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DocBook: The Definitive GuideBy Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
Content Model
entrytbl ::= (colspec*,spanspec*,thead?,tbody)Attributes
rowsep NUMBER None colsep NUMBER None namest NMTOKEN None align Enumeration:
rightNone cols NUMBER Required tgroupstyle NMTOKEN None spanname NMTOKEN None nameend NMTOKEN None charoff NUTOKEN None char CDATA None colname NMTOKEN None Tag Minimization
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
Parameter Entities
%tbl.entrytbl.excep; %tbl.hdft.excep; %tbl.row.mdl; Description
The EntryTbl element allows for a single level of nesting within tables. This element is expected to obey the semantics of the CALS Table Model Document Type Definition, as specified by OASIS Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995.
An entry table may occur in a row instead of an Entry. EntryTbls have most of the elements of a table but may not include themselves, thus limiting nesting to a single level.
Processing expectations
The content of EntryTbl is formatted, as a table, to fit within the table cell that it occupies. Horizontal and vertical spanning may allow an EntryTbl to occupy several physical cells in the table that contains it.
If multiple EntryTbls occur in a single row, formatters that support EntryTbl are not required to ensure that subrows within the various tables are vertically aligned.
Many formatters are incapable of supporting EntryTbls. This is an interchange issue. See Appendix F.
- align
Align specifies the horizontal alignment of the EntryTbl in the cell in which it occurs. If no alignment is specified, it is inherited from the ColSpec for the current column, or the SpanSpec if this entry occurs in a span.
- char
Char specifies the alignment character when the Align attribute is set to Char.
- charoff
CharOff specifies the percentage of the column's total width that should appear to the left of the first occurance of the character identified in Char when the Align attribute is set to Char. This attribute is inherited from the relevant ColSpec or SpanSpec.
- colname
ColName identifies the column in which this entry table should appear; it must have been previously defined in a ColSpec. EntryTbls cannot be given out of order, the column referenced must be to the right of the last Entry or EntryTbl placed in the current row. It is an error to specify both a ColName and a SpanName.
- cols
Cols specifies the number of columns in the EntryTbl.
- colsep
If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then a rule will be drawn to the right of this EntryTbl. A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the Frame attribute of the enclosing Table or InformalTable and the ColSep of an entry in the last column in the table is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is inherited from the the corresponding ColSpec or SpanSpec and enclosing elements.
- nameend
NameEnd is the name (defined in a ColSpec) of the rightmost column of a span. On EntryTbl, specifying both NameSt and NameEnd defines a horizontal span for the current EntryTbl. (See also SpanName.)
- namest
NameSt ("name start") is the name (defined in a ColSpec) of the leftmost column of a span. On EntryTbl, specifying both NameSt and NameEnd defines a horizontal span for the current EntryTbl. (See also SpanName.)
- rowsep
If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a rule will be drawn below the EntryTbl. A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row in the table is controlled by the Frame attribute of the enclosing Table or InformalTable and the RowSep of the last row is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is inherited from enclosing elements.
- spanname
SpanName is the name (defined in a SpanSpec) of a span. This cell will be rendered with the specified horizontal span.
- tgroupstyle
TGroupstyle holds the name of a table group style defined in a stylesheet that will be used to process this document.
<!DOCTYPE informaltable PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> <!-- entrytbl not supported, fake it in descrip.1 --> <informaltable frame=all> <tgroup cols=3> <tbody> <row> <entry>a1</entry> <entry>b1</entry> <entry>c1</entry> </row> <row> <entry>a2</entry> <entrytbl cols=3> <tbody> <row> <entry>b2a1</entry> <entry>b2b1</entry> <entry>b2c1</entry> </row> <row> <entry>b2a2</entry> <entry>b2b2</entry> <entry>b2c2</entry> </row> <row> <entry>b2a3</entry> <entry>b2b3</entry> <entry>b2c3</entry> </row> </tbody> </entrytbl> <entry>c2</entry> </row> <row> <entry>a3</entry> <entry>b3</entry> <entry>c3</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable>The preceding table would look something like this when formatted:
a1 b1 c1 a2 b2a1 b2b1 b2c1 c2 b2a2 b2b2 b2c2 b2a3 b2b3 b2c3 a3 b3 c3
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