Index: R
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q
| R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
| X
| Y
| Z
Index: R
- -raisecmd option: 23.8.1. Creating Pages (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -regexp option: 8.16. Marks (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -relheight option: 2.1.1. Options for pack (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 2.3.1. place Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -relief option
- Button widgets and: 4.3. Table of Options for Button-Type Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Canvas widgets and: 9.5.3. Canvas Widget Option List (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Entry widgets and: 5.2.2. Entry Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 5.2.4. Relief (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Frame and Toplevel widgets: 11.3. Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Frame widgets and: 11.3.3. Viewing a Frame (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- headerCreate method: 18.4.2. HList Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Label widgets and: 5.1.2. Label Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 5.1.4. Relief (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Listboxes and: 7.2. Listbox Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 7.5. Listbox Style (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Menu widgets and: 12.1.6. Menu Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Menubutton widgets: 12.4.1. Menubutton Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Scale widgets and: 10.1. Creating a Scale (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Scrollbars and: 6.3.2. Scrollbar Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 6.3.4. Scrollbar Style (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- syntax: 4.12. Altering the Button's Style (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Text widgets and: 8.2. Text Widget Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 8.2. Text Widget Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 8.5.1. Tag Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -relwidth option: 2.1.1. Options for pack (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 2.3.1. place Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -relx option: 2.3.1. place Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -rely option: 2.1.1. Options for pack (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -resolution option
- ProgressBar widgets and: 23.10.1. ProgressBar Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Scale widgets and: 10.1. Creating a Scale (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 10.5. Displayed Versus Stored Value (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -restore option: 23.4. The Adjuster Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -rmargin option: 8.5.1. Tag Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -rotate option: 9.18. Rendering the Canvas as PostScript (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -row option
- grid method and: 2.2. The grid Geometry Manager (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 2.2.2. grid Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- gridSlaves method and: 2.2.13. gridSlaves (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- syntax: 2.2.3. Specifying Rows and Columns Explicitly (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -rowspan option: 2.2.2. grid Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 2.2.4. Spanning Rows and Columns Explicitly (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- r command
- 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Perl debugger: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -r file test operator: 4.5.8. File Test Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -r option
- dprofpp: 6.5. The Perl Profiler (Perl in a Nutshell)
- form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- perlbug: 6.6. The perlbug Program (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -r (readable by effective uid/gid) file test: 1.5.7. Some File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
- 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
- -R (readable by real uid/gid file test: 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
- \r (carriage return) sequence: 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences (Perl in a Nutshell)
- race conditions: 19.4.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- 2. Geometry Management (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- file locking and: 16.2.1. File Locking (Programming Perl)
- handling: 23.2.2. Handling Race Conditions (Programming Perl)
- rad2deg( ) (example): 2.11.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- radians vs. degrees: 2.11.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- radio buttons: 5.4.5. Radio Buttons (Perl & LWP)
- 12.1.1. Menus and Menu Items (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 12.1.1. Menus and Menu Items (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 21.14.2. Menubutton Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 15.14.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- Radiobutton widget
- -bitmap option and: 4.5.1. Images with Checkbuttons and Radiobuttons (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -value option and: 4.8. Radiobutton Values (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -variable option and: 4.6. Checkbutton and Radiobutton Indicator Status (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- characteristics of: 4.
Button, Checkbutton, and Radiobutton Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- example: 4.
