2. The Paradise Trinity

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  1. Introduction.
  2. The Trinity Union of Deity.
  3. Functions of the Trinity.
  4. Stationary Sons of the Trinity.
    1. Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy.
    2. Eternals of Days.
    3. Ancients of Days.
    4. Perfections of Days.
    5. Recents of Days.
    6. Unions of Days.
    7. Faithfuls of Days.
  5. Trinity Attitude Toward Reality.
  6. Co-ordinate Trinity Origin Beings.
    1. Perfectors of Wisdom.
    2. Divine Counselors.
    3. Universal Censors.
    4. Inspired Trinity Spirits.
  7. Urantian Trinity Concepts.
  8. The Seven Triunities.
  9. Triunities and Triodities.
  10. The Trinity of Trinities.
  11. Ultimate and Absolute Trinities.


1. Proposition. Revelations about the Trinity on Urantia:

First—Staff of Caligastia

Second — Adam and Eve

Third — Machiventa Melchizedek

“The first Urantian revelation leading to the comprehension of the Paradise Trinity was made by the staff of Prince Caligastia about one-half million years ago. This earliest Trinity concept was lost to the world in the unsettled times following the planetary rebellion.

“The second presentation of the Trinity was made by Adam and Eve in the first and second gardens. These teachings had not been wholly obliterated even in the times of Machiventa Melchizedek about thirty-five thousand years later, for the Trinity concept of the Sethites persisted in both Mesopotamia and Egypt but more especially in India, where it was long perpetuated in Agni, the Vedic three — headed fire god.

“The third presentation of the Trinity was made by Machiventa Melchizedek, and this doctrine was symbolized by the three concentric circles which the sage of Salem wore on his breast plate. But Machiventa found it very difficult to teach the Palestinian Bedouins about the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit.” (1143.4) 104:1.1

2. Proposition. The Trinity was essential to the Father’s plan of self-distribution.

“It would seem that the Father, back in eternity, inaugurated a policy of profound self-distribution. There is inherent in the selfless, loving, and lovable nature of the Universal Father something which causes him to reserve to himself the exercise of only those powers and that authority which he apparently finds it impossible to delegate or to bestow.” (108.4) 10:1.1

3. Proposition. As absolute Deity, God functions only in the Trinity and in relation to universe totality.

“Of all absolute associations, the Paradise Trinity (the first triunity) is unique as an exclusive association of personal Deity. God functions as God only in relation to God and to those who can know God, but as absolute Deity only in the Paradise Trinity and in relation to universe totality.” (112.4) 10:4.1[Note: The word TRINITY is not found in the Bible.]


1. Proposition. The Paradise Trinity was inevitable. It was inherent in the differentiation of the personal and the nonpersonal.

“The original and eternal Paradise Trinity is existential and was inevitable. This never-beginning Trinity was inherent in the fact of the differentiation of the personal and the nonpersonal by the Father’s unfettered will and factualized when his personal will coordinated these dual realities by mind. The post-Havona Trinities are experiential—are inherent in the creation of two subabsolute and evolutional levels of power-personality manifestation in the master universe.” (15.7) 0:12.1

2. Proposition. The Paradise Trinity is the only Deity reality embracing infinity—the actualization of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and God the Absolute.

The Paradise Trinity—the eternal Deity union of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit—is existential in actuality, but all potentials are experiential. Therefore does this Trinity constitute the only Deity reality embracing infinity, and therefore do there occur the universe phenomena of the actualization of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and God the Absolute.” (15.8) 0:12.2

3. Proposition. The Paradise Trinity facilitates the Father’s escape from personality absolutism—primacy, perfection, eternity, universality, and infinity.

“The Paradise Trinity of eternal Deities facilitates the Father’s escape from personality absolutism. The Trinity perfectly associates the limitless expression of God’s infinite personal will with the absoluteness of Deity. The Eternal Son and the various Sons of divine origin, together with the Conjoint Actor and his universe children, effectively provide for the Father’s liberation from the limitations otherwise inherent in primacy, perfection, changelessness, eternity, universality, absoluteness, and infinity.” (108.1) 10:0.1

4. Proposition. There is only one inescapable inevitability in universe affairs—the Paradise Trinity.

“From the present situation on the circle of eternity, looking backward into the endless past, we can discover only one inescapable inevitability in universe affairs, and that is the Paradise Trinity. I deem the Trinity to have been inevitable. As I view the past, present, and future of time, I consider nothing else in all the universe of universes to have been inevitable.” 
(108.3) 10:0.3

5. Proposition. The Trinity is composed of:

  1. The infinite father-personality.
  2. The unqualified personality-absolute.
  3. The conjoint personality.

“The First Source and Center is the infinite father-personality, the unlimited source personality. The Eternal Son is the unqualified personality-absolute, that divine being who stands throughout all time and eternity as the perfect revelation of the personal nature of God. The Infinite Spirit is theconjoint personality, the unique personal consequence of the everlasting Father-Son union.” (110.2) 10:2.4

6. Proposition. The Trinity may be compared to a corporation of father, son, and grandson. Such an entity could be nonpersonal and yet subject to their personal wills.

