long lines of flexures in, 92, 93
——, vast thickness of successive strata in, 110
Aptychus, part of ammonite, 336
Aqueous rocks defined, 27, 35
Araucaria sphærocarpa, Inferior Oolite, 348
Arbroath, section of Old Red at, 74
Archæopteryx macrura, Solenhofen, 338
Archegosaurus minor and A. medius, coal measures, 406, 407
Archiac, M. de, on nummulites, 277
——, on chalk of France, 306
Arctic Miocene Flora, 239
Area of the Wealden, 319
Areas, permanence of continental, 117
Arenaceous rocks described, 35
Arenicolites linearis, Arenig beds, 475
Arenig or Stiper-Stones group, 474
——, volcanic formations of, 549
Argile plastique, 276
Argillaceous rocks described, 36
Argillite, Argillaceous schist, 579
Argyll, Duke of, on Isle of Mull leaf-beds, 247
Armagh, bone-beds in Mountain Limestone at, 437
Arran, amygdaloid filled with spar near, 518
——, erect trees in volcanic ash of, 546
——, Greenstone dike in, 514
Arthur’s seat, trap rocks of, 545
Arvicola, tooth of, 165
Asaphus caudatus, Silurian, 467
—— tyrannus, A. Buchii, 474
Ascension, lamination of volcanic rocks in, 595
Ash, Mr., on fossils of Tremadoc beds, 483
Ashby-de-la-Zouch, fault in coal field of, 91
Aspidura loricata, Muschelkalk, 379
Astarte borealis (=A. arctica=A. compressa), 176
—— Omalii, Crag, 199
Asterophyllites foliosus, Coal, 425
Astrangia lineata (Anthophyllum lineatum), 229
Astræa basaltiforme, Carboniferous, 432
Astropecten crispatus, London clay, 266
Atherfield clay, 309
Atlantic mud, composition of, 287
Atrypa reticularis, Aymestry, 462
Aturia ziczac (Nautilus ziczac), 266
Augite, 499, 502
Auricula, recent, 55
Austen, Mr. Godwin, on marine deposit of Selsea Bill, 182
——, on boulders in chalk, 292
Australian cave breccias, 158
Australia, auriferous gravel of, 617
Auvergne, alluvium in, 100
——, chain of extinct volcanoes in, 495
——, granite veins in, 610
——, Lower Miocene of, 233
——, Miocene volcanic rocks of, 540
——, Post-pliocene volcanic eruptions in, 527
——, springs from spent volcanoes in, 604
Aveline Mr., on Tarannon shales, 468
Avicula contorta, Rhætic beds, 366
—— cygnipes, Lias, 355
—— inæquivalvis, Lias, 355
—— socialis, Muschelkalk, 379
Aviculopecten papyraceus, coal measures, 405
—— sublobatus, mountain limestone, 434
Aymestry Limestone, 461
Azoic period, supposed, 603
Azores, Miocene lavas with shells, 539

BACILLARIA paradoxa, 51
Baculites anceps, Lower Chalk, 298
—— Fauiasii, chalk, 286
Baffin’s Bay, formation of drift in, 171, 173
Bagshot sands, 258, 259, 262
Baiæ, Bay of, subterranean igneous action in, 569
Bakewell, Mr., on cleavage in Swiss Alps, 590
Bala and Caradoc beds, 470
Balistidæ, defensive spine of, 261
Bangor, or Longmynd group, 485
Banksia, seed and fruit of, Lower Miocene, 238
Barmouth sandstones, 486
Barnes, Mr. J., on insects in American coal, 416
Barnstaple, Upper Devonian of, 450
Barrande, M. Joachim, his "Primordial Zone," 471, 482, 487
——, on metamorphosis of trilobites, 471
Barrett, Mr., on bird in Blackdown beds, 299
Barton series sands and clays, 258
—— shells, percentage of, common to London clay, 258
Basalt, columnar, 511
——, composition of, 504
Basaltic rocks, poor in silica, 504
——, specific gravity of minerals in, 504
Basilosaurus, Eocene, United States, 280
Basset, term explained, 83
Basterot, M. de, on Bordeaux tertiary strata, 141
Bath Oolite, 342
Batrachian reptiles in coal, 406
Bay of Fundy, denudation in coalfield in, 418
Bean, Mr., on Yorkshire Oolite, 350
Bear Island carboniferous flora, 441
Beaumont, M. E. de, on island in Cretaceous sea, 305
——, on mineral veins, 613
——, on Jurassic plutonic rocks, 571
——, on formation of granite, 553
Beckles, Mr. S. H., on footprints in Hastings sands, 315, 330
—— on Mammalia of Purbeck, 326
Belemnitella mucronata, Chalk, 283
Belemnites hastatus, Oxford clay, 340
—— Puzosianus, Oxford clay, 341
Belgium, Lower Miocene of, 241
Bellerophon costatus, Mountain Limestone, 436
Belosepia sepioidea, Sheppey, 266
Belt, Mr., on subdivision of Lingula Flags, 484
Bembridge beds, Yarmouth, 252
Berger, Dr., on rocks altered by dikes, 515
Berlin, Miocene strata near, 242
Bernese Alps, gneiss in the, 599
Berthier on isomorphism, 502
Bertrich-Baden, columnar basalt of, 512
Beyrich on term Oligocene for Lower Miocene, 244
Billings, Mr., on trilobites, 471
Binney, Mr., on Sigillariæ in volcanic ash, 546
——, on Stigmaria, the root of Sigillaria, 426
Biotite, 499, 501
Bird in argile plastique, 276
Bischoff, Professor, on Nile and Rhine mud, 154
——, on conversion of coal into anthracite, 403
——, on hydrothermal action, 586
Blackdown beds, 301
Blacklead of Borrowdale, 65
Bog-iron-ore, 52
Bohemia, Cambrian rocks of, 487
——, silver veins in, 616
Bolderberg, in Belgium, Upper Miocene of, 224
Bone-bed of fish remains, Armagh, 437
—— of Upper Ludlow, 450
—— of the Trias, 367
Boom, Lower Miocene of, 241
Bordeaux, Upper Miocene of, 214
Borrowdale, blacklead of, 65
Bosquet, M. on chalk fossils, 283
——, on Maestricht beds, 283
Botanical nomenclature, 303
Boucher de Perthes on Abbeville alluvium, 152
Boulder-clay, whether formed by icebergs or land-ice, 166-73, 178
Boulder-clay of Canada, 182
—— fauna of, 176, 189
Boulders and pebbles in chalk, 292
Bournemouth beds (Lower Bagshot), 262
Bovey Tracey, lignites and clays of, 246
Bowerbank, Mr., on fossil fruits of London Clay, 265
——, on fossil fruits of Sheppey, 265
Bowman, Mr., on uniting of distinct coal-seams, 401
Brachiopoda, preponderance of, in older rocks, 470
——, mode of recognising shells of, 471
Bracklesham beds and Bagshot Sands, 259
Bradford encrinites, 342
Breccias of Lower Permian, 391
Brick-earth or fluviatile loam, 153
Bridlington drift, 189
Bristol, dolomitic conglomerate of, 373
Bristow, Mr., on volcanic minerals, 500
Brixham cave near Torquay, 158
Brocchi on Italian tertiary strata, 141
—— on subapennine strata, 208
Brockenhurst, corals and shells of, 257
Brodie, Rev. P. B., on Lias insects, 363
Brodie, Mr. W. R., on Purbeck mammalia, 326
Brongniart, M. Adolphe, on botanical nomenclature, 303
——, on Lias plants, 364
——, on flora of the Bunter, 380
——, on flora of the coal, 420
——, on fruit of Lepidodendron, 424
——, M. Alex., on Tertiary series, 141
Bronteus flabellifer, Devonian, 453
Brora, oolitic coal formation of, 350
Brown, Mr. Richard, on Stigmaria, 426
——, on carboniferous rain-prints, 416
Brown, Robert, on Eocene protaceous fruit, 264
Brown, Reverend T., on marine shells in Scotch drift, 177
Brown-coal of Germany, 540
Bryce, Mr., on Scotch till, 176
Bryozoa of Mountain Limestone, 433
—— and polyzoa, terms explained, 197
Buch, von. See Von Buch.
Buckland, Dr., on Kirkdale cave, 158
——, on violent death of saurians, 362
——, on spines of fish, 359
——, on Eocene oysters, 268
——, on pot-stones in chalk, 291
Buddle, Mr., on creeps in coal-mines, 78
Bulimus ellipticus, Bembridge, 253
—— lubricus, Loess, 56
Bullock, Capt., R.N., on Atlantic mud, 287
Bunbury, Sir C., on leaf-bed of Madeira, 532
——, on ferns of the Maryland coal, 421
Bunter of Germany, 380
—— or Lower Trias of England, 372
Buprestis? Elytron of, Stonesfield, 346
Burmeister on trilobites, 471