Button, Checkbutton, and Radiobutton Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- indicator colors and: 4.16. Indicator Colors (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Listboxes as substitutes for: 7. The Listbox Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- options for: 4.2. Standard Options for Each Button Type (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 4.3. Table of Options for Button-Type Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Perl/Tk: 21.6. The Radiobutton Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
- turning off/on: 4.23. Turning a Checkbutton/Radiobutton On and Off (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- variables and: 4.9. The -command Option (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- radio_group( ) ( 10.7. Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- raise 21.12.3. Canvas Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- syntax: 9.5.3. Canvas Widget Option List (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 13.19. Widget Mapping and Layering (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 23.8.1. Creating Pages (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Toplevel widgets and: 11.2. Creating a Toplevel Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 11.3. Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- raise to the power of operator (**=): 2.5.3. Binary Assignment Operators (Learning Perl)
- Ramdane, Amine Moulay: Win32::Process and shared memory (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- rand: 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 2.7.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- 8.6.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- 3.1. Terms and List Operators (Leftward) (Programming Perl)
- 29.2.119. rand (Programming Perl)
- randcap program (example): 1.9.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- random
- email signatures: 16.22.1. Description (Perl Cookbook)
- lines from files: 8.6.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- numbers: 2.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
- 2.7.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- 29.2.119. rand (Programming Perl)
- 29.2.164. srand (Programming Perl)
- biasing: 2.10.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
- ordering of lines in files: 8.7.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- producing as handles or scalars: 14.4.2. Creative Filehandles (Programming Perl)
- random-access I/O: 8.12.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- randomizing arrays: 4.17.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- range (.. and ...) operator: 3.15. Range Operator (Programming Perl)
- 6.8.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- Range operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Range operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 3.3. List Literals (Learning Perl)
- ranges
- character sets, specifying in: 5.2.4. The tr/// Operator (Transliteration) (Programming Perl)
- characters: 5.4.1. Custom Character Classes (Programming Perl)
- raw_cookie( ) ( 10.7. Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- RC_ mnemonics (HTTP::Status): 20.3.4. HTTP::Status (Perl in a Nutshell)
- RCP (Robot Control Program)
- features: 20.3.2. Robot Control Programs (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- TclRobots and: 20.3. TclRobots (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- RCPT command (SMTP): 16.1.2. The SMTP Protocol and the SMTP Session (Perl in a Nutshell)
- $rdev file statistic: 29.2.165. stat (Programming Perl)
- re-initialization expressions, loops: 4.4.2. for Loops (Programming Perl)
- re module: 8.178. re (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 32.1.13. Perl Language Extensions and Internals (Programming Perl)
- read( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- DirHandle module: 8.59. DirHandle (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 8.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
- 8.15.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- 14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
- 29.2.120. read (Programming Perl)
- 17.7. The Photo Image Type (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- database records and: 16.3. Fixed-length Random-access Databases (Learning Perl)
- Win32::EventLog: 22.4. Win32::Eventlog (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Win32::Pipe: 22.13.1. Win32::Pipe Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- readable file test operator: 1.5.7. Some File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
- 3.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
- SOAP::Lite: 14.2.1. SOAP::Lite Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- ReadAttr( ) (Win32::Console): 22.2. Win32::Console (Perl in a Nutshell)
- read_buffer( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- ReadChar( ) (Win32::Console): 22.2. Win32::Console (Perl in a Nutshell)
- readdir( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 9.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
- 9.5.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- 29.2.121. readdir (Programming Perl)
- 12.4. Directory Handles (Learning Perl)
- ReadEntireFile( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.1. General Internet Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reader( ) (Net::NNTP): 17.2.2. Net::NNTP Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- ReadFile( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.1. General Internet Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reading
- data via low-level system call: 29.2.172. sysread (Programming Perl)
- email messages (see email)
- Mail::Audit: 16.2.9. Mail Filtering with Mail::Audit (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Mail::RBL: 16.2.8. Checking Blacklisted Hosts with Mail::RBL (Perl in a Nutshell)
- files (see file access; file contents)
- open mode and: 29.2.104. open (Programming Perl)
