14. The Power Directors

- Introduction
- Seven Supreme Power Directors
- Supreme Power Centers
- Master Physical Controllers
- Master Force Organizers
- Paradise Forces and Energies
- Universal Nonspiritual Energy Systems
- Classification of Matter
- Energy and Matter Transmutations
- Wave Energy Manifestations
- Ultimatons and Electrons
- Atomic Matter
1. Proposition. In the evolutionary cosmos energy-matter is dominant except in personality, where spirit, through the mediation of mind, strives for the mastery.
“On Paradise the three energies, physical, mindal, and spiritual, are co-ordinate. In the evolutionary cosmos energy-matter is dominant except in personality, where spirit, through the mediation of mind, is striving for the mastery.” (140.10) 12:8.14
2. Proposition. Matter is a philosophic shadow cast by mind in the presence of spirit luminosity. But this does not invalidate the reality of matter.
“In cosmic evolution matter becomes a philosophic shadow cast by mind in the presence of spirit luminosity of divine enlightenment, but this does not invalidate the reality of matter-energy. Mind, matter, and spirit are equally real but are not of equal value to personality in the attainment of divinity. Consciousness of divinity is a progressive spiritual experience.” (140.11) 12:8.15
3. Proposition. Mortal mind can grasp only three of the seven levels of reality.
“Though it is hardly possible for the mortal mind to comprehend the seven levels of relative cosmic reality, the human intellect should be able to grasp much of the meaning of three functioning levels of finite reality:
“1. Matter. Organized energy which is subject to linear gravity except as it is modified by motion and conditioned by mind.
“2. Mind. Organized consciousness which is not wholly subject to material gravity, and which becomes truly liberated when modified by spirit.
“3. Spirit. The highest personal reality. True spirit is not subject to physical gravity but eventually becomes the motivating influence of all evolving energy systems of personality dignity.” (140.5) 12:8.9
4. Proposition. Chemical elements exhibit a sevenfold recurrence of similar chemical properties when the elements are arranged according to atomic weight.
“This sevenfold persistence of creative constitution is exhibited in the chemical domains as a recurrence of similar physical and chemical properties in segregated periods of seven when the basic elements are arranged in the order of their atomic weights. When the basic elements are thus arranged in a row, any given quality or property tends to recur by sevens. This periodic change by sevens recurs diminishingly and with variations throughout the entire chemical table, being most markedly observable in the earlier or lighter atomic groupings. Starting from any one element, after noting some one property, such a quality will change for six consecutive elements, but on reaching the eighth, it tends to reappear, that is, the eighth chemically active element resembles the first, the ninth the second, and so on.” (480.1) 42:9.3
5. Proposition. This phenomenon points to the sevenfold constitution of ancestral energy and is indicative of the sevenfold diversity of the creations of time and space.
“Such a fact of the physical world unmistakably points to the sevenfold constitution of ancestral energy and is indicative of the fundamental reality of the sevenfold diversity of the creations of time and space. Man should also note that there are seven colors in the natural spectrum.” (480.1) 42:9.3
1. Proposition. The Supreme Power Directors create seven groups of associates.
“The Seven Supreme Power Directors are not able, individually, to reproduce themselves, but collectively, and in association with the Seven Master Spirits, they can and do reproduce—create—other beings like themselves. Such is the origin of the Supreme Power Centers of the grand universe, who function in the following seven groups:
- Supreme Center Supervisors.
- Havona Centers.
- Superuniverse Centers.
- Local Universe Centers.
- Constellation Centers.
- System Centers.
- Unclassified Centers.” (320.5) 29:2.1
2. Proposition. The Power Directors have existed from the near times of eternity. With their parents, they created more than ten billion associates.
