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Abbreviations: E

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
E. east
E. English
e. east
E. Afr. East Africa(n)
E. Angl. East Anglia(n)
E. Anglian East Anglian
east. eastern (dialect)
East Ind. East Indies, East Indian
Eccl. in ecclesiastical usage
Eccles. in ecclesiastical usage
Eccl. Hist. ecclesiastical history
Eccl. Law ecclesiastical law
Ecol. ecology
Econ. economics
ed. edition
edd. editions
Educ. education
EE. Early English
e.g. exempli gratia, ‘for example’
E. Gothl. East Gothland
Egypt. Egyptian
Egyptian Arab. Egyptian Arabic
Egyptol. Egyptology
E. Ind. East Indies, East Indian
Electr. electricity
Electr. Engin. electrical engineering
Electro-magn. electro-magnetism
Electro-physiol. electro-physiology
ellipt. elliptical(ly)
Embryol. embryology
e. midl. east midland (dialect)
emph. emphatic(ally)
Eng. England, English
Eng. Gipsy English Gipsy
Engin. engineering
Engl. English
Ent. entomology
Entom. entomology
Entomol. entomology
erron. erroneous(ly)
esp. especially
Esth. Esthonian
Eth. Ethiopic
Ethnol. ethnology
etym. etymology
etymol. etymological(ly)
euphem. euphemistic(ally)
ex. example
exc. except
Exper. experimental

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