HYPERACTIVITY (Hyperkinesis)SYMPTOMSCannot sit still, short attention span, impulsive acts before one thinks, runs rather than walks, forgets easily, moody, temper tantrums, irritated and indifferent when disciplined, determined to get his own way. Sleep disturbances, clumsiness, head-knocking, bothers other children, speech and hearing disorders, extreme distractibility, absent-mindedness, unable to follow a series of instructions. Not all symptoms are found in any one child. The symptoms are not limited to children, but are also found in some adults. Keep in mind that most children display some hyperactive symptoms at times. CAUSESHyperactivity is now called "attention deficit disorder" or, sometimes, "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD). Primarily occurring in children, it produces a variety of learning and behavior problems. Some of the causes include: Allergies to milk, wheat, chocolate, yeast, food additives, oranges, and antibiotics. Lead poisoning can be a significant factor. Eating too much sugar or sugar foods, smoking during pregnancy, oxygen deprivation at birth, prenatal trauma. Artificial food additives, preservatives and foods containing salicylates, other food additives. Low-protein diet. Emotional problems and inadequate, inconsistent, or ineffective discipline in the home. Hyperactive children often control the situation in the home more than the parents. Because parents are too yielding, children find they can scream their way to dominance, and become uncontrollable. When spoiled children enter school, they sometimes try to use overactivity to control their new environment. Hyperactive children often have learning disabilities. Certain types of fluorescent lights are overstimulating. Overstimulation from television, competitive games, violent TV programs and, nutritional deficiencies are major factors. Mothers who smoke are more likely to give birth to brain-damaged or hyperactive children. Children from broken homes are more likely to have this problem. A strong link has been established between learning disabilities and juvenile crime. Try to solve the problems early. TREATMENT
Also see "Dyslexia." ENCOURAGEMENTA strong, helpful grasp of the hand of a true friend is worth more than gold or silver. Christ has been such a friend to you. He asks that you be such a friend to others. DYSLEXIA (a disturbance in the ability to read)SYMPTOMSA physical problem. The child's eyes actually see the letters backward, as compared to the normal child's eyes. CAUSESDyslexia is sometimes called hyperactivity (which see), but there is a partial difference. Dyslexia is a complex syndrome rather than a specific disease. In some instances, a true organic or biochemical brain injury has occurred. But most of the time, the problem is more easily treatable. Food allergies are often a key problem. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTIn all His dealings with His creatures, God has maintained the principles of righteousness by revealing sin in its true character. It is obvious that the wages of sin is misery and death. The unconditional pardon of sin never has been and never will be. God saves us from sin, not in sin. NIGHTMARESSYMPTOMSUnpleasant dreams while sleeping. CAUSESIn most cases, nightmares can be solved. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTIt would fill the unfallen worlds with consternation if God were to take men who love and revel in sinto heaven. Thank God, there is power in the blood, to cleanse from sin and defilement. There is strength in the atonement, to enable man to fulfill the will of God in his life. PHOBIAS and PANIC ATTACKS (Irrational Fears; Anxiety Disorder; Agoraphobia; Claustrophobia, etc.)SYMPTOMSAn irrational fear of something, which ordinary people are not bothered by. The experts call it an irrational, involuntary, inappropriate fear reaction that generally leads to an avoidance of common everyday places, objects, or situations. Symptoms include attacks of tension, panic, dizziness, tightening of the throat, inability to swallow, muscle twitching, sweating, depression, nausea, and obsessions. Feeling of being outside the body. The heart starts beating faster; the person feels nauseous, shaky, as if about to faint. CAUSESThere are three types of phobias: simple phobias, social phobias, and agoraphobia. Those with simple phobias dread a certain situation, place, or object. Social phobics are those who do not like to be in public