- news articles: 17.1. The NNTP Protocol (Perl in a Nutshell)
- shared memory segment ID: 29.2.152. shmread (Programming Perl)
- Usenet news: 18.4.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- readline( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- disabling support to debugger: 20.4. Unattended Execution (Programming Perl)
- function: 2.11.2. Line Input (Angle) Operator (Programming Perl)
- method: 14.4.1. Filehandle-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
- operator: 12.3. An Alternate Syntax for Globbing (Learning Perl)
- option (PERLDB_OPTS): 6.4. Customizing the Debugger (Perl in a Nutshell)
- packages: 32.1.11. User Interfaces (Programming Perl)
- readlink( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 29.2.123. readlink (Programming Perl)
- readme command ( 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
- ReadParse( ) ( 10.7. Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- readpipe( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- ReadRect( ) (Win32::Console): 22.2. Win32::Console (Perl in a Nutshell)
- ready file descriptors: 29.2.141. select (ready file descriptors) (Programming Perl)
- real GID (see $( variable)
- real UID (see $< variable)
- real values, testing for with defined function: 29.2.23. defined (Programming Perl)
- RealAudio URLs, data extraction example: 8.1. The Problem (Perl & LWP)
- $REAL_GROUP_ID: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
- ($( ) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS): 9.2.1. Introduction to RSS (Perl & XML)
- $REAL_USER_ID: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
- ($<) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reaping zombie processes: 16.1.2. Reaping Zombies (Programming Perl)
- servers: 16.5.2. Networking Servers (Programming Perl)
- reason( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- recallCommand option (debugger): 20.3.3. Debugger Options (Programming Perl)
- Received: header line: 3.11. Program: hopdelta (Perl Cookbook)
- recipient( ) (Net::SMTP): Net::SMTP methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- recno_demo program (example): 14.7.3. Description (Perl Cookbook)
- recompile command ( 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
- recompiling patterns, limiting with /o modifier: 5.2.1. Pattern Modifiers (Programming Perl)
- record delimiter (see $/ variable)
- records: 11.0.3. Records (Perl Cookbook)
- 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
- binary tree structures: 11.15. Program: Binary Trees (Perl Cookbook)
- closures as objects: 11.7.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
- comma-separated (see CSV)
- constructing: 11.9.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- counting in files: 8.2.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- fixed-length: 8.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
- 8.15.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- functions dealing with: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category (Programming Perl)
- functions for: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category (Perl in a Nutshell)
- input, separator for (see $/ variable)
- lastlog file: 8.20. Program: laston (Perl Cookbook)
- output, separator for (see $\ variable)
- with pattern separators, reading: 6.7.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- random-access I/O: 8.12.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- reading/writing to text files: 11.10.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- variable-length: 8.9.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- of various data structures: 9.6. More Elaborate Records (Programming Perl)
- composing, accessing, and printing: 9.6.1. Composition, Access, and Printing of
More Elaborate Records (Programming Perl)
- generating hash of: 9.6.3. Generation of a Hash of Complex Records (Programming Perl)
- variable-length: 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
- wtmp file: 8.18. Program: tailwtmp (Perl Cookbook)
- rectangles: 9. The Canvas Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 9.6.7. The Rectangle Item (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- recursion of subroutines: 6.2.3. Scoping Issues (Programming Perl)
- recursion when processing XML: 3.5. XML::LibXML (Perl & XML)
- recursive directory listing: 12.5. Recursive Directory Listing (Learning Perl)
- recursive lexical pad stacks: 18.3. Executing Your Code (Programming Perl)
- recursive matching: Match-time pattern interpolation (Programming Perl)
- recursively processing files in directories: 9.7.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- recursivity
- locks: Synchronizing access with lock (Programming Perl)
- recv( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 29.2.125. recv (Programming Perl)
- Socket module: 15.1. Built-in Socket Functions (Perl in a Nutshell)
- redirect( ): 19.8.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- ( 10.7. Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- CGI error messages: 19.2.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- CGI requests: 19.8.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- link-checking spider example: 12.3.4. Redirects (Perl & LWP)
- user agents: 3.4.4. Redirection (Perl & LWP)
- redirect_ok( ) method: 3.4.4. Redirection (Perl & LWP)
- redither method: 17.7. The Photo Image Type (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- redo( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Loop control (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- operator: 10.8.3. The redo Operator (Learning Perl)
- 4.4.4. Loop Control (Programming Perl)
- 4.4.4. Loop Control (Programming Perl)
- 29.2.126. redo (Programming Perl)
- virtual event: 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- redundancy in Perl: 1.5.6. Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators (Programming Perl)
- ref( ): 4.8.2. Dereferencing (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 11.0.1. References (Perl Cookbook)
