Nagara Narrow Dock Narrow-Leaved Purple Coneflower Navy Bean Neckweed Nep Nettle Nettle Flowers Nightshade Ninsin Niu bang Noble Yarrow Nodding Wakerobin Northern White Cedar Nosebleed
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Ohio Buckeye Ohio Curcuma Oil Nut Oil Nut Bark Oil Plant Old Man's Pepper Old Woman Orange Root Orange Swallow-Wort Osterick Oswego Tea Oval Buchu Owler Oxadoddy Ox-Eye Daisy
Padmaka Palma Christi Panax Panay Pannag Pan Palm Paper Birch Papoose Root Paraguay Tea Pariswort Partridge Berry Passions Patience Dock Pauson Pearl Barley Pegwood Pei-ma Pelican Flower Pennyroyal Pepperidge Bush Peppermint Persian Berries Personata Phudina Physic Root Piao Pigweed Pilewort Pimento Pineapple Strawberry Pine Tops Pinto Bean Pistachio Pleurisy Root Plum Pod Pepper Poison Flag Poison Hemlock Pomegranate Pond Lily Portland Arrowroot Potentilla Pot Marigold Priest's Crown Prince's Feather Prunel Puff Ball Pu Gong Ying Pu-kung-ying Purging Buckthorn Purple Angelica Purple Avens Purple Betony Purple Coneflower Purple Leptandra Purple Medic Purplestem Angelica Purvain Pyrethrum
Quassia Quassia Bark Quassia Wood Quay-quill Sarsaparilla Quick-set
Raccoon Berry Race Ginger Rashona Rattleroot Rattlesnake-Master Rattlesnake Root Rattlesnake Violet Rattleweed Rauschert Red Bearberry Red Bergamot Redberry Redberry Tea Red Bilberry Red Birch Red Cockscomb Red Legs Red Paint Root Red Pepper Red Pollom Red Puccoon Red River Snakeroot Red Root Red Sarsaparilla Red Sunflower Red Trillium Ren-shen Reseda Rheumatism Root Rhubarb Richweed Roman Chamomile Rosemary Rosemary Plant Rosin Rose Rough-Fruited Round Buchu Royal Fern Royal Flowering Fern Rumex Russian Tarragon Rutland Beauty
Sacred Plant Sagackhomi Salacin Willow Saloip Salt-Rheum Weed Sampson Root Sandberry Sang Sangree Root Sangrel Sanguinaria Sanguinary Sarsaparilla Sassafras Satin Flower Saw Palmetto Saxifrax Scaly Blazing Star Scarlet Monarda Scarweed Scotch Barley Scotch Broom Scurvy Grass Sealroot Sealwort Sea Oak Seaweed Seawrack Selfheal Septfoil Serpentaria Serpent's Tongue Serpyllum Sesame Sesame Seed Setwall Shan-cha Shan-yao Sha-ren Shatapatri Shatapushpa Sheepberry Shell Flower Shen-jiang Shepherd's Knot Shih-lo Short Buchu Short-Leaved Buchu Sicklewort Silverweed Silvery Cinquefoil Simpler's Joy Sloe Sloe Plum Snakebite Snakehead Snake Leaf Snake Lily Snakeroot Snakeweed Snap Bean Snapping Hazel Soapweed Soft Pine Soldier's Woundwort Solis Sponsa Solomon's Seal Solsequia Sour Dock Sowberry Spanish Needle Spanish Pepper Spanish Sarsaparilla Sparrow Grass Speedwell Spiceberry Spice Birch Spicy Wintergreen Spiked Aloe Spike Lavender Spindle Tree Spleen Amaranth Spoonwood Spotted Alder Spring Wintergreen Squaw Balm Squawmint Squawroot Stagbush Starchwort Starweed Starwort Stanchgrass Star Chickweed St. Christopher's Herb Sticklewort Stinging Nettle Stingless Nettle Stink Weed Stinking Balm Stinking Dill Stitchwort St. John's Grass St. John's Wort St. Josephwort St. Mary's Thistle Strawberry Tree String Bean Striped Alder Succory Sunflower Sunthi Swallow Wort Sweating Plant Sweet Balm Sweet Basil Sweet Birch Sweet Brier Sweet Bush Sweet Clover Sweet Dock Sweet Fennel Sweet Fern Sweet Gale Sweet Licorice Sweet Scented Pond Lily Sweet Scented Water Lily Sweet Violet Sweet Water Lily Sweet Wood Sweet Woodruff Swine Snout Sycamore Sycamore Maple
