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Index: S
- SAVEPOINT procedure
: C.15.12. The SAVEPOINT procedure
- SAVEPOINT statement
: 6.1.3. The SAVEPOINT Statement
- savepoints
- (see also ROLLBACK statement)
- 6.1.2. The ROLLBACK Statement
- COMMIT statements and
: 6.1.1. The COMMIT Statement
- creating
: 6.1.3. The SAVEPOINT Statement
- saving
virtual REFs
: 20.4.3. Storage of Virtual REFs
- scalar datatypes
: (see datatypes)
- scalar values and aggregates
: 17.8.2. Combining Scalar and Aggregate Values
- scale
: Decimal numeric datatypes
- scheduling jobs
- DBMS_JOB for
- C.5. DBMS_ JOB
- Job scheduling with DBMS_ JOB
- schema evolution
- object types and
: 18.6.3. Schema Evolution
- object views and
- 20. Object Views
- 20.6. Schema Evolution
- scope
- 1.6.5. Scoping with nested blocks
- 2.7.2. Scope of a Block
- Nested blocks provide scope
- cursor
: Cursor scope
- of cursor parameters
: 6.10.3. Scope of Cursor Parameters
- of cursor variables
: Scope of cursor object
- of exceptions
: 8.4.1. Scope of an Exception
- of local modules
: 15.7.5. Scope of Local Modules
- of loops
: 7.6.2. Loop Scope
- nested blocks and
: Scope and nested blocks
- second
: (see date; time)
- security
- backups
: (see backups)
- encrypting code
: 23.7. Encrypting Stored Code
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- SELECT INTO statement
: 9.5.2. SELECT INTO from an Implicit Cursor
- select lists
: 6.4.2. PL/SQL Variables in a Cursor
- SELECT statement
- assigning objects
: Assignment via FETCH (with SELECT)
- in cursor declarations
: 6.4. Declaring Cursors
- cursors and
: 6.2. Cursors in PL/SQL
- 6.11. SELECT FOR UPDATE in Cursors
- 6.13.2. Managing a Work Queue with SELECT FOR UPDATE
- SELECT INTO statement
- initializing collections
: Initializing implicitly via fetch
- THE function with
: 19.5.1. The THE Pseudo-function
- SELECT statements
- (see also DML statements)
- The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- 9.1.5. Referencing a Record and its Fields
- 10.3. PL/SQL Tables and DML Statements
- SELF object
- 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
- 18.3.5. SELF: The Implied Parameter
- IN mode for
: Dots in method invocations
- semicolon (;)
: 2.4. The Semicolon Delimiter
- SEND_MESSAGE function
: C.10.8. The SEND_MESSAGE function
- sequential control structures
: 5.2. Sequential Control Statements
- formatting
: 3.3. Formatting Control Structures
- sequential processing
: 17.8.6. Sequential Processing Against a Column's Value
- serializable isolation level
: 6.1.4. The SET TRANSACTION Statement
- servers,
PL/SQL integration with (example)
: 19.7. Example: PL/SQL-to-Server Integration
- session, user
: 13.3.9. The USERENV function
- SET clause, functions in
: 17.1. Looking at the Problem
- SET TRANSACTION statements
: 6.1.4. The SET TRANSACTION Statement
: 14.3.4. Using TO_CHAR to Create a Date Range
- SET_DEFAULTS procedure
: C.2.4. The SET_DEFAULTS procedure
- SET_LABEL procedure
: C.12.4. The SET_LABEL procedure
- SET_MLS_LABEL procedure
: C.12.5. The SET_NLS_LABEL procedure
- SET_NLS procedure
: C.12.6. The SET_NLS procedure
- SET_ROLE procedure
: C.12.7. The SET_ROLE procedure
- SET_SQL_TRACE procedure
: C.12.8. The SET_SQL_TRACE procedure
- SET_UP procedure
: C.13.6. The SET_UP procedure
- SGA (System Global Area)
- pinning critical code in
: 25.2.2. Pin Critical Code into the SGA
- tuning shared pool size
: 25.2.1. Tune the Size of the Shared Pool of the SGA
- shared
- functions
: 23.1.2. Executing Functions
- procedures
: 23.1.1. Executing Procedures
- shared libraries
- External procedures
- for external procedures
: 21.2.2. Step 2: Identify or Create the Shared Library
- shared pool, SGA
: 25.2.1. Tune the Size of the Shared Pool of the SGA
- SIGN function
: 13.1.16. The SIGN function
- SIGNAL procedure
: C.2.5. The SIGNAL procedure
- signed numbers
- Binary integer datatypes
- The PLS_INTEGER datatype
- simple loops
7.2. The Simple Loop
- formatting
: 3.3.2. Formatting Loops
- SIN function
: 13.1.17. The SIN function
- SINH function
: 13.1.18. The SINH function
- size
- database triggers
: 25.3.7. Keep Database Triggers Small
- encrypted code file size
: 23.7.3. Impact of Encrypting Code
- of PL/SQL code, analyzing
: 23.6.3. Analyzing the Size of PL/SQL Code
- SGA shared pool, tuning
: 25.2.1. Tune the Size of the Shared Pool of the SGA
- SLEEP procedure
: C.7.5. The SLEEP procedure
- SMALLINT subtype
