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tags  2nd  [See elements entries under individual element names]
taxo: namespace (mod_taxonomy) 
Taxonomy module  2nd 
    adding to dc:subject 
    taxo:link element 
    taxo:topic element  2nd 
    taxo:topics elements 
    AmphetaDesk, Text::Template module 
    weblogging tools using 
temporal period (dc:coverage) 
text (Dublin Core type) 
text-string search box for feeds 
textinput elements
    mod_DCTerms subelements 
textInput elements
    RSS 0.91 
        description subelement 
        title subelement 
textinput elements, RSS 1.0  2nd 
    description subelement 
    Dublin Core metadata 
    link subelement 
    name subelement 
    rdf:about attribute 
    rdf:resource attribute 
    title subelement 
The Snewp (search engine) 
threads (mod_threading) 
time  [See dates and times]
timespans (mod_DCTerms) 
title elements
    OPML document 
    RSS 0.91 
        for images 
    RSS 1.0, subelement of channel 
    Submit button in RSS 0.91 
    alternative, for related item (dcterms:alternative element) 
    searching for feeds by 
toolkits, GetToolkits function (Syndic8) 
topics  [See also subjects; Taxonomy module]
    rdf:li element 
    taxo:topics elements 
transformation of raw content 
    RSS, using XSLT 
    XML documents to RSS 
    XSLT, using 
tree structures (category) 
triples  2nd 
ttl element 
    of events (ev:type element) 
    of items (Dublin Core) 
    streaming media 

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