10. The Paradise Sons

- Introduction
- Magisterial Sons
- Bestowal of the Sons
- Trinity Teacher Sons
- Trinity-embraced Sons
- Mighty Messengers
- Those High in Authority
- Those without Name and Number
- Trinitized Custodians
- Trinitized Ambassadors
- High Son Assistants
- Technique of Trinitization
1. Proposition. There are three orders of the Paradise Sons of God— depending on parental origin.
“The Paradise Sons of God are of threefold origin: The primary or Creator Sons are brought into being by the Universal Father and the Eternal Son; the secondary or Magisterial Sons are children of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit; the Trinity Teacher Sons are the offspring of the Father, Son, and Spirit. From the standpoint of service, worship, and supplication the Paradise Sons are as one; their spirit is one, and their work is identical in quality and completeness.” (224.1) 20:1.11
2. Proposition. The Paradise Sons are the gifts of Deity to the ascendant creatures—they are devoted to helping the mortals of time attain the spiritual goal of eternity.
“The Paradise Sons are the divine presentation of the acting natures of the three persons of Deity to the domains of time and space. The Creator, Magisterial, and Teacher Sons are the gifts of the eternal Deities to the children of men and to all other universe creatures of ascension potential. These Sons of God are the divine ministers who are unceasingly devoted to the work of helping the creatures of time attain the high spiritual goal of eternity.” (232.5) 20:10.2
3. Proposition. The Paradise Sons follow the divine expansion of the First Source and Center from Paradise to the unknown depths of space.
“In the harmony of their triune activities these Paradise Sons of God ever function in the vanguard of the personalities of Deity as they follow the never-ending expansion of the divinity of the First Great Source and Center from the everlasting Isle of Paradise into the unknown depths of space.” (233.1) 20:10.4
1. Proposition. Magisterial Sons are produced by the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. Through creature incarnation, they earn the right to serve as judges of survival in the time-space creations.
“Much as the Creator Sons are personalized by the Father and the Son, so are the Magisterial Sons personalized by the Son and the Spirit. These are the Sons who, in the experiences of creature incarnation, earn the right to serve as the Judges of of survival in the creations of time and space.” (88.3) 7:6.5
2. Proposition. Avonal Sons are produced by the absolute concept of the Eternal Son and the divine ideal of the Infinite Spirit.
“Every time an original and absolute concept of being formulated, by the Eternal Son unites with a new and divine ideal of loving service conceived by the Infinite Spirit, a new and original Son of God, a Paradise Magisterial Son, is produced. These Sons constitute the order of Avonals.” (224.6) 20:2.1
3. Proposition. Avonals are planetary ministers and judges. They number about one billion.
“The Avonals are planetary ministers and judges, the magistrates of the time-space realms—of all races, to all worlds, and in all universes.
“We have reasons for believing that the total number of Magisterial Sons in the grand universe is about one billion. They are of a selfgoverning order, being directed by their supreme council on Paradise, which is made up of experienced Avonals drawn from the services of all universes.”(224.6) 20:2.1
4. Proposition. The Avonals have a threefold function.
- Judicial actions.
- Magisterial missions.
- Bestowal Sons.
See (225.3) 20:2.4
5. Proposition. Avonals may serve many times on magisterial and bestowal missions. After numerous missions they may join the staffs of the Creator Sons.
“There is no limit to the number of times the Avonal Sons may serve on magisterial and on bestowal missions, but usually, when the experience has been seven times traversed, there is suspension in favor of those who have had less of such service. These Sons of multiple bestowal experience are then assigned to the high personal council of a Creator Son, thud becoming participants in the administration of universe affairs.”(225.7) 20:2.8
6. Proposition. The mission of a Magisterial Son is just as effective as that of a Creator Son.
“To all intents and purposes their work on the inhabited spheres is just as effective and acceptable as would have been the service of a Creator Son upon such worlds of mortal habitation.” (225.8) 20:2.9
7. Proposition. The Avonals are the adjudicators of a planetary dispensation. They preside over the Judgment of the living and the resurrection of the dead.
“The Avonals are known as Magisterial Sons because they are the high magistrates of the realms, the adjudicators of the successive dispensations of the worlds of time. They preside over the awakening of the sleeping survivors, sit in judgment on the realm, bring to an end a dispensation of suspended justice, execute the mandates of an age of probationary mercy, reassign the space creatures of planetary ministry to the tasks of the new dispensation, and return to the headquarters of their local universe upon the completion of their mission.” (226.1) 20:3.1
8. Proposition. Magisterial missions sometimes, and bestowal missions always, are incarnations. On other missions they may appear as spiritual beings.