“The Supreme Power Directors and Centers have existed from the near times of eternity, and as far as we know, no more beings of these orders have been created. The Seven Supreme Directors were personalized by the Seven Master Spirits, and then they collaborated with their parents in the production of more than ten billion associates. Before the days of the power directors the energy circuits of space outside of the central universe were under the intelligent supervision of the Master Force Organizers of Paradise.” (319.10) 29:0.10
3. Proposition. The Supreme Power Directors are the physical energy regulators of the grand universe.
“The Seven Supreme Power Directors are the physical-energy regulators of the grand universe. Their creation by the Seven Master Spirits is the first recorded instance of the derivation of semimaterial progeny from true spirit ancestry. When the Seven Master Spirits create individually, they bring forth highly spiritual personalities on the angelic order; when they create collectively, they sometimes produce these high types of semimaterial beings. But even these quasiphysical beings would be invisible to the short-range vision of Urantia mortals.” (320.1) 29:1.1
4. Proposition. The Supreme Power Directors operate from the periphery of Paradise, their circulating presence indicating the force-focal headquarters of the Master Spirits.
“The Seven Supreme Power Directors are stationed on peripheral Paradise, where their slowly circulating presences indicate the whereabouts of the force-focal headquarters of the Master Spirits, These power directors function singly in the power-energy regulation of the superuniverses but collectively in the administration of the central creation. They operate from Paradise but maintain themselves as effective power centers in all divisions of the grand universe.” (320.3) 29:1.3
5. Proposition. Power directors are energy catalyzers. They can organize and assemble energy.
“These power directors themselves are energy catalyzers; that is, they cause energy to segment, organize, or assemble in unit formation by their presence. And all this implies that there must be something inherent in energy which causes it thus to function in the presence of these power entities.” (471.6) 42:2.22
1. Proposition. The power centers and controllers exert perfect control over only seven of the ten forms of energy. Both the Universal and the Unqualified Absolute may be involved in energy control.
“The power centers and controllers exert perfect control over only seven of the ten forms of energy contained in each basic universe current; those forms which are partly or wholly exempt from their control must represent the unpredictable realms of energy manifestation dominated by the Unqualified Absolute. If they exert an influence upon the primordial forces of this Absolute, we are not cognizant of such functions, though there is some slight evidence which would warrant the opinion that certain of the physical controllers are sometimes automatically reactive to certain impulses of the Universal Absolute.” (324.1) 29:3.11
2. Proposition. Power centers and physical controllers never play. They are always on duty.
“Having no ascendant past to revert to in memory, power centers and physical controllers never play; they are thoroughly businesslike in all their actions. They are always on duty, there is no provision in the universal scheme for the interruption of the physical lines of energy; never for a fraction of a second can these beings relinquish their direct supervision of the energy circuits of time and space.” (323.3) 29:3.5
3. Proposition. Power centers work with three basic currents of ten energies each. They have nothing to do with the force actions of outer space.
“The power centers and their subordinate controllers are assigned to the working of all of the physical energies of organized space. They work with the three basic currents of ten energies each. That is the energy charge of organized space; and organized space is their domain. The Universe Power Directors have nothing whatever to do with those tremendous actions of force which are now taking place outside the present boundaries of the seven superuniverses.” (323.8) 29:3.10
4. Proposition. Power centers can transmute the ultimaton into the circuits of the electron, but they are curtailed when energy swings into the atomic systems.
“The power centers and their associates are much concerned in the work of transmuting the ultimaton into the circuits and revolutions of the electron. These unique beings control and compound power by their skillful manipulation of the basic units of materialized energy, the ultimatons. They are masters of energy as it circulates in this primitive state. In liaison with the physical controllers they are able to effectively control and direct energy even after it has transmuted to the electrical level, the so-called electronic stage. But their range of action is enormously curtailed when electronically organized energy swings into the whirls of the atomic systems. Upon such materialization, these energies fall under the complete grasp of the drawing power of linear gravity.” (473.1) 42:4.3
5. Proposition. The supreme power centers and Directors are intelligent and volitional. They are concerned with both physical and mindal energies.