“The Trinity is an association of infinite persons functioning in a nonpersonal capacity but not in contravention of personality. The illustration is crude, but a father, son, and grandson could form a corporate entity which would be nonpersonal but nonetheless subject to their personal wills.” (112.6) 10:4.3

7. Proposition. The Trinity gives rise to the evolution, eventuation, and deitization of new meanings, values, powers, and capacities for universe manifestation.

“The Trinity association of the three Paradise Deities results in the evolution, eventuation, and deitization of new meanings, values, powers, and capacities for universal revelation, action, and administration. Living associations, human families, social groups, or the Paradise Trinity are not augmented by mere arithmetical summation. The group potential is always far in excess of the simple sum of the attributes of the component individuals.”(113.3) 10:5.2

8. Proposition. In the Trinity, the three personalizations of Deity are actually one Deity—undivided and indivisible.

“The oneness, the indivisibility, of Paradise Deity is existential and absolute. There are three eternal personalizations of Deity— the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit—but in the Paradise Trinity they are actually one Deity, undivided and indivisible.” (640.5) 56:5.1

9. Proposition. The administration of justice is never a personal act—it is always a group function. Divine justice is a function of the Paradise Trinity.

“The Master, when on earth, admonished his followers that justice is never a personal act; it is always a group function. Neither do the Gods, as persons, administer justice. But they perform this very function as a collective whole, as the Paradise Trinity.” (1146.1) 104:2.5


1. Proposition. Personal Deities have attributes but the Trinity has functions—justice administrations, totality attitudes, co-ordinate action, and cosmic overcontrol.

“The personal Deities have attributes, but it is hardly consistent to speak of the Trinity as having attributes. This association of divine beings may more properly be regarded as having functions, such as justice administration, totality attitudes, co-ordinate action, and cosmic overcontrol. These functions are actively supreme, ultimate, and (within the limits of Deity) absolute as far as all living realities of personality value are concerned.” (113.2) 10:5.1

2. Proposition. Justice is not a personal attitude of the Deities—it is inherent in the sovereignty of the Trinity.

Justice is inherent in the universal sovereignty of the Paradise Trinity, but goodness, mercy, and truth are the universe ministry of the divine personalities, whose Deity union constitutes the Trinity. Justice is not the attitude of the Father, the Son, or the Spirit. Justice is the Trinity attitude of these personalities of love, mercy, and ministry. No one of the Paradise Deities fosters the administration of justice. Justice is never a personal attitude; it is always a plural function.” (114.3) 10:6.2

3. Proposition. The Paradise Trinity is concerned only with totals—planets or universes. The Trinity is the totality of Deity.

“As things appear to the mortal on the finite level, the Paradise Trinity, like the Supreme Being, is concerned only with the total— total planet, total universe, total superuniverse, total grand universe. This totality attitude exists because the Trinity is the total of Deity and for many other reasons.”(115.4) 10:7.2

4. Proposition. The acts of the Trinity may be divinely meaningful, but it might not so appear to the mortals of the evolutionary worlds.

“As a son of God you can discern the personal attitude of love in all the acts of God the Father. But you will not always be able to understand how many of the universe acts of the Paradise Trinity redound to the good of the individual mortal on the evolutionary worlds of space. In the progress of eternity the acts of the Trinity will be revealed as altogether meaningful and considerate, but they do not always so appear to the creatures of time.”(116.1) 10:7.6

5. Proposition. Justice is the collective thought of righteousness; mercy is the personal attitude of love.

“Justice is the collective thought of righteousness; mercy is its personal expression. Mercy is the attitude of love; precision characterizes the operation of law; divine judgment is the soul of fairness, ever conforming to the justice of the Trinity, ever fulfilling the divine love of God.” (115.2) 10:6.18


1. Proposition. There are seven groups of Supreme Trinity Personalities.

“SUPREME Trinity Personalities are all created for specific service. They are designed by the divine Trinity for the fulfillment of certain specific duties, and they are qualified to serve with perfection of technique and finality of devotion. There are seven orders of the Supreme Trinity Personalities:

  1. Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy.
  2. Eternals of Days.
  3. Ancients of Days.
  4. Perfections of Days.
  5. Recents of Days.
  6. Unions of Days.
  7. Faithfuls of Days.” (207.1) 18:0.1

2. PropositionJudgment—applied justice—is the function of the Stationary Sons of the Trinity.

Judgment, the final application of justice in accordance with the evidence submitted by the personalities of the Infinite Spirit, is the work of the Stationary Sons of. the Trinity, beings partaking of the Trinity nature of the united Father, Son, and Spirit.” (114.5) 10:6.4

3. Proposition. The First Source and Center is law; The Third Source interprets law. Justice is applied by the Stationary Sons.