“The arrival of a Paradise Avonal on an evolutionary world for the purpose of terminating a dispensation and of inaugurating a new era of planetary progression is not necessarily either a magisterial mission or a bestowal mission. Magisterial missions sometimes, and bestowal missions always, are incarnations; that is, on such assignments the Avonals serve on a planet in material form—literally. Their other visits are ‘technical,’ and in this capacity an Avonal is not incarnated for planetary service. If a Magisterial Son comes solely as a dispensational adjudicator, he arrives on a planet as a spiritual being, invisible to the material creatures of the realm. Such technical visits occur repeatedly in the long history of an inhabited world.” (226.3) 20:3.3
9. Proposition. Prior to the mission of a bestowal Son, an incarnated Avonal usually appears on a magisterial mission.
“Prior to the planetary appearance of a bestowal Son, an inhabited world is usually visited by a Paradise Avonal on a magisterial mission. If it is an initial magisterial visitation, the Avonal is always incarnated as a material being. He appears on the planet of assignment as a full-fledged male of the mortal races, a being fully visible to, and in physical contact with, the mortal creatures of his day and generation. Throughout a magisterial incarnation the connection of the Avonal Son with the local and the universal spiritual forces is complete and unbroken.” (226.5) 20:4.1
10. Proposition. Urantia may yet be visited by an incarnated Avonal Son on a magisterial mission.
“Urantia may yet be visited by an Avonal commissioned to incarnate on a magisterial mission, but regarding the future appearance of Paradise Sons, not even ‘the angels in heaven know the time or manner of such visitations,’ for a Michael-bestowal world becomes the individual and personal ward of a Master Son and, as such, is wholly subject to his own plans and rulings.” (227.3) 20:4.5
1. Proposition. Incarnated Paradise Sons have experienced Adjusters which are often personalized after the incarnation.
“When incarnated on either bestowal or magisterial missions, the Paradise Sons have experienced Adjusters, and these Adjusters are different for each incarnation. The Adjusters that occupy the minds of the incarnated Sons of God can never hope for personality through fusion with the human-divine beings of their indwelling, but they are often personalized by fiat of the Universal Father.” (227.1) 20:4.3
2. Proposition. Bestowals of Paradise Sons are essential to the universal bestowal of Thought Adjusters and the coming of the Spirit of Truth.
“Some order of Paradise Son must be bestowed upon each mortal-inhabited world in order to make it possible for Thought Adjusters to indwell the minds of all normal human beings on that sphere, for the Adjusters do not come to all bona fide human beings until the Spirit of Truth has been poured out upon all flesh; and the sending of the Spirit of Truth is dependent upon the return to universe headquarters of a Paradise Son who has successfully executed a mission of mortal bestowal upon an evolving world.” (227.6) 20:5.3
3. Proposition. In a bestowal experience, disaster is possible—but it has never occurred.
“Though the possibility of disaster always attends these Paradise Sons during their bestowal incarnations, I have yet to see the record of the failure or default of either a Magisterial or a Creator Son on a mission of bestowal. Both are of origin too close to absolute perfection to fail.”(228.4) 20:5.7
4. Proposition. The technique of the incarnation of a Paradise Son is a universe mystery.
“The method whereby a Paradise Son becomes ready for mortal incarnation as a bestowal Son, becomes enmothered on the bestowal planet, is a universal mystery; and any effort to detect “the working of this Sonarington technique is doomed to meet with certain failure.” (228.5) 20:6.1
5. Proposition. A bestowal Son is always born of woman and grows up as a male child of the realm.
“On a mortal-bestowal mission a Paradise Son is always born of woman and grows up as a male child of the realm, as Jesus did on Urantia. These Sons of supreme service all pass from infancy through youth to manhood just as does a human being. In every respect they become like the mortals of the race into which they are born.” (229.1) 20:6.2
6. Proposition. Mortal bestowals of Michaels and Avonals are similar but not identical.
“The mortal-bestowal careers of the Michaels and the Avonals, while comparable in most respects, are not identical in all: Never does a Magisterial Son proclaim, ‘Whosoever has seen the Son has seen the Father,’ as did your Creator Son when on Urantia and in the flesh. But a bestowed Avonal does declare, ‘Whosoever has seen me has seen the Eternal Son of God.’” (229.4) 20:6.5
7. Proposition. Bestowal Sons die and reappear on the third day. But it is not required that they meet with a tragic death.