Tacamahac Tagara Ta-huang Tall Nasturtium Tallow Shrub Tall Speedwell Tall Veronica Ta-mai Tamus Tang-kuei Tanner's Bark Tarweed Teaberry Teasel Tetterberry Tetterwort Texas Snakeroot Thalictroc Thick Birthwort Thickweed Thimbleberry Thorn-apple Tree Thorny Burr Thoroughwort Thousand Leaf Thousand Leal Thousand Seal Three-Leaved Nightshade Throat Root Thuja Thyme Tickweed T'ien-Shih-Li Tila Tipton Weed Toad Flax Toad Lily Tobacco Wood Tomillo Tongue-Grass Tormentil Trailing Bindweed Traveler's Joy Tree of Life Trefoil Tricolor Garlic Trillium Trout Lily True Chamomile Tse-lan Tuberous Water Lily Tuber Root Tu-fu-ling Tulsi Tumeric Root Turkey Burrseed Turkey Rhubarb Turtlebloom Turtlehead Twak Twin Leaf Twin Leaf Root Tzu-mo-lo
Uma Upland Cranberry Upright Birthwort Upright Septfoil Uva Ursi
Valerian Vandal Root Vegetable Antimony Vegetable Tallow Vermont Valerian Velvet Flower Vermont Snake Root Vervain Virginia Creeper Virginia Dogwood Virginia Prune Virginia Snakeroot Virgin's Bower
Wahoo Wake-Robin Walnut Water Avens Water Cabbage Watercress Water Fern Water Flag Water Hemlock Water Lily Water Nymph Water Pimpernel Water Purslain Water Shamrock Wauhoo Wax Bean Wax Berry Wax Cluster Wax Myrtle Waythorn Weeping Ash Weeping Spruce Whahow Whig Plant Whinberry White Archangel White Ash White Birch White Bryony White Cedar, Northern White Daisy White Dead-Nettle White Endive White Goosefoot White Nettle White Oak White Pine White Pond Lily White Root White Snakeroot Whitethorn White Walnut White Water Lily White Weed Whorlywort Whortleberry Whorts Wild Angelica Wild Black Cherry Bark Wild Brier Wild Bryony Wild Chamomile Wild Cherry Wild Chicory Wild Canada Ginger Wild Celery Wild Endive Wild Fennel Wild Ginger Wild Hops Wild Hyssop Wild Lemon Wild Mandrake Wild Nard Wild Plum Wild Rose Wild Spinach Wild Strawberry Wild Succory Wild Tarragon Wild Valerian Wild Vine Wild Western Thimbleberries Wild Woodbine Wild Yam Willow Willow Bark Wind Root Wineberry Winter Berry Winterbloom Wintergreen Winterlien Winterweed Witch Hazel Witch�s Brier Withe Withy Wolfsbane Wonder-of-the-World Wood Betony Woodbine Wood Boneset Woodruff Wood Strawberry Wood Turmeric Wood Vine Woodward Wormseed, American Wormwood Woundwort Wu-pa-ho Wycopy
Xiao-hue-xiang Back to Top
Yan-shi Yang-mei Yarrow Yasti Madhu Yellow Cedar Yellow Dock Yellow Erythronium Yellow Eye Yellow Ginseng Yellow Indian Plant Yellow Melilot Yellow Paint Root Yellow Puccoon Yellow Root Yellow Snakeleaf Yellow Snowdrop Yellow Sweet Clover Yerba Yerba Mansa Yerba Mate` Yerba Santa Yeu-ji-hua Yin-hsing Yucca Yueh-kuei Yuma Yu-zhu
Zanzibar Pepper
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