[ Team LiB ]

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race conditions  2nd 
    deadlocks, system load and 
RAID (redundant array of independent disks), striping files and 
RandomAccess interface 
    forward and backward compatibility 
    performance improvements in loop tests 
    uses of 
RandomAccessFile class 
range partitioning 
raw partitions 
RawIntComparator interface 
Reactor pattern in EJB design 
read( ) 
    ScatteringByteChannel class 
    Socket class 
read-ahead algorithm for I/O buffers 
read-only data in EJBs 
    Data Access Objects, using for 
    optimizing read-only EJBs for read-only transactions 
Reader class  2nd 
readExternal (Externalizable) 
readLine( )
    BufferedReader class  2nd 
    DataInputStream class 
    DataInputStream class (deprecated method) 
readObject( ) (Serializable)  2nd 
    caching intermediate results 
    converting recursive method to iterative  2nd 
    performance checklist 
    recursive merge sort for nonarray elements 
    stacks and 
    tail recursion 
    ternary search tree node 
    ternary search tree, converting to iteration 
redelivery of messages, limiting 
redirecting requests to proxy servers 
redirects, forwards vs. 
redundant array of independent disks (RAID), striping files 
    garbage collection 
    Reference class 
    skewing test measurements with 
    SoftReference flushing 
    types of 
    WeakHashMap class 
referents  2nd 
    string literals as 
reflection, avoiding in loops 
regionMatches( )  2nd 
regular expressions 
relay servers 
releaseSavepoint( ) (Connection) 
remote access to EJBs, granularity and 
remote disks, adverse effect on I/O 
remote EJBs 
remote method invocation  [See RMI]
remote procedure call (RPC), time measurement on a LAN 
removeEldestEntry( ) (LinkedHashMap) 
removing beans for performance gains 
request queue 
requesting too many rows in database data transfers 
    centralizing client requests with Front Controller pattern 
    dispatchers or proxy servers for 
    JDBC, measuring 
    mapping to methods 
requirements for performance, specifying 
    allocation/deallocation in EJB 
    concurrency conflicts in EJB, reducing 
    JDBC, closing or releasing 
    limitations of 
    shared, optimizations and 
response times 
    measuring total response time 
    monitoring applications for 
    statistics on, analyzing 
ResultSet interface 
    caching data with ReadOnlyCachedResultSet 
    getString( ) 
    wrapper class, defining 
ResultSetMetaData class 
reusing code 
    method entry points 
    method parameters 
    objects  2nd 
        in EJB 
        pool management 
        reusable paramaters 
        ThreadLocal objects 
RMI (remote method invocation)
    comparison with other communication layers 
    compression layer, adding 
    garbage collection and 
    garbage collection, tuning 
    message reduction example 
    monitoring performance of 
    optimized for EJB application server 
    standards equivalent to CORBA and Web Services 
rmic utility 
Robot class 
rollback( ) (Connection) 
root objects 
round-robin partitioning 
rounding numbers in floating-point to string conversions 
    dropping packets 
    packet sizes and 
RowSet interface, batching updates 
run( ) (Thread) 
runnable queue of processes and threads 
runtime as overhead 
Runtime class
    freeMemory( ) 
    maxMemory( ) 
    totalMemory( ) 
runtime optimizations 
runtime options, performance and 
runtime resolution of strings