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Abbreviations: S

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
S. Saxon
S. south
s. south
S.Afr. South Africa(n)
S. Afr. Du. South African Dutch
S. Amer. Sp. South American Spanish
S. Amer.-Sp. South American Spanish
Sard. Sardinian
Saterl. Saterland
Satl. Saterland
Sax. Saxon
sb. substantive
Sc. Scottish, Scots
sc. scilicet, ‘understand’ or ‘supply’
Scand. Scandinavian
Sc. Gael. Scottish Gaelic
Sc. Gaelic Scottish Gaelic
Sci. science
sci. science, scientific
Scot. Scottish
Scotl. Scotland
Script. scripture
S.E. south-east
s.e. south-eastern (dialect)
Seismol. seismology
Serb. Serbian, Serbo-Croat
Serv. Serbian, Serbo-Croat
Shetl. Shetland
Shropsh. Shropshire
Sicil. Sicilian
Sicilian Ital. Sicilian Italian
sing. singular
Sinh. Sinhala
Sinhal. Sinhala
Sk. Sanskrit
Skr. Sanskrit
Skt. Sanskrit
Slav. Slavonic
Slav.-Lith. Slavonic-Lithuanian
Slov. Slovene
Sociol. sociology
Som. Somerset
south. southern (dialect)
Sp. Spanish
sp. spelling
Sp. Amer. Spanish American
Sp.-American Spanish American
Span. Spanish
Spanish Arab. Spanish Arabic
spec. specifically
Sp. Gypsy Spanish Gypsy
St. Saint
st. stem
Staffordsh. Staffordshire
Staffs. Staffordshire
Stock Exch. stock exchange
str. strong
subj. subject
subj. subjunctive
subjunct. subjunctive
subord. subordinate
subord. cl. subordinate clause
subseq. subsequent(ly)
subst. substantive(ly)
suff. suffix
superl. superlative
Surg. surgery
s.v. sub voce, ‘under the word’
S.W. south-west
s.w. south-western (dialect)
Sw. Swedish
Swed. Swedish
Swiss Fr. Swiss French
Swiss-Fr. Swiss French
Swiss G. Swiss German
Swiss Ger. Swiss German
Swiss-Ger. Swiss German
Swiss Rom. Swiss Romance
syll. syllable
Syr. Syrian, Syriac

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