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Index: M
- magic values
: A package of magic values
- hard-coding
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- mail
- mail, sending with external procedures
: 21.7.2. Example: Sending Email
- MAKE_REF function
: 20.3.3. MAKE_REF: Returning a Virtual REF
- DECODE function in
: Working around the ORA-22972 problem
- managing work queue (example)
: 6.13.2. Managing a Work Queue with SELECT FOR UPDATE
- manual records
: Manual records
- MAP methods
: The MAP and ORDER methods
- MAXLEN property
- 21.4.1. Datatype Conversion
- MAXLEN property
- member methods
: 18.3.1. About Object Types
- memory
- analyzing size of code
: 23.6.3. Analyzing the Size of PL/SQL Code
- and conditional control statements
: 5.1.4. Nested IF Statements
- determining free disk space (example)
: 21.1.1. Example: Determining Free Disk Space on Windows NT
- memory-based architecture of code
: 23.1.3. Memory-Based Architecture of PL/SQL Code
- reducing package variables usage
: 25.2.5. Reducing Memory Usage of Package Variables
- SGA (System Global Area)
- pinning critical code in
: 25.2.2. Pin Critical Code into the SGA
- tuning shared pool size
: 25.2.1. Tune the Size of the Shared Pool of the SGA
- used by open cursors
: 6.8. Closing Cursors
- VSIZE function
: 13.3.10. The VSIZE function
- messages about debugging
: 24.2.9. Build Debugging Messages into Your Packages
- methods
: 18.1.1. Terminology
- dot notation for
: Dots in method invocations
- for collections, built-in
: 19.6. Collection Built-Ins
- modifying persistent objects
: 18.5.2. Approach 2: Define Methods and Permit Limited Use of Conventional SQL
- types of
: 18.3.1. About Object Types
- minute
: (see date; time)
- MOD function
: 13.1.13. The MOD function
- modes, cursor parameters
: 6.10.4. Cursor Parameter Modes
- modifying table rows
: 10.5. Referencing and Modifying PL/SQL Table Rows
- modularization
: 15.1. Modular Code
- modules
- (see also blocks; functions; packages; procedures)
- Modular construction
- 2.7. Block Structure
- 15. Procedures and Functions
- 22.1.1. Make Sure the Module Name Explains the Module
- anchoring to variables in
: 4.5.4. Anchoring to Variables in Other PL/SQL Blocks
- assertion
: 22.2.4. Use Assertion Modules to Validate Parameters and Assumptions
- collections as parameters of
: Collections as module parameters
- constructing
: 15.2.1. Sequence of Section Construction
- designing with NULL statements
: Supporting top-down design of modules
- exception handlers in
- (see also exceptions)
- 22.2.3. Avoid Exception Handlers for Normal Program Exits
- formatting
: 3.4. Formatting PL/SQL Blocks
- forward declarations of
: 15.9. Forward Declarations
- independent
: 22.5. Create Independent Modules
- local
- 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
- 15.7. Local Modules
- 22.3. Take Full Advantage of Local Modularization
- naming
- Named modules offer scoping effect of nested block
- Qualifying identifier names with module names
- 22.1.1. Make Sure the Module Name Explains the Module
- nested
- 1.6.5. Scoping with nested blocks
- 2.7.3. Nested Blocks
- raising exceptions in
: Raising exceptions in nested blocks
- overloaded
- 1.6.6. Module overloading
- 15.8. Module Overloading
- overloading
: Polymorphism
- parameters of
: 15.6. Parameters
- without
: 22.4. Be Wary of Modules Without Any Parameters
- specifying in packages
: 16.3. The Package Specification
- status of
: 23.3. Module Validation and Dependency Management
- stored
: 23. Managing Code in the Database
- and target labels
: Target labels and PL/SQL blocks
- utility
- validating
: 23.3. Module Validation and Dependency Management
- MONITOR tool
: 25.1. Analyzing Program Performance
- months
: (see date)
: 12.1.3. The MONTHS_BETWEEN function
- multiline comments
: (see block comments)
- multiline statements, formatting
: 3.1.6. Formatting Multiline Statements
- MULTISET pseudo-function
: 19.5.3. The MULTISET Pseudo-function
- mutual recursion
: (see forward declarations)
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