“All law takes origin in the First Source and Center; he is law. The administration of spiritual law inheres in the Second Source and Center. The revelation of law, the promulgation and interpretation of the divine statutes, is the function of the Third Source and Center. The application of law, justice, falls within the province of the Paradise Trinity and is carried out by certain Sons of the Trinity.” (114.2) 10:6.1

4. Proposition. The Trinity provides the full revelation of Deity; the Stationary Sons provide the perfect revelation of divine justice.

“The Paradise Trinity effectively provides for the full expression and perfect revelation of the eternal nature of Deity. The Stationary Sons of the Trinity likewise afford a full and perfect revelation of divine justice. The Trinity is Deity unity, and this unity rests eternally upon the absolute foundations of the divine oneness of the three original and co-ordinate and coexistent personalities. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.” (108.2) 10:0.2

A. Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy.

1. Proposition. Each of the Father’s seven Paradise worlds is presided over by ten Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy.

“There are seven worlds in the innermost circuit of the Paradise satellites, and each of these exalted worlds is presided over by a corps of ten Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy. They are not creators, but they are supreme and ultimate administrators. The conduct of the affairs of these seven fraternal spheres is wholly committed to this corps of seventy supreme directors.” (207.5) 18:1.1

B. Eternals of Days.

1. Proposition. Each of the billion worlds of Havona is directed by an Eternal of Days.

“Each of the billion worlds of Havona is directed by a Supreme Trinity Personality. These rulers are known as the Eternals of Days, and they number exactly one billion, one for each of the Havona spheres. They are the offspring of the Paradise Trinity, but like the Secrets of Supremacy there are no records of their origin. Forever have these two groups of all-wise fathers ruled their exquisite worlds of the Paradise-Havona system, and they function without rotation or reassignment.” (208.6) 18:2.1

C. Ancients of Days.

1. Proposition. The identical but diverse personalities of the Ancients of Days provide the uniform direction of the seven superuniverses.

“The Ancients of Days are all basically identical; they disclose the combined character and unified nature of the Trinity. They possess individuality and are in personality diverse, but they do not differ from each other as do the Seven Master Spirits. They provide the uniform directorship of the otherwise differing seven superuniverses, each of which is a distinct, segregated, and unique creation. The Seven Master Spirits are unlike in nature and attributes, but the Ancients of Days, the personal rulers of the superuniverses, are all uniform and superperfect offspring of the Paradise Trinity.” (209.4) 18:3.2

2. Proposition. The Trinity-origin Ancients of Days mete out justice of supreme fairness to the seven superuniverses.

“The Ancients of Days and their Trinity-origin associates mete out the just judgment of supreme fairness to the seven superuniverses. In the central universe such functions exist in theory only; there fairness is self-evident in perfection, and Havona perfection precludes all possibility of disharmony. (115.1) 10:6.17

3. Proposition. The Ancients of Days are the most powerful executive rulers of the time-space creations.

“In power, scope of authority, and extent of jurisdiction the Ancients of Days are the most powerful and mighty of any of the direct rulers of the time-space creations. In all the vast universe of universes they alone are invested with the high powers of final executive judgment concerning the eternal extinction of will creatures. And all three Ancients of Days must participate in the final decrees of the supreme tribunal of a superuniverse.” (210.1) 18:3.7

4. Proposition. The incomplete factualization of the Supreme is compensated by the overcontrol of the Ancients of Days.

“The Supreme Being is achieving the sovereignty of the seven superuniverses by experiential service just as a Creator Son experientially earns the sovereignty of his local universe. But during the present age of the unfinished evolution of the Supreme, the Ancients of Days provide the co-ordinated and perfect administrative overcontrol of the evolving universes of time and space. And the wisdom of originality and the initiative of individuality characterize all the decrees and rulings of the Ancients of Days.” 
(210.3) 18:3.9

D. Perfections of Days.

1. Proposition. The Trinity-origin Perfections of Days preside over the major sectors of the superuniverses.

“There are just two hundred and ten Perfections of Days, and they preside over the government s of the ten major sectors of each superuniverse. They were trinitized for the special work of assisting the superuniverse directors, and they rule as the immediate and personal vicegerents of the Ancients of Days.

