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DocBook: The Definitive GuideBy Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
Content Model
colspec ::= EMPTYAttributes
rowsep NUMBER None colsep NUMBER None charoff NUTOKEN None align Enumeration:
rightNone colnum NUMBER None colwidth CDATA None char CDATA None colname NMTOKEN None Tag Minimization
The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.
Parameter Entities
%tbl.entrytbl.mdl; %tbl.hdft.mdl; %tbl.tgroup.mdl; Description
The attributes of this empty element specify the presentation characteristics of entries in a column of a table.
Each ColSpec refers to a single column. Columns are numbered sequentially from left to right in the table. If the ColNum attribute is not specified, the ColSpec is for the next column after the preceeding ColSpec or column 1 if it is the first ColSpec.
Processing expectations
Suppressed. This element is expected to obey the semantics of the CALS Table Model Document Type Definition, as specified by OASIS Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995.
- align
Align specifies the horizontal alignment of Entrys (or EntryTbls) in the column. The default alignment is inherited from the enclosing TGroup. If Char is specified, see also Char and CharOff. Individual Entrys and EntryTbls can specify an alternate alignment.
- char
Char specifies the alignment character when the Align attribute is set to Char.
- charoff
CharOff specifies the percentage of the column's total width that should appear to the left of the first occurance of the character identified in Char when the Align attribute is set to Char. This attribute is inherited from the enclosing TGroup.
- colname
ColName gives a symbolic name to a column. The symbolic name can then be used in subsequent Entrys and SpanSpecs to identify the column.
- colnum
ColNum gives the number of the column defined by this ColSpec. If not specified, this ColSpec describes the next column to the right of the column defined by the previous ColSpec or the first column (column 1) if this is the first ColSpec.
- colsep
If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then a rule will be drawn to the right of the column described by this ColSpec. A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the Frame attribute of the enclosing Table or InformalTable and the ColSep of the last column in the table is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is inherited from enclosing elements. Individual Entrys or EntryTbls can override the ColSpec setting of this attribute.
- colwidth
ColWidth specifies the desired width of the relevant column. It can be either a fixed measure using one of the CALS units (36pt, 10pc, etc.) or a proportional measure. Proportional measures have the form "number*", meaning this column should be number times wider than a column with the measure "1*" (or just "*"). These two forms can be mixed, as in "3*+1pc".
- rowsep
If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a rule will be drawn below the cells in the specified column. A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row in the table is controlled by the Frame attribute of the enclosing Table or InformalTable and the RowSep of the last row is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is inherited from enclosing elements. Individual Entrys or EntryTbls can override the ColSpec setting of this attribute.
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