CAINOZOIC, term defined, 123
Caithness, fish beds of, 443
Calamite, root of, 425
Calamites Sucowii, coal, and restored stem, 424
Calamophyllia radiata, Bath Oolite, 342
Calcaire de la Beauce, age of the, 230
—— grossier, fossils of the, 274
—— siliceux of France, 273
Calcareous matter poured out by springs, 604
—— rocks described, 36
—— nodules in Lias, 63
Calcarina rarispina, Eocene, 275
Calceola sandalina, Devonian, 453
——, schiefer of Germany, 453
California, aurifrous gravel of, 671
——, gold in petrified wood of age of alluvium, 601
Calymene Blumenbachii, Silurian, 466
Cambrian Group, classification of the, 481
Cambrian, Upper, 482
——, Lower, 484
——, of Sweden and Norway, 489
——, strata of Bohemia, 487
——, of North America, 489
——, volcanic rocks, 549
Campophyllum flexuosum, 431
Canada, Cambrian of, 489
——, Devonian of, 455
——, trap-rocks of, 549
Canadian drift, 182
Canary, Grand, shelly tuffs of, 538
Cantal, Lower Miocene of the, 231
Cape Breton, rain-prints in coal-measures of, 416
Cape Wrath, granite veins in gneiss at, 560
Caradoc and Bala beds, 470
Carbonate of lime in rocks, how tested, 37
Carboniferous Group, subdivisions of the, 394
—— flora, 420-30
—— limestone, thickness of, 396
——, marine fauna of the, 432
—— Period, trap-rocks of, 545
—— plutonic rocks, 572
—— reptiles, 406
—— insects, 405
Carcharodon angustidens, Bracklesham, 262
Cardiganshire, section of slaty cleavage in, 589
Cardiocarpon Ottonis, Permian, 393
Cardita (Venericardia) planicosta, 260
—— sulcata, Barton, 259
Cardium dissimile, Portland Stone, 336
—— rhæticum, Rhætic Beds, 366
—— striatulum, Kimmeridge clay, 336
Carne, Mr. N., on Cornish lodes, 607
Carpenter, Dr., on Atlantic mud, 288
——, on Eozoon Canadense, 491
Carrara, marble of, 599
Carruthers, Mr., on Eocene proteaceous fruit, 265
——, on cycads of the Purbeck, 332
——, on leaves of calamite, 425
——, on spores of carboniferous Lycopodiaceæ, 422
——, on structure of sigillaria, 426
——, on trees in volcanic ash, 547
Cashmere, recent formations in, 146
Cassian, St., Triassic strata of, 376
Castrogiovanni, curved strata near, 86
Catania, laterite formed in, 510
——, Tertiary beds in, 206
Catillus Lamarckii, White Chalk, 295
Caucasus, absence of lakes in the, 187
Caulopteris primæva, Coal, 421
Cave-breccias of Australia, 158
Cavern deposits with human and animal remains, 156
Caves of Kirkdale and Brixham, 157
Celts described, 152
Cementing of strata, 61
Cephalaspis Lyelli, Old Red, 446
Ceratites nodosus, Muschelkalk, 379
Cerithium concavum, Headon, 256
—— elegans, Hempstead beds, 245
—— (Terebra) Portlandicum, 335
—— plicatum, Hempstead beds, 245
—— melanoides, 268
Cervus alces, tooth of, 164
Cestracion Phillippi, Recent, 297
Chabasite, 500
Chalk, composition, extent, and origin of, 286
—— of Faxoe, 286
—— flints, origin of, 290
—— fossils of the White, 293-6
——, iceborne boulders in the, 292
—— of North and South Europe, 305
——, Lower White, without flints, 298
—— marl, fossils of the, 298
—— Period, popular error concerning, 288
Chalk-pit with pot-stones, view of, 291
Chama squamosa, Barton, 258
Champoleon, junction of granite with Jurassic strata near, 571
Chara elastica, C. medicaginula, 58
—— tuberculata, Bembridge, 253
Charpentier, M., on Alpine glaciers, 170
——, on depression of Alps in Glacial Period, 185
Chatham coal-field, 383
Cheirotherium, footprints of, 372
Chemical deposits in veins, 612
—— and mechanical deposits, 60
Chiapa, fall of volcanic dust at, 523
Chichester, erratics near, 181
Chili, copper pyrites with gold in, 616
——, walls cracked by earthquake in, 87
Chillesford and Aldeby beds, 192
Chimæra monstrosa, Lias, 359
Chlorite-schist, 579
Chloritic series, or Upper Greensand, 298
Christiania, Euritic porphyry at, 562
——, granite veins in Silurian strata of, 572
——, quartz vein in gneiss at, 561
Chronological groups of formations, 129
Chronology, test of, in rocks, 121
Cinder-bed of the Purbeck, 325
Cinnamomum polymorphum, Miocene, 219
—— Rossmässleri, Miocene, 239
Claiborne beds, Eocene fossils of, 279
Clarke County, United States, Zeuglodon of, 279
Classification of Tertiary formations, 137, 143
——, value of shells in, 142
Clausilia bidens, Loess, 56
Clay defined, 36
—— iron-stone defined, 404
——, plastic, 267
—— slate, 579
——, Weald, 313
Cleavage explained, 502
——, crystalline theory of, 591
——, mechanical theory of, 592
—— of metamorphic rocks, 588
Cleidotheca operculata, 483
Clermont, metalliferous gneiss near, 586
Climate of the Crags, 200
—— of the Coal, 430
—— of the Miocene in the Arctic regions, 240
—— of the Post-pliocene period, 161
Clinkstone, 506
Clinton group, fossils of the, 479
Clyde, buried canoes in estuary of, 146
——, arctic marine shells in drifts of, 176
Clymenia linearis, Devonian, 451
Clymenien-Kalk of Germany, 450
Coal, conversion into anthracite of, 403
—— a land and swamp formation, 397
——, cause of the purity of, 402
——, conversion of lignite into, 403
——, erect trees in, 411
——, structure of the, 412
——, vegetation of the, 420
——, air-breathers in the, 405, 413
Coal Period, climate of the, 430
—— field of Virginia, 382
—— measures of Nova Scotia, 408
—— measures, thickness of, in Wales, 397
—— pipes, danger of, 390
——, rainprints in, 416
—— seams, uniting of, 400
Coalbrook-Dale, faults in, 88
Cochliodus contortus, 437
Cockfield Fell rocks, altered by dikes, 516
Coelacanthus granulatus, Permian, 390
Coleoptera of Œningen beds, 223
Collyrites ringens, Inferior Oolite, 351
Columnar structure of volcanic rocks, 510
—— basalt in the Vicentin, 511
Compact feldspar, 501
Concretionary structure, 63
Cone of Tartaret, 527, 542
—— of Côme, 28
Cones and craters described, 495
——, absence of, in England, 30
Conformable stratification, 39
Conglomerate or pudding-stone, 36
——, Dolomitic, of Bristol, 373
Coniferæ of the coal-measures, 427
Connecticut Valley, New Red Sandstone of, 381
Conocephalus striatus, 488
Conocoryphe striata, 488
Conrad, Mr., on age of American cretaceous rocks, 307
Consolidation of strata, 61
Continents and oceans, permanence of, 117
Contorted strata, in drift, 178
Conularia ornata, Devonian, 453
Conulus priscus, Coal, 415
Conus deperditus, Bracklesham, 262
Conybeare and Phillips on ninety-fathom dike, 90
Conybeare, Mr., on reptiles of the Lias, 360
Copper lode near Redruth, 607
Coprolite bed of Chloritic Series, 299
—— beds of Red and Coralline crags, 197, 198
Coprolites of fish from the chalk, 298
Coral Rag, fossils of the, 339
Coralline of White Crag, 197
Corals of the Devonian, 451
—— of the Mountain Limestone, 433
——, Neozoic type of, 431
——, Palæozoic type of, 431
Corbicella (Cyrena) fluminalis, 54
Corbula pisum, Hempstead beds, 245
Corinth, corrosion of rocks by gases near, 586
Cornbrash or Forest Marble, 341
Cornwall, granite veins in, 561, 582
——, lodes in, 615
——, mass of granite in, 552
——, vertical sections of veins in mine, 607
Cosequina volcano, burying of organic remains by, 523
Crag, term defined, 192
—— of Antwerp, 204
——, fauna of, its relation to that of present seas, 201
——, Norwich, 193
——, Coralline or White, 197
——, Red, 194
——, tables of marine testacea in, 202
—— deposits, climate of, 200
Crania attached to a sea-urchin, 49
—— Parisiensis, White Chalk, 294
Crassatella sulcata, Barton, 259
Craters and cones described, 495
——, Theory of Elevation, 496
Craven fault, 90
Creeps in coal-mines, 78
Cretaceous rocks of United States, 307
—— Period, error as to continuity of, 288
——, flora of the Upper, 302
—— volcanic rocks, 544
—— plutonic rocks, 570
—— Period, distinct mineral character of rocks in, 292
—— rocks, classification of, 282
—— strata, connection between Upper and Lower, 301
Crinoidea of Mountain Limestone, 433
Croatia, Lower Miocene beds of, 242
Croll, Mr., on amount of subaërial denudation, 114
Cromer forest-bed, 191
Crop out, term explained, 83
Crossopterygidæ, or fringe-finned fish, 443
Crowfoot, Mr., on shells of Aldeby beds, 192
Crust of the earth defined, 26
Crustaceans of Old Red Sandstone, 446
Cryptodon angulatum, London Clay, 266
Crystalline Limestone, 579
—— rocks defined, 32
—— schists, much alkali in the, 587
—— theory of cleavage, 591
Cup and Star corals, 431
Curved strata, 73-76
Cutch, salt-layers in the Runn of, 375
Cuvier, M., on fauna of the Paris basin, 271
——, on Mammalia of Paris gypsum, 231
——, on Tertiary series, 141
Cyathocrinus caryocrinoides, 433
—— planus, 433
Cyathophyllum cæspitosum, 451
Cyclopean isles, beds of tuff and clay in, 529
——, contorted strata in, 530
Cyclopteris Hibernica, Old Red, 441
Cyclostigma (Lepidodendron), Old Red, 441
Cyclostoma elegans, Loess, 56
Cylindrites acutus, Great Oolite, 345
Cypress swamps of the Mississippi, 402
Cyprides in the Weald Clay, 315
Cypridina serrato-striata, 451
Cypris in fresh-water deposits, 57
—— gibbosa, C. tuberculata, C. leguminella, 324
—— striato-punctata, C. fasciculata, C. granulata, 325
—— Purbeckensis, Cypris punctata, 331
—— spinigera, Weald Clay, 315
Cyrena (Corbicella) fluminalis, 54
—— cuneiformis, Woolwich Clays, 268
—— obovata, 54
—— semistriata, Hempstead beds, 245
Cystideæ of Silurian rocks, 466
Cythere inflata, coal-measures, 405

DADOXYLON, fragment of coniferous wood, 428
Dana, on volcanic minerals, 500
Danish kitchen-middens, 146
Dapedius monilifer, Lias, 358
Darbishire on shells of Moel Tryfaen, 180
Dartmoor, post-carboniferous granite of, 572
—— intrusive granite at, 572
Darwin, Mr., on foliation and lamination, 595
——, on mammalia of South America, 160
——, on marine saurian, 362
——, on rise of part of South America, 72
——, on sinking of coral reefs, 72
——, on plutonic rocks of the Andes, 569
——, on relationship of extinct to living types, 160
Dates of discovery of fossil vertebrata, 464
Daubeny, Dr., on decomposition of trachytic rocks, 586
Daubrée, on formation of zeolites, 521
——, on alkaline waters of Plombières, 584
Davidson, Mr., on Spiriferina, 355
Davis, Mr. E., on fossils of Lingula Flags, 484
Dawkins, Mr. Boyd, on Hyæna spelæa, 158
——, on mammalia of Cromer Forest-bed, 191
——, on Triassic mammifer, 369
Dawson, Dr., on Devonian flora and insects, 456, 457
——, on Eozoon Canadense, 491
——, on Nova Scotia coal-measures, 409
——, on Nova Scotia coal-plants, 410, 412
——, on Pupa vetusta, 415
——, on reptiles and shells in Nova Scotia coal, 413
——, on structure of calamite, 425
——, on structure of sigillaria, 426
Deane, Dr., on footprints in Trias, 382
Debey, Dr., on flora and fauna of Aix, 302-04
Dechen, M. von, on organic remains of the brown coal, 540
——, on Cornish granite veins, 560
De la Beche, Sir H., on granite of Dartmoor, 582
——, on Carrara marble, 599
——, on mineral veins, 616
——, on Redruth copper-mine, 610
——, on saurians of the Lias, 362
——, on trap-rocks of New Red, 545
——, on Welsh coal-measures, 397
Delesse, on action of water in metamorphism, 585
Deltas, strata accumulated in, 28
Dendrerpeton in Coal, 413
Denudation defined, 96
——, subaërial, 97
——, littoral, 102
——, submarine, 105
——, average annual amount of subaërial, 113
—— of carboniferous strata, 396
—— counteracting upheaval, 106-15, 108-15
—— a means of exposing crystalline rocks, 563
——, trap-dikes cut off by, 518
—— and volcanic force antagonistic powers, 115
Deposition, rate of, shown by fossils, 47
Derbyshire, veins in Mountain Limestone, 608
Derivative shells of the Red Crag, 195-203
Desnoyers, M., on age of Faluns, 142
——, on Eocene fossil footprints, 272
Desor, M., on Celtic coins in lake-dwellings, 149
Devonian Period, Upper, 450
Middle, 450
Lower, 453
—— fossils of the Eifel, 534
—— of Russia, 454
—— of United States and Canada, 455
—— insects of Canada, 457
—— strata, classification of, 439-50
Devonshire, cleavage of slate rocks in, 593
Diabase, 505
Diagonal, or cross-stratification, 42
Diagram of fossiliferous rocks, 137
—— of plutonic and sedimentary formations, 567
Diallage, 500, 502
Diastopora diluviana, Bath Oolite, 343
Diatomaceæ forming tripoli, 51
Diceras Lonsdalii, Neocomian, 310
Didelphys Azaræ, Recent, 347
Didymograpsus geminus, 476
—— Murchisonii, 473
Dike cutting through shale, Anglesea, 515
—— cutting through chalk, Antrim, 515, 516
Dikelocephalus Minnesotensis, 490
Dikes defined, 30
—— of Monte Somma, 526
—— in Palagonia, ground-plan of, 532
——, volcanic or trap, 513-7
Diluvium, origin of term, 167
Dinornis Palapteryx, of New Zealand, 160
Dinotherium giganteum, 212
Diorite, 505
Dip and strike, terms explained, 80
Diplograpsus folium, Llandeilo Flags, 474
—— pristis, Llandeilo beds, 473
Dirt-bed of the Purbeck, 331
Dogger-bank described, 105
Dolerite, a variety of basalt, 504
Dolomite defined, 38
Dolomitic conglomerate of Bristol, 373
Downs, escarpments of North and South, 104
Downton Sandstone, 459
Dowson, Mr., on shells of Aldeby beds, 192
Drew, Mr., on Hastings Sands, 316
Drift of Ireland, 190
—— of Norfolk cliffs, 190
—— of Scandinavia, 174
—— of Bridlington, 189
—— carried by icebergs, 172
—— shells in Canada, 183
——, contorted strata in, 178
——, marine shells in Scotch, 175
Dudley Limestone, 465
Dufrenoy, M., on granite of Pyrenees, 582
Dumont, Professor, on Belgian Lower Eocene, 282
Duncan, Dr., on Neozoic corals passing down to Devonian, 432
Dundry Hill, near Bristol, section of, 130
Dunker, Dr., on wealden of Germany, 319
Dura Den, yellow sandstone of, 440

EARTH’S crust defined, 26
Echinoderms of Suffolk Crag, 200
Echinosphæronites balticus, 472
Egerton, Sir P., on fish of Headon series, 256
——, on fish of the Permian, 389
——, on fish of Penarth beds, 366
Ehrenberg, Professor, on term Bryozoum, 197
——, on Silurian foraminifera, 478
——, on infusoria, 51
Eifel Limestone, 453
——, Lake-craters of, 534
—— Miocene, volcanic rocks of, 539
—— Pliocene, volcanoes of the, 534
——, trass of the, 535
Elephas antiquus, molar of, 163
—— meridionalis, molar of, 163
—— primigenius, molar of, 162
Elevation craters, theory of, 496
Elvans, term explained, 572
—— of Ireland and Cornwall, 615
Elytron of Buprestis? Stonesfield, 346
Emmons, Professor, on jaws of Triassic quadruped, 383
——, on Dromatherium, 383
Encrinites of Bradford, 342
Encrinus liliiformis, Muschelkalk, 379
Endogens, term explained, 303
Engihoul cave, human and animal remains in, 157
England and Wales, glaciation of, 180
Enstatite, 501
Eocene areas of Europe, map of, 250
—— foraminifera, 274
—— formations of France, 270-6
—— of England, 252
—— period, volcanic rocks of, 543
——, plutonic rocks of the, 568
——, metamorphic rocks of the, 598
—— of France, footprints in, 272
—— and Miocene, line between the, 230, 250
——, term defined, 143
—— of the United States, 278
Eozoon Canadense, oldest known fossil, 492
Epidote, 500
Eppelsheim, Dinotherium of, 225
Equisetaceæ of the Coal, 424
Equisetites columnaris, Keuper, 376
Equus caballus, tooth of, 164
Erratic blocks, nature of, 167
—— of Greenland, 171
—— near Chichester, 181
—— in the Red Crag, 201
Erratics, Alpine, 169
Escarpments explained, 104
Eschara disticha, White Chalk, 296
Escharina oceani, White Chalk, 296
Estheria minuta, Trias, 370
—— ovata, Richmond, Virginia, 383
Ethridge, Mr., on Atlantic mud, 288
——, on Devonian series, in Devon, 450
——, on Devonian fauna, 451, 454
——, on mollusca of Bracklesham, 260
——, on St. Cassian fossils, 377
Etna, built up since Newer Pliocene, 204
——, Pliocene lavas of, 529
Ettingshausen on Sheppey Eocene fruit, 265
Eunomia radiata, Bath Oolite, 342
Eunotia bidens, Atlantic mud, 288
Euomphalus pentangulatus, 435
Eurite, 557, 578
Euritic porphyry of Norway, 562
Evans, Mr., on Archæopteryx, 337
Exogens, 297
Exogyra virgula, Kimmeridge Clay, 336
Extracrinus (Pentacrinus) Briareus, Lias.