“Three Perfections of Days are assigned to each major sector capital, but unlike the Ancients of Days, it is not necessary that all three be present at all times. From time to time one of this trio may absent himself to confer in person with the Ancients of Days concerning the welfare of his realm.” (210.4) 18:4.1

E. Recents of Days.

1. Proposition. The Recents of Days administer the affairs of the minor sectors of the superuniverses.

“The Recents of Days are the youngest of the supreme directors of the superuniverses; in groups of three they preside over the affairs of the minor sectors. In nature they are co-ordinate with the Perfections of Days, but in administrative authority they are subordinate. There are just twenty-one thousand of these personally glorious and divinely efficient Trinity personalities. They were created simultaneously, and together they passed through their Havona training under the Eternals of Days.” (211.6) 18:5.1

F. Unions of Days.

1. Proposition. On the capital of each local universe, a Union of Days acts as Trinity adviser.

“The Trinity personalities of the order of “Days” do not function in an administrative capacity below the level of the superuniverse governments. In the evolving local universes they act only as counselors and advisers. The Unions of Days are a group of liaison personalities accredited by the Paradise Trinity to the dual rulers of the local universes. Each organized and inhabited local universe has assigned to it one of these Paradise counselors, who acts as the representative of the Trinity, and in some respects, of the Universal Father, to the local creation.

“There are seven hundred thousand of these beings in exist-ence, though they have not all been commissioned. The reserve corps of the Unions of Days functions on Paradise as the Supreme Council of Universe Adjustments.” (212.3) 18:6.1

G. Faithfuls of Days.

1. Proposition. The Faithfuls of Days serve on the constellation capitals as advisers to the Most High Fathers.

“These high Trinity-origin personalities are the Paradise advisers to the rulers of the one hundred constellations in each local universe. There are seventy million Faithfuls of Days, and like the Unions of Days, not all are in service. Their Paradise reserve corps is the Advisory Commission of Interuniverse Ethics and Self-government. Faithfuls of Days rotate in service in accordance with the rulings of the supreme council of their reserve corps.” (213.3) 18:7.1


1. Proposition. While the Supreme Being is not a personalization of the Trinity, he is the nearest approach comprehensible by finite creatures.

“The maximum self-limitation of the Trinity is its attitude toward the finite. The Trinity is not a person, nor is the Supreme Being an exclusive personalization of the Trinity, but the Supreme is the nearest approach to a power-personality focalization of the Trinity which can be comprehended by finite creatures. Hence the Trinity in relation to the finite is sometimes spoken of as the Trinity of Supremacy.” (113.5) 10:5.4

2. Proposition. Neither the Supreme nor the Ultimate are wholly representative of the Trinity, but they do in a qualified way portray Trinity attitudes.

“The Paradise Trinity has regard for those levels of existence which are more than finite but less than absolute, and this relationship is sometimes denominated the Trinity of Ultimacy. Neither the Ultimate nor the Supreme are wholly representative of the Paradise Trinity, but in a qualified sense and to their respective levels, each seems to represent the Trinity during the prepersonal eras of experiential-power development.” (113.6) 10:5.5

Proposition. The attitude of the Trinity toward the Absolutes culminates in the action of total Deity.

"The Absolute Attitude of the Paradise Trinity is in relation to absolute existences and culminates in the action of total Deity.” (113.7) 10:5.6


A. Perfectors of Wisdom.

1. Proposition. Perfectors of Wisdom are Trinity Sons who personify divine wisdom in the superuniverses.

“The Perfectors of Wisdom are a specialized creation of the Paradise Trinity designed to personify the wisdom of divinity in the superuniverses. There are exactly seven billion of these beings in existence, and one billion are assigned to each of the seven superuniverses.”  (215.10) 19:2.1

B. Divine Counselors.

1. Proposition. Divine Counselors are the counsel of Deity to the superuniverses.

“These Trinity-origin beings are the counsel of Deity to the realms of the seven superuniverses. They are not reflective of the divine counsel of the Trinity; they are that counsel. There are twenty one billion Counselors in service, and three billion are assigned to each superuniverse.”  (216.5) 19:3.1

C. Universal Censors.

1. Proposition. The Censors are the judgment of Deity—the decisions of the Paradise Trinity.

“There are exactly eight billion Universal Censors in existence. These unique beings are the judgment of Deity. They are not merely reflective of the decisions of perfection; they are the judgment of the Paradise Trinity. Even the Ancients of Days do not sit in judgment except in association with the Universal Censors.”  (217.7) 19:4.1

