Permanent Citizens

1. Inhabited Planets. Midwayers are the permanent citizens of the inhabited worlds. (415.3) 37:9.11
2. Local Systems. The Material Sons and Daughters. (515.4) 45:5.5
3. Constellations. The Univitatia. (493.2) 43:7.1
4. Local Universe.
1. The Susatia. (414.12) 37:9.7
2. Spirit-fused mortals. (451.5) 40:9.9
5. Superuniverse.
1. Abandonters. (415.4) 37:9.12
2. Son-fused mortals. (450.2) 40:8.5
6. Havona. The Havona Natives. (221.3) 19:6.1
7. Paradise.
1. Paradise Citizens. (222.5) 19:7.1
2. Ascendant probation nursery children. (532.6) 47:2.8
8. Worlds of the Father’s and the Spirit’s circuits. Each world has a distinct type of permanent citizenship. (143.6) 13:0.6
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