: 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
- snapshots
- SOUNDEX function
: 11.1.13. The SOUNDEX function
- source code
: (see coding)
- spaces
: (see whitespace)
- sparsity of tables
- 10.2. Characteristics of PL/SQL Tables
- 10.9.2. Data-Smart Row Numbers in PL/SQL Tables
- specifcations, package
: 1.7.3. Center All Development Around Packages
- specification, package
: (see packages, specification)
- ALTER SESSION commands
- calliong PL/SQL functions in
: 25.3.2. Call PL/SQL Functions in SQL to Reduce I/O
- client-side
: 25.3.3. Avoid Client-Side SQL
- DDL statements
: (see DDL)
- DML statements
: (see DML statements)
- dynamic
- C.14. DBMS_SQL
- Support for DDL and dynamic SQL
- formatting statements
: 3.2. Formatting SQL Statements
- I/O-intensive
: 25.3.6. Use PL/SQL to Improve Performance of IO-Intensive SQL
- minimizing access to
: 25.3.1. Use Package Data to Minimize SQL Access
- PL/SQL in
: (see stored functions, PL/SQL)
- PL/SQL loops versus
: 7.7.4. PL/SQL Loops Versus SQL Processing
- statements, recursive processing in
: 17.8.7. Recursive Processing in a SQL Statement
- static vs. dynamic
: 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- storing functions in
: Stored functions in SQL
- viewing stored objects
: 23.6. Using SQL to Examine Stored Objects
- SQL %FOUND attribute
: 6.9.5. Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes
- SQL %ISOPEN attribute
: 6.9.5. Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes
- SQL %NOTFOUND attribute
: 6.9.5. Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes
- SQL %ROWCOUNT attribute
: 6.9.5. Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes
- SQL*Plus
- managing stored objects
: 23.5. Managing Stored Objects with SQL*Plus
- viewing compilation errors
: 23.5.4. Viewing Compilation Errors in SQL*Plus
- SQL_TRACE utility
: 25.1. Analyzing Program Performance
- SQLCODE function
- 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- 8.6.3. Using SQLCODE and SQLERRM in WHEN OTHERS Clause
- 13.3.5. The SQLCODE function
- SQLERRM function
- 8.6.3. Using SQLCODE and SQLERRM in WHEN OTHERS Clause
- 13.3.6. The SQLERRM function
- SQRT function
: 13.1.19. The SQRT function
- standalone procedures
- synonyms for
: 23.2.2. Creating Synonyms for Stored Objects
- STANDARD package
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- pinning in SGA shared pool
: Candidates for pinning in the shared pool
- START_QUEUE procedure
: C.3.2.6. The START_QUEUE procedure
- static cursors
: 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- static SQL
: 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- status, module
: 23.3. Module Validation and Dependency Management
- STEP syntax
: (see numeric FOR loops)
- STEP_ID function
: C.15.18. The STEP_ID function
- STOP_QUEUE procedure
: C.3.2.7. The STOP_QUEUE procedure
- STORAGE_ERROR exception
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- store tables
: 19.1. Types of Collections
- stored
- code,
: 23.7. Encrypting Stored Code
- functions, executing PL/SQL
: 23.1.2. Executing Functions
- modules/packages
: Stored procedures, functions, and packages
- objects
: 23. Managing Code in the Database
- execute authority on
: 23.2.1. Execute Authority on Stored Objects
- interdependency of
: 23.3.1. Interdependencies of Stored Objects
- managing with SQL*Plus
: 23.5. Managing Stored Objects with SQL*Plus
- synonyms for
: 23.2.2. Creating Synonyms for Stored Objects
- viewing with SQL
: 23.6. Using SQL to Examine Stored Objects
- procedures, PL/SQL Version 1.1
: B. Calling Stored Procedures from PL/SQL Version 1.1
- virtual REFs
: 20.4.3. Storage of Virtual REFs
- stored functions, PL/SQL
- 17.1. Looking at the Problem
- 17.7. Realities: Calling PL/SQL Functions in SQL
- calling packaged functions
: 17.5. Calling Packaged Functions in SQL
- examples of
: 17.8. Examples of Embedded PL/SQL
- name precedence and
: 17.6. Column/Function Name Precedence
- package variable modification
: 17.4. Restrictions on PL/SQL Functions in SQL
- read consistency and
: 17.7.2. Read Consistency Model Complications
- requirements/restrictions
: 17.3. Requirements for Stored Functions in SQL
- strings
- (see also literals)
- 2.3. Literals
- adding characters to
- 11.1.11. The RPAD function
- 11.1.8. The LPAD function
- case of
- 11.1.16. The UPPER function
- 11.1.4. The INITCAP function
- 11.1.7. The LOWER function
- comparing