“When the bestowal Sons, Creator or Magisterial, enter the portals of death, they reappear on the third day. But you should not entertain the idea that they always meet with the tragic end encountered by the Creator Son who sojourned on your world nineteen hundred years ago. The extraordinary and unusually cruel experience through which Jesus of Nazareth passed has caused Urantia to become locally known as ‘the world of the cross.’ It is not necessary that such inhuman treatment be accorded a Son of God, and the vast majority of planets have afforded them a more considerate reception, allowing them to finish their mortal careers, terminate the age, adjudicate the sleeping survivors, and inaugurate a new dispensation, without imposing a violent death.” (229.5) 20:6.6
8. Proposition. Bestowal Sons can voluntarily pass through death to resurrection—and all this is a part of the bestowal experience.
“When bestowal Sons are not put to death by violence, they voluntarily relinquish their lives and pass through the portals of death, not to satisfy the demands of ‘stern justice’ or ‘divine wrath’ but rather to complete the bestowal, ‘to drink the cup’ of the career of incarnation and personal experience in all that constitutes a creature’s life as it is lived on the planets of mortal existence. Bestowal is a planetary and a universe necessity, and physical death is nothing more than a necessary part of a bestowal mission.” (229.6) 20:6.7
9. Proposition. The bestowal of a Creator Son modifies the Spirit of Truth previously sent by an Avonal Son.
“Upon the completion of a Creator Son’s final bestowal the Spirit of Truth previously sent into all Avonal-bestowal worlds of that local universe changes in nature, becoming more literally the spirit of the sovereign Michael. This phenomenon takes place concurrently with the liberation of the Spirit of Truth for service on the Michael-mortalbestowal planet. Thereafter, each world honored by a Magisterial bestowal will receive the same spirit Comforter from the sevenfold Creator Son, in association with that Magisterial Son, which it would have received had the local universe Sovereign personally incarnated as its bestowal Son.” (230.2) 20:6.9
10. Proposition. The attribute of bestowal is inherent in the Paradise Sons. The Eternal Son has seven times bestowed himself upon the seven circuits of Havona.
“The attribute of bestowal is inherent in the Paradise Sons of the Universal Father. In their desire to come close to the life experiences of their subordinate living creatures, the various orders of the Paradise Sons are reflecting the divine nature of their Paradise parents. The Eternal Son of the Paradise Trinity led the way in this practice, having seven times bestowed himself upon the seven circuits of Havona during the times of the ascension of Grandfanda and the first of the pilgrims from time and space. And the Eternal Son continues to bestow himself upon the local universes of space in the persons of his representatives, the Michael and Avonal Sons.” (1308.2) 119:0.2
11. Proposition. The bestowal of Sons is not to placate the Heavenly Father. It is a part of their experiential training designed to make them safe and understanding rulers.
“On Urantia there is a widespread belief that the purpose of a Son’s bestowal is, in some manner, to influence the attitude of the Universal Father. But your enlightenment should indicate that this is not true. The bestowals of the Avonal and the Michael Sons are a necessary part of the experiential process designed to make these Sons safe and sympathetic magistrates and rulers of the peoples and planets of time and space.”(227.5) 20:5.2
1. Proposition. Trinity Teacher Sons are constantly increasing. In Orvonton there are more than twenty-one billion.
“While the Stationary Sons of the Trinity are of completed numbers, the Teacher Sons are constantly increasing. What the final number of Teacher Sons will be I do not know. I can, however, state that, at the last periodic report to Uversa, the Paradise records indicated 21,001,624,821 of these Sons in service.” (214.11) 19:1.2
2. Proposition. Trinity Teacher Sons are the universal educators.
“They are the universal educators, being dedicated to the spiritual awakening and moral guidance of all realms. Their ministry is intimately interrelated with that of the personalities of the Infinite Spirit and is closely associated with the Paradise ascension of creature beings.” (230.5) 20:7.3
3. Proposition. Trinity Teacher Sons go directly to super-universe headquarters, from which they are sent to varied services in the local universes.
“Unlike their Paradise brethren, Michaels and Avonals, Trinity Teacher Sons receive no preliminary training in the central universe. They are dispatched directly to the headquarters of the superuniverses and from there are commissioned for service in some local universe. In their ministry to these evolutionary realms they utilize the combined spiritual influence of a Creator Son and the associated Magisterial Sons, for the Daynals .do not possess a spiritual drawing power in and of themselves.” (230.7) 20:7.5
4. Proposition. The Teacher Sons conduct schools and examinations from the planets up to the College of Wisdom on Salvington.