“These power centers together with the Supreme Power Directors are beings of high will freedom and action. They are all endowed with Third-Source personality and disclose unquestioned volitional capacity of a high order. These directing centers of the universe power system are the possessors of exquisite intelligence endowment; they are the intellect of the power system of the grand universe and the secret of the technique of the mind control of all the vast network of the far-flung functions of the Master Physical Controllers and the Morontia Power Supervisors.”(321.1) 29:2.9
6. Proposition. There are seven groups of Supreme Power Centers.
- Supreme Center Supervisors.
- Havona Centers.
- Superuniverse Centers.
- Local Universe Centers.
- Constellation Centers.
- System Centers.
- Unclassified Centers.
See:(321.2) 29:2.10
1. Proposition. The grand universe is kept in equilibrium by the function of the power control creatures of the God of Action.
“The universe of universes is permeated by the power-control creatures of the Third Source and Center: physical controllers, power directors, power centers, and other representatives of the God of Action who have to do with the regulation and stabilization of physical energies. These unique creatures of physical function all possess varying attributes of power control, such as antigravity, which they utilize in their efforts to establish the physical equilibrium of the matter and energies of the grand universe.” (101.6) 9:3.6
2. Proposition. Physical controllers traverse space at velocities near those of the Solitary Messengers.
“These beings are the mobile subordinates of the Supreme Power Centers. The physical controllers are endowed with capabilities of individuality metamorphosis of such a nature that they can engage in a remarkable variety of autotransport, being able to traverse local space at velocities approaching the flight of Solitary Messengers. But like all other space traversers they require the assistance of both their fellows and certain other types of beings in overcoming the action of gravity and the resistance of inertia in departing from a material sphere.” (324.3) 29:4.1
3. Proposition. Master Physical Controllers function throughout the grand universe; as far as the superuniverses, they are governed by the Supreme Power Directors; from there out they are directed by the Council of Equilibrium composed of Associate Master Force Organizers.
“The Master Physical Controllers serve throughout the grand universe. They are directly governed from Paradise by the Seven Supreme Power Directors as far as the headquarters of the superuniverses; from here they are directed and distributed by the Council of Equilibrium, the high commissioners of power dispatched by the Seven Master Spirits from the personnel of the Associate Master Force Organizers. These high commissioners are empowered to interpret the readings and registrations of the master frandalanks, those living instruments which indicate the power pressure and the energy charge of an entire superuniverse.” (324.4) 29:4.2
4. Proposition. Mind can think even when deprived of all power of choice, as in lower animals and subordinate physical controllers.
“Personality is not necessarily a concomitant of mind. Mind can think even when deprived of all power of choice, as in numerous of the lower types of animals and in certain of these subordinate physical controllers. Many of these more automatic regulators of physical power are not persons in any sense of the term. They are not endowed with will and independence of decision, being wholly subservient to the mechanical perfection of design for the tasks of their allotment. Nonetheless all of them are highly intelligent beings.”
(325.6) 29:4.13
5. Proposition. There are seven grand divisions of the Master Physical Controllers.
“The Master Physical Controllers are the direct offspring of the Supreme Power Centers, and their numbers include the following:
- Associate Power Directors.
- Mechanical Controllers.
- Energy Transformers.
- Energy Transmitters.
- Primary Associators.
- Secondary Dissociators.
- The Frandalanks and Chronoldeks.”(324.6) 29:4.4
1. Proposition. Three groups of beings have to do with force control and energy regulation.
“Even now I am permitted fully to disclose only the last of the following three, groups of living beings having to do with force control and energy regulation in the master universe:
- Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers.
- Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers.
- Universe Power Directors.” (319.1) 29:0.1
2. Proposition. Paradise force organizers function throughout the master universe under the supervision of the Master Architects.
“The force organizers are resident on Paradise, but they function throughout the master universe, more particularly in the domains of unorganized space. These extraordinary beings are neither creators nor creatures, and they comprise two grand divisions of service:
- Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers.
- Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers.