FALCONER, Dr., on Miocene fauna of Siwalik Hills, 226
——, on Brixham Cave flint knives, 157
——, on Purbeck mammalia, 326
Faluns of Loire, recent shells in, 214
—— of Touraine, 211
Farnham, phosphate of lime near, 299
Fascicularia aurantium, Coralline crag, 199
Faults in coal-measures of Coalbrook Dale, 88
—— described, 87-92
—— often the result of repeated movements, 90
Fauna of the crag, its relation to that of our present seas, 201
—— of the Mountain Limestone, 430
—— of the Paris basin, 271
Favosites cervicornis, Devonian, 451
—— Gothlandica, Silurian, 465
Favre, M. E., on glaciers and moraines of the Caucasus, 187
Faxoe, chalk of, 285
Feldspar-porphyry, 557
Feldspar, varieties of, 499, 500
Feldstone, 557
Felis tigris, tooth of, 166
Fenestella retiformis, Magnesian Limestone, 388
Ferns of the coal, 421
Fife, trap-dike in, 543
Fish, fossil of the Carboniferous, 436
——, Eocene of Monte Bolca, 544
——, oldest known fossil, 463
——, number of living, 445
——, fresh-water and marine, 58
—— of the Upper Ludlow, 459
—— of the Old Red Sandstone, 443-5
—— of the Permian marl slate, 389
—— of the brown coal, 540
—— of the Lias, 358
Fisherton, Greenland lemming in drift of, 161
Fissures, filled with metallic matter, 606
Fitton, Dr., on the Neocomian strata, 314
Fleming, Dr., on Parka decipiens, 448
——, on trap-dike in Fife, 546
Flints in the Chalk, 290
Flisk dike of Fife, 546
Flora of the Carboniferous, 420
——, Devonian, compared to Carboniferous, 457
—— of the Subapennines, 208
——, Lower Miocene of Switzerland, 235
——, Miocene of the Arctic Regions, 239
——, Older Pliocene of Italy, 208
—— of the Permian, 392
—— of the Upper Cretaceous, 302
——, Upper Miocene of Switzerland, 215-22
—— of the Wealden, 320
Fluvio-marine or Norwich Crag, 193
Flysch of the Alps, 278
——, plutonic rocks invading, 568
Folding and denudation of Nova Scotia Carboniferous rocks, 417
Folds of parallel strata, arrangement and direction of, 93
Foliation of crystalline rocks, 595
——, irregularities in, 596
Folkestone and Hythe beds, 308
Fontainebleau, Gres de, 230
Footprints in Potsdam sandstone, 490
—— of reptiles in Coal-measures, 408
——, fossil in New red, 381
—— in Paris gypsum, 272
Foraminifera, Eocene, 275
—— of Mountain Limestone, 437
—— of the Chalk, 287
Forbes, Mr. David, on glass cavities in quartz, 555
——, on planes of foliation, 595
——, on specific gravity of quartz, 500
——, on volcanic minerals, 498
Forbes, Professor E., on fossils of Bembridge beds, 252
——, on Hempstead beds, 244
——, on shells of the crag, 200
——, on sphæronites, 472
——, on subdivisions of the Purbeck, 333
——, on testacea of the Faluns, 212
——, on thickness of Upper Neocomian, 309
Forest-bed at Cromer, 191
—— marble or cornbrash, 341
——, submerged, 103, 104
——, fossil in Coal, 400
——, fossil of Isle of Portland, 332
Forfarshire, Cephalaspis beds of, 446
——, contorted strata in, 178
Formation, term defined, 27
Fossil, term defined, 29
—— trees erect in coal, 410
—— Fish of Old Red Sandstone, 442
Fossiliferous groups, table of succession of, 131
Fossils, arrangement of, in strata, 47
——, destruction of, in older formations, 139
——, fresh-water and marine, 52
—— obliterated by metamorphic action, 603
——, recent, and Post-pliocene, 154-65
—— of the drift, 176, 180, 192
—— of the Crags, 193-203
——, Upper Miocene, 214-29
——, Lower Miocene of Switzerland, 236
—— of the Hempstead Beds, 244
——, Eocene, 253
—— of the Barton Clay, 259
—— of the White Chalk, 293
—— of the Neocomian, 309
—— of the Oolite, 324
—— of the Stonesfield Slate, 347
—— of the Lias, 354
—— of the Trias, 370
—— of the Magnesian Limestone, 387
—— of the Coal, 405
—— plants of the Coal, 421
—— of the Mountain Limestone, 430
——, Devonian, 449
——, Silurian, 460
——, Cambrian, 484
—— Laurentian, 492
Fournet, M. on metalliferous gneiss, 586
——, on veins in granite, 610
Fox, Rev. D., on Isle of Wight Eocene fossils, 254
Fox, Mr. R., on lodes in Cornwall, 614
Fractures of strata, and faults, 87
Fragments, included, a test of age of plutonic rocks, 565
——, included, a test of age of strata, 129
—— a test of age in volcanic rocks, 524
France, Eocene formations of, 270-6
——, Lower Miocene of, 231
——, Upper Miocene of, 211
Freshfield, Mr., on absence of lakes in the Caucasus, 187
Fresh-water strata, how distinguished from marine, 53-9
—— formation of Auvergne, 233
Fucoid sandstones of Sweden, 489
Fulgur canaliculatus, Maryland, 228
Fuller’s earth, fossils of the, 348
Fundy, Bay of, fossil trees exposed in cliffs at, 412
Fusilina cylindrica, 438
Fusion of quartz, 500
Fusus contrarius (Trophon antiquum), 196
—— quadricostatus, Maryland, 228

Gaillonella ferruginea, and G. distans, 52
Galapagos Islands, living marine saurian in, 362
Galeocerdo latidens, Bracklesham, 262
Galerites albogalerus, White Chalk, 294
Galestes in Middle Purbeck, 328
Ganoids, the type of Old Red Sandstone fish, 443
—— of the Wealden, 316
—— of the Trias, 383
Gaps in the sequence of fossil remains, 138
Garnet, 500
Gases, corrosion of rocks by, 586
Gaudin on Lower Miocene of Switzerland, 236
—— on Pliocene flora of Italy, 209
—— on Proteaceæ in Bournemouth Eocene, 263
Gault, thickness and fossils of, 300
Geikie, Mr. A., on Ayrshire Permian trap-rocks, 545
——, on subaërial denudation, 115
——, on ice erosion of lake-basins, 187
——, on Isle of Mull volcanic rocks, 539
——, on Pentland Old Red volcanic rocks, 548
——, on Silurian metamorphic rocks, 602
——, on syenite of Skye, 568
Geinitz, M., on Permian flora, 393
Gemunder Maar, volcanic rocks of, 534
Geneva, Lower Miocene of, 236
Geology defined, 25
Gergovia, tuffs and associated lacustrine strata of, 542
Germany, Lower Miocene of, 242
——, Triassic fauna of, 375
Gers, Upper Miocene of, 215
Gervillia anceps, Neocomian, 310
—— socialis, Muschelkalk, 379
Giant’s Causeway basalt, age of, 248
——, laterite of the, 509
——, columnar basalt of, 510
Girgenti, Newer Pliocene of, 207
Glacial drift, distribution and nature of, 166
—— epoch in the Post-pliocene, 166
—— formations of Pliocene age, 189-92
Glaciation of Russia and Scandinavia, 174
—— of Scotland, 175
—— of Wales and England, 180
—— of North America, 182
Glaciers, transporting and abrading power of, 168
Glasgow, marine strata near, 146
Glauconie grossiere, 275
Glen Tilt, junction of granite and schist at, 559
Globiform pitchstone, 512
Globigerina bulloides, 288
Globular structure of volcanic rocks, 510
Glyptostrobus, Europæus, Œningen, 223
Gneiss, granite veins traversing, 560
—— defined and figured, 577
——, fundamental, of Scotland, 493
Gold mines of Australia and Chili, 616
—— veins of Russia, 616
—— of California, of age of alluvium, 617
Goldenberg, Professor, on Saarbrück coal insects, 406
Goldfuss, Professor, on reptiles in coal, 406
Goniatites crenistria, 436
—— Listeri, coal-measures, 405
Göppert, on American forms in Swiss Miocene flora, 223
—— on petrification, 68
—— on plants of coal-measures, 398
Gorgonia infundibuliformis, Permian, 388
Graham’s Island, forming ashy conglomerate, 549
Grampians, Old Red conglomerates of, 73
——, trap-rocks of the, 547
——, former glaciers in the, 175
Grand Canary, Upper Miocene, shelly tuffs of, 558
Granite, composition of, 552
——, graphic and columnar, 553, 554
——, how far connected with trap-rocks, 558
——, hydrothermal action in formation of, 555
—— metamorphosing fossiliferous strata, 581
——, porphyritic, 556
——, oldest, 574
——, protrusion of solid, 574
——, passage of, into trap, 558
——, schorly, 557
—— veins, 559
—— veins in talcose gneiss, 560
Granton, angiosperm found in coal at, 429
Graptolites of Llandeilo flags, 474
Graptolites Murchisonii. Llandeilo flags, 473
Graptolithus priodon, Silurian, 467
Gray’s, Essex, pachyderms found at, 161
Great (or Bath) Oolite, 342
Greece, Upper Miocene formations of, 226
Greenland, continental ice of, 170
——, gradual sinking of, 72
Greenstone, 505
Gres de Beauchamp, Paris basin, 273
Gres de Fontainebleau, age of the, 230
Griffiths, Sir R., on yellow sandstone of Ireland, 441
Grit defined, 36
Groups, older, rise highest above the sea, 139
—— why the newest to be studied first, 140
Gryllacris lithanthraca, coal, 405
Gryphæa coated with serpulæ, 48
—— columba, Chloritic Sand, 300
—— convexa, Chalk, 295
—— incurva (G. arcuata), 54, 354
—— virgula, Kimmeridge clay, 336
Gryphite Limestone, 354
Guadaloupe, glass cavities in quartz of, 555
Gulf-Stream, probable abrading power of, 105
Gümbel, M., on Rhætic beds, 366
Gunn, Mrs., on pot-stones in the chalk, 291
Gutbier, Colonel, on Permian flora, 393
Gymnogens, term explained, 303
Gypseous marls of Auvergne, 233
Gypsum and gypseous marl defined, 38, 39
Gyrolepis tenuistriatus, Rhætic beds.