situations, such as a party. They fear doing something which may embarrass themselves. Agoraphobics fear being alone, being in public places, or being in strange places. It is a fear of being away from a safe person or place. This is the phobia that people most frequently talk to professional counselors about. Most agoraphobics are women, who develop it between 15 and 35. Panic attacks are closely related to phobias and strongly held anxieties. The body has a natural fight-or-flight mechanism, when more adrenaline is produced, causing the body to increase metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, so the body will have more immediate energy. Muscles become tense, and heartbeat and breathing become more rapid. But when this mechanism occurs, without a reasonable reason, the result is a panic attack. The problem often develops suddenly after a major problem, such as a severe illness, accident, or mental depression. The attack may occur suddenly, perhaps while standing in line at the checkout counter. The worst thing such people can do is to go home and stay there, in order to avoid facing the problematic situation. This prevents the formation of coping skills and only worsens the problem. Some can only go outdoors if they have a certain friend or trusted dog with them. Some can move freely about in a feared area if it is dark. Wearing sunglasses when they go out in the daytime may ease the problem while they are overcoming it. Hot weather, fatigue, or illness often makes the symptoms worse. Post-menstrual syndrome is another cause. TREATMENT
Also see "Hyperventilation" and "Nerves, Strengthening." ENCOURAGEMENTGod is the lifegiver. From the beginning, all His laws were ordained to life. But sin broke in upon the order that God had established, and discord followed. It is only because the Redeemer died on our behalf, that we can be enabled to return obedience to the King of the universe. HYPERVENTILATIONSYMPTOMSPounding heart, fingers are tingling, and palms are sweaty. CAUSESHyperventilation is overbreathing. It can be induced by stress. When some people are frightened, they start breathing very fastboth rapidly and deeply, even though they do not need the extra oxygen. This causes them to exhale a lot of carbon dioxide, which in turn causes the blood to become somewhat alkaline. That results in the symptoms of a panic attack (which see). Episodes of hyperventilation can last for hours, but generally for only 20-30 minutes. But, for the one going through it, the experience can be quite difficult. TREATMENT
Also see "Phobias and Panic Attacks." ENCOURAGEMENTChrist says, "Ye are the salt of the earth . . but the salt can lose its saltness." How careful we must be that we live like Jesus, so we do not become worthless salt. DEPRESSIONSYMPTOMSDecreased energy and appetite, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, backaches, weight loss, slowed movement, purposeless thinking, irritability, quickness to temper, and feeling like doing nothing. CAUSESDepression may be caused by the loss of a loved one or a job, food allergies, hypoglycemia, environmental problems, or post-menstrual syndrome. Anything that disrupts a person's sense of worth, stability, security, or effectiveness. Forty percent of those with this problem have one or both of their parents who suffered it also. Depression during the dark, dreary winter months is called seasonal affective disorder (which see). Individuals with severe viral illness, hepatitis, endocrine problems, or stroke can have it. An alternate type is bipolar depression (manic depression), in which a person varies between episodes of depression and mania (over-excitedness). (See "Manic Depression."). Depression is twice as common in women as in men. TREATMENT
Also see "Manic Depression" and "Nerves, Strengthening." ENCOURAGEMENTIf you would have broad views, noble thoughts and aspirations, choose associations that will strengthen right principles. Let every thought and the purpose of every action bend to the securing of the future life, with the eternal happiness it will bring you. MANIC DEPRESSION (Bipolar Disorder; Mania)SYMPTOMSExtreme pessimism, withdrawal from society, changes in sleep patterns. A sudden loss of interest in, and failure to, complete projects started with enthusiasm. There is chronic irritability, sudden attacks of rage when crossed, and loss of inhibition. More symptoms given below. CAUSESMania is a mental state characterized by excessive