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Index: I
- I/O
- I/O-intensive SQL
: 25.3.6. Use PL/SQL to Improve Performance of IO-Intensive SQL
- reducing by calling PL/SQL in SQL
: 25.3.2. Call PL/SQL Functions in SQL to Reduce I/O
- identifiers
- (see naming)
- 2.2. Identifiers
- 15.3.5. Scope and Visibility
- precedence in cursors
: 6.4.3. Identifier Precedence in a Cursor
- qualified
: Qualified identifiers
- savepoints
: (see savepoints)
- identity, object
: Identity
- IF statements
: 5.1. Conditional Control Statements
- ELSE keyword
: 5.1.2. The IF-THEN-ELSE Combination
- ELSIF keyword
: 5.1.3. The IF-ELSIF Combination
- ELSIF statement
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- exception handlers as
: 8.9. Exception Handler as IF Statement
- formatting
: 3.3.1. Formatting IF Statements
- nested
: 5.1.4. Nested IF Statements
- replacing DECODE function
: 17.8.4. Replacing DECODEs with IF Statements
- using whitespace in
: 3.1.1. Revealing Logical Structure with Indentation
- implicit conversion
: 14. Conversion Functions
- implicit cursors
- (see also cursors)
- 1.7.4. Standardize Your PL/SQL Development Environment
- 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- 6.3.1. Implicit Cursors
- 6.3.3. Explicit Cursors
- attributes to
- 6.9. Cursor Attributes
- 6.9.5. Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes
: 9.5.2. SELECT INTO from an Implicit Cursor
- vulnerability to data errors
: Vulnerability to data errors
- implicit datatype conversion
: Implicit data conversions
- IN mode
: IN mode
- stored functions and
: 17.3. Requirements for Stored Functions in SQL
- IN OUT parameter
: Work with local copies
- IN OUT parameters
- The IN OUT mode
- 22.7.3. Assign Values to All OUT and IN OUT Parameters
- external procedure mappings
: 21.4.1. Datatype Conversion
- in functions
: Do not use OUT and IN OUT parameters
- INDICATOR property for
: INDICATOR property
- IN OUT parameters, function
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- IN parameters
: Work with local copies
- index, FOR loop
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- index, table
- (see also tables)
- 10.2. Characteristics of PL/SQL Tables
- 10.4.1. Defining the Table TYPE
- Referencing fields of record elements in PL/SQL tables
- index-by tables
- (see also collections)
- 19.1. Types of Collections
- 25.4.8. Use Index-By Tables of Records and Objects
- adding/removing elements of
: 19.4.3. Adding and Removing Elements
- assigning values to elements
: 19.4.2. Assigning Values to Elements: Index (Subscript) Considerations
- initializing
: 19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
- indexes,
ROWID datatype for
: The ROWID datatype
- INDICATOR property
- 21.4.1. Datatype Conversion
- INDICATOR property
- infinite loops
: 7.2. The Simple Loop
- formatting
: 3.3.2. Formatting Loops
- WHILE loops
: 7.5.1. The Infinite WHILE Loop
- information hiding
: Information hiding
- inheritance
- Inheritance
- modifying persistent objects and
: 18.5. Modifying Persistent Objects
- INITCAP function
: 11.1.4. The INITCAP function
- initialization section, package,
asserting purity level
: 17.5.2. Asserting Purity Level with Package Initialization Section
- initializing
- BFILE columns
: 13.2.1. The BFILENAME function
- collection variables
: 19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
- objects
: 18.4.1. The Need to Initialize
- packages
: 16.6. Package Initialization
- records
: 9.6.2. Record Initialization
- inner tables
: 19.1. Types of Collections
- input, considering case of
: 22.7.4. Ensure Case Consistency of Parameters
- INSERT statement
- (see also DML statements)
- The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- 10.3. PL/SQL Tables and DML Statements
- THE function with
: 19.5.1. The THE Pseudo-function
- instances of classes
: Classification
- instantiation
- of objects
: PL/SQL usage
- of program data, storage of
: 23.1.4. Key Concepts for Program Execution
- INSTEAD OF triggers
- 20.2. INSTEAD OF Triggers
- compiling
: 20.7.3. Forcing Compilation
- INSTR function
- C.6.12. The INSTR function
- 11.1.5. The INSTR function
- 11.2.4. Counting Substring Occurrences in Strings
- INSTRB function
: 11.1.5. The INSTR function
- instsrv utility (Windows NT)
: 21.2.1. Step 1: Set Up the Listener
- INTEGER datatype
: 25.4.5. Use PLS_INTEGER for All Integer Operations
- integers
- Binary integer datatypes
- INT subtype
: 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
- INTEGER subtype
: 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
- operations on, performance of
: 25.4.5. Use PLS_INTEGER for All Integer Operations
- PLS_INTEGER datatype
: The PLS_INTEGER datatype
- SMALLINT subtype
: 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
- interdependencies, package
: 25.2.4. Creating Packages with Minimal Interdependencies
- internal documentation
: (see comments)
- internal LOBs
- Large object support
- BFILE datatype versus
: Working with BFILEs
- internationalization,
NLS character datatypes
: 4.2.6. NLS Character Datatypes
- INTERVAL procedure
: C.5.3. The INTERVAL procedure
- INTO clause
- (see also FETCH statement)
- 6.6.1. Matching Column List with INTO Clause
- 9.5.2. SELECT INTO from an Implicit Cursor
- 9.5.3. FETCH INTO from an Explicit Cursor
- INVALID_CURSOR exception
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- INVALID_NUMBER exception
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- invisible characters
: (see whitespace)
- IS DANGLING predicate
: 18.2.3. Adding Complex Data Structures
- is-a relationship
: (see inheritance)
- IS_OPEN function
- C.14.9. The IS_OPEN function
- C.17.1.6. The IS_OPEN function
: C.16.7. The IS_PARALLEL_SERVER function
- IS_ROLE_ENABLED function
: C.12.2. The IS_ROLE_ENABLED function
- isolation levels
: 6.1.4. The SET TRANSACTION Statement
- %ISOPEN cursor attribute
: 6.9.4. The %ISOPEN Attribute
- %ISOPEN cursor attribute
: 6.5. Opening Cursors
- ISUBMIT procedure
: C.5.4. The ISUBMIT procedure
- iterative
- assignment into rows
: 10.6.2. Iterative Assignment
- control structure
: (see loops)
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