“The Teacher Sons compose the faculties who administer all examinations and conduct all tests for the qualification and certification of allsubordinate phases of universe service, from the duties of outpost sentinels to those of star students. They conduct an agelong course of training, ranging from the planetary courses up to the high College of Wisdom located on Salvington.” (231.3) 20:8.3
5. Proposition. Trinity Teacher Sons will function on Urantia after its inhabitants gain deliverance from the shackles of animalism and the fetters of materialism.
“When the progress of events on an evolutionary world indicates that the time is ripe to initiate a spiritual age, the Trinity Teacher Sons always volunteer for this service. You are not familiar with this order of sonship because Urantia has never experienced a spiritual age, a millennium of cosmic enlightenment. But the Teacher Sons even now visit your world for the purpose of formulating plans concerning their projected sojourn on your sphere. They will be due to appear on Urantia after its inhabitants have gained comparative deliverance from the shackles of animalism and from the fetters of materialism.” (231.5) 20:9.1
6. Proposition. Trinity Teacher Sons have only to do with the initiation of a spiritual age—the era of spiritual realities.
“Trinity Teacher Sons have nothing to do with terminating planetary dispensations. They neither judge the dead nor translate the living, but on each planetary mission they are accompanied by a Magisterial Son who performs these services. Teacher Sons are wholly concerned with the initiation of a spiritual age, with the dawn of the era of spiritual realities on an evolutionary planet.” (231.6) 20:9.2
7. Proposition. Teacher Sons usually remain on a planet for one thousand years. The Evening Stars facilitate their contact with world Inhabitants.
“The Teacher Sons usually remain on their visitation planets for one thousand years of planetary time. One Teacher Son presides over the planetary millennial reign and is assisted by seventy associates of his order. The Daynals do not incarnate or otherwise so materialize themselves as to be visible to mortal beings; therefore is contact with the world of visitation maintained through the activities of the Brilliant Evening Stars, local universe personalities who are associated with the Trinity Teacher Sons.” (232.1) 20:9.3
8. Proposition. In the next universe age, the Teacher Sons may become eternally associated with the Paradise Corps of the Finality.
“On Uversa it is our belief that, when the superuniverses are finally settled in light and life, these Paradise Teacher Sons, who have become so thoroughly familiar with the problems of evolutionary worlds and have been so long associated with the career of evolutionary mortals, will probably be transferred to eternal association with the Paradise Corps of the Finality.” (232.3) 20:9.5
1. Proposition. In addition to the descending and ascending Sons of God, there is a third group called Trinitized or Trinity-embraced sons.
“There are three groups of beings who are called Sons of God. In addition to descending and ascending orders of sonship there is a third group known as the Trinitized Sons of God. The trinitized order of sonship is subdivided into three primary divisions in accordance with the origins of its many types of personalities, revealed and unrevealed. These primary divisions are:
- Deity-trinitized Sons.
- Trinity-embraced Sons.
- Creature-trinitized Sons
“Irrespective of origin all Trinitized Sons of God have in common the experience of trinitization, either as a part of their origin or as an experience of Trinity embrace subsequently attained. The Deity-trinitized Sons are unrevealed in these narratives; therefore will this presentation be confined to a portrayal of the remaining two groups, more particularly the Trinity-embraced sons of God.” (243.1) 22:0.1
2. Proposition. The Trinity-embraced sons consist of seven groups.
“All Trinity-embraced sons are originally of dual or single origin, but subsequent to the Trinity embrace they are forever devoted to Trinity service and assignment. This corps, as revealed and as organized for superuniverse service, embraces seven orders of personalities:
- 1 . Mighty Messengers.
- Those High in Authority.
- Those without Name and Number.
- Trinitized Custodians.
- Trinitized Ambassadors.
- Celestial Guardians.
- High Son Assistants.” (243.6) 22:1.1
3. Proposition. Trinitized Sons of Selection are recruited from seraphim, midwayers, and Spirit-fused and Son-fused mortals.
