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Abbreviations: C

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
c. century
c (in dates) circa
Calligr. calligraphy
Camb. Cambridge
Campanol. campanology
Canad. Canadian
Canad. Fr. Canadian French
Canad.-Fr. Canadian French
Canadian Fr. Canadian French
Cape Du. Cape Dutch
Cartogr. cartography
Cat. Catalan
Catal. Catalan
catachr. catachrestically
Cath. Catholic
Celt. Celtic
Celto-Teut. Celto-Teutonic
cent. century
Ceram. ceramics
Cf. confer, ‘compare’
cf. confer, ‘compare’
Ch. Church
Ch. Chinese
Chald. Chaldee
Chem. chemistry
Chem. Engin. chemical engineering
Ch. Hist. Church history
Chilean Sp. Chilean Spanish
Chin. Chinese
Chron. chronology
Chronol. chronology
Cinemat. cinematography
Cinematogr. cinematography
Civil Engin. civil engineering
Civ. Law civil law
cl. clause
Cl. Antiq. classical antiquities
Class. classical
Class. Antiq. classical antiquities
class. L. classical Latin
Climatol. climatology
cl. L. classical Latin
Coal-min. coal-mining
cogn. w. cognate with
collect. collective(ly)
colloq. colloquial(ly)
Com. common
Comb. combination(s)
comb. f. combining form
combining f. combining form
Combs. combinations
Comm. commerce, in commercial usage
Comm. common
Comm. Law commercial law
Communic. communications
comp. compound, composition
comp. comparative
Comp. Anat. comparative anatomy
compar. comparative
compl. complement
Conch. conchology
Conchol. conchology
concr. concrete(ly)
conj. conjugation
conj. conjunction
Conn. Connecticut
cons. consonant
const. construction, construed with
Constit. Hist. constitutional history
contempt. contemptuous(ly)
contr. contracted, contraction
contr. contrasted (with)
Corn. Cornish
Cornw. Cornwall
corresp. corresponding (to)
Corsican It. Corsican Italian
cpd. compound
Craniol. craniology
Craniom. craniometry
Creole Fr. Creole French
Crim. Law criminal law
Crim.-Goth. Crimean Gothic
Crim.-Gothic Crimean Gothic
Cryptogr. cryptography
Cryst. crystallography
Crystallogr. crystallography
Cuban Sp. Cuban Spanish
Cumberld. Cumberland
Cytol. Cytology

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