HAIME, Mr., on palæozoic corals, 431
Hakea silicina and Hakea saligna, Œningen, 222
Hall, Captain Basil, on Cyclopean Isles, 530
Hall, Sir James, on curved strata, 75
Hall, Mr. J., on Appalachian palæozoic rocks, 110
Hallstadt and St. Cassian beds, 376
Halysites catenularis, Silurian, 465
Hamilton, Sir W., on eruption of Vesuvius, 1779, 526
Hamites spiniger, Gault, 301
Hancock, Mr., on Protosaurus in Permian, 390
Harkness, Professor, on Silurian metamorphic rocks, 602
Harlech grits, fossils of the, 486
Harris, Major, on the Salt Lakes, 374
Harpactor maculipes, Œningen, 224
Harpe, M. de la, on Bournemouth Eocene flora, 263
Hartung, Mr., cited, 496
Hartz mountains, mineral veins of, 608
——, Bunter Sandstein of, 380
Hastings Sands, subdivisions of the, 316
Hautes Alpes, granite of the, 571
Hauy on isomorphism, 502
Headon series, fossils of the, 255
Heat, powerful in consolidating rocks, 65
——, rocks upraised and folded by, 92
Hébert, M., on age of Sables de Bracheux, 330
——, comparison of Sables Moyens and Barton shells, 258
——, on pisolitic limestone, 285
Hebrides, dikes in the, 514
Heer, Professor, on American genera in Swiss Miocene, 239
——, on age of Madeira leaf-bed, 532
——, on Arctic Miocene flora, 239
——, on Bear Island flora, 441
——, on Bovey Tracey Miocene flora, 247
——, on fossil plants of Switzerland, 215, 219, 221, 224, 236
——, on Lower Miocene plants of Mull, 248
——, on Monte Bolca Eocene plants, 263, 543
——, on Proteas of Lower Miocene, 237
——, on plants of Hempstead beds, 246
——, on plants of coal-field, Virginia, 383
——, on Swiss Miocene insects, 223
——, on supposed Proteaceæ of Œningen beds, 221
——, on Superga fossil plants, 244
Heidelberg, varieties of granite near, 560
Heliolites porosa, Devonian, 451
Helix hispida (plebeia), 155
—— labyrinthica, Headon, 255
—— occlusa, Bembridge, 253
—— Turonensis, faluns, 56
Hemicidaris Purbeckensis, Purbeck, 324
Hemipneustes radiatus, Chalk, 284
Hemitelites Brownii, Inferior Oolite, 350
Hempstead beds, subdivisions of the, 244
Henry, on absorption of carbonic acid gas in water, 585
Henslow, Professor, on dike in Anglesea, 515
——, on Red Crag coprolite bed, 197
Herschel, Sir J., on slaty cleavage, 590
Hertfordshire pudding-stone, 62
Heterocercal tail of fish, 389
Hicks, Dr., on fossils of Arenig beds, 476
——, on fossils of Harlech grits, 486
——, on Menevian beds, 485
Himalaya, shells 18,000 feet high in, 29
——, Upper Miocene of, 226
Hippopodium ponderosum, Lias, 355
Hippopotamus, tooth of, 164
Hippurite Limestone, 304
Hippurites organisans, Chalk, 306
Histioderma hibernica, 486
Hitchcock, Professor, on Trias footprints, 381
Holoptychius nobilissimus, scale of, and restoration, 442
Homalonotus Delphinocephalus, 467
—— armatus, Devonian, 454
Homfray, Mr., on fossils of Tremadoc beds, 483
Homocercal tail of fish, 389
Hooghly River, analysis of water, 69
Hooker, Dr., on coniferæ, 429, 430
——, on structure of sigillaria, 426
——, on sporangia of Silurian plant, 460
Horizontality of strata, 40
Horizontal strata, upheaval of, 71
Hornblende, 499, 502
Hornblende-schist, 578
Hörnes, Dr., on fossil mollusca of Vienna basin, 225
Horstead, pot-stones at, 291
Hour-glass illustrating the destruction and renovation of land, 119
Howse, Mr., on Protosaurus in Permian, 390
Hubbard, Professor, on granite of White Mountains, 565
Hudson River Group, fossils of the, 479
Hughes, Mr. T. McKenny, cited, 450
——, on slaty cleavage, 589
——, on protrusion of solid granite, 575
Hull, Mr. E., on breccias in Permian, 391
——, on carboniferous of Lancashire, 395
——, on carboniferous rocks of north of England, 111
——, on faults in Lancashire coal-field, 91
——, on anticlinals and synclinals, Lancashire, 85
——, on thickness of the Upper Trias, 369
——, on thickness of Permian, 386
——, on three lines of flexure since the coal in Lancashire, 94
Human remains of Recent Period, 157
—— in cavern deposits, 156
Humboldt, on mineral character of rocks, 602
Humphrey and Abbot on Mississippi denudation, 114
Hungary, trachyte of, 558
Hunt, Sterry, on action of water in metamorphism, 585
Huronian series, thickness of the, 490
Huxley, Professor, on Atlantic chalk-mud, 287
——, on affinity between reptiles and birds, 338
——, on batrachians of the coal, 407
——, on fish of Old Red Sandstone, 443-5
——, on Pteraspis, 463
Hyæna den of Kirkdale cave, 157
Hyæna spelæa, tooth of, 165
Hybodus plicatilis, Rhætic beds, 367
—— reticulatus, Lias, 359
Hydrothermal action producing metamorphism, 584
—— in formation of granite, 555
—— forming granite veins, 573
Hymenocaris vermicauda, 484
Hyperodapedon Gordoni, Trias, 370
Hypersthene, 499, 502
—— rock, 505
—— rocks of Skye, 491
Hypogene rocks, uniformity of mineral character in, 602
—— rocks, term defined, 26
Hypsiprymnus Gaimardi, molar of recent, 327
Hythe, Neocomian beds of, 308

ICE, erosion of lake-basins considered, 184, 188
——, abrading power of, 168
——, continental, of Greenland, 170
Icebergs, drift carried by, 172
—— stranded in Baffin’s Bay, 173
Ice-borne erratics at Chichester, 181
Iceland, glass cavities in quartz of, 555
——, flow of lava in, 523
Ichthyosaurus communis, Lias, 361
Idocrase, 500
Ichthyodorulite of the Lias, 359
Iguanodon Mantelli, Weald Clay, 315
Ilfracombe Group of Devon, 449
Inclined strata, 73
India, Miocene formations of, 226
India, Upper Miocene of, 226
Inferior Oolite, thickness and fossils of, 349
Infusoria in tripoli, 51
Inland sea-cliffs, 103
Inoceramus Lamarckii, White Chalk, 295
Insect in American coal, 416
—— beds of the Lias, 363
Insect wing of neuropterous, 363
Insects, Devonian, of Canada, 457
—— in European coal, 405
——, Miocene, of Croatia, 243
——, Upper Miocene, at Œningen, 223
Intrusion, a test of age of Plutonic rocks, 565
——, a test of age of volcanic rocks, 521
Inundation mud of rivers, 153
Ireland, glacial drift of, 190
——, yellow sandstone of, 441
Iron pyrites, 500
—— weapons of Swiss lake-dwellings, 148
Isastræa oblonga, Portland Sand, 335
Isle of Bourbon, lava current of the, 566
—— Wight, Hempstead beds, 244
—— Wight, Eocene beds, 255
—— Mull, Miocene leaf-bed of, 247
—— Mull, volcanic rocks, 248
Isomorphism, theory of, 502
Italy, Lower Miocene of, 244
——, Older Pliocene volcanoes of, 523
——, Pliocene of, 207
——, Older Pliocene flora of, 208
——, Upper Miocene strata of, 226

JAMIESON, Mr. T. F., on Scotch glacial drift, 175
Jaws of mammalia in Purbeck, 327
Jeffreys, Mr. Gwyn, on Atlantic mud, 288
Jointed structure of metamorphic rocks, 589
Jones, Dr. Rupert, on Eozoon Canadense, 491
Jorullo, lava stream of, 566
Judd, Mr., on Speeton clay, 311
Jukes, Mr., on Tarannon shales, 468
Jura, erratic blocks on the, 169
——, structure of the, 82

KANGAROO, jaws of, 159
Käsegrotte, Bertrich Baden, Basaltic pillars of, 512
Kaup, Professor, on footprints of the Trias, 373
Keilhau, Professor, on granite veins, 562
——, on planes of foliation, 595
——, on Silurian granite of Norway, 573
——, on protrusion of granite, 581
Keller, Dr. F., on lake-dwellings, 148
Kelloway Rock, percentage of Oxford clay fossils in, 341
Kentish Rag, 308
Keuper, of Germany, 375
—— or Upper Trias of England, 369
Kilkenny, fossil plants of, 441
Killas, altered by granite in Cornwall, 582
Kiltorkan, yellow sandstone of, with Anodonta, 441
Kimmeridge Clay, 335
King, Dr., on reptile footprints in coal, 407
King, Mr., on Permian fossils, 388
Kirkdale cave, hyæna’s den of, 157
Kitchen-middens of Denmark, 146
Kleyn Spawen beds, 242
Könen, Baron von, on Brockenhurst shells, 257
Koninck, M. de, on Mountain Limestone fish, 436
——, on shells of Mayence basin, 242
Koninckia Leonhardi, Hallstadt.


LABRADOR rock, 505
—— series, 490
Labradorite, 499, 501
Labyrinthodon Jægeri, section of tooth, 371
——, tooth of, 370
Labyrinthodonts of Coal, 407
Lake-craters of the Eifel, 534
Lake districts, southern limits of the, 184
Lake-dwellings, scarcity of human remains in, 149
—— of Switzerland, 148
Lakes, deposits in, 27
——, connection of, with glacial action, 184-8
Lamarck on bivalve mollusca, 54
Lamination of clay slate, 594
Lamna elegans, Bracklesham, 262
Lancashire, vast thickness of rocks without corresponding altitude in, 111
Land, balance of dry, how preserved, 116, 118
—— has been raised, not the sea lowered, 70
——, mean height of, above the sea, 115
——, rise of, in Sweden, 72
——, rise and fall of, affecting denudation, 101
Land-ice, action of, in Greenland, 171
Land’s End, columnar granite at, 553
——, porphyritic granite at, 556
La Roche, recent deposits in estuary of, 40
Lartet, M., on mammalia of Faluns, 214
——, on Gastornis Parisiensis, 276
——, on reindeer period, 150
Lastræa stiriaca, Monod, 239
Lateral compression causing curved strata, 75
Laterite of Giant’s Causeway, 509
Laurentian gneiss of Scotland, 493
—— Group, Upper and Lower, 491
—— metamorphic rocks, 601
—— volcanic rocks, 549
Lava, 507
—— consolidating on slopes, 496
—— currents of Auvergne, 541
—— streams, effect of, 30
—— of La Coupe d’Ayzac, 511
—— of Jorullo, 566
Lead veins, age of, 616
Leaf-bed of Madeira in basalt and scoriæ, 532
——, Isle of Mull Miocene, 248
Leda amygdaloides, London Clay, 266
—— Deshayesiana (Nucula Deshayesiana), 241
—— lanceolata (L. oblonga), Scotch drift, 176
—— truncata, Scotch drift, 177
Lee, Mr. J.E., on Pteraspis of Lower Ludlow, 463
Leidy, Dr., on fossil quadrupeds of Nebraska, 249
Leperditia inflata, coal-measures, 405
Lepidodendron, Griffithsii, 441
—— corrugatum, carboniferous., 417
—— Sternbergii, coal-measures, 423
Lepidolite, 499, 501
Lepidostrobus ornatus, Coal, 424
Lepidotus gigas, Lias, 358
—— Mantelli, Wealden, 317
Leptæna depressa, Wenlock, 466
—— Moorei, Lias, 355
Level of surface altered by change of subterranean heat, 119
Lewis, hornblendic gneiss of, 601
Lias, fishes of the, 358
——, fossils of the, 354
—— and Oolite, origin of the, 364
——, reptiles of the, 360
——, insects of the, 363
——, plants of the, 364
——, plutonic rocks of the, 571
——, subdivisions of the, 353
——, volcanic rocks of the, 544
Liebig, on conversion of coal into anthracite, 403
——, on origin of stalactite, 156
Liége, limestone caverns at, 156
Lightbody, Mr., on Lower Ludlow shales, 461
Lignite, conversion of into coal, 403
Lima giganteum, 354
—— Hoperi, Chalk, 300
—— spinosa, White Chalk, 294
Limagne d’Auvergne, Lower Miocene mammalia of the, 234
Limburg beds, 242
Lime, scarcity of, in metamorphic rocks, 604
—— in solution, source of, 69
Limestone, block of striated, 168
——, brecciated, 387
—— of chemical and organic origin, 61
——, compact, 501
——, Hippurite, 304
——, magnesian, 387
——, metamorphic or crystalline, 579
——, Mountain, and its fossils, 430-8
——, striated, 168
Limnæa longiscata, 55
Lingula beds, volcanic tuffs of the, 549
Lingula Credneri, Permian, 388
Lingula Flags, fossils of the, 484
Lingula Dumortieri, Crag, 200
—— Lewisii, Ludlow, 462
Lingulella Davisii, 484
Lipari Isles, tufas in, 586
Liquidambar europæum, 209
Lithrostrotion basaltiforme, Carboniferous, 432
Lits coquilliers, 275
Littoral denudation defined, 102
Lituites giganteus, Ludlow, 463
Llanberis slates, 486
Llandeilo Flags, fossils of the, 473-5
Llandeilo formation, thickness of the, 475
——, Lower, 475
Llandovery Group, classification of the, 468
—— Rocks, thickness of the Lower, 469
Loam defined, 38, 153
Lodes, shells and pebbles in, 608
—— See Mineral Veins.
Loess of fluviatile loam described, 153
——, fossil shells of the, 154
Logan, Sir W., on Eozoon Canadense, 490
——, on Gaspe sandstones, 455
——, on Huronian and Laurentian, 490
——, on stigmaria in under-clays, 398
——, on thickness of Nova Scotia coal, 409
——, on thickness of Laurentian in Canada, 113
Loire, faluns of the, 211
London Clay, fossils of the, 264, 266
Longevity, relative, of mammalia and testacea, 162
Longmynd Group, fauna of the, 486
Lonsdale, Mr., on corals of America, 229
——, on Devonian fossils, 449
——, on Stonesfield slate, 345
——, on United States Miocene corals, 229
Lonsdaleia floriformis, Carboniferous, 432
Lowe, Reverend R. T., on Mogador shells, 537
Lubbock, Sir J., on the two stone-periods, 147
Lucina serrata, Bracklesham, 262
Ludlow formation, Upper, 459; Lower, 461
——, bone-bed of the Upper, 459
Lulworth Cove, dirt-bed of, 333
Lycett, Mr., on fossils of the Great Oolite, 344
Lycopodiaceæ of Coal, 422
Lycopodium densum, living species, 423
Lym-fiord, mingled fresh-water and marine strata of, 59
Lymnea caudata, Headon, 256
—— longiscata, Bembridge, 253
Lynton Group of Devon, 454