“The Trinitized Sons of Selection embrace the Trinitized Custodians and the Trinitized Ambassadors. They are recruited from certain of the evolutionary seraphim and translated midway creatures who have traversed Havona and have attained Paradise, as well as from certain of the Spirit-fused and the Son-fused mortals who have likewise ascended to the central Isle of Light and Life. Subsequent to their embrace by the Paradise Trinity and after a brief training in Havona, the Trinitized Sons of Selection are assigned to the courts of the Ancients of Days.” (244.2) 22:1.11
4. Proposition. Trinitized Sons of Perfection are the trinitized sons of Paradise-Havona personalities or perfected finaliters.
“The Trinitized Sons of Perfection. The Celestial Guardians and their co-ordinates, the High Son Assistants, comprise a unique group of twice-trinitized personalities. They are the creaturetrinitized sons of Paradise-Havona personalities or of perfected ascendant mortals who have long distinguished themselves in the Corps of the Finality. Some of these creature-trinitized sons, after service with the Supreme Executives of the Seven Master Spirits and after serving under the Trinity Teacher Sons, are retrinitized (embraced) by the Paradise Trinity and then commissioned to the courts of the Ancients of Days as Celestial Guardians and as High Son Assistants. Trinitized Sons of Perfection are assigned directly to the superuniverse service without further training.” (244.3) 22:1.12
5. Proposition. The Trinitized Sons of Attainment are all Adjuster-fused ascendant mortals and after Trinity embrace their names are removed from the finaliter roll.
“The Trinitized Sons of Attainment—the Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number—are all Adjuster-fused ascendant mortals who have attained Paradise and the Corps of the Finality. But they are not finaliters; when they have been Trinity embraced, their names are removed from the finaliter roll call.” (244.1) 22:1.10
6. Proposition. For this universe age, the Trinity-embraced sons are assigned to the service of the superuniverses.
“Apparently the Trinity-embraced sons have been permanently assigned to the service of the seven superuniverses; certainly this assignment is for the duration of the present universe age, but we have never been informed that it is to be eternal.” (244.6) 22:1.15
7. Proposition. Not all creature-trinitized sons are Trinity embraced. Some become associates of the Master Spirits, the Reflective Spirits, and local universe Mother Spirits. Others serve on the secret worlds of Paradise.
“Not all creature-trinitized sons are Trinity embraced; many become the associates and ambassadors of the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise, of the Reflective Spirits of the superuniverses, and of the Mother Spirits of the local creations. Others may accept special assignments on the eternal Isle. Still others may enter the special services on the secret worlds of the Father and on the Paradise spheres of the Spirit. Eventually many find their way into the conjoint corps of the Trinitized Sons on the inner circuit of Havona.”
(252.1) 22:8.5
8. Proposition. Except those forgathering on Vicegerington, creature-trinitized sons are destined to enter the Corps of Trinitized Finaliters.
“Excepting the Trinitized Sons of Perfection and those who are forgathering on Vicegerington, the supreme destiny of all creaturetrinitized sons appears to be entrance into the Corps of Trinitized Finaliters, one of the seven Paradise Corps of the Finality.” (252.2) 22:8.6
9. Proposition. Trinitized Sons of Perfection are deficient in time-space experience. They will gain experience in a future universe age.
“Trinitized Sons of Perfection are limited in contrast to other Trinity-embraced sons because their experiential capacity is timespace inhibited. They are experience-deficient, despite long training with the Supreme Executives and the Teacher Sons, and if this were not the case, experiential saturation would preclude their being left in reserve for acquiring experience in a future universe age. There is simply nothing in all universal existence which can take the place of actual personal experience, and these creaturetrinitized sons are held in reserve for experiential function in some future universe epoch.
“On the mansion worlds I have often seen these dignified officers of the high courts of the superuniverse look so longingly and appealingly at even the recent arrivals from the evolutionary worlds of space that one could not help realizing that these possessors of nonexperiential trinitization really envied their supposedly less fortunate brethren who ascend the universal path by steps of bona fide experience and actual living. Notwithstanding their handicaps and limitations they are a wonderfully useful and ever-willing corps of workers when it comes to the execution of the complex administrative plans of. the superuni verse governments.” (253.1) 22:9.7
1. Proposition. Mighty Messengers belong to the ascendant group of Trinitized Sons. They are rebellion-tested mortals.
“Mighty Messengers belong to the ascendant group of the Trinitized Sons. They are a class of perfected mortals who have been rebellion tested or otherwise equally proved as to their personal loyalty; all have passed through some definite test of universe allegiance. At some time in their Paradise ascent they stood firm and loyal in the face of the disloyalty of their superiors, and some did actively and loyally function in the places of such unfaithful leaders.” (245.1) 22:2.1
2. Proposition. An ascendant creature who prevents or withstands rebellion in a universe crisis is destined to become a Mighty Messenger.
