large objects (LOBs), handling
lc function (Perl)
lcfirst function (Perl)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable DBD::Chart and
Karma and
running Perl scripts on Unix
Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW) algorithm
length function (Perl)
lexical variables, Perl
libapreq library
libnet library
modules in
libnet module
liboci.a file, installing DBD::Oracle under Cygwin
libperl, shared, determining whether running Perl distribution with
libperl.a archive
libraries C, Perl and
GNU recode
mod_perl Apache, specifying
libwww-perl, XML::Parser and
libxml2 library downloading
interface to
libxslt library
line endings
[See also CR/LF] Linux installing Perl from from prebuilt package
installing StatsView on Solaris ps -ef command
[See also StatsView, installing][See also StatsView, installing] Red Hat Linux
[See Red Hat Linux, installing Apache::OWA] zzz
[See also Unix][See also Unix] Linux Red Hat 6
Linux SuSE 7.3
character sets
installing Oracle::OCI on, ORACLE not available errors with Oracle9i
Oracletool connection options
list processor, DDL::Oracle as
lists in Perl
LMTs (locally managed tablespaces)
advantages of
LOBs (large objects), handling
locally managed tablespaces
[See LMTs] locks, locking strategies
log files automating reading of
independent of platforms
creating path to
peforming buffered/nonbuffered prints to
logfile parameter (dbup.conf)
logFile parameter (idxr.conf)
logging by PDBA Toolkit scripts
lossless vs. lossy compression
ls option (Senora DataDictionary plug-in)
ls() subroutine, as example of security risk
LWP Library for WWW access in Perl
[See LWP.pm] LWP.pm
CPAN packages used with
Embperl and
modules required by
optional SSL modules used with
required for mod_perl installation
running make test in mod_perl installation
LZW (Lempel Ziv Welch) algorithm