“These two mighty orders of primordial-force manipulators work exclusively under the supervision of the Architects of the Master Universe, and at the present time they do not function extensively within the boundaries of the grand universe.” (329.1) 29:5.1
3. Proposition. Master Force Organizers can withstand temperature and other physical conditions unbearable to any other type of being.
“The Master Force Organizers withstand temperatures and function under physical conditions which would be intolerable even to the versatile power centers and physical controllers of Orvonton. The only other types of revealed beings capable of functioning in these realms of outer space are the Solitary Messengers and the Inspired Trinity Spirits.”
(329.7) 29:5.7
1. Proposition. Cosmic force comes from Paradise and circulates throughout the master universe as the force charge of pervaded space.
“The bestowal of cosmic force, the domain of cosmic gravity, is the function of the Isle of Paradise. All original force-energy proceeds from Paradise, and the matter for the making of untold universes now circulates throughout the master universe in the form of a supergravity presence which constitutes the force-charge of pervaded space.” (139.5) 12:8.2
2. Proposition. Cosmic force swings on forever around the eternal space paths.
“Whatever the transformations of force in the outlying universes, having gone out from Paradise, it journeys on subject to the never-ending, ever-present, unfailing pull of the eternal Isle, obediently and inherently swinging on forever around the eternal space paths of the universes. Physical energy is the one reality which is true and steadfast in its obedience to universal law.” (139.6) 12:8.3
3. Proposition. All energy is derived from Paradise and is inherent in the Universal Father.
“Matter—energy—for they are but diverse manifestations of the same cosmic reality, as a universe phenomenon is inherent in the Universal Father. ‘In him all things consist.’ Matter may appear to manifest inherent energy and to exhibit self-contained powers, but the lines of gravity involved in the energies concerned in all these physical phenomena are derived from, and are dependent on, Paradise. The ultimaton, the first measurable form of energy, has Paradise as its nucleus.” (467.4) 42:1.2
4. Proposition. There are seven grand divisions of universal energy:
- Space potency — ABSOLUTA.
- Primordial force — SEGREGATA.
- Emergent energies.
- Puissant energy — ULTIMATA
- Gravity energy —.
- Universe power — GRAVITA.
- Havona energy — TRIATA.
- Transcendental energy — TRANOSTA.
- Monota.
See: (469.3) 42:2.3
1. Proposition. Pattern may be material, mindal, or spiritual—or any combination of these energies.
“PATTERN can be projected as material, spiritual, or mindal, or any combination of these energies. It can pervade personalities, identities, entities, or nonliving matter. But pattern is pattern and remains pattern; only copies are multiplied.” (10.2) 0:6.10
2. Proposition. As mind is spiritualized, it becomes less subject to physical gravity. Physical gravity measures quantity—spirit gravity quality.
“As the mind of any personality in the universe becomes more spiritual —Godlike—it becomes less responsive to material gravity. Reality, measured by physical-gravity response, is the antithesis of reality as determined by quality of spirit content. Physical-gravity action is a quantitative determiner of nonspirit energy; spiritual-gravity action is the qualitative measure of the living energy of divinity.” (140.1) 12:8.5
1. Proposition. Universe matter is classified in ten divisions.
“In the varied suns, planets, and space bodies there are ten grand divisions of matter:
“1. Ultimatonic matter—the prime physical units of material existence, the energy particles which go to make up electrons.
“2. Subelectronic matter—the explosive and repellent stage of the solar supergases.
“3. Electronic matter—the electrical stage of material differentiation—electrons, protons, and various other units entering into the varied constitution of the electronic groups.
“4. Subatomic matter—matter existing extensively in the interior of the hot suns.
“5. Shattered atoms—found in the cooling suns and throughout space.
“6. Ionized matter—individual atoms stripped of their outer (chemically active) electrons by electrical, thermal, or X-ray activities and by solvents.
“7. Atomic matter—the chemical stage of elemental organization, the component units of molecular or visible matter.