MACLAREN, Mr., on Pentland Hills, volcanic rocks, 548
Macclesfield, marine shells 1,200 feet high at, 181
MacClintock, Sir L., on Atlantic mud, 287
MacCulloch, Dr., on Aberdeenshire granite, 558
——, on basaltic columns in Skye, 510
——, on formation of hornblende-schist, 582
——, on trap, 519
MacMullen, Mr. J., on Eozoon Canadense, 491
Macropus atlas, lower jaw of, 158
—— major (living), lower jaw of, 159
Madeira, beds of laterite in, 509
——, dike in valley in, 513
——, Pliocene leaf-bed and shells in lavas of, 532
——, Miocene volcanic rocks of, 536
——, wind, removing scoriæ in, 97
Maestricht beds and their fossils, 283
Maffiotte, Don Pedro, cited, 538
Magas pumila, White Chalk, 294
Magnesian Limestone defined, 38
—— and marl-slate, 387
Magnetite, 500
Maidstone, Upper Cretaceous fossils of, 297
Malacolite, 502
Malaise, Professor, on Engihoul cave, 157
Mammalia, anterior to Paris gypsum, table of, 329
——, extinct, coeval with man, 152, 157
——, fossil, of Middle Purbeck, 325
——, fossil, in Pliocene in Val d’Arno, 208
——, fossil, in the Crag, 193, 197
——, fossil, of Vienna basin, 225
—— of the Limagne d’Auvergne, 234
—— of Siwalik Hills, 227
—— of the Stonesfield slate, 345
——, teeth of Post-pliocene, 165
Mammalia and testacea, comparative longevity of, 162
Mammoth, rude carving of in Perigord cave, 150
—— in Scotch till, 175
—— See Elephas primigenius.
Man, antiquity of, 152
Manfredi on amount of subaërial denudation, 114
Mantell, Dr., on iguanodon of Wealden, 313
——, on Oxford Clay belemnites, 340
——, on Wealden fossils, 316
Mantellia nidiformis, Purbeck, 331
Map of Chalk formation in France, 305
—— of Eocene tertiary basins, 250
—— of Hallstadt and St. Cassian beds, 376
Marble defined, 37
—— of Carrara, metamorphic, 599
Marcou, M., on age of Wealden beds, 319
Margaric acid, 591
Marine fauna of the Carboniferous, 432
—— beds underlying the London Clay, 269
—— and brackish-water strata in coal, 404
—— strata, how distinguished from fresh-water, 53-59
Marl from Lake Superior, 63
—— and marl-slate defined, 38
——, red, green, and white, of Auvergne, 233
—— slate of Middle Permian, 387
Marsupials, extinct, of Australia, 159
Marsupites Milleri, White Chalk, 294
Massachusetts, plumbago of, 583
Mastodon arvernensis, molar of, Norwich crag, 193
—— giganteus, in United States after the drift, 183
Mayence basin tertiaries, 242
May-Hill Sandstone, 468
Mechanical and chemical deposits, 60
—— theory of cleavage, 592
Mediterranean, one zoological province, 127
Megalodon cucullatus, Devonian, 452
Melania inquinata (Cerithium melanoides), 55, 268
Melania turritissima, Bembridge, 253
Melanopsis buccinoidea, 55
Melaphyre, a variety of basalt, 504
Menevian beds and their fossils, 484
Mesozoic, term explained, 123
—— and Cainozoic periods, gap between the, 282
—— and Palæozoic rocks, limits of the, 385
Metals, relative age of different, 614
Metamorphic limestone, 579
—— strata, origin of, 579
—— theory, objections to, considered, 587
—— rocks defined, 32
Metamorphic rocks, 576
——, cleavage of, 588
——, scarcity of lime in, 604
——, ages of, 597
——, order of succession of, 602
——, uniformity of mineral character in, 602
Metamorphism, hydrothermal action producing, 584
Metamorphosis of trilobites, 471, 487
Meteorites, minerals in, 501
Mexico, Gulf of, terrestrial remains washed into, 128
Meyer, Mr. Karl, on fossil shells of Madeira, 537
——, M. H. von, on reptiles in coal, 407
——, on Wealden of Germany, 319
Miascite, 558
Mica and its varieties, 499, 501
——, how deposited, 40
—— schist or micaceous schist, 578
Micaceous sandstone, origin of, 36
Micraster cor-anguinum, 294
Microconchus carbonarius, coal-measures, 405
Microlestes antiquus, Upper Trias, 368
Migrations of quadrupeds, 161
Miliolite limestone, 274
Miller, Hugh, on Old Red Sandstone fish, 443
——, on salt lakes, 375
Milne Edwards, Mr., on Palæozoic corals, 432
Minchinhampton, Great Oolite of, 344
Mineral composition a test of age of volcanic rocks, 523
—— a test of age of plutonic rocks, 565
—— a test of age of strata, 124
—— character of hypogene rocks, 602
—— springs of Auvergne, 604
Mineral veins, 605
—— formed in fissures, 606
——, successive formation of, 609
——, swelling and contraction of, 611
——, relative age of, 614
——, pebbles in, 608
Mineralisation of organic remains, 65
Minerals in meteorites, 501
——, table of the most abundant in hypogene rocks, 499
Miocene of Bordeaux and south of France, 214
—— and Eocene, line between the, 230, 251
——, Lower, of England, 244
——, Lower, of Germany and Croatia, 242
——, Lower, of Central France, 231
——, Lower, of Italy, 244
——, Lower, of Nebraska, United States, 248
——, term defined, 143
——, Upper, of the Bolderberg, 224
——, Upper, of France, 211
——, Upper, of Italy, 226
——, Upper, of Greece, 226
——, Upper, of India, 226
——, Upper, of Vienna basin, 224
Mississippi, sediment of, used as a test of denudation by rivers, 114
—— valley, deposition and denudation in the, 102
Mitchell, Mr., on Aralia fruit in Alum Bay, Eocene, 263
Mitchell, Sir T., on Wellington caves, 158
Mitchell, Rev. Hugh, on Pteraspis, 446
Mitra Scabra, Barton clay, 259
Mitscherlich, on Isomorphism, 502
Modiola acuminata, Permian, 387
Moel Tryfaen, shells found at, 181
Mohs on isomorphism, 502
Molasse, Lower, of Switzerland, 235
——, Middle, or Marine, of Switzerland, 223
——, Upper, fresh-water, of Switzerland, 217
——, term explained, 217
Mollusca. See Shells.
——, longevity of species of, 162
—— of Hallstadt beds, 377
——, value of, in classification, 142
—— of the Carboniferous, 435
Monitor of Thuringia, 463
Monoclinic feldspars, 501
Monod, flora of the Lower Molasse at, 236
Mons, unconformable strata near, 95
Montblanc, talcose granite of, 568
—— Dor, Auvergne, extinct volcanoes of, 232
——, age of volcano of, 541
Monte Bolca, fossil fish of, 543
—— Calvo, section of cross stratification, 44
—— Mario, age of volcanic deposits of, 533
—— Nuovo, formed 1538, 525
Montmartre, gypseous series of, 270
Monts Dome, Auvergne, extinct volcanoes, 495
Moore, Mr. C., on Rhætic beds, 366
——, on Upper Trias quadrupeds, 369
Moraines described, 169
Morea, cretaceous volcanic rocks of, 544
Mortillet, M. de, on ice-erosion of lake-basins, 184
Morton, Dr., on age of American cretaceous rocks, 307
Mosasaurus Camperi, Chalk, 284
Mountain Limestone, fossils of the, 433-8
Mull, Isle of, leaf-bed, 247
Münster, Count, on fossils of Solenhofen, 337
Murchison, Sir R., on brackish-water strata in coal, 404
——, on Devonian series, 439, 449, 454
——, on Devonian ichthyolites, 453
——, on Eocene igneous rocks, 278
——, on Llandovery beds, 468
——, on Laurentian gneiss of Scotland, 492
——, on metamorphic rocks of North Highlands, 601
——, on Monte Bolca fish-beds, 543
——, on name Permian, 385
——, on Old Red Sandstone, 449
——, on Palæozoic strata, Queenaig, 112, 113
——, on protrusion of solid granite, 574
——, on Silurian, 458, 459, 461, 467, 470, 473, 475
——, on Tertiary volcanic rocks of Italy, 533
——, on thickness of chalk in Russia, 287
——, on thickness of the Trias, 369
——, on the Upper “Old Red”, 468
Murchisonia gracilis, 479
Murex vaginatus, 204
Muschelkalk, fossils of the, 378
Muscovite, or common mica, 499, 501
Musk-ox, fossil, in Thames valley, 161
Myliobates Edwardsi, Bracklesham, 261
Mytilus septifer, Permian.


NAPLES, Post-pliocene volcanic rocks of, 525
——, escape of carbonic acid near, 604
Natica clausa, Scotch drift, 176
—— helicoides, Chillesford beds, 192
Natrolite, 500
Nautilus centralis, London Clay, 266
—— Danicus, Faxoe Chalk, 286
—— plicatus, Hythe beds, 309
—— truncatus, Lias, 356
—— ziczac (Aturia ziczac), 266
Nebraska, Miocene strata of, 248
Necker, M., on "underlying" igneous rocks, 562
——, on dikes in Vesuvius, 526
Neocomian, Upper, 308
——, Middle, 312
——, Lower, 312
——, use of the term, 282
Neolithic era, 147
Neozoic type of corals, 431
Nerinæa Goodhallii, Coral Rag, 339
Nerinæan limestone, 340
Nerita conoidea (N. Schmidelliana), 275
—— costulata, Great Oolite, 345
—— granulosa, 55
Neritina concava, Headon, 255
—— globulus, 55
Neufchâtel, coins and iron tools in lake of, 149
Newberry, Dr., on flora of American cretaceous rocks, 307
Newcastle coal-field, faults in, 90
Newfoundland bank described, 106
New Jersey, mastodon in, 183
New Madrid, "Sunk Country" in, 402
New Red sandstone of Connecticut Valley, 381
——, trappean rocks of the, 545
New York, Devonian strata of, 456
——, Cambrian strata of, 490
——, Silurian strata of, 478
——, Laurentian strata of, 491
Niagara Limestone, fossils of the, 479
Nidau, iron tools in lake of, 148
Nile, homogeneous mud of the, 154
Ninety-fathom dike in coal, 90
Nipadites ellipticus, Sheppey, 264
Nodules in strata, how formed, 63
Noeggerathia cuneifolia, Permian, 393
Nomenclature of rocks, 140
—— of volcanic minerals, 499
Norfolk cliffs, drift of, 190
North America. See America.
Norway, Cambrian of, 489
——, foliation of crystalline schists in, 595
——, granite veins in gneiss of, 573
——, granite altering fossiliferous strata in, 581
Norwich, or Fluvio-marine crag, 193
Nova Scotia coal-measures, 409
—— coal, reptiles and shells in, 414
——, folding and denudation of beds in, 417
Nucula Cobboldiæ, Crag, 194
Nummulites lævigata, Bracklesham, 260
—— Puschi, Pyrenees, 278
—— variolaria, Bracklesham, 259
Nummulitic formations, 277