excitement. Depression is a mental state characterized by dejection, lack of hope, and absence of cheerfulness. Both of these qualities are strikingly observed in manic depression. Manic depression is cyclic, or circular affective psychosis, in which there are alternating moods of depression and mania. Ordinarily there is a series of periods of psychotic depression or excessive well-being, appearing in any sequence and alternating with longer periods of relative normalcy. Though intensity may vary greatly, the manic shows an elevated though unstable mood, a flight of ideas, and great physical activity. The case of primary depression finds one thinking that all exertion is exhausting. There is difficulty in thinking or acting and the person is very unhappy. Manic-depressive disorder is also called bipolar disorder. It typically begins as depression and then develops into alternating periods of depression and mania. Both mania and depression can vary in intensity and length of the cycles (a few days to many months). During the depression phase, some do nothing while others go through the motions of everyday work while always feeling depressed. Hypomania is a burst of energy and activity, but full-blown manic psychosis includes delusions of grandeur, invincibility, or persecution, and may result in day and night activity without sleep. Factors inducing manic depression include an overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract, food allergies, environmental sensitivities, and certain diseases: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. TREATMENT
Also see "Mania," "Depression" and "Nerves, Strengthening." ENCOURAGEMENTWe must accept Christ as our personal Saviour; and, as we do, He imputes to us the righteousness of God. He enables us to obey the Bible. "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." MANIA (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)FOR MALNUTRITIONGraduated Tonic Baths; generous aseptic diet. TO INCREASE BLOOD PRESSUREHot Baths: Radiant Heat Bath; Hot Full Bath at 1000-1020 F. for 8-15 minutes; Hot Leg Bath or Hot Sitz Bath (either one at 1080-1150 F. for 8-12 minutes), followed by Shallow Bath (680-740 F.), Pail Pour (75 0-700 F.), or percussion Douche (600-500 F.) with duration of 20-40 seconds; ice bag over heart for 15 minutes, every two hours. TO DIMINISH CEREBRAL HYPEREMIAShort Hot Full Bath or Shower, followed by Douche at 700-600 F., 20-40 seconds; Ice Bag over heart for 15 minutes every 2 hours. FOR AUTOINTOXICATIONAseptic diet; if necessary, fruit diet; Colonic daily for a few days; long Neutral Bath, 30-60 minutes. TO RELIEVE OR PREVENT EXHAUSTIONRest in bed; Tonic Friction twice daily. FOR FEVERLocal fever-reducing measures, as may be indicated; Neutral Bath; Cooling Pack. CONTRAINDICATIONSAvoid very hot or prolonged cold baths; avoid cold to head when face is pale. Also see "Manic Depression." HYSTERIA1 (Melancholia)SYMPTOMSThere are a great variety of possible symptoms: The mental attitude is calm and somewhat aloof. There may be easy laughing and crying; episodes of emotionalism, possibly without any apparent explanation, and even occurring in sleep. The problem may, or may not, be psychotic in nature. In some cases, fugues occur. These are episodes when the person takes on a different personality, name, etc., leaves and goes somewhere else for a time. When the primary personality returns, there is a forgetting of the secondary state. But this problem is not the same as the psychotic condition, known as schizophreniain which there is a splitting in personality, incongruities, and confusion co-exist in a person at the same time. CAUSESThere may be an emotional instability, various sensory disturbances, and a marked craving for sympathy which sometimes leads to unusual words, actions, and activities. Hysteria (melancholia) can result from post-menstrual syndrome, food allergies, hypoglycemia, prescribed or illegal drugs, or alcoholism. TREATMENT