“8. The molecular stage of matter—matter as it exists on Urantia in a state of relatively stable materialization under ordinary conditions.
“9. Radioactive matter—the disorganizing tendency and activity of the heavier elements under conditions of moderate heat and diminished gravity pressure.
“10. Collapsed matter—the relatively stationary matter found in the interior of the cold or dead suns. This form of matter is not really stationary; there is still some ultimatonic even electronic activity, but these units are in very close proximity, and their rates of revolution are greatly diminished.” (471.9) 42:3.2
1. Proposition. Energy can apply to spiritual, mindal, or material realms. Force is also broadly used. Power is limited to the material level.
“ENERGY we use as an all-inclusive term applied to spiritual, mindal, and material realms. Force is also thus broadly used. Power is ordinarily limited to the designation of the electronic level of material or linear-gravity-responsive matter in the grand universe. Power is also employed to designate sovereignty. We cannot follow your generally accepted definitions of force, energy, and power. There is such paucity of language that we must assign multiple meanings to these terms.” (9.4) 0:6.2
2. Proposition. When mass becomes overaggregated and threatens to unbalance energy, the physical controllers intervene. Eventually, the larger physical systems become stabilized,
“When mass becomes overaggregated and threatens to unbalance energy, to deplete the physical power circuits, the physical controllers intervene unless gravity’s own further tendency to overmaterialize energy is defeated by the occurrence of a collision among the dead giants of space, thus in an instant completely dissipating the cumulative collections of gravity. In these collisional episodes enormous masses of matter are suddenly converted into the rarest form of energy, and the struggle for universal equilibrium is begun anew. Eventually the larger physical systems become stabilized, become physically settled, and are swung into the balanced and established circuits of the superuniverses. Subsequent to this event no more collisions or other devastating catastrophes will occur in such established systems.” (176.1) 15:8.6
3. Proposition. Plus energy produces power disturbances and electric manifestations. Minus energy favors aggregation of matter.
“During the times of plus energy there are power disturbances and heat fluctuations accompanied by electrical manifestations. During times of minus energy there are increased tendencies for matter to aggregate, condense, and to get out of control in the more delicately balanced circuits, with resultant tidal or collisional adjustments which quickly restore the balance between circulating energy and more literally stabilized matter. To forecast and otherwise to understand such likely behavior of the blazing suns and the dark islands of space is one of the tasks of the celestial star observers.” (176.2) 15:8.7
4. Proposition. Manipulation of universe energy is always in accordance with the will and mandates of Paradise Deity.
“The manipulation of universe energy is ever in accordance with the personal will and the all-wise mandates of the Universal Father. This personal control of manifested power and circulating energy is modified by the co-ordinate acts and decisions of the Eternal Son, as well as by the united purposes of the Son and the Father executed by the Conjoint Actor.” (467.2) 42:0.2
5. Proposition. The creation of energy and the bestowal of life are Deity prerogatives. The force organizers turn space force into energy and the power directors transmute energy into matter.
“The creation of energy and the bestowal of life are the prerogatives of the Universal Father and his associate Creator personalities. The river of energy and life is a continuous outpouring from the Deities, the Universal and united stream of Paradise force going forth to all space. This divine energy pervades all creation. The force organizers initiate those changes and institute those modifications of space-force which eventuate in energy; the power directors transmute energy into matter; thus the material worlds are born.”
(468.2) 42:1.5
6. Proposition. Force-energy is imperishable, indestructible. They may transmute and transform, but they never suffer extinction.
“Force derived from self-existent Deity is in itself ever existent. Force-energy is imperishable, indestructible; these manifestations of the Infinite may be subject to unlimited transmutation, endless transformation, and eternal metamorphosis; but in no sense or degree, not even to the slightest imaginable extent, could they or ever shall they suffer extinction. But energy, though springing from the Infinite, is not infinitely manifest; there are outer limits to the presently conceived master universe.” (468.4) 42:1.7
7. Proposition. Hot suns transform matter into energy and the dark, cold worlds convert energy into matter.
“The blazing suns can transform matter into various forms of energy, but the dark worlds and all outer space can slow down electronic and ultimatonic activity to the point of converting these energies into the matter of the realms. Certain electronic associations of a close nature, as well as many of the basic associations of nuclear matter, are formed in the exceedingly low temperatures of open space, being later augmented by association with larger accretions of materializing energy.” (473.7) 42:4.9
8. Proposition. Increase of mass in matter is equal to the increase of energy divided by the square of the velocity of light. Work which resting matter can perform is equal to the energy expended in bringing its parts from Paradise, minus the resistance overcome in transit and the attraction exerted by the parts on one another.
“The increase of mass in matter is equal to the increase of energy divided by the square of the velocity of light. In a dynamic sense the work which resting matter can perform is equal to the energy expended in bringing its parts together from Paradise minus the resistance of the forces overcome in transit and the attraction exerted by the parts of matter on one another.” (474.1) 42:4.11
1. Proposition. Energy taken in or given out when electronic positions are shifted is always a “quantum” or some multiple thereof. “Waves” are 860 times the diameter of the unit involved.
“The quantity of energy taken in or given out when electronic or other positions are shifted is always a ‘quantum’ or some multiple thereof, but the vibratory or wavelike behavior of such units of energy is wholly determined by the dimensions of the material structures concerned. Such wavelike energy ripples are 860 times the diameters of the ultimatons, electrons, atoms, or other units thus performing. The never-ending confusion attending the observation of the wave mechanics of quantum behavior is due to the superimposition of energy waves: Two crests can combine to make a double-height crest, while a crest and a trough may combine, thus producing mutual cancellation.” (474.4) 42:4.14
2. Proposition. There are ten types of wave energy:
- Infraultimatonic rays.
- Ultimatonic rays.
- The short space rays.
- The electronic stage.
- Gamma rays.
- The X-ray group.
- Ultraviolet rays.
- White light.
- Infrared rays.
- Hertzian waves.
See: (474.6) 42:5.2
1. Proposition. In space, cold and other influences are at work organizing ultimatons into electrons. Heat is the measure of electronic activity.
“Throughout all space, cold and other influences are at work creatively organizing ultimatons into electrons. Heat is the measurement of electronic activity, while cold merely signifies absence of heat—comparative energy rest—the status of the universal force-charge of space provided neither emergent energy nor organized matter were present and responding to gravity.” (473.3) 42:4.5
2. Proposition. The ultimaton, having three types of motion, is unknown on Urantia.
“The ultimatons, unknown on Urantia, slow down through many phases of physical activity before they attain the revolutionary-energy prerequisites to electronic organization. Ultimatons have three varieties of motion: mutual resistance to cosmic force, individual revolutions of antigravity potential, and the intraelectronic positions of the one hundred mutually interassociated ultimatons.” (476.6) 42:6.4
1. Proposition. No matter how much scientists gain control of energy and matter they will not create one atom or add to matter that which we call life.
“Subsequent to even still greater progress and further discoveries, after Urantia has advanced immeasurably in comparison with present knowledge, though you should gain control of the energy revolutions of the electrical units of matter to the extent of modifying their physical manifestations—even after all such possible progress, forever will scientists be powerless to create one atom of matter or to originate one flash of energy or ever to add to matter that which we call life.” (468.1) 42:1.4
2. Proposition. Temperature is secondary only to gravity in energy evolution. Low temperature favors electronic construction. High temperature favors breakup.
“Temperature—heat and cold—is secondary only to gravity in the realms of energy and matter evolution. Ultimatons are humbly obedient to temperature extremes. Low temperatures favor certain forms of electronic construction and atomic assembly, while high temperatures facilitate all sorts of atomic breakup and material disintegration.” (473.5) 42:4.7
3. Proposition. A typical electron has one hundred ultimatons. Loss of ultimatons destroys typical electronic identity.
“Mutual attraction holds one hundred ultimatons together in the constitution of the electron; and there are never more nor less than one hundred ultimatons in a typical electron. The loss of one or more ultimatons destroys typical electronic identity, thus bringing into existence one of the ten modified forms of the electron.” (476.7) 42:6.5
4. Proposition. Ultimatons do not whirl about in circuits within the electron. They spread or cluster in accordance with their axial revolutionary velocities.