OBOLUS APOLLINIS, in Russian grit, 478
Obsidian, 505
Oceanic areas, permanence of, 117
Œningen, Upper Miocene beds of, 215
Oeynhausen, M. von, on Cornish granite veins, 560
Ogygia Buchii, 474
Oldhamia radiata: O. antiqua, 487
Old Red Sandstone, Upper, 440
——, Middle, with fish, 443
——, Lower, 446
——, trap of the, 547
——, classification of, 439
Olenus micrurus, 484
Oligocene, term for Lower Miocene, 230, 244
Oligoclase, 499, 500
Oliva Dufresnii, Bolderberg, Belgium, 224
Olivine, 499
Omphyma turbinatum, Silurian, 466
Onchus tenuistriatus, Silurian, 460
Oolite, classification and physical geography of the, 321
——, defined, 37
——, Inferior, fossils of the, 349, 350
—— and Lias, origin of the, 364
—— and Chalk, Palæontological break between, 338
Oolitic strata, palæontological relations of, 351
—— volcanic rocks, 545
Ophioderma tenuibrachiata, Lias, 357
Oppel on zones of Lias, 353
Orbigny, Alcide de, on foraminifera of Vienna basin, 225
——, on orbitoidal limestone, 279
——, on Pisolitic limestone, 285
——, on Sénonian, 302
Oreodaphne Heerii, Italian Pliocene, 209
Organic remains, mineralisation of, 65
——, tests of age of strata, 125
——, tests of age of volcanic rocks, 522
——, geological provinces of, 127
Oriskany Sandstone, 478
Orthis elegantula, Ludlow, 46
—— grandis, Caradoc beds, 470
—— tricenaria, Bala beds, 470
—— vespertilio, Bala beds, 470
Orthoceras duplex, 474
—— Ludense, Silurian, 463
—— laterale, 436
—— ventricosum, Silurian, 462
Orthoclase, 499, 500
Orthoclastic feldspars, 501
Osborne or St. Helen’s series, Eocene, 255
Osteolepis, Old Red Sandstone, 444
Ostraceon, spine of, Bracklesham, 261
Ostrea acuminata, Fuller’s earth, 349
—— carinata, Chalk marl, 300
—— columba, Chloritic sand, 300
—— gregarea, Coral Rag, 339
—— deltoidea, Kimmeridge clay, 336
—— distorta, Middle Purbeck, 324
—— expansa, Portland sand, 336
—— Marshii, Oolite, 351
—— vesicularis, Chalk, 295
Otodus obliquus, Bracklesham, 262
Outcrop of strata, 83
Overlapping strata, 95
Owen, Professor on Archæopteryx, 337
——, on Eocene Zeuglodon, 279
——, on footprints in Trias, 382
——, on fauna of Sheppey, 265, 267
——, on Gastornis Parisiensis, 276
——, on Labyrinthodon, 370
——, on mammalia of Stonesfield, 347
——, on Purbeck mammalia, 326, 328
——, on reptiles of coal, 407, 414
——, on zoological provinces of extinct animals, 160
Ox, tooth of (recent), 165
Oxford Clay, thickness and fossils of, 340

PAGHAM, erratic block at, 182
Palæaster asperimus, 472
Palæchinus gigas, Mountain Limestone, 43
Palæocoma tenuibrachiata, Lias, 357
Palæoniscus, Permian fish, 389
—— comptus, P. elegans, P. glaphyrus, 390
Palæotherium magnum, 254
Palæophis typhoeus, Bracklesham, 261
Palæozoic or Paleozoic, term defined, 123
—— Plutonic rocks, 572
—— rocks, 458
—— type of corals, 431
Palagonia, dikes of lava in, 531
Paleolithic era, 147, 149
——, alluvial deposits of, 150
Palm in Swiss Miocene, 237
Palma, volcanic crater of, 497
Paludina lenta, Hempstead beds, 55
—— orbicularis, Bembridge, 253
Paradoxides Bohemicus, 488
—— Davidis, Lower Cambrian, 485
Parallelism of folded strata for long distances, 93
Paris basin, Tertiary group first studied in, 141
——, Tertiaries of the, 270
Parka decipiens, “Old Red,” 448
Parkfield Colliery, ground-plan of, 400
Patagonia, strata of, rich in soda, 587
Patella rugosa, Great Oolite, 345
Paterson, Dr., on angiosperm of the Coal, 429
Peach, Mr. C, cited, 601
——, Pteraspis, found by, 443
Pearlstone, 505
Pebbles in mineral veins, 608
—— in chalk, 292
Pecopteris elliptica, Coal, 421
Pecten Beaveri, White Chalk, 294
—— cinctus, Neocomian, 312
—— islandicus, Scotch Drift, 176
—— jacobæus, in tertiary of Sicily, 206
—— quinque-costatus, 300
—— Valoniensis, Rhætic beds, 366
Pegmatite, 553
Penarth beds, 366
Pengelly, Mr., on Bovey Tracey lignite, 246
——, on flint-knives of Brixham Cave, 157
Pentacrinus Briareus, Lias, 357
Pentamerus Knightii, Aymestry, 461
—— oblongus, and P. lirata, 469
Pentland Hills, volcanic rocks of the, 548
Perigord cave, carving of mammoth in, 150
Permanence of continents and oceans, 117
Permian Flora, 392
—— of Germany, 393
—— strata, thickness of, in north of England, 386
——, Upper and Middle, 386, 387
——, Lower, 390
Perna Mulleti, Neocomian, 310
Petherwyn, Devonian fossils of, 450
Petrifaction, process of, 67
Petrophiloides Richardsoni, Sheppey, 25
Pahcops caudatus, Silurian, 467
—— latifrons, Devonian, 450
Phascolotherium Bucklandi, 348
Phasianella Heddingtonensis, and cast, 66
Phillippi, on tertiary shells of Sicily, 205
Phillips, Professor, on fossils distorted by cleavage, 592
——, on ninety fathom dike, 90
——, on Wenlock limestone and shale, 465, 467
——, on Yoredale series, 395
Phillips, Mr. J. Arthur, on origin of gold of California, 617
Phlebopteris contigua, Inferior Oolite, 350
Phlogopite, 499, 501
Pholadomya fidicula, Inferior Oolite, 350
Phonolite, 506
Phorus extensus, London Clay, 266
Phragmoceras ventricosum, Silurian, 463
Physa Bristovii, Middle Purbeck, 325
—— columnaris, 55
—— hypnorum, 55
Piedmont, absence of lakes in, 186
Pile dwellings of Switzerland, 148
Pilton, group of, Devon, 449
Pinnularia in Atlantic mud, 288
Pinus sylvestris in peat, 147
Pisolitic limestone of France, 285
Pitchstone, 505
Placodus gigas, Muschelkalk, 380
Placoids, rare in Old Red Sandstone, 443
Plagiaulax Becklesii, jaw and molar of, 327
Plagioclastic feldspars, 501
Plagiostoma giganteum, Lias, 354
—— Hoperi, Chalk, 300
Planorbis discus, Bembridge, 253
—— euomphalus, 55, 255
Plants of Bovey Tracey, Miocene, 247
——, fossil fresh-water, 57
—— of the Coal, 420
—— of the Lias, 364
—— of the Swiss Upper Miocene, 219
Plas Newydd, rock altered by dike near, 515
Plastic Clay, Eocene, 267
Platanus aceroides, Miocene, 221
Platystoma Suessii, Hallstadt, 377
Playfair, on amount of subaërial denudation, 114
—— on faults, 87
Plectrodus mirabilis, Ludlow, 460
Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus, Lias, 361
Pleurotoma attenuata, Bracklesham, 262
—— exorta, Eocene, 57
Pleurotomaria anglica, and cast, 66
—— carinata (flammigera), 434
—— granulata, Inferior Oolite, 351
—— ornata, Inferior Oolite, 351
Plieninger, Professor, on Triassic mammifer, 368
Pliocene glacial formations, 189-92
—— Period, 189
—— plutonic rocks, 565
—— strata of Sicily, 204
——, term defined, 143
—— volcanic rocks, 529
Plombières, alkaline waters of, 585
Plumbago of Massachusetts, 583
Plutonic and sedimentary formations, diagram of, 567
——, origin of the term, 551
—— rocks, Mesozoic, 570
——, Recent and Pliocene, 565
——, Miocene and Eocene, 568
——, uncertain tests of age of, 564
—— defined, 31
Podocarya Bucklandi, Oolite, 348
Polypterus of the Nile, 444
Polyzoa and Bryozoa, terms explained, 197
Pomel, M., on fossil mammalia of the Limagne, 235
Ponza Islands, globiform pitchstone of, 512
Porites pyriformis, Devonian, 451
Porphyritic granite, 556
Porphyry, 506
Portland, Cycads in dirt-bed of, 331
—— oolite and sand, 334
Portland screw,” a cast of a shell, 335
Porto Santo, marine shells in volcanic tuff of, 536
Post-pliocene period, climate of the, 161
—— mammalia, teeth of, 163
——, term defined, 145
—— lakes of Switzerland, 185
—— volcanic rocks, 524
Potamides cinctus, 56
Pothocites Grantonii, coal-measures, 429
Potsdam Sandstone, 480, 489
Pot-stones in the Chalk, 290
Pottsville, coal seams of, 400
Powrie, Mr., on Cephalaspis beds, 446
——, on Parka decipiens, 448
Pratt, Mr., on Eocene Isle of Wight mammalia, 254
Predazzo, altered rocks at, 571
Pressure, solidifying rocks, 65
Prestwich, Mr., on age of Sables inferieurs, 276
——, on Chillesford beds, 192
——, on Coalbrook Dale insects, 405
——, on Eocene strata, 267, 269
——, on faults in coal-measure of Coalbrook Dale, 88
——, on shells of London clay, 264
——, on thickness of Coralline Crag, 198
Prévost, M. Constant, on Paris basin, 270
Primary Limestone, 579
—— rocks, 458
——, term defined, 123
“Primordial Zone” of Bohemia, 481, 482
Productus horridus, Permian, 388
—— semireticulatus (antiquatus), 434
Progressive development indicated by low grade of early mammals, 384
Proteaceæ of Aix-la-Chapelle flora, 304
—— of Lower Molasse, Switzerland, 237
—— of Œningen beds, 221
Protogine, 578
Protosaurus of Thuringia, 390, 464
Protrusion of solid granite, 574
Provinces of animals and plants, 126
Psammodus porosus, 437
Pseudocrinites bifasciatus, Silurian, 466
Psilophyton princeps, Devonian, 455
Pteraspis in Lower Ludlow shale, 463
Pterichthys, Old Red Sandstone, 445
Pterodactyl of Kentish chalk, 297
Pterodactylus anglicus, Old Red, 447
—— crassirostris, Solenhofen, 337
Ptychodus decurrens, White Chalk, 297
Pudding-stone or conglomerate, 36
——, formation of, 62
Pumice, 508
Punfield beds, brackish and marine, 318
Pupa muscorum, 155
—— tridens, Loess, 56
—— vetusta, Coal, 415
Purbeck beds, Upper, Middle, and Lower, 323, 324, 336
——, fossil mammalia of the Middle, 325
—— marble, 324
——, subdivisions of the, 333
Purity of coal, cause of, 402
Purpura tetragona, Red Crag, 196
Purpuroidea nodulata, Great Oolite, 345
Puy de Côme, cone and lava-current of, 528
—— de Tartaret, lava-current and cone of, 527, 542
—— de Pariou, crater of the, 529
Puzzuoli, elevation of land at, 525
Pygopterus mandibularis, Permian, 390
Pyrenees, chalk altered by granite in the, 570
——, curved strata in, 86
——, lamination of clay-slate in, 596
Pyroxene group of minerals, 499, 502
Pyrula reticulata, Crag.


QUADER-SANDSTEIN, Cretaceous age of the, 293
Quadrumana of Gers, 215
Quadrupeds, extinct, in Paleolithic gravels, 152
Quartz, specific gravity of, 499, 500, 555
Quartzite or Quartz Rock, 579
Queenaig, unconformable Palæozoic strata at, 112
Quenstedt on zones of Lias.


