[ Team LiB ]

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early initialization 
ejbCreate( ) 
EJBHomeFactory pattern 
ejbRemove( ) 
    application server 
        gross configuration of 
        performance tuning 
        performance-optimizing features 
        security layer 
    bean life cycle methods, monitoring for excessive use 
    design guidelines, performance-optimizing 
        caching services 
        combining EJBs 
        CPU usage 
        Data Access Objects 
        efficient transfer of large datasets 
        load balancing 
        message handling 
        reducing locking conflicts 
        reusing objects 
        Value Objects 
    design guidelines, primary 
        business logic, representing 
        caching JNDI lookups 
        container-managed or bean-managed persistence 
        read-only data 
        stateless session beans for speed 
        Elite.com case study 
        Pet Store case study 
        suggestions, additional 
elapsed time measurements 
Elite.com case study of EJB performance tuning 
encapsulation, voiding 
enterprise performance problems, sources of 
entity beans
    accessing from session beans 
environments, specifying in application design 
equality comparisons
    converting to identity comparisons for efficiency 
equals( )
    Double class 
    Object class 
    String class  2nd 
equalsIgnoreCase( ) (String) 
error checking, conditional 
error messages, customizing for assertion failures 
ethereal (communication-monitoring tool) 
Ethernet packet sizes 
event handling, EJB design patterns for 
    conditional error checking 
    handling in JDBC 
    performance checklist 
    reusing  2nd 
    terminating loops with 
        speedup for various VMs 
    try-catch blocks with 
    try-catch blocks without 
    using without stack trace overhead 
execute( ) (Statement) 
executeBatch( )  2nd 
executeQuery( ) 
    concurrent  2nd  3rd  4th 
    serialized  2nd 
    eliminating common subexpressions 
external data files, reading 
Externalizable interface  2nd  3rd  4th