2. Proposition. Censors are totaling personalities. They summarize diverse realities and reveal the divine conclusions.

“The Censors are universe totaling personalities. When a thousand witnesses have given testimony—or a million—when the voice of wisdom has spoken and the counsel of divinity has recorded, when the testimony of ascendant perfection has been added, then the Censor functions, and there is immediately revealed an unerring and divine totaling of all that has transpired; and such a disclosure represents the divine conclusion, the sum and substance of a final and perfect decision. Therefore, when a Censor has spoken, no one else may speak, for the Censor has depicted the true and unmistak-able total of all that has gone before. When he speaks, there is no appeal.”  (218.3) 19:4.5

D. Inspired Trinity Spirits.

1. Proposition. Inspired Trinity Spirits, serving the Trinity, are one of the secret orders of creation.

“I will be able to tell you very little concerning the Inspired Trinity Spirits, for they are one of the few wholly secret orders of beings in existence, secret, no doubt, because it is impossible for them fully to reveal themselves even to those of us whose origin is so near the source of their creation. They come into being by the act of the Paradise Trinity and may be utilized by any one or two of the Deities as well as by all three. We do not know whether these Spirits are of completed number or are constantly increasing, but  (219.2) 19:5.1

2. Proposition. Inspired Trinity Spirits and Thought Adjusters produce identical qualitative reactions upon the detection-sensitivity of the Solitary Messengers.

“I may relate a further interesting fact: When a Solitary Messenger is on a planet whose inhabitants are indwelt by Thought Adjusters, as on Urantia, he is aware of a qualitative excitation in his detection-sensitivity to spirit presence. In such instances there is no quantitative excitation, only a qualitative agitation. When on a planet to which Adjusters do not come, contact with the natives does not produce any such reaction. This suggests that Thought Adjusters are in some manner related to, or are connected with, the Inspired Spirits of the Paradise Trinity. In some way they may possibly be associated in certain phases of their work; but we do not really know. They both originate near the center and source of all things, but they are not the same order of being. Thought Adjusters spring from the Father alone; Inspired Spirits are the offspring of the Paradise Trinity.” 
(220.1) 19:5.6

3. Proposition. The Melchizedeks think the Inspired Spirits may replace the Solitary Messengers assigned to certain trinitized sons.

“The Melchizedeks of Nebadon teach that Inspired Trinity Spirits are destined, sometime in the eternal future, to function in the places of the Solitary Messengers, whose ranks are slowly but certainly being depleted by their assignment as associates of certain types of trinitized sons.”  (219.5) 19:5.4


1. Proposition. The Hebrews had difficulty in reconciling the trinitarian concept with monotheism.

“The Hebrews knew about the Trinity from the Kenite traditions of the days of Melchizedek, but their monotheistic zeal for the one God, Yahweh, so eclipsed all such teachings that by the time of Jesus’ appearance the Elohim doctrine had been practically eradicated from Jewish theology. The Hebrew mind could-not reconcile the trinitarian concept with the monotheistic belief in the One Lord, the God of Israel.” (1144.5) 104:1.8

2. Proposition. Jesus taught the Trinity concept, but his apostles grasped but little of the truth.

“Jesus taught his apostles the truth regarding the persons of the Paradise Trinity, but they thought he spoke figuratively and symbolically. Having been nurtured in Hebraic monotheism, they found it difficult to entertain any belief that seemed to conflict with their dominating concept of Yahweh. And the early Christians inherited the Hebraic prejudice against the Trinity concept.” (1144.7) 104:1.10

3. Proposition. Not until the Urantia revelation has the Paradise Trinity become factual as to identity.

“Not since the times of Jesus has the factual identity of the Paradise Trinity been known on Urantia (except by a few individuals to whom it was especially revealed) until its presentation in these revelatory disclosures.” (1145.1) 104:1.13

4. Proposition. The Trinity is an absolute entity—supersummative Deity.

“And this selfsame Paradise Trinity is a real entity—not a personality but nonetheless a true and absolute reality; not a personality but nonetheless compatible with coexistent personalities— the personalities of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The Trinity is a supersummative Deity reality eventuating out of the conjoining of the three Paradise Deities. The qualities, characteristics, and functions of the Trinity are not the simple sum of the attributes of the three Paradise Deities; Trinity functions are something unique, original, and not wholly predictable from an analysis of the attributes of Father, Son, and Spirit.” (1145.5) 104:2.4


1. Proposition. When the three Paradise Deities conjoin for mutual action— as persons—they constitute a triunity—not a trinity.

“And the association of the three Paradise personalities eternalizes the first triunity, the personality union of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. For when these three persons, as persons, conjoin for united function, they thereby constitute a triunity of functional unity, not a trinity—an organic entity—but nonetheless a triunity, a threefold functional aggregate unanimity.” (1147.6) 104:3.14

2. Proposition. The undivided unity of the Trinity may sustain an external relationship to the triunity of their personal members.

“The Paradise Trinity is not a triunity; it is not a functional unanimity; rather it is undivided and indivisible Deity. The Father, Son, and Spirit (as persons) can sustain a relationship to the Paradise Trinity, for the Trinity is their undivided Deity. The Father, Son, and Spirit sustain no such personal relationship to the first triunity, for that is their functional union as three persons. Only as the Trinity—as undivided Deity—do they collectively sustain an external relationship to the triunity of their personal aggregation.” (1147.7) 104:3.15

3. Proposition. A triunity is not an entity; it is functional rather than organic; its members are partners rather than corporative associates.

“Thus does the Paradise Trinity stand unique among absolute relationships; there are several existential triunities but only one existential Trinity. A triunity is not an entity. It is functional rather than organic. Its members are partners rather than corporative. The components of the triunities may be entities, but a triunity itself is an association.” (1147.8) 104:3.16

4. Proposition. The Universal Father is the absolute of Absolutes and the primal member of each of the seven triunities.

“In attempting the description of seven triunities, attention is directed to the fact that the Universal Father is the primal member of each. He is, was and ever will be: the First Universal Father Source, Absolute Center, Primal Cause, Universal Controller, Limitless Energizer, Original Unity, Unqualified Upholder, First Person of Deity, Primal Cosmic Pattern, and Essence of Infinity. The Universal Father is the personal cause of the Absolutes; he is the absolute of Absolutes.” (1147.11) 104:4.1

5. Proposition. The Triunities are the functional balance wheel of infinity— the unification of all beginnings, existences, and destinies.

“The triunities are the functional balance wheel of infinity, the unification of the uniqueness of the Seven Infinity Absolutes. It is the existential presence of the triunities that enables the Father-I AM to experience functional infinity unity despite the diversification of infinity into seven Absolutes. The First Source and Center is the unifying member of all triunities; in him nil things have their unqualified beginnings, eternal existences, and infinite destinies— in him all things consist.’” (1150.13) 104:4.46

6. Proposition. The First Triunity is personal and purposive—the union of love, mercy, and ministry.

“The First Triunity—the personal-purposive triunity. This is the grouping of the three Deity personalities:

  1. The Universal Father.
  2. The Eternal Son.
  3. The Infinite Spirit.

“This is the threefold union of love, mercy, and ministry—the purposive and personal association of the three eternal Paradise personalities. This is the divinely fraternal, creature-loving, fatherly acting, and ascension-promoting association. The divine personalities of this first triunity are personality-bequeathing, spirit-bestowing, and mind-endowing Gods.” (1148.6) 104:4.7

7. Proposition. The Second Triunity is the power-pattern triunity.

The Second Triunity—the power-pattern triunity. Whether it be a tiny ultimaton, a blazing star, or a whirling nebula, even the central or superuniverses, from the smallest to the largest material organizations, always is the physical pattern—the cosmic configuration— derived from the function of this triunity. This association consists of:

  1. The-Father-Son.
  2. The Paradise Isle.
  3. The Conjoint Actor.

“Energy is organized by the cosmic agents of the Third Source and Center; energy is fashioned after the pattern of Paradise, the absolute materialization; but behind all of this ceaseless manipulation is the presence of the Father-Son, whose union first activated the Paradise pattern in the appearance of Havona concomitant with the birth of the Infinite Spirit, the Conjoint Actor.” (1148.8) 104:4.9

8. Proposition. The Third is the spirit-evolutional triunity.

The Third Triunity—the spirit—evolutional triunity. The entirety of spiritual manifestation has its beginning and end in this association, consisting of:

  1. The Universal Father.
  2. The Son-Spirit.
  3. The Deity Absolute.

“From spirit potency to Paradise spirit, all spirit finds reality expression in this triune association of the pure spirit essence of the Father, the active spirit values of the Son-Spirit, and the unlimited spirit potentials of the Deity Absolute. The existential values of spirit have their primordial genesis, complete manifestation, and final destiny in this triunity.” (1149.1) 104:4.16

9. Proposition. The Fourth is the triunity of energy infinity.

The Fourth Triunity—the triunity of energy infinity. Within this triunity there eternalizes the beginnings and the endings of all energy reality, from space potency to monota . This grouping embraces the following:

  1. The Father-Spirit.
  2. The Paradise Isle.
  3. The Unqualified Absolute.

“Paradise is the center of the force—energy activation of the cosmos— the universe position of the First Source and Center, the cosmic focal point of the Unqualified Absolute, and the source of all energy. Existentially present within this triunity is the energy potential of the cosmos-infinite, of which the grand universe and the master universe are only partial manifestations.” (1149.7) 104:4.22

10. Proposition. The Fifth is the triunity of reactive infinity.

The Fifth Triunity—the triunity of reactive infinity. This association consists of:

  1. The Universal Father.
  2. The Universal Absolute.
  3. The Unqualified Absolute.

“This grouping yields the eternalization of the functional infinity realization of all that is actualizable within the domains of non-deity reality. This triunity manifests unlimited reactive capacity to the volitional, causative, tensional, and patternal actions and presences of the other triunities.” (1149.14) 104:4.29

11. Proposition. The Sixth is the triunity of cosmic-associated Deity.

The Sixth Triunity—the triunity of cosmic-associated Deity. This grouping consists of:

  1. The Universal Father.
  2. The Deity Absolute.
  3. The Universal Absolute.

“This is the association of Deity-in-the-cosmos, the immanence of Deity in conjunction with the transcendence of Deity. This is the last outreach of divinity on the levels of infinity toward those realities which lie outside the domain of deified reality.” (1150.1) 104:4.34

12. Proposition. The Seventh is the triunity of infinite unity.

The Seventh Triunity—the triunity of infinite unity. This is the unity of infinity functionally manifest in time and eternity, the co-ordinate unification of actuals and potentials. This group consists of:

  1. The Universal Father.
  2. The Conjoint Actor.
  3. The Universal Absolute.

“The Conjoint Actor universally integrates the varying functional aspects of all actualized reality on all levels of manifestation, from finites through transcendentals and on to absolutes. The Universal Absolute perfectly compensates the differentials inherent in the varying aspects of all incomplete reality, from the limitless potentialities of active-volitional and causative Deity reality to the boundless possibilities of static, reactive, nondeity reality in the incomprehensible domains of the Unqualified Absolute.” (1150.6) 104:4.39

13. Proposition. There are eight unrevealed triunities having to do with actualities and potentials beyond experiential supremacy.

“These approximations are sufficient to elucidate the concept of the triunities. Not knowing the ultimate level of the triunities, you cannot fully comprehend the first seven. While we do not deem it wise to attempt any further elaboration, we may state that there are fifteen triune associations of the First Source and Center, eight of which are unrevealed in these papers. These unrevealed associations are concerned with realities, actualities, and potentialities which are beyond the experiential level of supremacy.” (1150.12) 104:4.45

14. Proposition. The inherent infinity of the I AM is eternally present in the Absolutes, functionally associated in the triunities, and transmitively active in the triodities.

“From the existential standpoint, nothing new can happen throughout the galaxies, for the completion of infinity inherent in the I AM is eternally present in the seven Absolutes, is functionally associated in the triunities, and is transmitively associated in the triodities. But the fact that infinity is thus existentially present in these absolute associations in no way makes it impossible to realize new cosmic experientials. From a finite creature’s viewpoint, infinity contains much that is potential, much that is on the order of a future possibility rather than a present actuality.” (1261.1) 115:2.1


1. Proposition. Non-Father triune associations are called triodities. They are consequential to the triunities.

“There are certain other triune relationships which are non-Father in constitution, but they are not real triunities, and they are always distinguished from the Father triunities. They are called variously, associate triunities, co-ordinate triunities, and triodities. They are consequential to the existence of the triunities.” (1151.1) 104:5.1

2. Proposition. The Triodity of Actuality is an association of the three absolute actuals.

The Triodity of Actuality. This triodity consists in the interrelationship of the three absolute actuals:

  1. The Eternal Son.
  2. The Paradise Isle.
  3. The Conjoint Actor.

“The Eternal Son is the absolute of spirit reality, the absolute personality. The Paradise Isle is the absolute of cosmic reality, the absolute pattern. The Conjoint Actor is the absolute of mind reality, the co-ordinate of absolute spirit reality, and the existential Deity synthesis of personality and power. This triune association eventuates the co-ordination of the sum total of actualized reality—spirit, cosmic, or mindal. It is unqualified in actuality.” (1151.2) 104:5.2

3. Proposition. The Triodity of Potentiality is an association of the three Absolutes of potentiality:

The Triodity of Potentiality. This triodity consists in the association of the three Absolutes of potentiality:

  1. The Deity Absolute.
  2. The Universal Absolute.
  3. The Unqualified Absolute.

“Thus are interassociated the infinity reservoirs of all latent energy reality—spirit, mindal, or cosmic. This association yields the integration of all latent energy reality. It is infinite in potential.”(1151.7) 104:5.7


1. Proposition. The Trinity of Trinities is the summation of all experiential infinity as manifested in a theoretical infinity of eternity realization; experiential infinity attains identity with the existential infinite.