“Every ascendant mortal of insurrectionary experience who functions loyally in the face of rebellion is eventually destined to become a Mighty Messenger of the superuniverse service. Likewise is any ascendant creature who effectively prevents such upheavals of error, evil, or sin; for action designed to prevent rebellion or to effect higher types of loyalty in a universe crisis is regarded as of even greater value than loyalty in the face of actual rebellion.” (245.3) 22:2.3
3. Proposition. Mighty Messengers are embraced in groups of seven hundred thousand. Almost one trillion are commissioned on Uversa.
“Mighty Messengers are embraced by the Paradise Trinity in classes of seven hundred thousand, one hundred thousand for assignment to each superuniverse. Almost one trillion Mighty Messengers are commissioned on Uversa, and there is every reason to believe that the number serving in each of the seven superuniverses is exactly the same.” (245.5) 22:2.5
4. Proposition. Mighty Messengers are superuniverse observers; they are defenders of individuals and planets. They assist in the direction of the major sectors.
“In the superuniverse courts, Mighty Messengers act as defenders of both individuals and planets when they come up for adjudication; they also assist the Perfections of Days in the direction of the affairs of the major sectors. As a group, their chief assignment is that of superuniverse observers. They are stationed on the various headquarters worlds and on individual planets of importance as the official observers of the Ancients of Days.” (245.8) 22:2.8
5. Proposition. Mighty Messengers are fully conscious of their ascendant careers.
“Mighty Messengers are fully conscious of their entire ascendant careers, and that is why they are such useful and sympathetic ministers, understanding messengers, for service on any world of space and to any creature of time.” (246.1) 22:2.9
1. Proposition. Those High in Authority are ascendant mortals of superior administrative ability. Seventy thousand are trinitized at a time.
“Those High in Authority, the second group of the Trinitized Sons of Attainment, are all Adjuster-fused beings of mortal origin. These are the perfected mortals who have exhibited superior administrative ability and have shown extraordinary executive genius throughout theit long ascending careers. They are the cream of governing ability derived from the surviving mortals of space.
“Seventy thousand of Those High in Authority are trinitized at each Trinity liaison.” (246.2) 22:3.1
2. Proposition. Those High in Authority are the executives of the Ancients of Days.
“Those High in Authority are administrators without limitation. They are the everywhere-present and always efficient executives of the Ancients of Days. They serve on any sphere, on any inhabited world, and in any phase of activity in any of the seven superuniverses.” (246.4) 22:3.3
1. Proposition. Those without Name and Number are the ascendant souls who have learned to worship beyond the skill of evolutionary mortals. Their concept of the eternal purpose of God transcends that of their fellows.
“Those without Name and Number constitute the third and last group of the Trinitized Sons of Attainment; they are the ascendant souls who have developed the ability to worship beyond the skill of all the sons and daughters of the evolutionary races from the worlds of time and space. They have acquired a spiritual concept of the eternal purpose of the Universal Father which comparatively transcends the comprehension of the evolutionary creatures of name or number; therefore are they denominated Those without Name and Number. More strictly translated, their name would be ‘Those above Name and Number.’
“This order of sons is embraced by the Paradise Trinity in groups of seven thousand. There are of record on Uversa over one hundred million of these sons commissioned in Orvonton.” (246.6) 22:4.1
1. Proposition. Trinitized Custodians are ascendant seraphim and midwayers who have been Trinity embraced.
“The Trinitized Custodians are Trinitized Sons of Selection. Not only do your races and other mortals of survival value traverse Havona, attain Paradise, and sometimes find themselves destined to superuniverse service with the Stationary Sons of the Trinity, but your faithful seraphic guardians and your equally faithful midway associates may also become candidates for the same Trinity recognition and superb personality destiny.
“Trinitized Custodians are ascendant seraphim and translated midway creatures who have passed through Havona and have attained Paradise and the Corps of the Finality. Subsequently they were embraced by the Paradise Trinity and were assigned to the service of the Ancients of Days.” (247.7) 22:5.1
1. Proposition. Trinitized Ambassadors are ascendant Spirit-fused and Son-fused mortals.
“Trinitized Ambassadors are the second order of the Trinitized Sons of Selection and like their associates, the Custodians, are recruited from two types of ascendant creatures. Not all ascending mortals are Adjuster or Father fused; some are Spirit fused, some are Son fused. Certain of these Spirit- and Son-fused mortals reach Havona and attain Paradise. From among these Paradise ascenders, candidates are selected for the Trinity embrace, and from time to time they are trinitized in classes of seven thousand.” (248.6) 22:6.1
1. Proposition. High Son Assistants are the superior group of the retrinitized trinitized sons of ascendant mortals.
“The High Son Assistants are the superior group of the retrinitized trinitized sons of glorified ascendant beings of the Mortal Corps of the Finality and of their eternal associates, the ParadiseHavona personalities. They are assigned to the superuniverse service and function as personal aids to the high sons of the governments of the Ancients of Days. They might fittingly be denominated private secretaries. They act, from time to time, as clerks for special commissions and other group associations of the high sons. They serve Perfectors of Wisdom, Divine Counselors, Universal Censors, Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number.” (253.3) 22:10.1
2. Proposition. These High Son Assistants are affectionate, loyal, and intelligent beings. They are supremely wise regarding the single idea of their origin.
“They are touchingly affectionate, superbly loyal, exquisitely intelligent, supremely wise—regarding a single idea—and transcete dently humble. While they can impart to you the lore of the universe concerning their one idea or ideal, it is well-nigh pathetic to observe them seeking knowledge and information on hosts of other subjects, even from the ascending mortals.”(254.5) 22:10.8
1. Proposition. The techniques of trinitization are among the secrets of Vicegerington and Solitarington. Aside from Deity, only Paradise-Havona personalities and certain members of the Finality Corps engage in trinitization.
“I cannot fully unfold to the material mind the experience of the supreme creative performance of perfect and perfected spiritual beings—the act of trinitization. The techniques of trinitization are among the secrets of Vicergerington and Solitarington and are revealable to, and understandable by, none save those who have passed through these unique experiences. Therefore is it beyond the possibility of any being successfully to portray to the human mind the nature and purport of this extraordinary transaction.
“Aside from the Deities, only Paradise-Havona personalities and certain members of each of the finaliter corps engage in trinitization. Under specialized conditions of Paradise perfection, these superb beings may embark upon the unique adventure of concept-identity, and they are many times successful in the production of a new being, a creature-trinitized son.” (249.1) 22:7.1
2. Proposition. Description of the technique of two mortals engaged in trinitization.
“If two mortal finaliters, on going before the Architects of the Master Universe, demonstrate that they have independently chosen an identical concept for trinitization, the Architects are empowered, on their own discretion, to promulgate mandates permitting these glorified mortal ascenders to extend their recess and to remove themselves for a time to the trinitizing sector of the Paradise Citizens. At the end of this assigned retreat, if they report that they have singly and jointly elected to make the paradisiacal effort to spiritualize, idealize, and actualize a selected and original concept which has not theretofore been trinitized, then does Master Spirit Number Seven issue orders authorizing such an extraordinary undertaking.” (249.5) 22:7.5
3. Proposition. Trinitization by ascendant creatures eventuates in spiritual union of the parents—they become one on the ultimate functional level.
“Simultaneously with the appearance of a new creature-trinitized son, there occurs this functional spiritual union of the two ancestors; the two trinitizing parents become one on the ultimate functional level.” (250.2) 22:7.8
4. Proposition. Mortal or Paradise-Havona trinitizing parents are separated from Paradise, Havona and finaliter associations. They forgather in a special corps.
“If parental bi-unification involves a mortal (or other) finaliter and a Paradise-Havona personality, the united parental beings function neither with the Paradisers, Haveners, nor finaliters. Such mixed unions forgather in a special corps made up of similar beings. And in all trinitization unions, mixed or otherwise, the parental beings are conscious of, and can communicate with, each other, and they can perform duties that neither could have previously discharged.” (250.3) 22:7.9
5. Proposition. The Seven Master Spirits sanction trinitization of finaliters and Paradise-Havona personalities. Their sons become wards of the Master Architects.
“The Seven Master Spirits have authority to sanction the trinitizing union of finaliters and Paradise-Havona personalities, and such mixed liaisons are always successful. The resultant magnificent creaturetrinitized sons are representative of concepts unsuited to the comprehension of either the eternal creatures of Paradise or the time creatures of space; hence they become the wards of the Architects of the Master Universe.” (250.4) 22:7.10
6. Proposition. The trinitization adventures of the central universe embrace three groups.
“In their trinitization adventures the superb creatures of the central universe and Paradise are engaged in a threefold exploration of the Deity of the Supreme which results in the production of three orders of creature-trinitized sons:
“1. Aecender-trinitized Sons. In their creative efforts the finaliters are attempting to trinitize certain conceptual realities of the Almighty Supreme which they have experientially acquired in their ascension through time and space to Paradise.
“2. Paradise-Havona-trinitized Sons. The creative efforts of the Paradise Citizens and the Haveners result in the trinitization of certain high spiritual aspects of the Supreme Being which they have experientially acquired on a supersupreme background bordering on the Ultimate and the Eternal.
“3. Trinitized Sons of Destiny. But when a finaliter and a ParadiseHavoner together trinitize a new creature, this conjoint effort repercusses in certain phases of the Supreme-Ultimate Mind. The resulting creature-trinitized sons are supercreational; they represent actualities of Supreme-Ultimate Deity which have not been otherwise experientially attained, and which, therefore, automatically fall within the province of the Architects of the Master Universe, custodians of those things which transcend the creational limits of the present universe age.” (251.1) 22:7.11
7. Proposition. Some trinitized sons are lacking in ascendant experience. They are fully conscious of this deficiency.
“These twice-trinitized sons are marvelous beings, but they are neither as versatile nor dependable as their ascendant associates; they lack that tremendous and profound personal experience which the rest of the sons belonging to this group have acquired by actually climbing up to glory from the dark domains of space. We of the ascendant career love them and do all in our power to compensate their deficiencies, but they make us ever grateful for our lowly origin and our capacity for experience. Their willingness to recognize and acknowledge their deficiencies in the experiencible realities of universe ascension is transcendently beautiful and sometimes most touchingly pathetic.” (252.8) 22:9.6
8. Proposition. Trinitized sons are the very idea which achieved their trinitization.
“As far as that particular concept is revealable to the universes, these personalities embody all of everything that any creature or Creator intelligence could possibly conceive, express, or exemplify. They are that idea personified.” (253.4) 22:10.2
9. Proposition. Creature-trinitized sons live in the present universe age, but they do not grow—they are not a part of the Supreme. They belong to the next universe age.
“Consider the status of the creature-trinitized sons: They are born and live in the present universe age; they have personalities, together with mind and spirit endowments. They have experiences and the memory thereof, but they do not grow as do ascenders. It is our belief and understanding that these creature-trinitized sons, while they are in the present universe age, are really of the next universe age—the age which will follow the completion of the growth of the Supreme. Hence they are not in the Supreme as of his present status of incompleteness and consequent growth. Thus they are nonparticipating in the experiential growth of the present universe age, being held in reserve for the next universe age.”
(1280.3) 117:2.3
Theology of The Urantia Book
- 1. The Doctrine of God
- 2. The Paradise Trinity
- 3. The Absolutes
- 4. Paradise
- 5. The Paradise-Havona System
- 6. Cosmology
- 7. The Local Universe
- 8. Evolution
- 9. The Supreme Spirits
- 10. The Paradise Sons
- 11. Angels
- 12. The Creator Sons
- 13. Local Universe Creative Spirit
- 14. The Power Directors
- 15. Local Universe Sons
- 16. Permanent Citizens
- 17. Man
- 18. Education
- 19. Marriage and Home
- 20. The State
- 21. Ascending Sons of God
- 22. The Morontia Life
- 23. The Corps of the Finality
- 24. Yahweh
- 25. Sin
- 26. Plan of Salvation
- 27. Adam and Eve
- 28. Machiventa Melchizedek
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- Index of The Urantia Book
- Theology of The Urantia Book
- 1. The Doctrine of God
- 10. The Paradise Sons
- 11. Angels
- 12. The Creator Sons
- 13. Local Universe Creative Spirit
- 14. The Power Directors
- 15. Local Universe Sons
- 16. Permanent Citizens
- 17. Man
- 18. Education
- 19. Marriage and Home
- 2. The Paradise Trinity
- 20. The State
- 21. Ascending Sons of God
- 22. The Morontia Life
- 23. The Corps of the Finality
- 24. Yahweh
- 25. Sin
- 26. Plan of Salvation
- 27. Adam and Eve
- 28. Machiventa Melchizedek
- 3. The Absolutes
- 4. Paradise
- 5. The Paradise-Havona System
- 6. Cosmology
- 7. The Local Universe
- 8. Evolution
- 9. The Supreme Spirits