- 13.0.1. Under the Hood (Perl Cookbook)
- 12.4. Object Construction (Programming Perl)
- 29.2.127. ref (Programming Perl)
- 8.3.6. Other Tricks You Can Do with Hard References (Programming Perl)
- references: 11.0.1. References (Perl Cookbook)
- 3.4. List Assignment (Learning Perl)
- B.20. References (Learning Perl)
- 4.8.1. Creating References (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Singularities (Programming Perl)
- 8. References (Programming Perl)
- to anonymous data: 8.2.2. Anonymous Data (Programming Perl)
- to arrays: 11.1.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- arrays of scalar references: 11.6.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- as hash keys: 13.15.7. Tie Example: Hash That Allows Look-Ups by Key or Value (Perl Cookbook)
- autovivification: 11.0.2. Anonymous Data (Perl Cookbook)
- blessing: 12.4. Object Construction (Programming Perl)
- braces, brackets and quoting in: 8.5. Braces, Brackets, and Quoting (Programming Perl)
- callbacks as: 15.1. Creating a Callback (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- casting to other pointer types: 2.6. Scalar Values (Programming Perl)
- checking for: 29.2.127. ref (Programming Perl)
- circular
- in overloading: 13.3. Overloadable Operators (Programming Perl)
- circular, and memory: 8.5.2. Garbage Collection, Circular References,
and Weak References (Programming Perl)
- closures as objects: 11.7.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
- creating: 8.2. Creating References (Programming Perl)
- with backslash operator: 8.2.1. The Backslash Operator (Programming Perl)
- to data structures: 8.1. What Is a Reference? (Programming Perl)
- defining: 8.1. What Is a Reference? (Programming Perl)
- destruction of, controlling: 19.2. Environment Variables (Programming Perl)
- event examples: The exporter tag :variables (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- to filehandles: 8.2.4. Handle References (Programming Perl)
- 29.2.104. open (Programming Perl)
- to functions: 11.4.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- storing in data structures: 9.5. Hashes of Functions (Programming Perl)
- geometry manager: 13.2.5. Widget's Manager (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- hard: 3.2. The Arrow Operator (Programming Perl)
- Glossary (Programming Perl)
- Glossary (Programming Perl)
- (see also hard references)
- hash keys, providing as: 32.1.14. Convenient Classes (Programming Perl)
- as hash values: 5.12.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- to hashes: 11.3.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
- 9.1.5. Common Mistakes (Programming Perl)
- multidimensional hashes: 9.6. More Elaborate Records (Programming Perl)
- hashes of arrays: 11.2.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- indirection: 8. References (Programming Perl)
- iterating over arrays by: 4.5.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- locking: Synchronizing access with lock (Programming Perl)
- to methods: 11.8.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- in multidimsional arrays: 9.1.1. Creating and Accessing a Two-Dimensional Array (Programming Perl)
- object-oriented programming and: 10. Packages (Programming Perl)
- for objects: 12.2. Perl's Object System (Programming Perl)
- objects as: 12.4. Object Construction (Programming Perl)
- to packages, indirect: 12.13.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- passing: 6.3. Passing References (Programming Perl)
- passing by: 10.5.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- 6.2. Semantics (Programming Perl)
- passing to subroutines: 4.7.3. Passing References (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Perl, C pointers vs.: 3.21. C Operators Missing from Perl (Programming Perl)
- reference count: 11.0.1. References (Perl Cookbook)
- references and: 2.5.1. Name Lookups (Programming Perl)
- returned items as: 11.2. Creating a Toplevel Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- returning by: 10.9.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- to scalars: 11.5.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- self-referential structures: 13.13.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- to signal handlers (user-defined): 16.1. Signals (Programming Perl)
- stringifying: 8.3.6. Other Tricks You Can Do with Hard References (Programming Perl)
- 8.5.1. References Don't Work as Hash Keys (Programming Perl)
- 9.1.3. Access and Printing (Programming Perl)
- 9.1.5. Common Mistakes (Programming Perl)
- to subroutines: 6.1. Syntax (Programming Perl)
- retrieving from or passing to: 10.1. Symbol Tables (Programming Perl)
- to symbol table entries: 10.1. Symbol Tables (Programming Perl)
- in symbol tables to other symbol tables: 10.1. Symbol Tables (Programming Perl)
- symbolic: 1.8.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- 12.13.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- 8.4. Symbolic References (Programming Perl)
- to tied arrays: 14.2.1. Array-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
- to tied scalar variables: 14.1.1. Scalar-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
- to tied variable objects, breaking: 14.5. A Subtle Untying Trap (Programming Perl)
- Toplevel widget: 13.2.4. The Widget's Toplevel (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- truth value of: 1.6.1. What Is Truth? (Programming Perl)
- weak: 8.5.2. Garbage Collection, Circular References,
and Weak References (Programming Perl)
- weakening or breaking: 12.6.1. Garbage Collection with DESTROY Methods (Programming Perl)
- widget's children: 13.2.1. Widget's Children (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- widget's class: 13.2.6. The Widget's class (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- widget's ID: 13.3. Widget's ID (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- widget's name: 13.2.2. Name of a Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- widget's parent: 13.2.3. Parent of a Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- references (entity): 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
