The Paradise-Havona System

1. Havona consists of one billion perfect worlds revolving around Paradise in seven concentric circuits. (152.1) 14:0.1
2. Between Havona and Paradise are the three seven-world circuits of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. (143.1) 13:0.1
3. The dark islands of space lie between Havona and the seven superuniverses. (153.3) 14:1.12
4. The Paradise-Havona system is a unit of creative perfection. (154.8) 14:2.6
1. The Havona worlds consist of one thousand elements and seven forms of energy. (154.5) 14:2.3 Each world is unique. (159.2) 14:5.6
2. Havona natives are the children of the Trinity. (157.2) 14:4.10
3 There is no government on the Havona worlds. (155.5) 14:3.2
4. The standard time of the grand universe is the Paradise-Havona day-a little over seven minutes less than one thousand years of Urantia time. (153.3) 14:1.12
1. There are seven forms of life in Havona. (156.6) 14:4.1
2. Sin has never appeared in Havona. (155.3) 14:2.9
3. The Deities derive varied satisfactions from the perfect Havona universe. (162.11) 14:6.36
1. Each of the twenty-one worlds of the Deities is highly specialized. (143.7) 13:0.7
2. The worlds of the Father are directed by the Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy. (144.3) 13:1.2
3. The worlds of the Father are:
- Divinington.
- Sonarington.
- Spiritington.
- Vicegerington.
- Solitarington.
- Seraphington.
- Ascendington. (144.4) 13:1.4
4. The seven worlds of the Son are the home of the seven phases of pure-spirit existence. (149.4) 13:3.1
5. The seven worlds of the Spirit are the headquarters of the Seven Master Spirits. From these worlds the cosmic-mind circuits to the grand universe are equalized and stabilized. (150.5) 13:4.6
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- The Morontia Life
- The Paradise Sons
- The Paradise Trinity
- The Paradise-Havona System
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- The Plan of Survival
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- The Supreme Spirit - And Other Personalities
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