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Index: N
- NAME_RESOLVE procedure
: C.16.8. The NAME_RESOLVE procedure
- NAME_TOKENIZE procedure
: C.16.9. The NAME_TOKENIZE procedure
- named collections
: Casting a named collection
- named constants
- 4.1. Identifiers
- 4.7.4. Use Named Constants to Avoid Hardcoding Values
- converting variables to
: 4.7.5. Convert Variables into Named Constants
- named labels
: 5.2.1. The GOTO Statement
- named notation
: Named notation
- naming
- columns
- 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- 9.3.2. Setting the Record's Column Names
- cursor identifiers
: 6.4.3. Identifier Precedence in a Cursor
- cursors
: 6.4.1. The Cursor Name
- encrypted code files
: 23.7.2. Working with Encrypted Code
- exceptions
- 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- Overlapping exception names
- functions
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- identifiers
: 2.2. Identifiers
- loop indexes
: 7.7.1. Naming Loop Indexes
- loops
: 7.6.1. Loop Labels
- modules
- Named modules offer scoping effect of nested block
- 22.1.1. Make Sure the Module Name Explains the Module
- qualified identifiers and
: Qualifying identifier names with module names
- object types
: 18.6.3. Schema Evolution
- packages
: 22.1.3. Name Packages and Their Elements to Reflect the Packaged Structure
- parameters
: 22.1.2. Develop Consistent Naming Conventions for Your Formal Parameters
- precedence, column/function
: 17.6. Column/Function Name Precedence
- savepoints
: 6.1.3. The SAVEPOINT Statement
- subtypes
: 4.7.2. Name Subtypes to Self-Document Code
- tables
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- variables
- 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- 4.1. Identifiers
- 4.7.1. Establish Clear Variable Naming Conventions
- National Language Support
: (see NLS character datatypes)
- NATURAL datatype
: Binary integer datatypes
- natural logarithm function
: 13.1.11. The LN function
- NCHAR datatype
: The NCHAR datatype
- NCLOB datatype
- Large object support
- The NCLOB datatype
- negative numbers
: Binary integer datatypes
- negative row index
: 10.2. Characteristics of PL/SQL Tables
- nested
- blocks
- (see also anonymous blocks)
- 15.3. The Anonymous PL/SQL Block
- 15.3.4. Nested Blocks
- cursors and
: Cursor scope
- scope and
: Scope and nested blocks
- IF statements
: 5.1.4. Nested IF Statements
- modules
: 2.7.3. Nested Blocks
- raising exceptions in
: Raising exceptions in nested blocks
- scoping with
: 1.6.5. Scoping with nested blocks
- objects
- dot notation for
: Dots in data structures
- records
: 9.7. Nested Records
- tables
: Variable arrays and nested tables
- (see also collections)
- 19.1. Types of Collections
- 19.3. Syntax for Declaring Collection Datatypes
- adding/removing elements of
: 19.4.3. Adding and Removing Elements
- assigning values to elements
: 19.4.2. Assigning Values to Elements: Index (Subscript) Considerations
- defining
: 19.2.1. Collections "In the Database"
- initializing
: 19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
- objects for
: 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
- THE pseudo-function for
: 19.5.1. The THE Pseudo-function
- %TYPE attributes
: 4.5.3. Nesting Usages of the %TYPE Attribute
: Collection as a "column" in a conventional table
- Net8 listener
: 21.2.1. Step 1: Set Up the Listener
- new_add_months function
: 12.2.1. Customizing the Behavior of ADD_MONTHS
- NEW_LINE procedure
- C.9.5. The NEW_LINE procedure
- C.17.1.7. The NEW_LINE procedure
- NEW_TIME function
- 12.1.4. The NEW_TIME function
- 12.2.2. Using NEW_TIME in Client-Server Environments
- NEXT function
- The NEXT function
- The PRIOR function
- 19.6.7. PRIOR(i), NEXT(i)
- NEXT_DATE procedure
: C.5.5. The NEXT_DATE procedure
- NEXT_DAY function
: 12.1.5. The NEXT_DAY function
- NEXT_ITEM_TYPE function
: C.10.2. The NEXT_ITEM_TYPE function
- NLS character datatypes
: 4.2.6. NLS Character Datatypes
- NO_DATA_FOUND exception
- 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- 8.8. NO_DATA_FOUND: Multipurpose Exception
- normalization of local variables
: Normalization of local variables
- not equals (<> and !=)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- NOT NULL datatype
: 4.4.4. NOT NULL Clause
- anchoring to
: 4.5.5. Anchoring to NOT NULL Datatypes
- constraints
: 25.4.6. Avoid NOT NULL Constraints
- NOT_LOGGED_ON exception
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- %NOTFOUND cursor attribute
- 6.6.2. Fetching Past the Last Row
- 6.9.2. The %NOTFOUND Attribute
- NOWAIT keyword
: 6.1.5. The LOCK TABLE Statement
: 4.3. NULLs in PL/SQL
- assigning to objects
: 18.5.3. Approach 3: Do Everything via Methods
- and default values
: 4.4.4. NOT NULL Clause
- in IF statements
: 5.1.1. The IF-THEN Combination
- NOT NULL constraints
: 25.4.6. Avoid NOT NULL Constraints
- NULL statements
: 5.2.2. The NULL Statement
- with GOTO statements
: Using NULL with GOTO to avoid additional statement execution
- NVL function
: 13.3.4. The NVL function
- setting records to
: Setting records to NULL
- string
: 2.3. Literals
- NUMBER datatype
- Decimal numeric datatypes
- 25.4.5. Use PLS_INTEGER for All Integer Operations
- numbers
- converting strings to/from
- 14.1.2. Number Format Models
- 14.2.7. The TO_CHAR function (number conversion)
- 14.2.9. The TO_NUMBER function
- converting to words
: 17.8.7. Recursive Processing in a SQL Statement
- date
: (see date)
- functions for
: 13. Numeric, LOB, and Miscellaneous Functions
- line, finding code for
: 23.6.6. Finding the Code for a Line Number
- suppressing zeros
: 14.3.1. FM: Suppressing Blanks and Zeros
- numeric
- datatypes
: 4.2.1. Numeric Datatypes
- FOR loops
: 7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
- formatting
: 3.3.2. Formatting Loops
- loop index
: 7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
- nontrivial increments
: 7.3.3. Handling Nontrivial Increments
- premature termination of
: Premature FOR loop termination
- range scheme
: 7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
- scope of
: Scope in FOR loops
- unnecessary
: 7.7.3. Avoiding the Phony Loop
- literals
: 2.3.2. Numeric Literals
- NUMERIC subtype
: 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
- NVARCHAR2 datatype
: The NVARCHAR2 datatype
- NVL function
- 4.3.3. Function Results with NULL Arguments
- 13.3.4. The NVL function
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