
beyond (prep., adv.)

Old English begeondan "on the other side of, from the farther side," from be- "by," here probably indicating position, + geond "yonder" (prep.); see yond. A compound not found elsewhere in Germanic. From late 14c. as "further on than," 1530s as "out of reach of." To be beyond (someone) "to pass (someone's) comprehension" is by 1812.

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Definitions of beyond from WordNet

beyond (adv.)
farther along in space or time or degree;
will be influential in the 1990s and beyond
to the eighth grade but not beyond
through the valley and beyond
beyond (adv.)
on the farther side from the observer;
a pond with a hayfield beyond
beyond (adv.)
in addition;
agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond