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false command 
Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator (flex) command 
fc command (bash) 
fdformat command 
fdisk command  [See also cfdisk command]2nd 
fetchmail command 
fflush command (gawk) 
fg command
fg job control command (tcsh) 
fgconsole command 
fgrep command 
fignore variable (tcsh) 
file archives, copying 
file command 
file compression 
    gzexe command 
    gzip command 
file management commands 
file storage commands 
file transfer commands
filename expansion vs. pattern matching 
    access modes, changing (chmod) 
    archives, copying from or restoring to (tar) 
    attributes, listing 
    byte, word, and line counts, displaying (wc) 
    character encoding conversions (iconv) 
    checksums, calculating for (sum) 
    classification of (file command) 
    columnar output, formatting in 
        cmp command 
        comm command 
        compressed to uncompressed files (zcmp) 
        diff command 
        diff3 command 
        zdiff command 
        between Unix and MS-DOS partitions 
    creating or updating (touch) 
    crontab files 
    Debian package management 
    disabling for swapping, paging (swapoff) 
    display format options (hexdump) 
    duplicate lines, removing (uniq) 
    enabling for swapping, paging (swapon) 
    fgrep, searching with 
    finding binary, source, and manpages for (whereis) 
    first lines, displaying (head) 
    last lines, displaying (tail) 
    linking  2nd 
    listing (ls) 
    locking (lockfile) 
    merging (merge) 
    object files, displaying profile data for 
    overwriting to make unrecoverable 
    ownership, changing (chown) 
    printing (lpr)  [See also CUPS; LPRng line printer daemon]2nd 
        in reverse (tac) 
    reading compressed files to output (zcat) 
    renaming zipped files (zforce) 
    secure copying between networks (scp) 
    sorting (sort) 
    string matches, searching for (look) 
    text files, manipulating
        cut command 
    text, opening in vi 
    transfer between networks  [See ftp]
        and paging (zless) 
        and passing to grep (zgrep) 
        from .Z and recompressing to .gz format (znew) 
        uncompress command 
    images, displaying 
    potential booting issues 
    unmounting (umount) 
filetest command (tcsh) 
find command 
fingerd command 
    compiling support 
    FTP transfers (KDE) 
    ipchains command 
    iptables command 
    proxy servers and (KDE) 
    setting rules for in ipchains 
        in iptables 
flags, Debian Package Manager 
flex (Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator) command  2nd  [See also lex command; bison command; yacc command]
floating panels (GNOME) 
floppy disks
    configuring (setfdprm) 
    formatting (fdformat) 
fmt command 
fold command 
foldclose command (ex) 
foldopen command (ex) 
for command
foreach command (tcsh) 
fork access method (CVS) 
form command (ftp) 
formail command 
formatting disks
    floppies (fdformat) 
    MS-DOS (mformat) 
Fortran programming language, compiling (gcc) 
forward slash (/)
    division operator 
    sed command 
free command 
free disk space, measuring 
free software 
Free Software Foundation (FSF) 
freenode IRC network, Linux channels 
freenode IRC service 
fsck command 
fsck.ext2 command  [See e2fsck command]
fsck.minix command 
fsck.msdos  [See dosfsck command]
FSF (Free Software Foundation) 
fstest command (GRUB) 
ftp (File Transfer Protocol) 
    secure transfer using ssh (sftp) 
    tftp command 
ftpd command 
ftpd daemon 
function command
fvwm2 window manager 
    AddToMenu variable 
    application window management 
    button bar 
    cascading menus 
    configuration changes, implementing 
    configuration files 
    desktop configuration 
    EdgeResistance variable 
    focus configurations 
    fvwm2 web site 
    FvwmPager (fvwm2) 
    FvwmWinList  2nd 
        mouse operations 
    GNOME support 
    Icon Manager 
    keyboard shortcuts 
        menu and window manipulation 
        for navigation 
        for pointer movement 
    menus, customizing 
    paging options 
    pointer navigation 
    Popup function 
    switching from GNOME or KDE 
    window configuration 
        StartsOn options 
        sticky windows 
    window management 
.fvwm2rc file 
FvwmWinList (fvwm2) 
fwhois command  [See whois command]

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