- referents: 11.0.1. References (Perl Cookbook)
- 8.1. What Is a Reference? (Programming Perl)
- objects as: 12.2. Perl's Object System (Programming Perl)
- referer( ) ( 10.7. Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Referer header value: 11.2.2. Referer (Perl & LWP)
- "referrer" vs. "referer": 20.1.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- refile( ) (Mail::Folder): 16.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reftype function: 12.4. Object Construction (Programming Perl)
- regex (see patterns)
- -regex option (perlcc): 3.4. The Perl Compiler (Perl in a Nutshell)
- regexes (see patterns)
- regexps (see patterns)
- regexps, query_form( ) method: 5.2.2. GETting a query_form( ) URL (Perl & LWP)
- Registry access and management: 22.15. Win32::Registry (Perl in a Nutshell)
- registry (Microsoft Windows), manipulating: 14.6. Tie Modules on CPAN (Programming Perl)
- 32.1.20. Microsoft-Related Modules (Programming Perl)
- Registry (Windows): B.7.1. Direct System Database Access (Learning Perl)
- regular expression engines: 17.5. More Powerful Regular Expressions (Learning Perl)
- resources for further information: B.2. Regular expressions (Learning Perl)
- regular expression memories: 8.4. Memory Parentheses (Learning Perl)
- regular expressions (see patterns)
- 7. Concepts of Regular Expressions (Learning Perl)
- 17.5. More Powerful Regular Expressions (Learning Perl)
- 4.6. Regular Expressions (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 5. Pattern Matching (Programming Perl)
- anchors: 4.6.5. Anchors (Perl in a Nutshell)
- character classes: 4.6.4. Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
- character classes, confusing with array subscripts: 2.6.5. Interpolating Array Values (Programming Perl)
- characters, matching instead of bytes: 15.2. Effects of Character Semantics (Programming Perl)
- checking if strings are valid numbers: 2.1.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- commenting: 6.4.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- components: 6.2.7. Develop from Components (Perl & LWP)
- data extraction: 6.1. Automating Data Extraction (Perl & LWP)
- debugging: 6.3. Troubleshooting (Perl & LWP)
- escaped sequences: 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences (Perl in a Nutshell)
- extended, syntax for: 4.6.8. Extended Regular Expressions (Perl in a Nutshell)
- functions dealing with: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category (Programming Perl)
- functions for: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category (Perl in a Nutshell)
- fuzzy matching: 6.13.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- honoring locale settings: 6.12.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- matches: 6.2.4. Minimal and Greedy Matches (Perl & LWP)
- anchoring: 6.2.1. Anchor Your Match (Perl & LWP)
- capture: 6.2.5. Capture (Perl & LWP)
- greedy: 6.2.4. Minimal and Greedy Matches (Perl & LWP)
- repeated: 6.2.6. Repeated Matches (Perl & LWP)
- metacharacters: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax (Perl in a Nutshell)
- multiple-byte matching: 6.18.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
- multiple steps: 6.2.8. Use Multiple Steps (Perl & LWP)
- nested structures and: 6.4. When Regular Expressions Aren't Enough (Perl & LWP)
- newlines and: 6.2.3. Embedded Newlines (Perl & LWP)
- pattern match variables: 4.6.7. Pattern Match Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
- pattern matching operators: 4.5.7. Pattern Match Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
- quantifiers: 4.6.6. Quantifiers (Perl in a Nutshell)
- resources for further reading: B.2. Regular expressions (Learning Perl)
- special (predefined) variables: 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
- tcgrep program: 6.22. Program: tcgrep (Perl Cookbook)
- techniques for: 6.2. Regular Expression Techniques (Perl & LWP)
- testing for invalid patterns: 6.11.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- urlify program: 6.21. Program: urlify (Perl Cookbook)
- useful and interesting (list): 6.23. Regular Expression Grabbag (Perl Cookbook)
- using: 9. Using Regular Expressions (Learning Perl)
- whitespace and: 6.2.2. Whitespace (Perl & LWP)
- regular files, testing for: 1.5.7. Some File Test Operators (Programming Perl)
- rel( ) 4.3. Converting Absolute URLs to Relative (Perl & LWP)
- (URI::URL): 20.5.3. URI::URL (Perl in a Nutshell)
- relational databases: B.7.3. Relational Database Access (Learning Perl)
- hashes, tying to: 14.6. Tie Modules on CPAN (Programming Perl)
- relational operators: Relational operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 1.5.6. Some Numeric and String Comparison Operators (Programming Perl)
- 3.11. Relational Operators (Programming Perl)
- nonassociation of: 3.11. Relational Operators (Programming Perl)
- relative coordinates: 2.3.3. Relative Coordinates (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- relative locators in XPath: 8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
- relative URLs: 4.2. Relative URLs (Perl & LWP)
- constructors and: 4.1.1. Constructors (Perl & LWP)
- converting from absolute: 4.3. Converting Absolute URLs to Relative (Perl & LWP)
- converting to absolute: 4.4. Converting Relative URLs to Absolute (Perl & LWP)
- fragment-only: 4.2. Relative URLs (Perl & LWP)
- implicit information: 4.2. Relative URLs (Perl & LWP)
- RelaxNG: 3.7.2. Schemas (Perl & XML)
- release( )
- Win32::Mutex module: 22.9. Win32::Mutex (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Win32::Semaphore module: 22.16. Win32::Semaphore (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -relheight, -relwidth options (place geometry manager): 21.2.3. The place Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -relief option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reload command ( 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -relx, -rely options (place geometry manager): 21.2.3. The place Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- remote controllers
