The Power Directors

1. The Supreme Power Directors create seven groups of associates—they are the physical energy directors of the grand universe. (320.1) 29:1.1
2. These seven groups are:
- Supreme Center Supervisors.
- Havona Centers.
- Superuniverse Centers.
- Local Universe Centers.
- Constellation Centers.
- System Centers.
- Unclassified Centers. (320.5) 29:2.1
3. The Supreme Power Directors operate from the periphery of Paradise. (320.5) 29:2.1
4. Power Directors are energy catalyzers—they cause energy to organize and assemble in unit formation by their presence. (471.6) 42:2.22
5. In the evolutionary cosmos energy-matter is dominant except in personality, where spirit, through the mediation of mind, is striving for the mastery. (140.10) 12:8.14
6. Mortal mind can grasp only three of the seven levels of reality. (140.5) 12:8.9
7. Chemical elements exhibit a sevenfold recurrence of similar properties. (480.1) 42:9.3
1. Power centers and controllers exert perfect control over seven of the ten forms of energy. (324.1) 29:3.11
2. The higher power creatures are intelligent and volitional. (321.1) 29:2.9
3. Physical controllers traverse space at velocities near those of Solitary Messengers. (324.3) 29:4.1
4. Lower types of mind can think even when deprived of the power of choice. (325.6) 29:4.13
5. Power centers and physical controllers never play. They are always on duty. (323.3) 29:3.5
6. There are seven grand divisions of the Master Physical Controllers:
- Associate Power Directors.
- Mechanical Controllers.
- Energy Transformers.
- Energy Transmitters.
- Primary Associators.
- Secondary Dissociators.
- Frandalanks and Chronoldeks. (324.6) 29:4.4
1. Three groups of beings have to do with force control and energy regulation:
- Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers.
- Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers.
- Universe Power Directors. (329.1) 29:5.1
2. Paradise Force Organizers function throughout the master universe under the supervision of the Master Architects. (329.1) 29:5.1
3. Cosmic force comes from paradise and circulates throughout the master universe as the of pervaded space. (139.5) 12:8.2
4. Cosmic force swings on forever around the eternal space paths. (139.6) 12:8.3
5. There are seven divisions of universal energy:
1. Space potency—Absoluta.2. Primordial force—Segregata.
3. Emergent energy:
a. (Puissant energy )b. (Gravity energy ) Ultimata.
4. Universe power—Gravita.
5. Havona energy—Triata.
6. Transcendental energy—Tranosta.
7. Monota. (469.2) 42:2.2
1. Pattern may be material, mindal, or spiritual. (10.3) 0:6.11
2. Cosmic matter becomes a philosophic shadow cast by mind in the presence of spirit luminosity. (140.11) 12:8.15
3. Matter is classified in ten divisions:
- Ultimatonic matter.
- Subelectronic matter.
- Electronic matter.
- Subatomic matter.
- Shattered atoms.
- Ionized matter.
- Atomic matter.
- Molecular stage of matter.
- Radioactive matter.
- Collapsed matter. (471.9) 42:3.2
1. Plus energy produces power disturbances; minus energy favors aggregation of matter. (176.2) 15:8.7
2. The creation of energy and the bestowal of life are Deity prerogatives. (468.2) 42:1.5
3. There are ten types of wave energy:
- Infraultimatonic rays.
- Ultimatonic rays.
- Short space rays.
- The electronic stage.
- Gamma rays.
- The X-ray group.
- Ultraviolet rays.
- White light.
- Infrared rays.
- Hertzian waves. (474.6) 42:5.2
4. The ultimaton has three varieties of motion. (476.6) 42:6.4
5. Scientists will never create either matter or life. (468.1) 42:1.4
6. Typical electrons contain 100 ultimatons. (476.7) 42:6.5
7. Interelectronic space is not empty. (478.6) 42:8.2
8. Interelectronic space is activated by wavelike manifestations. (478.6) 42:8.2
9. If an electron should be magnified to equal one tenth of an ounce, the volume of such an electron would be as large as the earth. (477.2) 42:6.8
Topical Studies
- Absolutes
- Adam and Eve
- Angels
- Christology
- Cosmology
- Education
- Evil and Sin
- Evolution
- Evolution of the Soul
- Faith
- God's Eternal Purpose
- Hope
- Justice
- Local Universe Creative Spirit
- Local Universe Sons
- Love
- Machiventa Melchizedek
- Man
- Marriage and the Home
- Mercy
- Mind and Spirit
- Ministry
- Paradise
- Permanent Citizens
- Personality
- Prayer and Worship
- Providence
- Religious Experience
- The Corps of the Finality
- The Creator Sons
- The Doctrine of God
- The Holy Spirit
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- The Local Universe
- The Morontia Life
- The Paradise Sons
- The Paradise Trinity
- The Paradise-Havona System
- The Plan of Salvation
- The Plan of Survival
- The Power Directors
- The Spirit of Truth
- The State
- The Supreme Spirit - And Other Personalities
- Thought Adjusters
- Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
- Worship
- Yahweh