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Managing and Using MySQL, 2nd Edition


 ! (NOT logical operator)
 != (inequality operator) , 2nd
 "" (double quotes), for quoting identifiers
# (pound sign)
 comments in configuration files
 one-line comments in C
 one-line comments in PHP scripts
$ (dollar sign)
 extended regular expression
 variable identifier in PHP
% (percent)
 modulo of two values
 pattern matching character , 2nd
 \% escape sequence (MySQL)
 & (bitwise AND operator)
 && (AND logical operator)
> (right angle bracket)
 in Boolean mode searches
 greater-than comparison operator , 2nd
 >> (bitwise right-shift operator)
 >= (greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator) , 2nd
< (left angle bracket)
 in Boolean mode searches
 less-than comparison operator , 2nd
 <> (inequality operator) , 2nd
 << (bitwise left-shift operator)
 <= (less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator)
 <=> (null-safe operator)
 <Emphasis>Apache\: The Definitive Guide<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>CGI Programming with Perl<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>Database Programming with JDBC and Java<Default Para Font> , 2nd
 <Emphasis>Learning Java<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>Learning Python<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>lex & yacc<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>PHP and MySQL Web Development<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>PHP Black Book<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>PHP Developer's Cookbook<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>PHP Functions Essential Reference<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>Professional PHP4 Programming<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>Programming Perl<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>Programming the Perl DBI<Default Para Font>
 <Emphasis>Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL<Default Para Font>
 \" escape sequence (MySQL)
() parentheses
 in Boolean mode searches
 overriding precedence rules
* (asterisk)
 in Boolean mode searches
 extended regular expression
 multiplication operator , 2nd
 naming tables in ON clause
+ (plus sign)
 addition operator , 2nd
 in Boolean mode searches
- (minus sign)
 in Boolean mode searches
 subtraction operator , 2nd
 . (period), extended regular expression
 / (slash) division operator , 2nd
/* and */
 multiline comments in C
 multiline comments in PHP scripts
 // (one-line comments in PHP scripts)
; (semicolon)
 comments in configuration files
 statement termination character in PHP scripts
= (equal sign)
 comparison operator
 variable assignment operator in PHP
 == (double equals), variable equality test in PHP
 === (triple equals), parameter equality test in PHP
 ?> (PHP end tag)
@ (at sign)
 function call prefix when using showerror()
 identifying users to MySQL
 [] (brackets), extended regular expression
\ (backslash)
 escape character
 escape sequences for MySQL
 exporting tab delimited data
 \' escape sequence (MySQL) , 2nd
 ^ (caret), extended regular expression
 _ (underscore), pattern matching character
 \_ escape sequence (MySQL)
 | (bitwise OR operator)
 || (OR logical operator)
 ~ (tilde), in Boolean mode searches
 \0 escape sequence (MySQL)
 1-to-1 relationships
 designing models for maintainable Perl programs
 object/relational modeling
 1-to-M relationships , 2nd
 designing models for maintainable Perl programs
 wedding gift registry database
 1NF (first normal form)
 2NF (second normal form) , 2nd
 3NF (third normal form)

 ABS() function
 absolute naming of database objects
 accessor methods
 ACOS() function
 action.php script
 add routine (aggregate UDF) , 2nd
 ADDDATE() function
 addition operator (+) , 2nd
 address book application
 administration tasks
 AGAINST keyword
 aggregate functions
UDFs (user-defined functions)
 example of
 aggregation relationship
 database objects
 names in SQL statements
 ALL join type
 ALL keyword
 ALTER privilege
 ALTER TABLE statement , 2nd
 ending transactions with
 --analyze option (isamchk/myisamchk utilities)
 ANALYZE TABLE statement
 AND logical operator , 2nd
 comments in
 extended by MySQL
 primary keys/foreign keys
 numeric data types supported by MySQL
 specification for
Apache web servers
 checking for PHP support
 document root of
 installation problems
 resources for
 securing include files
 apachectl script
 apilevel attribute (MySQLdb module)
 AppConfig model
application logic
 client/server architecture and
 distributed architecture and
 web architecture and
application servers
 resource protection
 user management issues
 architecture issues
 client/server architecture and
 connections and
 distributed architecture and
 object/relational modeling and
 performance tuning for
 support for
 transaction management and
 web architecture and
 architect role in MySQL installations
 architectures in database applications
 Argerich, Luis
args parameter
 init routine
 main routine
 arithmetic operators , 2nd
 PHP shortcuts
 array definitions, editing in configuration file
 arrays in PHP
 mysql_fetch_array() and , 2nd
 arraysize attribute (MySQLdb module)
 ASCII() function
 Asher, David
 ASIN() function
 assign_stock() (MySQL C API example)
 associative array access
 accessing user data
 mysql_fetch_assoc() and
asterisk (*)
 in Boolean mode searches
 extended regular expression
 multiplication operator , 2nd
 naming tables in ON clause
at sign (@)
 function call prefix when using showerror()
 identifying users to MySQL
 ATAN() function
 ATAN2() function
 accessing array data associatively
of classes
 getter/setter methods and
of entities
 translating into columns
 for error handling
 of MySQLdb module
 authentication tokens
 AUTO_INCREMENT option , 2nd
 is_auto_increment() and
 mysql_insert_id() and , 2nd
 primary keys and , 2nd
 autocommit mode in MySQL
 autoReconnect property (GNU JDBC driver)
 autoReX property (twz JDBC driver)
 AVG() function
 grouping results
 Axmark, David
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