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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X]

sbyte type  2nd  3rd 
scope, local 
sealed classes  2nd 
sealed structs 
self-assignment operators  2nd 
semantics  2nd  3rd 
semicolon (;) at end of statements  2nd 
set accessors  2nd  3rd 
set() method  2nd  3rd  4th 
Shift-F11 keyboard shortcut 
short type  2nd  3rd 
signature of a method  2nd 
signed numeric types 
sizeof operator 
    and asterisks (/* */), enclosing comments 
    and equals sign (/=), division self-assignment operator 
    one (/), division operator 
    three (///), beginning comments 
    two (//), beginning comments 
Solution Explorer window in IDE 
solutions, VS.NET 
Sort() method
    ArrayList class 
    System.Array class 
source code  2nd  [See also applications; debugger]3rd 
    .cs extension for 
    maintenance of 
spaces in code 
specialization  2nd  3rd  [See also inheritance]
Split() method
    Regex class 
    System.String class  2nd 
square brackets ([])
    array index operator 
    in array declarations[square brackets ([])
        array declarations 
    in indexer declarations[square brackets ([])
        indexer declarations 
    in jagged array declaration 
    string index operator 
    in syntax specification 
Stack class 
stack, call  [See call stack]
stack, memory 
stackalloc operator 
    copying to arrays 
StackTrace property, Exception class 
Start icon, VS.NET 
Start Page, VS.NET 
StartsWith() method, System.String class 
    accessing through properties 
    held by member variables  2nd 
statements  2nd 
    blocks of 
    that evaluate to a value  2nd 
static delegates 
static keyword  2nd  3rd 
static members
    methods  2nd  3rd  4th 
    variables  2nd 
step commands, VS.NET debugger 
string class  [See System.String class]
string literals 
    creating string object with 
    escape characters in 
    whitespace in 
StringBuilder class  2nd  [See also System.String class]
strings  2nd  [See also StringBuilder class; System.String class]3rd  4th 
    as index for indexers 
    converting other types to 
    inserting substring into 
    length of 
    locating substring within  2nd 
    returning substring in 
    splitting into substrings 
    switch statement using 
    testing for equality 
    testing for substring at end of 
strongly typed language  2nd  [See also types]
struct keyword  2nd 
    as value types 
    classes compared to 
    constructors for 
    inheritance not supported by 
    initialization not supported for 
    member variables in 
    properties in 
    sealed implicitly 
stubbing out a method 
subscribing class  2nd 
substitution parameters 
Substring() method, System.String class  2nd 
    inserting into strings 
    locating within a string 
    returning from a string 
    splitting strings into 
subtraction operator (-) 
subtraction self-assignment operator (-=) 
    removing from multicast delegates 
support, for this book 
switch statement  2nd 
symbolic constants 
symbolic debugger  2nd  [See also debugger]
System.ApplicationException class, custom exceptions derived from 
System.Array class  2nd 
    Length property  2nd 
    methods and properties of 
System.Exception class  [See Exception class]
System.String class  2nd  [See also StringBuilder class]
    Compare() method 
    Concat() method 
    Copy() method 
    declaration of 
    EndsWith() method 
    Equals() method 
    IndexOf() method  2nd 
    Insert() method 
    interfaces implemented by 
    LastIndexOf() method 
    Length property 
    methods and properties for 
    as sealed class 
    Split() method 
    Substring() method 
System.Text.StringBuilder class  [See StringBuilder class]

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