- example: 20.1.2. Tk::Receive (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Perl/Tk design: 20.1.2. Tk::Receive (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- rmt program and: 20.1.1. Application Names (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- remote_host( ) ( 10.7. Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- remote_user( ) ( 10.7. Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- removeAttribute method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
- removeAttributeNode method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
- removeAttributeNS method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
- remove_header( ) (HTTP::Headers): 20.3.3. HTTP::Headers (Perl in a Nutshell)
- removeNamedItem class for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
- removeNamedItemNS class for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
- remove_sig( ) (Mail::Internet): 16.2.5. Mail::Internet Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- removing (see deleting)
- directories: 13.4. Making and Removing Directories (Learning Perl)
- files: 13.1. Removing Files (Learning Perl)
- HTML tags: 20.6.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- rename( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- files: 9.9.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- Net::FTP module: 18.2. Net::FTP (Perl in a Nutshell)
- rename function: 13.2. Renaming Files (Learning Perl)
- 29.2.128. rename (Programming Perl)
- script (example): 9.9.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- Win32::Internet: 22.7.2. FTP Functions (Perl in a Nutshell)
- rep program (example): 15.12.3. Description (Perl Cookbook)
- Reparent event: Event descriptor types (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- repeat method: 13.2.2. Name of a Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -repeatdelay option
- Scale widget: 21.13. The Scale Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Scale widgets and: 10.1. Creating a Scale (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Scrollbar widget: 21.9. The Scrollbar Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Scrollbars and: 6.3.2. Scrollbar Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 6.3.6. Using the Arrows and the Slider (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- repeated matches, regular expressions: 6.2.6. Repeated Matches (Perl & LWP)
- -repeatinterval option
- Scale widget: 21.13. The Scale Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Scale widgets and: 10.1. Creating a Scale (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Scrollbar widget: 21.9. The Scrollbar Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Scrollbars and: 6.3.2. Scrollbar Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 6.3.6. Using the Arrows and the Slider (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- repetition (x) operator: 1.5.2. String Operators (Programming Perl)
- 1.5.2. String Operators (Programming Perl)
- 3.7. Multiplicative Operators (Programming Perl)
- replaceChild method for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
- replaceData method for CharacterData class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
- replacement, matched substrings (see s/// (substitution) operator)
- replacement strings
- /e modifier, building with: Substitution evaluations (Programming Perl)
- replace_with( ) method, constraints: 10.3.2. Constraints (Perl & LWP)
- replacing array elements: 29.2.160. splice (Programming Perl)
- reply( ) (Mail::Internet): 16.2.5. Mail::Internet Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Report( ) (Win32::EventLog): 22.4. Win32::Eventlog (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reporting bugs in Perl: 6.6. The perlbug Program (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reporting errors (see errors; warnings)
- reports, formats for: B.12. Formats (Learning Perl)
- reports, generating: 7. Formats (Programming Perl)
- reqheight method: Widget-to-widget attachments (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 13.9.2. Requested Height (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- request( )
- adding: 11.2. Adding Extra Request Header Lines (Perl & LWP)
- header lines, adding: 11.2. Adding Extra Request Header Lines (Perl & LWP)
- (LWP::UserAgent): 20.2.3. LWP::UserAgent (Perl in a Nutshell)
- user agents and: 3.4.7. Request Methods (Perl & LWP)
- request object: 22.1. Library for WWW Access in Perl (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- request parameters: 3.4.2. Request Parameters (Perl & LWP)
- Request( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.3. HTTP Functions (Perl in a Nutshell)
- request_method( ) ( 10.7. Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- requests, HTTP
- HTTP::Request module: 20.1. LWP Overview (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 20.3.1. HTTP::Request (Perl in a Nutshell)
- UserAgent object for: 20.1. LWP Overview (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 20.2. The LWP Modules (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 20.2.3. LWP::UserAgent (Perl in a Nutshell)
- requests_redirectable( ) attribute: 3.4.4. Redirection (Perl & LWP)
- require: 4.7. Global Declarations (Programming Perl)
- 4.7. Global Declarations (Programming Perl)
- 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
- 29.2.129. require (Programming Perl)
- 11.1. Using Modules (Programming Perl)
- require declarations,
tie function and: 14. Tied Variables (Programming Perl)
- require directives: 7.2. Modules (Perl in a Nutshell)
- require statement: 12.0.1. Modules (Perl Cookbook)
- trapping errors in: 12.2.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- reqwidth method: Widget-to-widget attachments (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 13.9.3. Requested Width (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- REs (see patterns)
- reserved words: 2.5. Names (Programming Perl)
- barewords, possible conflict with: 2.6.4. Or Leave the Quotes Out Entirely (Programming Perl)
- Reset( ) 29.2.130. reset (Programming Perl)
- Win32::OLE::Enum module: 23.3.1. Win32::OLE::Enum Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reset button: 5.4.8. Reset Buttons (Perl & LWP)
- ResetAnchor method: 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- ResetUndo method: 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- resizable( ) (Frame widget): 21.18.1. Toplevel Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- resizable method: 11.3. Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- resizing (see sizing also sizing)
- 7.5.2. Special Listbox Resizing (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- (see also sizing)
- -sticky option and: 2.2.5. Forcing a Widget to Fill a Cell (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- automatic: 2.1.1. Options for pack (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Button widgets: 4.13. Changing the Size of a Button (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- cells: 2.2.8. Configuring Columns and Rows (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Listboxes: 7.5.2. Special Listbox Resizing (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Toplevel widgets and: 11.3. Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- widgets: Listing widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- windows: 5.1.2. Label Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- -resolution option (Scale): 21.13. The Scale Widget (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Resolve( ) (Win32::Shortcut): 22.18. Win32::Shortcut (Perl in a Nutshell)
- resolve_entity( ) method: Entity resolver (Perl & XML)
- resource database (see option database)
- resource object: 22.1. Library for WWW Access in Perl (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- resource patterns: 16.2. Using the Option Database (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 16.2. Using the Option Database (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- resources
- adding: 16.2. Using the Option Database (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- defined: 16. User Customization (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- loading: 16.2. Using the Option Database (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- managing shared: 22.11. Win32::NetResource (Perl in a Nutshell)
- manipulating: 16.2.1. Manipulating Resources with option* Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 16.2.2. Manipulating Resources with Tk::CmdLine Subroutines (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- resources for further reading: 1.4. Perl Resources (Perl in a Nutshell)
- auxiliary lock files: 16.1.2. Using a DBM Hash (Learning Perl)
- bitwise operators: 11.6.4. Using Bitstrings (Learning Perl)
- file tests: 11.6. File Tests (Learning Perl)
- Perl
- object-oriented programming and: B.20.2. Object-Oriented Programming (Learning Perl)
- using with the Web: B.16. The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) (Learning Perl)
- Programming Perl: 1.2.1. Why Didn't Larry Just Use Some Other Language? (Learning Perl)
- regular expressions: 17.5.1. Non-greedy Quantifiers (Learning Perl)
- B.2. Regular expressions (Learning Perl)
- Tk: B.32. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) (Learning Perl)
- responses, HTTP: 20.3.2. HTTP::Response (Perl in a Nutshell)
- restarting servers on demand: 17.16.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- restrictions: 4.10. The use strict Pragma (Learning Perl)
- Resume( ) (Win32::Process): 22.14.1. Win32::Process Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- ResumeService( ) (Win32::Service): 22.17. Win32::Service (Perl in a Nutshell)
- retr( ) (Net::FTP): 18.2. Net::FTP (Perl in a Nutshell)
- retrieve( ) (Storable module): 11.13.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- retrieving email messages: 16.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3 (Perl in a Nutshell)
- retrieving URLs: 20.1.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- return( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- return function: 29.2.131. return (Programming Perl)
- return operator: 4.11. The return Operator (Learning Perl)
- return operators: 4.4.4. Loop Control (Programming Perl)
- return context, subroutines: 10.6.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
- return stack: 18.3. Executing Your Code (Programming Perl)
- return statement: 10.10.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- 4.7.2. Passing Arguments (Perl in a Nutshell)
- return value 4.4. Return Values (Learning Perl)
- currently executing subroutine, displaying in debugger: 20.2.1. Stepping and Running (Programming Perl)
- subroutine: 6.2. Semantics (Programming Perl)
- return values of subroutines
- returning by reference: 10.9.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- returning failure: 10.10.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- skipping selected: 10.8.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
- return_clause function (ExtUtils::Constant module): 8.69. ExtUtils::Constant (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Reuse option (IO::Socket::INET): 15.2.4. IO::Socket::INET Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- reused addresses, displaying contents of: 20.3.3. Debugger Options (Programming Perl)
- reusing code: 24.3. Programming with Style (Programming Perl)
- reval method, running suspicious code with: Restricting namespace access (Programming Perl)
- reverse( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 1.6.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- 4.10.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- 1.8. List Processing (Programming Perl)
