
1. Ideal education provides for association of instruction and work. (412.4) 37:6.4
2. The purpose of education:
- Acquirement of skill.
- Pursuit of wisdom.
- Realization of selfhood.
- Attainment of spiritual values. (806.1) 71:7.1
3. The goals of education are:
- Insight into human relations.
- Meanings of reality.
- Nobility of values.
- Goals of living.
- Cosmic destiny. (806.2) 71:7.2
4. Ideas originate in external stimuli; ideals are born in the inner life. (1220.9) 111:4.10
5. Civilizations are unstable because they are not cosmic. They must be nurtured by the constitutive factors of science, morality, and religion. (196.1) 16:9.5
Topical Studies
- Absolutes
- Adam and Eve
- Angels
- Christology
- Cosmology
- Education
- Evil and Sin
- Evolution
- Evolution of the Soul
- Faith
- God's Eternal Purpose
- Hope
- Justice
- Local Universe Creative Spirit
- Local Universe Sons
- Love
- Machiventa Melchizedek
- Man
- Marriage and the Home
- Mercy
- Mind and Spirit
- Ministry
- Paradise
- Permanent Citizens
- Personality
- Prayer and Worship
- Providence
- Religious Experience
- The Corps of the Finality
- The Creator Sons
- The Doctrine of God
- The Holy Spirit
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- The Local Universe
- The Morontia Life
- The Paradise Sons
- The Paradise Trinity
- The Paradise-Havona System
- The Plan of Salvation
- The Plan of Survival
- The Power Directors
- The Spirit of Truth
- The State
- The Supreme Spirit - And Other Personalities
- Thought Adjusters
- Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
- Worship
- Yahweh