Also see "Hysteria2" and "Melancholia2." ENCOURAGEMENTIt is because of the love of God that the treasures of the grace of Christ have been offered to men. What love is this, what unfathomable love, that Christ would die for us while we were still sinners! Look at the cross of Calvary. It is a standing pledge of the boundless love, the measureless mercy of the heavenly Father. HYSTERIA2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)DIETARY AND LIFESTYLETonic, reconstructive, and restful measures. Graduated cold applications (Tonic Frictions) are of the first importance and must be carefully managed at first; application twice daily, short, intense; Prolonged Neutral Bath in cases due to autointoxication; Out-of-door life; generous aseptic diet; suitable moral and mental surroundings. CONVULSIONSNeutral Bath; Neutral Pack; Hot Blanket Pack; Hot and Cold Compress to spine or Sponging; Hot Enema; Hot Half Bath with Tepid Pail Pour to head and spine; Heating Compress to spine. COMAAlternate Compress or Sponging to spine; Cold Mitten Friction; Hot Half Bath; Cold or Hot and Cold Compress to head. VOMITINGHot and Cold Compress over stomach area; dry diet; rectal feeding, if necessary; ice to the area above the stomach; ice pills. ANOREXIAIce Bag over stomach half an hour before meals; Alternate Compress over stomach, twice daily; Cold Douche to spine and epigastrium. COUGHFomentation to spine; sipping hot water; Chest Pack; Cold Compress to the throat; gargling hot water several times daily. MUSCULAR PARALYSISAlternate Pail Pour or Alternate Douche; Alternate Compress; Cold Pail Pour; Cold Douche; massage. CONTRACTIONSFomentations to affected parts, followed by Heating Compress; Revulsive Douche. TREMBLINGNeutral Pail Pour to spine at 920-960 F., for 15 minutes. INCONTINENCE OF URINEPercussion Douche to spine; Neutral Sitz Bath for 15-30 minutes. RETENTION OF URINEHot Sitz Bath, 5 minutes, followed by Cold Plantar Douche; Cold Perineal Douche; Cold Douche to the lower back area, front and back, opposite the intestines and pelvic organs; Cold Rubbing Sitz Bath. PARESTHESIAAlternate Douche or Alternate Compress; Cold percussion Douche to spine; Cold Hand Rub or Cold Mitten Friction to affected area. Do this after a hot Fomentation for 5-10 minutes. HYPERESTHESIA (PAIN)Hot fan Douche; Fomentation followed by Heating Compress; Revulsive Compress. Cold Douche to the symmetrical part of the opposite side. LOSS OF MUSCULAR STRENGTHAlternate Douche; Cold Percussion Douche. VISCERAL NEURALGIAVery hot Fomentation over the affected part 20 minutes twice a day, followed by Heating Compress during interval between; Revulsive Compress; Revulsive Fan Douche. MOTOR PARALYSISAlternate Douche, Cold percussion Douche. HICCOUGHHot Trunk Pack;, Heating Compress over stomach, sipping ice-cold water. SYNCOPEHeat to neck; short cold application to chest and face, Alternate Compress to spine, percussion of the chest with the hands dipped in cold water or with the end of a cold towel, vigorous centripetal friction; rhythmical traction of the tongue. SPINAL IRRITATIONFomentation to the spine twice a day, followed by continuous Heating Compress during the intervals between; Revulsive Fan Douche; Fomentation followed by Pail Pour for 5 minutes, 800-850 F. ANAL SPASMHot Anal Douche or hot Shallow Sitz Bath at 1020-1060 F. General applications of massage and regular gymnastics. APHONIAIce Bag to the throat with general Cold Douche. GENERAL METHODImprove his general health by vigorous tonic measures continued during many months or even years. Improve the general nutrition by a nutritious, simple, unstimulating dietary. Combat special symptoms by the hydrotherapy measures indicated above, together with suitable mental and moral treatment. Also see "Hysteria1." MELANCHOLIA2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)Note: Hysteria1 is also Melancholia1. In Kellogg's day Hysteria and Melancholia were two separate conditions; in our day they are treated the same. FOR ANEMIA AND MALNUTRITIONFomentation to abdomen followed by Cold Mitten Friction twice daily; aseptic diet; water drinking; air bath; Radiant Heat Bath; sunbaths; rest in bed; massage. FOR CEREBRAL ANEMIA (which is usually present) Warm compress at 980-1000 F. to back of neck for 15 minutes, 3 times daily. TO DIMINISH BLOOD PRESSURE (which is usually excessive)Warm Full Bath, 980-1000 F., 10-20 minutes, twice daily; Heating Wet Sheet Pack; Heating Trunk Pack, 30 minutes, twice daily; Neutral Douche, 940 F., pressure 10-20 pounds., duration 2-4 minutes. CONSTIPATIONLaxative diet, fruit, malted cereals; Cool Enema. MENTAL AND NERVOUS IRRITABILITYNeutral Bath at 940-960 F., 30 minutes to 2 hours; Heating Wet Sheet Pack; Hot Abdominal Pack; Heating Compress to spine. CONTRAINDICATIONSAvoid cold immersions and all very cold general applications which, by raising blood pressure and exciting the irritable cerebral structures, aggravate the condition. GENERAL METHODA person suffering from