- The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- 11.1.13. The SOUNDEX function
- concatenating
: 11.1.3. The CONCAT function
- converting
- between character sets
: 14.2.2. The CONVERT function
- to/from dates
- 14.1. Conversion Formats
- 14.2.6. The TO_CHAR function (date conversion)
- 14.2.8. The TO_DATE function
- hexadecimal
: 14.2.3. The HEXTORAW function
- to/from numbers
- 14.1.2. Number Format Models
- 14.2.7. The TO_CHAR function (number conversion)
- 14.2.9. The TO_NUMBER function
- 17.8.7. Recursive Processing in a SQL Statement
- to row numbers
: 10.5.1. Automatic Conversion of Row Number Expressions
- datatypes for
: 4.2.3. Character Datatypes
- extracting characters from
: 11.1.14. The SUBSTR function
- finding substrings of
: 11.1.5. The INSTR function
- functions for
: 11. Character Functions
- justifying
: 11.2.3. Filling Text to Fit a Line
- length of
: 11.1.6. The LENGTH function
- parsing
: 11.2.1. Parsing a Name
- replacing characters in
- 11.1.10. The REPLACE function
- 11.1.15. The TRANSLATE function
- searching for, in code
: 23.6.4. Displaying and Searching Source Code
- stripping characters from
- 11.1.12. The RTRIM function
- 11.1.9. The LTRIM function
- variable-length
: The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- verifying format of
: 11.2.5. Verifying String Formats with TRANSLATE
- word wrap
: 11.2.2. Implementing Word Wrap for Long Text
- strong REF CURSOR type
: (see cursor variables)
- structure, code
: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- structure, data
: (see data structures)
- structured interface trace filtering
: 26.4. Structured Interface Filtering
- stub generation
: B.1. Using Stubs to Talk to Server-Side PL/SQL
- stubs
: Supporting top-down design of modules
- style, coding
: 1.7.4. Standardize Your PL/SQL Development Environment
- subblocks
: (see nested blocks; nested modules)
- SUBMIT procedure
: C.5.8. The SUBMIT procedure
- subqueries, correlated
: 17.8.3. Replacing Correlated Subqueries
- SUBSTR function
- C.6.14. The SUBSTR function
- 11.1.14. The SUBSTR function
- for declaring long strings
: The CHAR datatype
- substrings
- counting occurrences of
: 11.2.4. Counting Substring Occurrences in Strings
- extracting from strings
: 11.1.14. The SUBSTR function
- finding
: 11.1.5. The INSTR function
- replacing
- 11.1.10. The REPLACE function
- 11.1.15. The TRANSLATE function
- subtypes
- Programmer-defined subtypes
- 4.6. Programmer-Defined Subtypes
- suppressing zeros/spaces
: 14.3.1. FM: Suppressing Blanks and Zeros
- symbols
- != (not equals)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- % (percent sign)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- > (label delimeters)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- >= (greater than)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- <> (not equals)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- <= (less than)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- ** (double asterisk)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- -- (comment indicator)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- /* and */ (comment block delimiters)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- ; (semicolon)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- => (associational operator for positional notation)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- \: (colon)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- _ (underscore)
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- || (concatenation) operator
: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- synchronization
: 1.7.2. Synchronize Program and Data Structures
- synchronization with columns
: Synchronization with database columns
- synonyms for stored objects
: 23.2.2. Creating Synonyms for Stored Objects
- SYS_NC_OID$ column
: Object identifiers (OIDs)
- SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ column
: Object identifiers (OIDs)
- SYSDATE function
: 12.1.7. The SYSDATE function
- and NEW_TIME function
: 12.2.2. Using NEW_TIME in Client-Server Environments
- system
- date
: 12.1.7. The SYSDATE function
- exceptions
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- System Global Area (SGA)
- pinning critical code into
: 25.2.2. Pin Critical Code into the SGA
- tuning shared pool size
: 25.2.1. Tune the Size of the Shared Pool of the SGA
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