RADABOJ Miocene, brown coal of, 242
Radiolites foliaceus, White Chalk, 306
—— Mortoni, White Chalk, 295
—— radiosa, White Chalk, 306
Radnorshire, stratified trap in, 549
Rain-prints with worm tracks in Coal, 416
——, carboniferous, 416
Ramsay, Professor, on break between Upper and Lower Cretaceous, 301
——, on breccias in Permian, 391
——, on escarpments, 104
——, on denudation, 98
——, on ice-erosion of lake-basins, 184
——, on Lingula Flags, 484
——, on position of Tremadoc beds, 483
——, on Silurian metamorphic rocks, 602
——, on submergence in glacial period, 181
——, on thickness of the Lower Trias, 372
——, on thickness of Llandeilo beds, 475
——, on thickness of the Bala beds, 473
——, on volcanic tuffs of Snowdon, 549
——, on zones of the Lias, 353
Rastrites peregrinus, Llandeilo Flags, 473
Rath, Von, on Tridymite, 500
Recent Period defined, 145
—— volcanic rocks, 524
Record, imperfection of, in the earth’s crust, 138
Red Crag, older Pliocene, 194
—— Sandstone, Origin of, 374
—— Sea and Mediterranean, distinct species in, 127
Redruth, Cornwall, section of veins in mine, 607
Reindeer Period in South of France, 149
Relistran mine, pebbles in tin of, 609
Reptiles of the Coal, 406, 413
Reptiles of the Lias, 360
Retepora flustracea, Permian, 388
Rhætic beds between Lias and Trias, 366
Rhine, fresh-water strata of the, 53
——, loess of the, 154
Rhinoceros in drift of Abbeville, 153
—— leptorhinus (megarhinus), molar of, 164
—— tichorhinus, molar of, 164
Rhode Island, metamorphic rocks of, 583
Rhynchonella navicula, Ludlow, 460
—— octoplicata, White Chalk, 294
—— spinosa, Inferior Oolite, 350
—— Wilsoni, Aymestry, 462
Richmond, Virginia, Triassic coal-field of, 382
Rigi and Speer, Lower Miocene of the, 235
Rimula clathrata, Great Oolite, 345
Rink, Mr., on Greenland land-ice, 171
Ripple-marked sandstone, how formed, 46
Rise and fall of land, 146
Rissoa Chastelii, Hempstead beds, 245
Rivers, denuding powers of, 101, 114
Roches moutonnees described, 169
Rock, term defined, 26
Rocks altered by volcanic dikes, 514
—— altered by subterranean gases, 586
——, analysis of minerals in, 499
——, aqueous or stratified, 27
——, classification of, 121
——, great thickness of palæozoic, 110
——, glacial scorings on, 169
——, metamorphic, age of, 597
——, plutonic age of, 564
——, volcanic, age of, 520
——, trappean, 497
——, metamorphic, defined, 32
——, four classes of contemporaneous, 33
——, plutonic, defined, 31
——, tests of age of, 123, 125, 520, 564, 597
——, four contemporaneous classes of, 122
——, underlying, not always the oldest, 122
——, volcanic, defined, 29
Rock-salt of Trias, 371
——, origin of, 374
Rogers, Mr. H. D., on blending of coal-seams, 400
——, on Virginian fault, 92
Rose, Gustavus, on isomorphism, 502
——, on Fifeshire dike, 546
——, on quartz in granite, 555
Rosso antico, red porphyry of Egypt, 506
Rostellaria (Hippocrenes) ampla, London Clay, 266
Roth, M., on Miocene of Greece, 226
Runn of Cutch, salt of, 375
Rupelian beds of Dumont, 241, 242
Russia, glaciation of, 174
——, Devonian of, 454
——, Silurian strata of, 478

SAARBRUCK, reptiles in coal-field of, 406
Sabal major, Lower Miocene, 237
Sables de Bracheux, 276
—— moyens, Paris basin, 273
Sahlite, 502
St. Abb’s Head, curved strata of, 76
——, unconformable stratification at, 94
St. Andrews, carboniferous trap-rocks of, 545
St. Cassian, fossil mollusca of, 377
—— and Hallstadt beds, 376
St. David’s, Menevian beds of, 485
St. Mary’s, shells of, 539
Salt, rock, origin of, 372
Salter, Mr., on fossils of Arenig group, 476
——, on Menevian beds, 485
——, on Tremadoc fossils, 483
Sandberger, Dr. F., on Mayence basin, 242
Sandstone, New Red, 369
——, Old Red, 439
—— slab with cracks, 317
——, slab of ripple-marked, 45
—— slab with footprints, 408
Sao hirsuta, 488
Saurians of the Lias, 361
——, sudden destruction of, 362
Saurichthys apicalis, Rhætic Beds, 367
Saussure, on vertical conglomerates, 73
Saxicava rugosa, Scotch drift, 176
Saxony, beds of minerals in, 609
Scandinavia, glaciation of, 174
Scaphites æqualis, Chloritic marl, 299
Scapolite, 506
Scheerer on action of water in metamorphism, 585
Schist, mica, 578
——, argillaceous, 579
——, hornblende, 578
Schizodus Schlotheimi, Permian, 387
—— truncatus, Permian, 387
Schmerling, Dr., on Liége caverns, 157
Schorl-rock, and schorly granite, 557
Schwab, M., on Celtic coins in lake-dwellings, 149
Scoliostoma, St. Cassian, 377
Scoresby, on Arctic icebergs, 172
Scoriaceous lava, 507
Scoriæ, 508
Scotland, “Fundamental gneiss” of, 493
——, Old Red Sandstone of, 440
——, glaciation of, 175
Screws, fossil, internal casts of shells, 66
Scrope, Mr., on Isle of Ponza, globiform pitchstone, 512
——, on minerals in lava, 524
——, on water in lava, 555
Scudder, Mr., on Devonian insects of Canada, 457
Sea, apparent fall of, caused by rise of land, 70
——, denuding power of the, 105
——, deep soundings in, 287
——, mean depth of the, 118
—— cliffs, inland, 103
Secondary and Tertiary, gap between the, 281
——, term defined, 123
Section of Auvergne alluvium, 100
—— of carboniferous rocks, Lancashire, 85
—— of chalk and greensand, 287
—— of crags near Woodbridge, Suffolk, 198
—— of cross-stratification, 42-44
—— of curved strata of the Jura, 82
—— of dirt-bed in Isle of Portland, 332
—— of Forfarshire, showing curved strata, 74
—— of fossil tree, showing texture, 67
—— of folded and denuded carboniferous beds, Nova Scotia, 418
—— of the Oolitic strata, 322
—— of Recent and Post-pliocene alluvial deposits, 151
—— showing creeps in coal-mines, 79
—— of slaty cleavage, 589
—— showing valleys of denudation, 98
—— showing the Weald formation, 313
—— of strata thinning out, 41
—— of superimposed groups at Dundry Hill, 130
—— of unconformable strata near Mons, 95
Sections illustrating faults, 88, 90, 91
Sedgwick, Professor, on the Cambrian Group, 481, 482, 486
——, on classification of Arenig group, 476
——, on Devonian series, 439, 449
——, on position of the May-Hill beds, 568
——, on protrusion of solid granite, 574
——, on slaty cleavage, 588, 591
——, on garnet in altered rock, 515
——, on concretionary structure, 63
Sediment, accumulation of, causing a shifting of the subterranean, 117
isothermals. Sedimentary beds of the Carboniferous, 396
Selsea Bill, erratics at, 182
Senarmont on action of water in metamorphism, 585
Sequoia Langsdorfii, 238
“Seraphim,” head of Pterygotus anglicus, 446
Serapis, marine littoral deposits of, 146
Serpentine, 578
Serpulæ attached to Gryphæa, 48
—— attached to Spatangus, 49
—— attached to Apiocrinus, 343
Shale defined, 36
—— of the Lower Ludlow, 461
Sharpe, Mr. D., on American Silurian fossils, 479
——, on fossils distorted by cleavage, 592
Shell-mounds of Denmark, 146
Shells, Arctic, in Scotch drift, 177
——, derivative, in the Crag, 195-203
——, marine, found at great heights above the sea, 29
——, proportion of living, in the Crags, 194, 195, 199
——, value of, in classification, 142
——, fossil, of Virginia, 228
—— of the London clay, 266
—— of the mountain limestone, 433
—— of the Barton clay, 258
—— of the Oolite, 335, 345, 350
——, marine, of Moel Tryfaen, 180
Sheppey, fauna and flora of, 264
——, Eocene fish of, 267
Sherringham, erratic block at, 191
Shetland, granite of, 558
——, hornblende-schist of, 583
Sicily, fauna and flora of, older than the country itself, 207
——, newer Pliocene strata of, 204
——, subterranean igneous action in, 569
——, undulating gypseous marls of, 86
——, volcanic dikes of, 531
Sidlaw Hills, trap of, 548
Sigillaria in coal-measures, 380, 411, 425
Sigillaria lævigata, coal-measures, 426
Siliceous limestone defined, 37
Silurian, derivation of the name, 458
——, granite of Norway, 573
——, metamorphic, of North Highlands, 601
—— rocks, classification of, 458
—— strata of the continent of Europe, 477
—— strata of United States, 478
—— volcanic rocks, 548
Siphonotreta unguiculata, obolus grits, 478
Siwâlik Hills, fresh-water deposits of, 226
Skaptar Jokul, flow of lava from, 523
Skye, hypersthene rocks of, 491
——, Isle of, Miocene syenite of the, 568
——, trap dike in, 514
Slaty cleavage, 588
Slicken-sides, in opposite walls of veins, 608
——, term defined, 87
Smilax sagittifera, Œningen, 222
Smith, Mr. W., on White Lias bed, 366
Snowdon, volcanic tuffs of, 549
Soissonnais sands, 275
Solenastræa cellulosa, Brockenhurst, 257
Solenhofen stone, fossils in the, 337
Solfatara, decomposition of rocks in the, 586
Somma, cone and dikes of, 526
Sopwith, Mr. T., models of outcrop of strata, 85
Sorby, Mr., on action of water in metamorphism, 585
——, on glass cavities in quartz, 555
——, on mechanical theory of cleavage, 592
——, on ripple-marks in mica schist, 596
South Joggins, section of cliffs at, 410
Spalacotherium, Purbeck, 346
Spatangus radiatus, Chalk, 284
—— with serpula attached, 49
Species, gradual change of, 139
—— older than the land they inhabit, 207
——, similarity of conditions causing reappearance of, 311
Specific gravity of basalt and trachyte, 504
Speer and Rigi, Lower Miocene of the, 235
Speeton Clay, 311
Sphærexochus mirus, Silurian, 467
Sphærulites agariciformis, White Chalk, 306
—— of volcanic minerals, 499
Sphenophyllum erosum, Coal, 425
Sphenopteris gracilis, Hastings sands, 318
Spheroidal concretions in limestone, 64
Spicula of sponge, Atlantic mud, 288
Spirifera disjuncta, Devonian, 450
—— alata, Permian, 388
—— mucronata, 454
—— trigonalis, and S. glabra, 434
Spiriferina Walcotti, Lias, 355
Spirolina stenostoma, Eocene, 275
Spirorbis carbonarius, coal-measures, 405
Spondylus spinosus, White Chalk, 294
Sponge in flint from White Chalk, 296
Sponges, vitreous, in the chalk, 291
Springs, mineral of Auvergne, 604
Staffa, age of columnar basalt of, 539
Stalactite, origin of, explained, 156
Starfish in Silurian strata, 472
Stations of species affecting distribution of fossils, 354
Stauria astræiformis, 431
Stereognathus of Stonesfield, 348
Sternberg, Count, on insects in coal, 495
Stigmaria attached to trunk of Sigillaria, 427
—— in coal-measures, 398, 411, 426
—— ficoides and surface showing tubercles, Coal, 427
Stilbite, 500
Stiper-Stones or Arenig Group, 475
Stockwerk, assemblage of veins, 605
Stonesfield slate, mammalia of the, 345
Strata, term defined, alternations of fresh-water, and shallow and deep, 27
sea. ——, alternations of marine and fresh-water, 108
——, curved, inclined, and vertical, 73
——, apparent horizontality of inclined, 81
——, contorted in drift, 178
——, contortion of, in Cyclopean Isles, 530
——, general table of fossiliferous, 131
——, horizontality of, 40
——, origin of metamorphic, 83
——, overlapping, 95
—— repeated by being doubled back, 87
——, slow growth of, attested by fossils, 47-50
—— of organic origin, 51
——, tests of age of, 123
——, unconformability of, 94, 138
——, vast thickness of, not forming high mountains, 109-13
Stratification, diagonal or cross, 42, 44
——, different forms described, 39
—— of metamorphic rocks considered, 580
Stratified rocks, composition of, 35
Striæ, production of, 168
Strickland, Mr., on thickness of the Trias, 369
Stricklandinia lirata, 469
Strike, term explained, 80
Stringocephalus Burtini, 452
Stromboli, lava of, 566
Strophomena depressa, Wenlock, 466
—— grandis, 471
Studer, Mr., on gneiss of the Jungfrau, 599
subaërial denudation, average annual amount of, 113
Subapennine beds, proportion of recent species in, 143
—— strata, older Pliocene, 208
Submarine denudation, 105
Subsidence of land must preponderate over upheaval, 116
Succinea amphibia, 55
—— elongata, 155
Suess, M., on fossils of St. Cassian beds, 376, 377
——, on Vienna basin, 225
Suffolk, Crag of, 195
“Sunk country,” New Madrid, 402
Superga, Lower Miocene of the, 244
Superior, Lake, marl in, 63
Superposition of deposits, a test of age, 124
—— a test of age of volcanic rocks, 521
Sutherlandshire, unconformable Palæozoic strata in, 112
Swanage, fossil mammalia found at, 326
Sweden, Cambrian of, 489
——, slow rise of land in, 72
——, small thickness of Silurian strata in, 477
Switzerland, lake-dwellings of, 148
——, Lower Molasse of, 235
——, Middle or Marine Molasse of, 223
——, Upper Miocene of, at Œningen, 215
Sydney coal-field, rain-prints in, 416
Syenite, composition of, 552, 557
——, how far connected with trap-rocks, 558
Syenitic granite, 557
Symonds, Rev. W. S., on Moel Tryfaen shells, 180
Synclinal and anticlinal curves, 74, 85