- 29.2.132. reverse (Programming Perl)
- disallowing as sort subroutine name: 24.1.5. Previous Perl Traps (Programming Perl)
- inverting hashes: 5.8.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- operator: 3.7.1. The reverse Operator (Learning Perl)
- 15.4. Advanced Sorting (Learning Perl)
- reversing
- array elements: 4.10.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- words/characters in strings: 1.6.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- reversing print and printf statements (tied filehandles): 14.4. Tying Filehandles (Programming Perl)
- revert( ) (HTTP::Cookies): 20.3.6. HTTP::Cookies (Perl in a Nutshell)
- revhash_demo program (example): 13.15.7. Tie Example: Hash That Allows Look-Ups by Key or Value (Perl Cookbook)
- revision (see version)
- rewind( ) (DirHandle module): 8.59. DirHandle (Perl in a Nutshell)
- rewinddir( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 9.5.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- 29.2.133. rewinddir (Programming Perl)
- Rezic, Slaven: 15.2.5. Binding to a MouseWheel Event (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- RFC 1617, LDAP data storage: 19.1. How Data Is Stored in LDAP (Perl in a Nutshell)
- RGB (red, green, blue)
- rgb method and: 13.4.4. Translate to RGB Value (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- 13.4.4. Translate to RGB Value (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Scale widgets and: 10. The Scale Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Rich Site Summary (RSS): 9.2.1. Introduction to RSS (Perl & XML)
- > access mode: 7.0.3. I/O Operations (Perl Cookbook)
- right justification: 7.1. Format Variables (Programming Perl)
- -right option: 2.4.1. Options for form (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- Widget-to-widget attachments (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- right-shift (>>) operator: 3.9. Shift Operators (Programming Perl)
- -rightspring option: 2.4.1. Options for form (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- rindex( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- 15.1. Finding a Substring with index (Learning Perl)
- 29.2.134. rindex (Programming Perl)
- rm command (Unix): 13.1. Removing Files (Learning Perl)
- rmdir( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
- Net::FTP module: 18.2. Net::FTP (Perl in a Nutshell)
- rmdir( ): 9.8.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- rmdir function: 29.2.135. rmdir (Programming Perl)
- rmdir operator: 13.4. Making and Removing Directories (Learning Perl)
- Rmdir( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.2. FTP Functions (Perl in a Nutshell)
- rmt program: 20.1.1. Application Names (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- rmtree function: 13.4. Making and Removing Directories (Learning Perl)
- rmtree program (example): 9.8.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- Robot User Agent: 20.2.1. LWP::RobotUA Sections (Perl in a Nutshell)
- robots for web traversal: 20.11.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- rollback( ) (DBI): 12.3. DBI Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- roman( ) (Roman module): 2.6.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
- Roman module: 2.6.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
- roman numerals: 2.6.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- root( ) module: 8.2. XPath (Perl & XML)
- root directory (/): 9.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
- root directory, redefining: 29.2.15. chroot (Programming Perl)
- root elements: 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
- root user: Glossary (Programming Perl)
- root window: 13.10.1. Position Relative to the Root Window (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- rootx method: 13.10.3. Coordinates Relative to the Root Window (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- rooty method: 13.10.3. Coordinates Relative to the Root Window (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- rot13 encryption: 5.2.4. The tr/// Operator (Transliteration) (Programming Perl)
- rotations: 17.13. Simple Photo Rotations (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- ROText widget: 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- rounding floating-point numbers: 2.3.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- routines (see subroutines)
- -row option (grid manager): 21.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- rows, configuring: 2.2.8. Configuring Columns and Rows (Mastering Perl/Tk)
- rows( ) (DBI): 12.3. DBI Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -rowspan option (grid manager): 21.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -rp option, form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- RPCs (remote procedure calls): 14.1. What Is SOAP? (Perl in a Nutshell)
- RS (awk variable) (see $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR)
- -rs option, form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
- RSS (Rich Site Summary): 9.2.1. Introduction to RSS (Perl & XML)
- RSTART (awk variable): 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
- RTF,
Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl)
- rules( ) (LWP::RobotUA): 20.2.1. LWP::RobotUA Sections (Perl in a Nutshell)
- -run option (perlcc): 3.4. The Perl Compiler (Perl in a Nutshell)
- run phase: 18.1. The Life Cycle of a Perl Program (Programming Perl)
- vs. run time: 18.2. Compiling Your Code (Programming Perl)
- run time 1.4.3. But How Do I Compile Perl? (Learning Perl)
- loading modules at: 12.3.1. Problem
(Perl Cookbook)
- scoping: Using local( ) on parts of aggregates (Perl Cookbook)
- running (see executing)
- RunSQL( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties (Perl in a Nutshell)
- RV (internal reference value): 21.2. Internal Data Types (Programming Perl)
- rvalue: 2.3. Built-in Data Types (Programming Perl)
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