“Ultimatons do not describe orbits or whirl about in circuits within the electrons, but they do spread or cluster in accordance with their axial revolutionary velocities, thus determining the differential electronic dimensions. This same ultimatonic velocity of axial revolution also determines the negative or positive reactions of the several types of electronic units. The entire segregation and grouping of electronic matter, together with the electric differentiation of negative and positive bodies of energy-matter, result from these various functions of the component ultimatonic interassociation.” (476.8) 42:6.6
5. Proposition. If mass of matter should be magnified until an electron equaled one tenth of an ounce and size were proportionally magnified then would such an electron become as large as the earth. If the volume of a proton should be magnified to the size of a pinhead, then the pin’s head would have a diameter equal to that of the earth’s orbit around the sun.
“If the mass of matter should be magnified until that of an electron equaled one tenth of an ounce, then were size to be proportionately magnified, the volume of such an electron would become as large as that of the earth. If the volume of a proton—eighteen hundred times as heavy as an electron—should be magnified to the size of the head of a pin, then, in comparison, a pin’s head would attain a diameter equal to that of the earth’s orbit around the sun.” (477.2) 42:6.8
6. Proposition. In an atom, the electron revolves about the central proton with the same comparative room that the planets have as they revolve about the sun in the solar system.
“Within the atom the electrons revolve about the central proton with about the same comparative room the planets have as they revolve about the sun in the space of the solar system. There is the same relative distance, in comparison with actual size, between the atomic nucleus and the inner electronic circuit as exists between the inner planet, Mercury, and your sun.” (477.4) 42:7.2
7. Proposition. In Orvonton, only one hundred electrons will naturally assemble in one atom. Introduction of additional electrons will disrupt the proton.
“In Orvonton it has never been possible naturally to assemble over one hundred orbital electrons in one atomic system. When one hundred and one have been artificially introduced into the orbital field, the result has always been the instantaneous disruption of the central proton with the wild dispersion of the electrons and other liberated energies.” (478.1) 42:7.7
8. Proposition. In atoms, only the ten outer electrons of the larger atoms revolve about the nucleus as distinct bodies. The thirty electrons nearest the center are difficult to detect as separate bodies.
“While atoms may contain from one to one hundred orbital electrons, only the outer ten electrons of the larger atoms revolve about the central nucleus as distinct and discrete bodies, intactly and compactly swinging around on precise and definite orbits. The thirty electrons nearest the center are difficult of observation or detection as separate and organized bodies. This same comparative ratio of electronic behavior in relation to nuclear proximity obtains in all atoms regardless of the number of electrons embraced. The nearer the nucleus, the less there is of electronic individuality. The wavelike energy extension of an electron may so spread out as to occupy the whole of the lesser atomic orbits; especially is this true of the electrons nearest the atomic nucleus.” (478.2) 42:7.8
9. Proposition. The thirty innermost electrons of a large atom have individuality, but their energy systems intermingle. The next thirty have increasing individuality. The next thirty have still more control of their systems.
“The thirty innermost orbital electrons have individuality, but their energy systems tend to intermingle, extending from electron to electron and well-nigh from orbit to orbit. The next thirty electrons constitute the second family, or energy zone, and are of advancing individuality, bodies of matter exerting a more complete control over their attendant energy systems. The next thirty electrons, the third energy zone, are still more individualized and circulate in more distinct and definite orbits.” (478.3) 42:7.9
10. Proposition. Only the last ten electrons, in the heavier atoms, possess independence.
“The last ten electrons, present in only the ten heaviest elements, are possessed of the dignity of independence and are, therefore, able to escape more or less freely from the control of the mother nucleus. With a minimum variation in temperature and pressure, the members of this fourth and outermost group of electrons will escape from the grasp of the central nucleus, as is illustrated by the spontaneous disruption of uranium and kindred elements.” (478.3) 42:7.9
11. Proposition. While gravity contributes to holding atoms together, there is also present a powerful and unknown energy—the secret of their basic constitution.
