
1. Paradise is the absolute source and the eternal focal point of all energy-matter in the universe of universes. (126.5) 11:8.9
2. We are not sure about the relation of the Unqualified Absolute to space motion. We think the Conjoint Actor initiates motion in space. (133.4) 12:4.2
3. The Unqualified Absolute pervades all space. (137.3) 12:6.13
4. The diverse levels of creation are unified by a divine plan and eternal purpose. (637.2) 56:0.2
1. The Universal Father is infinite and acts over all four absolute gravity circuits. (131.4) 12:3.1
2. Gravity is the omnipotent strand on which are strung the gleaming stars, blazing suns, and whirling spheres which constitute the universal physical adornment of the eternal God. (125.4) 11:8.1
3. The center and focal point of absolute material gravity is the Isle of Paradise. (125.5) 11:8.2
4. Every form of known reality has the bend of the ages, the trend of the circle, the swing of the great ellipse. (125.5) 11:8.2
5. The Unqualified Absolute is the revealer, regulator, and repository of all that which has origin in Paradise. (126.5) 11:8.9
1. All space alternately contracts and expands. (123.3) 11:6.1
2. Pervaded space is now nearing the mid-point of the expansion phase. (123.6) 11:6.4
3. Space is real—it contains and conditions motion. (133.9) 12:4.7
4. Space comes the nearest of all nonabsolute things to being absolute. (1297.6) 118:3.5
5. We do not know if an idea occupies space. We are sure that an idea pattern does not contain space. (1297.8) 118:3.7
6. Man’s mind is less time-bound than space-bound. (135.4) 12:5.5
7. Time and space are a conjoined mechanism of the master universe. (1303.2) 118:9.1
8. The apparent velocity of the supposedly “exploding” universe is not real. (134.3) 12:4.14
9. All cosmic space levels are separated by relative quiescent space zones. (125.1) 11:7.7
1. Universe stability is the result of balanced energies, co-operative minds, co-ordinated morontias, spirit overcontrol, and personality unification. (135.11) 12:6.1
2. The master universe is fostered by the Paradise Trinity. (135.18) 12:6.8
3. The universes are unified. God is one in power and personality. (646.1) 56:9.14
4. The absonite architects eventuate a universe plan. The Supreme Creators materialize it, the Supreme Being will consummate it. (1165.6) 106:3.1
1. The grand universe is the present organized and inhabited creation. (129.11) 12:1.13
2. Orvonton, the seventh superuniverse, is the Milky Way. (167.17) 15:3.1
3. The rotational center of our minor sector is Sagittarius. (168.1) 15:3.5
4. Uversa, the capital of Orvonton, is the administrative headquarters for one trillion inhabited worlds. (175.2) 15:7.11
5. It is on such worlds as Uversa that the beings representative of the autocracy of perfection and the democracy of evolution meet face to face. (179.11) 15:11.1
6. A superuniverse government is directed by one of the Seven Master Spirits, through one of the Seven Supreme Executives. (178.1) 15:10.1
1. Of the ten major divisions of Orvonton, eight have been roughly identified by Urantia astronomers. (167.20) 15:3.4
2. The Universe Power Directors have ability to condense and contain, or to expand and liberate, varying quantities of energy. (175.7) 15:8.4
3. The universes are engaged in an orderly and perfectly controlled procession, swinging in majestic grandeur around the First Great Source and Center. (164.4) 15:1.1
4. Paradise Force Organizers are nebulae originators. (169.4) 15:4.4
5. The superuniverse of Orvonton is illuminated and warned by more than ten trillion blazing suns. (173.8) 15:6.10
6. Only those suns which function in the direct channels of the main streams of universe energy can shine on forever. (464.1) 41:7.14
7. One half million light-years beyond the grand universe, in the first outer space level, unbelievable action is taking place—extending for twenty-five million light-years. (129.12) 12:1.14
8. The alternate clockwise and counterclockwise movement of the galaxies is a factor of gravity control and acts as a brake on dangerous velocities. (125.3) 11:7.9
9. There is mystery associated with the force-charge of space. It does not respond to gravity, but it ever swings around Paradise. (169.1) 15:4.1
10. The mysterious stretches of outer space exhibit the amazing evolution of the plans of the Architects of the Master Universe. (130.3) 12:2.1
11. Some suns are solitary; some are double stars. There are also suns that shine without heat. (172.10) 15:6.8
12. Light is real. Sunlight would be economical at a million dollars a pound. (460.6) 41:5.2
Topical Studies
- Absolutes
- Adam and Eve
- Angels
- Christology
- Cosmology
- Education
- Evil and Sin
- Evolution
- Evolution of the Soul
- Faith
- God's Eternal Purpose
- Hope
- Justice
- Local Universe Creative Spirit
- Local Universe Sons
- Love
- Machiventa Melchizedek
- Man
- Marriage and the Home
- Mercy
- Mind and Spirit
- Ministry
- Paradise
- Permanent Citizens
- Personality
- Prayer and Worship
- Providence
- Religious Experience
- The Corps of the Finality
- The Creator Sons
- The Doctrine of God
- The Holy Spirit
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- The Local Universe
- The Morontia Life
- The Paradise Sons
- The Paradise Trinity
- The Paradise-Havona System
- The Plan of Salvation
- The Plan of Survival
- The Power Directors
- The Spirit of Truth
- The State
- The Supreme Spirit - And Other Personalities
- Thought Adjusters
- Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
- Worship
- Yahweh