TABLE of Botanical Nomenclature, 303
—— of St. Cassian fossil mollusca, 377
—— of Cretaceous formations, 283
—— of Devonian series in Devon, 449
—— of divisions of Hastings Sand, 316
—— of English and French Eocene strata, 252
—— of ages of fossil vertebrata, 464
—— of Neocomian strata, 308
—— of mammalia older than Paris gypsum, 329
—— of marine testacea in the Crag, 202
—— of Oolitic strata, 321
—— of volcanic minerals, 499
—— of Silurian strata of United States, 478
—— of Silurian rocks, 458
—— of Triassic strata, 375
—— of Cambrian strata, 482
—— of Permian of north of England, 386
—— of Welsh coal-measures, 394
—— of thicknesses of Carboniferous limestone, 395
——, general, of fossiliferous strata, 131
Table Mountain, granite veins in clay-slate of, 560
Tails of homocercal and heterocercal fish, 389
Talcose granite, 557
—— gneiss, 578
Tarannon shales, 468
Tartaret cone, and lava of, 527, 542
Tate, Mr., on St Cassian fossils, 377
Tealby series, Middle Neocomian, 312
Teeth of extinct mammalia, 163, 164
Tellina balthica (T. solidula), 190
—— calcarea (T. proxima), 177
—— obliqua, Crag, 194
Temnechinus excavatus, 200
Temnopleurus excavatus, 200
Tentaculites annulatus, Silurian, 489
Terebellum fusiforme, Barton, 259
—— sopita, Barton, 259
Terebratula affinis, Aymestry, 462
—— biplicata, White Chalk, 294
—— carnea, White Chalk, 294
—— digona, Bradford clay, 345
—— fimbria, Inferior Oolite, 350
—— hastata, Mountain Limestone, 434
—— sella, Neocomian, 310
—— Wilsoni, Aymestry, 462
Terebratulina striata, White Chalk, 294
Terebrirostra lyra, Chloritic Sand, 300
Teredo navalis, boring wood, 50
Tertiary formations, classification of, 137, 143
—— strata, subdivisions of, 143
——, term defined, 123
Testacea. See Shells.
Thallogens, 303
Thamnastræa, Coral Rag, 339
Thanet sands, 269
Theca operculata, Tremadoc beds, 483
Thecodontosaurus, tooth of, 374
Thecodus parvidens, Ludlow, 460
Thecosmilia annularis, Coral Rag, 339
Thirria, M., on Nerinæan limestone, 340
Thompson, Dr., on Nummulites of Thibet, 277
Thomson, Wyville, on Atlantic mud, 288
——, on sponges in chalk mud, 292
Thuringia, monitor of, 390, 463
Thurmann, M., on Bernese Jura Oolite, 344
——, on structure of the Jura, 83
Thylacotherium Prevostii, Stonesfield, 347
Tile-stones of the Upper Ludlow, 459
Tilgate forest, fossil Iguanodon in, 315
Till described, 166
——, mammoth in Scotch, 175
—— of North America, 182
Tin veins, age of, in Cornwall, 615
Titanoferrite, 500
Torell, Dr., on ice-action in Greenland, 172
——, on Swedish Cambrian fossils, 489
Touraine, faluns of, 211
Tourmaline, 500
Trachytic rocks, 505
—— tuff, 506
—— porphyry, 506
—— lava, age of, 523
Trap, term defined, 498
—— dike, intercepting strata, 518
—— dikes, 513-17
——, intrusion of, between strata, 517
—— rocks, ages of, 524-50
—— rocks passing into granite, 559
—— tuff described, 508
Trappean rocks, nomenclature of, 497
—— rocks, their relation to active volcanoes, 517
Trass of Lower Eifel, 535
Travertin, how deposited, 60
——, inférieur of Paris basin, 273
Tree ferns, living, 422
Trees erect in coal, Nova Scotia, 411
Tremadoc slates and their fossils, 482
Tremolite, 499, 502
Trenton limestone, fossils of the, 479
Trezza, volcanic rocks of, 529
Trias, beds of passage between Lias and, 366
—— of England, 369-74
—— of Germany, 375
——, Saurians of the, 370
—— of the United States, 381
Triassic mammifer, North Carolina, 383
Triclinic feldspars, 501
Tridymite, crystallised silica, 500
Trigonellites latus, Kimmeridge clay, 336
Trigonia caudata, Neocomian, 310
—— gibbosa, Portland stone, 335
Trigonocarpum ovatum, and T. olivæforme, Coal, 429
Trigonotreta undulata, Permian, 388
Trilobites of Bala and Caradoc beds, 471
——, metamorphosis of, 471, 488
—— of primordial zone, 487
Triloculina inflata, Eocene, 275
Trimmer, Mr., on contorted strata, 179
——, on shells of Moel Tryfaen, 186
Trinucleus concentricus, T. Caractaci, 472
Trionyx, carapace of, Bembridge, 253
Tripoli composed of diatomaceæ, 51
Trochoceras giganteus, Ludlow, 463
Trophon antiquum (Fusus contrarius), 196
—— clathratum, Scotch drift, 176
Tuff defined, 30
——, shelly, of the Grand Canary, 538
——, trappean, of Llandeilo rocks, 473
——, shelly, of Gergovia, 542
Tupaia Tana, recent, 347
Turner, Dr., on chemical decomposition, 68
Turrilites costatus, Chalk, 299
Turritella multisulcata, Bracklesham, 262
Tuscany, mineral springs of, 604
Tylor, Mr., on amount of subaërial denudation, 114
Tyndall, Dr., on slaty cleavage, 594
Tynedale fault, 90
Tynemouth cliff, brecciated limestone of, 387
Typhis pungens, Barton clay, 259

UNCITES Gryphus, Devonian, 452
Unconformability of strata, 94, 138
Underlying, term applied to plutonic rocks, 34
Unger on American forms in Swiss Miocene flora, 223, 239
—— on Miocene plants of Croatia, 243
Ungulite, or Obolus grit of Russia, 477
Unio littoralis, 54
—— Valdensis, Hastings Sands, 317
United States, Cambrian of the, 489
——, Cretaceous rocks of, 307
——, Devonian of, 455
——, Eocene strata in the, 278
——, footprints in Carboniferous of, 407
——, Lower Miocene of, 248
——, older Pliocene and Miocene formations of, 227
——, Silurian strata of, 478
——, Trias of the, 381
Upheaval of land more than counteracted by subsidence, 116
——, power of denudation to counteract, 105, 115
Upper Greensand, or Chloritic series, 298
Upsala, erratics on modern marine drift near, 174
Ural Mountains, auriferous alluvium of, 616
Uralite, 499
Ursus spelæus, tooth of, 165
Urville, Captain de, on size of icebergs, 172

VAL D’ARNO, Newer Pliocene of, 207
Valleys, origin of, 102
Valorsine, granite veins in talcose gneiss in, 599
Valvata piscinalis, 55
Vanessa Pluto, Lower Miocene, Croatia, 243
Vegetation of the Coal, 420
—— of the Devonian of America, 455
——. See Plants.
Veins, chemical deposits in, 612
——, granite rocks altered by, 559
——, different kinds of minerals, 605
——. See Mineral veins.
Vein-stones, 610
Venericardia planicosta, 260
Venetz, M., on Alpine glaciers, 170
Ventriculites radiatus, Chalk, 292
Verneuil, M. de, on Russian Silurian, 462
——, on Permian flora, 392
Vertebrata, progress of discovery of fossil, 464
Vertical strata, 73
Vesuvius, Recent and Post-pliocene volcanic rocks of, 525
——, basaltic lavas of, 508
——, tufaceous strata of, 522
——, dikes of, 527
Vicarya Lujani, Punfield, 319
Vicentin, columnar basalt of the, 511
Vienna Basin, Upper Miocene beds of, 224
Vine in Upper Miocene beds at Œningen, 221
Virginia, eighty miles of fault in, 92
——, coal-field of, 382
Virlet, M, on corrosion of rocks near Corinth, 586
——, on Cretaceous traps of Greece, 544
——, on fossils in veins, 608
——, on volcanic rocks of the Morea, 544
Volcanic ash or tuff, 508
—— breccia, 509
—— dikes, 513-16
—— force and denudation opposing powers, 117
—— mountains, structure and origin of, 494
Volcanic rocks defined, 29
——, mineral composition of, 498
——, Recent and Post-pliocene, 524
——, Pliocene, 529
——, Miocene, 536-43
——, Eocene, 543
——, Cretaceous and Liassic, 544, 545
——, New Red, Permian and Carboniferous, 545
——, Old Red Sandstone, 547
——, Silurian, Cambrian and Laurentian, 548, 549
—— of Auvergne, 540
——, columnar and globular, structure of, 510
—— of Grand Canary, 528
—— of Silurian age, 477
——, special forms of structure of, 506
——, tests of age of, 520-4
Volcanoes, extinct, 30
—— of Auvergne, 495
Voltzia heterophylla, Bunter, 380
Voluta ambigua, Barton clay, 259
—— athleta, Barton, 259
—— Lamberti, coralline and Red Crag, 196
—— Lamberti, faluns, 214
—— nodosa, London clay, 266
—— Selseïensis, Bracklesham, 262
Von Buch, Leopold, on "elevation craters," 496
——, on Silurian plutonic rocks, 572

WACKE described, 508
Wagner, M., on Miocene of Greece, 226
Walchia piniformis, Permian, 392
Wales and England, glaciation of, 180
Wallich, Dr., on Atlantic mud, 287
Water, denuding power of running, 98, 115
——, action of, in metamorphism, 584
Watt, Gregory, on fusion of rock, 584
Weald clay and its fossils, 317
Wealden area, thickness of the, 319
—— formation, 313
—— flora, 320
Webster, Mr. T., on Tertiary strata, 141
Wellington Valley caves, 158
Wenlock formation, fossils of the, 465-8
—— limestone, 465
—— shale, 467
Werner on mineral veins in Saxony, 609
—— on isomorphism, 502
Westwood, Mr., on Lias beetles, 363
Wexford, veins of copper at, 615
Whitaker, Mr., on subaërial origin of escarpments, 104
White or coralline crag, 197
—— sand of Alum Bay, 38
Whymper, Mr., on Arctic Miocene plants, 240
Williams, Mr., on Cornish lodes, 607
Williamson, Professor, on Conifers of the Coal, 428
——, on structure of calamite, 425
Wind, denuding action of the, 97
Wood, Mr. Searles, on Bridlington shells, 190
——, on Chillesford and Aldeby beds, 192
——, on shells of the Crags, 194, 195, 199
——, on shells of Crag and faluns compared, 213
——, on fish of Headon series, 255
——, table of marine testacea of the Crag, 202
——, on thickness of coralline crag, 198
Woodward, Dr., on St. Cassian fossils, 377
Woodward, Mr. H., on Pterygotus, 447
Woolhope beds, 467
Woolwich and Reading series, 267
Wright, Dr., on Barton shells, 258
——, on zones of the Lias, 353
Wunsch, Mr. E. A., on trees in volcanic ash, 546
Wyville Thomson. See Thomson.

XIPHODON gracile, Paris basin, 271
Xylobius Sigillariæ, Nova Scotia coal, 415

YOREDALE beds, thickness of the, 395
Yorkshire, Oolite of, 349
Young, Mr., on seeds washed out of mammoth tusks, 176

ZECHSTEIN of Germany, 392
Zeolites, secondary volcanic minerals, 500
Zeuglodon cetoides, Eocene, United States, 280
Zircon-syenite, 558
Zoantharia rugosa and Z. aporosa, 431
Zones of the Lias, 353
Zonites priscus, Coal, 415
Zoological provinces, great extent of, 127
Zoophytes, fossil, 48
——. See Corals, Bryozoa, etc.
Zurich, lake-dwellings in Lake of, 148