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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

& (ampersand) 
    ex  2nd 
    logical AND 
< > (angle brackets) ex 
* (asterisk)  2nd 
    multiplication operator 
@ (at)
\ (backslash) 
! (bang) 
    shell invocation, ftp 
!~ (bang tilde), gawk 
{ } (braces), sed command 
[ ] (brackets)  2nd 
^ (caret), gawk 
: (colon)
    ex editor 
    pattern search, expr 
    :set command (ex) 
    tcsh null command 
$ (dollar) 
    execute macro command, ftp 
. (dot) 
?? (double question marks) 
" " (double quotes) 
= (equals)
\( \) (escaped parentheses) 
/ (forward slash)
    division operator 
    sed command 
#! (hash bang) 
    tcsh shell 
# (hash mark)  2nd 
    in shell scripts 
    tcsh shell 
- (hyphen) and metamail command 
- (minus operator) 
% (modulo operator) 
: (null command) 
( ) (parentheses) 
% (percent) 
    bash job ID argument 
| (pipe)  2nd 
    as logical OR symbol 
+ (plus) operator 
? (question mark)  2nd 
    ftp help command) 
> (redirection operator) 
>> (redirection operator) 
< (redirection operator) 
<< (redirection operator) 
; (semicolon) 
' ' (single quotes) 
~ (tilde)
` (backquote) 

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