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m4 command 
macdef command (ftp) 
machine architecture, identifying 
machine uptime status, tracking (ruptime) 
MACHTYPE environment variable (tcsh) 
mail commands
MAIL environment variable (tcsh) 
mail filtering, formail command 
mail variable (tcsh) 
mailq command 
mailstats command 
mailto command 
make command 
    description file lines 
    internal macros 
    macro modifiers 
    macro string substitution 
    pattern rules 
    special target names 
makeactive command (GRUB) 
makedbm command  2nd 
makemap command 
man command 
    groffer, displaying with 
manpath command 
map command
maps (NIS) 
mark command (ex) 
marks (Emacs) 
marks command (ex) 
master boot record  [See MBR]
match command (gawk) 
match keyword (expr) 
matchbeep variable (tcsh) 
mattrib command 
mbadblocks command 
MBR (master boot record) 
    pre-Linux Windows version, restoring 
mcat command 
mcd command 
mcopy command 
md5crypt command (GRUB) 
mdel command 
mdelete command (ftp) 
mdeltree command 
mdir command 
mdu command 
memory information, displaying (vmstat) 
memory usage information, accessing (free) 
menu panels (GNOME) 
merge command 
merging model (CVS) 
mesg command 
Meta-key (Emacs) 
metacharacters  2nd 
    pattern matching vs. filename expansion 
    programs, listing by 
metamail command 
metasend command 
mformat command 
mget command (ftp) 
Microsoft  [See MS-DOS Windows]
MIME types
    GNOME, setting in 
    mailto command 
    metamail command 
    metasend command 
mimencode command 
minfo command 
minus (-) operator 
mkdir command 
mkdosfs command 
mke2fs command 
mkexrc command (ex) 
mkfifo command 
mkfs command 
mkfs.ext2 command  [See mke2fs command]
mkfs.ext3 command 
mkfs.minix command 
mkfs.msdos command  [See mkdosfs command]
mkisofs command 
mklost+found command 
mknod command 
mkpasswd command 
mkraid command 
mkswap command 
mktemp command 
mktime command (gawk) 
mlabel command 
mls command (ftp) 
mmd command 
mmount command 
mmove command 
mode command (ftp) 
modinfo command 
modprobe command 
    depmod and 
modtime command (ftp) 
module command (GRUB) 
modulenounzip command (GRUB) 
    loaded, listing of (lsmod) 
    loading (insmod) 
    loading with initrd 
modulo (%) operator 
more command 
mount command  2nd 
mountd command 
mountd daemon 
mouse accessibility settings (GNOME) 
mouse commands (gpm) 
move command (ex) 
mpartition command 
mpg123 command 
mpg321 command 
mput command (ftp) 
mrd command 
mren command 
    booting from 
    changing directories on 
    disk usage, displaying 
    disks, formatting for 
        changing attributes of (mattrib) 
        bad blocks, checking for 
        directory contents, listing (mdir) 
    formatting disks in (mformat) 
    restoring the pre-Linux MBR 
mshowfat command 
mt command 
mtools commands 
mtoolstest command 
mtype command 
Multiboot Specification 
mv command 
mzip command 

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