melancholia requires essentially the same therapeutic measures as the neurasthenic, with the special moral treatment and control indicated. Also see "Hysteria1." MENTAL ILLNESSSYMPTOMSDepression, anxiety, delusions, nervousness, loss of interest in school or work, sleep pattern changes, irritability, withdrawal from society, sudden rages, lack of enthusiasm, and panic attacks. CAUSESIt is important that we note that this article includes both neurotic and psychotic syndromes. Just because a person has one or more of the symptoms noted here, that does not mean he is crazy. He may just be having a hard time dealing with life. The experts divide mental illness into two main varieties: mood disorders and schizophrenia (which see). Elsewhere we discuss a variety of episodic mood disorders (Depression, Manic Depression, Phobias, and Hysteria). Those with episodic problems generally return to normal between spells. In this article, we shall overview a few primary factors in all mental illness. An important related article is "Nerves, Strengthening." A person is no longer able to cope effectively with emotional or physical stresses, which others are able to handle. Women are twice as likely to experience mental illness. TREATMENT
Also see "Schizophrenia" and "Nerves, Strengthening." ENCOURAGEMENTThere is a God in Israel, who can bring deliverance to all that are oppressed. He will draw near to you, right where you are, and minister to your needs. All you need to do is ask Himjust now. INSANITIES (Post-Febrile; Post-Operative; Toxic; Puerperal Confusional) (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)MALNUTRITIONRest, careful Tonic Frictions. AUTOINTOXICATIONAseptic dietary; fruit diet for 3-4 days: Warm Baths, Radiant Heat Bath, Sweating Wet Sheet Pack, followed by short cold applications; Wet Sheet Rub; or brief Cold Douche; copious water drinking; Colonic daily for a week or two. PUERPERAL LESIONS OR COMPLICATIONSHot vaginal irrigation, Neutral or tonic Sitz Bath. FEVERAbsolute rest in bed; prolonged Tepid Bath at 880-920 F., 30-60 minutes; Cooling Enemas; Cold Compress to head; copious water drinking. ALCOHOLISMWithdraw alcohol at once; withhold food for 3 days; nutritive enemas; copious water drinking; Neutral Colonic daily for a week. UREMIASee under "Nephritis, Acute." - For additional information, see under "Mania." CONTRAINDICATIONSThe same as those of Mania, when conditions coincide. Especially avoid all intensely exciting procedures. GENERAL METHODIn most cases essentially the same as for Mania, giving special attention to the particular causal element which may be a prominent factor in the case. In certain cases, the symptoms are those of Melancholia, and the treatment must be modified accordingly. SCHIZOPHRENIA (Paranoic, Catatonic, Hebephrenic; Dementia Praecox)SYMPTOMSPrinciple signs are moodiness, solitary habits, stupor and excitement, delusions and hallucinations. Hallucinations common, especially of hearing. Loss of emotion or, if shown, it is out of place. Actions are absent or inappropriate. There may be impulsive destructive acts and negativism. Extremities tend to be cold, blue, and edematous (puffy with fluids). Conscious, but takes little cognizance of what is going on about him. Delusions frequent but absurd, often of grandeur and persecution. May have attacks of tears or laughter. There may be excited activity. May remain in a stupor. Grimaces and mannerisms are frequent. Symptoms sometimes change form. Schizophrenia affects about 3% of the population at some time in their lives. CAUSESThis is the most important of the psychoses, and is characterized by a loss of contact with the environment and by a disintegration of personality. The earlier name for it was dementia praecox. There are four primary types. A vague sense of being two personalities and "changed" occurs in all types: 1 - Simple schizophrenia: The person becomes dull emotionally, loses ambition, and tends to withdraw. Yet there is no serious intellectual impairment. 2 - Paranoid schizophrenia: The person develops extensive delusions of persecution. He believes people are plotting against him. 3 - Catatonic schizophrenia: The person may show stereotyped excitement or simulate a stupor. But he will clearly remember it, if he later recovers. 