“The nature of the Trinity of Trinities is difficult to portray to the human mind; it is the actual summation of the entirety of experiential infinity as such is manifested in a theoretical infinity of eternity realization. In the Trinity of Trinities the experiential infinite attains to identity with the existential infinite, and both are as one in the pre-experiential, pre-existential I AM. The Trinity of Trinities is the final expression of all that is implied in the fifteen triunities and associated triodities. Finalities are difficult for relative beings to comprehend, be they existential or experiential; therefore must they always be presented as relativities.” (1170.4) 106:8.1

2. Proposition. The Trinity of Trinities exists in several staggering and unimaginable phases.

“The Trinity of Trinities exists in several phases. It contains possibilities, probabilities, and inevitabilities that stagger the imaginations of beings far above the human level. It has implications that are probably unsuspected by the celestial philosophers, for its implications are in the triunities, and the triunities are, in the last analysis, unfathomable.” (1170.5) 106:8.2

3. Proposition.There are three levels of the Trinity of Trinities.

“There are a number of ways in which the Trinity of Trinities can be portrayed. We elect to present the three-level concept, which is as follows:

  1. The level of the three Trinities.
  2. The level of experiential Deity.
  3. The level of the I AM.

“These are levels of increasing unification. Actually the Trinity of Trinities is the first level, while the second and third levels are unification-derivatives of the first.” (1170.6) 106:8.3

4. Proposition. The Trinity of Trinities may be presented on three levels.

See: (1168.1) 106:6.2   (1171.1) 106:8.8    (1172.4) 106:8.19    (1173.2) 106:9.1


1. Proposition.God the Ultimate will powerize and personalize as the result of the unification of the Ultimate Trinity.

The Ultimate Trinity, now evolving* will eventually consist of the Supreme Being, the Supreme Creator Personalities, and the absonite Architects of the Master Universe, those unique universe planners who are neither creators nor creatures. God the Ultimate will eventually and inevitably powerize and personalize as the Deity consequence of the unification of this experiential Ultimate Trinity in the expanding arena of the well-nigh limitless master universe.” (16.3) 0:12.6

2. Proposition. The Absolute Trinity is the second experiential Trinity f and its unification would experientialize Absolute Deity.

The Absolute Trinity—the second experiential Trinity—now in process of actualization, will consist of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and the unrevealed Consummator of Universe Destiny. This Trinity functions on both personal and superpersonal levels, even to the borders of the nonpersonal, and its unification in universality would experientialize Absolute Deity.” (16.4) 0:12.7

3. Proposition. The Trinity Absolute has the theoretical capacity to activate the Absolutes of potentiality—Deity, Universal, and Unqualified.

“The Ultimate is the apex of transcendental reality even as the Supreme is the capstone of evolutionary-experiential reality. And the actual emergence of these two experiential Deities lays the foundation for the second experiential Trinity. This is the Trinity Absolute, the union of God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and the Unrevealed Consummator of Universe Destiny. And this Trinity has theoretical capacity to activate the Absolutes of potentiality—Deity, Universal, and Unqualified. But the completed formation of this Trinity Absolute could take place only after the completed evolution of the entire master universe, from Havona to the fourth and outermost space level.” (1167.2) 106:5.1

4. Proposition. The Trinity Absolute is absolute in total function— qualitatively unlimited and unconditioned in potential.

“Stated otherwise: The Trinity Absolute, as its name implies, is really absolute in total function. We do not know how an absolute function can achieve total expression on a qualified, limited, or otherwise restricted basis. Hence we must assume that any such totality function will be unconditioned (in potential). And it would also appear that the unconditioned would also be unlimited, at least from a qualitative standpoint, though we are not so sure regarding quantitative relationships.” (1168.3) 106:6.4

5. Proposition. The Paradise Trinity is infinite; the Trinity Ultimate subinfinite; the Trinity Absolute impinges upon the existential Absolutes of potentiality.

“Of this, however, we are certain: While the existential Paradise Trinity is infinite, and while the experiential Trinity Ultimate is subinfinite, the Trinity Absolute is not so easy to classify. Though experiential in genesis and constitution, it definitely impinges upon the existential Absolutes of potentiality.”(1168.4) 106:6.5

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