Machiventa Melchizedek

1. Machiventa incarnated on Urantia 1,973 years ago. (1015.1) 93:2.1
(N.B. The statement above is in error: The correct reference is: "It was 1,973 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa was bestowed upon the human races of Urantia." ed.)2. Machiventa spoke several languages and wore a breastplate of three concentric circles. (1015.5) 93:2.5
3. He had a special body and never married. (1015.6) 93:2.6
4. His Thought Adjuster subsequently indwelt Jesus. (1016.1) 93:2.7
1. The three circles represented the Trinity. (1015.5) 93:2.5
2. Machiventa taught that God accepted man on terms of personal faith. (1017.2) 93:3.8
3. The Salem cult had three simple beliefs:
- I believe in El Elyon, the Universal Father and Creator.
- I accept the Melchizedek covenant—the favor of God by faith, not by sacrifices.
- I promise to obey the seven commandments. (1017.3) 93:4.1
4. The seven commandments were:
- You shall not serve any God but the Most High Creator of heaven and earth.
- You shall not doubt that faith is the only requirement for eternal salvation.
- You shall not bear false witness.
- You shall not kill.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not show disrespect for your parents and elders. (1017.8) 93:4.6
5. Melchizedek tried to substitute the sacrament of bread and wine for animal sacrifices. (1018.3) 93:4.14
1. It may be wrong to speak of a “chosen people,” but Abraham was a “chosen individual.” (1018.6) 93:5.1
2. Abraham became head of the eleven tithe-paying tribes. (1020.3) 93:5.14
3. Melchizedek made a formal covenant with Abraham. (1020.6) 93:6.3
4. The Abraham covenant provided that God did everything—faith alone gained God’s favor. (1020.7) 93:6.4
5. Abraham became civil and military leader of the Salem colony. (1021.4) 93:6.8
1. Machiventa retired one night and departed before morning. (1022.3) 93:8.1
2. He became one of the 24 directors on Jerusem—and later Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia. (1025.1) 93:10.5
1. Moses got much of Machiventa’s teachings through the Katro family. (1016.7) 93:3.5
2. His teachings were preserved by the Kenites. (1052.2) 96:0.2
3. Melchizedek’s trained natives carried the gospel over the entire Eastern Hemisphere. (1027.1) 94:0.1
4. His teachings largely failed among the Greeks but survived among the Roman Cynics. (1077.2) 98:0.2
5. His teachings were carried all over Europe and Asia—even to Africa. P. 1077.
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