4 - Hebephrenic schizophrenia: There are mannerisms, speech anomalies, hysteroid symptoms, delusions, hallucinations, and often a dreamy, ineffectual reaction. Some believe schizophrenia is hereditary; others think that only attitudinal, dietetic, and external factors lead to it (head injuries, complications during birth, reaction to a virus or medicinal drug, environmental poisons). A wide range of medicinal drugs can produce schizoid symptoms. It is known that many schizophrenics had birth complications or a head injury in childhood. Schizophrenia is also linked to an excess of copper in the body. High copper levels cause vitamin C and zinc levels to drop. It is believed that a zinc deficiency may be a key factor inducing schizophrenia. A full 80% of those with this disorder have a deficiency of zinc and an excess of copper and iron in their body tissues. Supplementation of zinc and manganese are needed to correct this. Zinc deficiencies occur more frequently in the winter, and this is when this disorder frequently begins. It is now known that some individuals who, later in life are schizophrenic, had a prenatal zinc deficiency, from their mother's diet and way of life. The pineal gland in the brain normally has high levels of zinc, and weakening of this endocrine gland may be a factor. Magnesium deficiency may also be involved, since schizophrenics have lower magnesium levels in their blood; and, when they recover from it, their magnesium levels are higher. Hypoglycemia appears to be frequently involved in schizophrenia. A fair level supply of blood sugar is vital, if oxygen is going to be regularly provided to the brain. Yet it is believed that an undersupply of oxygen is a key factor inducing the disorder. (See "Hypoglycemia.") High-quality food, with emphasis on slow-to-digest whole grain products, should be eaten. Mineral and trace mineral imbalances exist in schizophrenics. A nourishing diet, along with vitamin/mineral supplementation is needed. Severe vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency (pellagra), with its characteristics such as nervousness, loss of memory, confusion, paranoia, insomnia, depression, and hallucinationsresembles schizophrenia so closely, that the two disorders probably are the same. Here is an interesting fact: When experiments were made on prisoners, and they were given no niacin for extended periods of time before they were again given normal diets, it required 60 times as much niacin to return them to normal, in order to prevent pellagra. Severe deficiencies of other B complex vitamins can also produce schizoid symptoms. Severe B12 deficiency caused difficulty in concentration, poor memory, agitation, hallucinations, and manic or paranoid behavior. Biotin deficiency causes depression, lassitude, panic, and hallucinations. Faulty essential fatty acid metabolism or deficiency is another factor leading to schizophrenia. The remedy was 2-6 tbsp. of linseed oil, in divided doses, given daily. Flaxseed oil, wheat germ oil, or sunflower seed oil work just as effectively. Another factor is heavy metal poisoning. This would include lead, copper, mercury, TREATMENT
Also see "Mental Illness" and "Nerves, Strengthening" for much additional information. ENCOURAGEMENTServing Christ will place upon you no restriction that will not increase your happiness. In complying with His requirements, you will find a peace, contentment, and enjoyment that you can never have in the path of sin. AUTISMSYMPTOMSSymptoms are very obvious before the age of three: A marked unresponsiveness to other people and surroundings, indifferent to affection, and withdrawn into themselves. Sometimes strange actions, such as pounding feet while sitting, continual rocking back and forth, silent sitting for long periods of time, bursts of hyperactivity while they bite, or pound, on their bodies. CAUSESThere are about 100,000 autistic children in America. They look normal in appearance; but, in addition to the above symptoms, they have learning disabilities and are often mentally disabled. A rare few have astounding abilities in mathematics or music. Nutritional improvement appears to be the best route for natural treatment. In some instances, autistic children have recovered, usually during adolescence. Some progress well, and later lose what was gained. If you have an autistic child, give him a high B-complex supplementation, plus other nutritional factors. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTThe Lord has not changed. He is true, merciful, compassionate, and faithful to do what He says. Trust your life to Him! You will not be sorry. The future He offers you is a marvelous one. |