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Managing and Using MySQL, 2nd Edition


 \n escape sequence (MySQL)
 naming and directory services
 native API drivers
 natural outer joins
 NCHAR data type
 net start/net stop commands
 JDBC drivers and network protocols
 security for
 topology and security issues
 mysql class
 Publisher class
 nextset() (MySQLdb module)
 Niemeyer, Pat
 nonstandard syntaxes supported by MySQL
 normalizing databases , 2nd
 first normal form
 second normal form
 third normal form
 NOT IN operator
 NOT LIKE operator
 NOT logical operator , 2nd
 NOT NULL attribute , 2nd
 declaring fields in indexes
 IS_NOT_NULL() macro
 NOT REGEXP operator
 NOT RLIKE operator
 NOW() function , 2nd
 NULL attribute , 2nd  , 3rd
 mismatch between Java and MySQL
 value for entity instances
 value not returned into arrays in PHP
 null handlers and mysql_init()
 NULL keyword, specifying null literal
 null-safe operator (<=>)
 NULLIF() function
 number literals (SQL)
 NUMERIC data type , 2nd
 IS_NUM() macro
 numeric data types , 2nd
 NuSphere, obtaining installation packages from
only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile