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Managing and Using MySQL, 2nd Edition


 \b escape sequence (MySQL)
backslash (\)
 escape character
 escape sequences for MySQL
 exporting tab delimited data
 backups, MySQL
batch processing
 parameterized SQL and
 support for
 BDB (Berkeley DB) table type , 2nd
 database transactions and
 BEGIN statement, ending transactions with
 BENCHMARK() function
 Berkeley_db table type
 BETWEEN operator
 BIGINT data type , 2nd
 BIN() function
 binary data types
binary distributions
 using tar and gunzip utilities
 naming conventions for
 binary literals (SQL)
 binary logs
 backup considerations and
 performing recovery with
 Binary object (Python DB-API)
 bind variables , 2nd
 bind_where() and
 bind_where() (Publisher class)
 --binlog-do-db=dbname option
 --binlog-ignore-db=dbname option
 Birznieks, Gunther
 BIT_AND() function
 BIT_COUNT() function
 BIT_LENGTH() function
 BIT_OR() function
 bitmask values for character features
 bitwise AND operator (&)
 bitwise left-shift operator (<<)
 bitwise OR operator (|)
 bitwise right-shift operator (>>)
 BLOB data type , 2nd  , 3rd
 IS_BLOB() macro
 Boolean mode searches
 brackets ([]), extended regular expression
 bridging technology for database access
 Brown, Doug

    See : web browsers
 BSD systems, server startup/shutdown for
 buffer overflows, security problems with
 buffers, controlling size of
 Bunce, Tim
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