“While gravity is one of several factors concerned in holding together a tiny atomic energy system, there is also present in and among these basic physical units a powerful and unknown energy, the secret of their basic constitution and ultimate behavior, a force which remains to be discovered on Urantia. This universal influence permeates all the space embraced within this tiny energy organization.” (478.5) 42:8.1
12. Proposition. Interelectronic space is not empty—it is activated by wavelike manifestations which are synchronized with electronic velocity and ultimatonic revolutions.
“The interelectronic space of an atom is not empty. Throughout an atom this interelectronic space is activated by wavelike manifestations which are perfectly synchronized with electronic velocity and ultimatonic revolutions. This force is not wholly dominated by your recognized laws of positive and negative attraction; its behavior is therefore sometimes unpredictable. This unnamed influence seems to be a space-force reaction of the Unqualified Absolute.” (478.6) 42:8.2
13. Proposition. It is the superior force-mass of the mesotron that holds the nucleus of the atom together. It causes electric charges to be tossed back and forth between protons and neutrons.
“As atoms are constituted, neither electric nor gravitational forces could hold the nucleus together. The integrity of the nucleus is maintained by the reciprocal cohering function of the mesotron, which is able to hold charged and uncharged particles together because of superior force-mass power and by the further function of causing protons and neutrons constantly to change places. The mesotron causes the electric charge of the nuclear particles to be incessantly tossed back and forth between protons and neutrons. At one infinitesimal part of a second a given nuclear particle is a charged proton and the next an uncharged neutron. And these alternations of energy status are so unbelievably rapid that the electric charge is deprived of all opportunity to function as a disruptive influence. Thus does the mesotron function as an “energy-carrier’ particle which mightily contributes to the nuclear stability of the atom.” (479.2) 42:8.4
Theology of The Urantia Book
- 1. The Doctrine of God
- 2. The Paradise Trinity
- 3. The Absolutes
- 4. Paradise
- 5. The Paradise-Havona System
- 6. Cosmology
- 7. The Local Universe
- 8. Evolution
- 9. The Supreme Spirits
- 10. The Paradise Sons
- 11. Angels
- 12. The Creator Sons
- 13. Local Universe Creative Spirit
- 14. The Power Directors
- 15. Local Universe Sons
- 16. Permanent Citizens
- 17. Man
- 18. Education
- 19. Marriage and Home
- 20. The State
- 21. Ascending Sons of God
- 22. The Morontia Life
- 23. The Corps of the Finality
- 24. Yahweh
- 25. Sin
- 26. Plan of Salvation
- 27. Adam and Eve
- 28. Machiventa Melchizedek
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- Index of The Urantia Book
- Theology of The Urantia Book
- 1. The Doctrine of God
- 10. The Paradise Sons
- 11. Angels
- 12. The Creator Sons
- 13. Local Universe Creative Spirit
- 14. The Power Directors
- 15. Local Universe Sons
- 16. Permanent Citizens
- 17. Man
- 18. Education
- 19. Marriage and Home
- 2. The Paradise Trinity
- 20. The State
- 21. Ascending Sons of God
- 22. The Morontia Life
- 23. The Corps of the Finality
- 24. Yahweh
- 25. Sin
- 26. Plan of Salvation
- 27. Adam and Eve
- 28. Machiventa Melchizedek
- 3. The Absolutes
- 4. Paradise
- 5. The Paradise-Havona System
- 6. Cosmology
- 7. The Local Universe
- 8. Evolution
- 9. The Supreme Spirits