©Traveling Beyond The Body w/ Alan Guiden




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The Sequel And Updated Original Book

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© 2001 copyright A.Guiden All Rights Reserved

Thank you for downloading the sequel.
I think that you'll find it chock full of hard-to-find out-of-body information. Please join me as I venture forth into article and essay, email and sequel, web page and...hmm, I guess that's about it. That's more than enough DAGNABIT! Why, way back when I was a lad, I didn't have all this new-fangley info at my fingertips. First, to find a bit of news on traveling beyond the body, you traded a mule or a pig. After the "experts" took your trade, they would etch their words on tree-bark using pointy sticks. Then, they would float the tree-bark down river to you on a bed of alfalfa sprouts. Most of the time, when you got the bark at all, the information was boring or stupid or just plain wrong. But today, with your big and fancy ways, you're gobblin' up all the traveling words I can type! AAAAHHhhhhhh!

The preceding was a comedic-dramatization (duh). I'm extra pleased to provide this tree-bark, err...sequel to you. I hope my words (and often ridiculous humor) will inspire you to seek the adventure and joy of traveling beyond your body.

Happy travels, my friend!
Alan Guiden



The space





Yes, you're supposed to click here.



1. jar.gon \'ja:r-g*n, -.ga:n\ \.ja:r-g*-'nis-tik\ n [fr. MF] 1a: confused unintelligible language. 2. obscure and often pretentious language marked by circumlocutions and long words. 3. TWITTER, WARBLE, JARGONIZE.

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