27. Adam and Eve

- Introduction
- The Edenic Regime
- The Garden of Eden
- The Tree of Life
- Arrival of Adam and Eve
- Temptation of Eve
- Realization of Default
- Leaving the Garden
- The Second Garden
- Cain and Abel
- The Violet Race
- Death of Adam and Eve
- Survival of Adam and Eve
1. Proposition. The Adams and Eves are biologic uplifters—they go to worlds at the peak of evolutionary development.
“During the dispensation of a Planetary Prince, primitive man reaches the limit of natural evolutionary development, and this biologic attainment signals the System Sovereign to dispatch to such a world the second order of sonship, the biologic uplifters. These Sons, for there are two of them—the Material Son and Daughter—are usually known on a planet as Adam and Eve.” (580.1) 51:0.1
2. Proposition. Adam is one of seven fathers mortal man may acknowledge.
“With the passing of centuries, through the amalgamation of their progeny with the races of men, this same Material Son and Daughter become accepted as the common ancestors of mankind, the common parents of the now blended descendants of the evolutionary races. It is intended that mortals who start out from an inhabited world have the experience of recognizing seven fathers:
- The biologic father—the father in the flesh.
- The father of the realm—the Planetary Adam.
- The father of the spheres—the System Sovereign.
- The Most High Father—the Constellation Father.
- The Universe Father—the Creator Son and supreme ruler of the local creations.
- The super-Fathers—the Ancients of Days who govern the superuniverse.
- The spirit or Havona Father—the Universal Father, who dwells on Paradise and bestows his spirit to live and work in the minds of the lowly creatures who inhabit the universe of universes.” (587.4) 51:6.6
3. Proposition. Forty thousand years ago, Urantia, at the apex of physical development, was ready for the biologic uplifters.
“The cultural decadence and spiritual poverty resulting from the Caligastia downfall and consequent social confusion had little effect on the physical or biologic status of the Urantia peoples. Organic evolution proceeded apace, quite regardless of the cultural and moral setback which so swiftly followed the disaffection of Caligastia and Daligastia. And there came a in the planetary history, almost forty thousand years ago, when the Life Carriers on duty took note that, from a purely biologic standpoint, the developmental progress of the Urantia races was nearing its apex. The Melchizedek receivers, concurring in this opinion, readily agreed to join the Life Carriers in a petition to the Host Highs of Edentia asking that Urantia be inspected with a view to authorizing the dispatch of biologic uplifters, a Material Son and Daughter.” (821.1) 73:0.1
4. Proposition. As a result of a Tabamantia inspection, Adam and Eve arrived on this confused and isolated planet.
“Tabamantia, sovereign supervisor of the series of decimal or experimental worlds, came to inspect the planet and, after his survey of racial progress, duly recommended that Urantia be granted Material Sons. In a little less than one hundred years from the time of this inspection, Adam and Eve, a Material Son and Daughter of the local system, arrived and began the difficult task of attempting to untangle the confused affairs of a planet retarded by rebellion and resting under the ban of spiritual isolation.” (821.3) 73:0.3
5. Proposition. Van had long proclaimed the advent of a Son of God—a racial uplifter and a teacher of truth.
“For almost one hundred years prior to Tabamantia’s inspection, Van and his associates, from their highland headquarters of world ethics and culture, had been preaching the advent of a promised Son of God, a racial uplifter, a teacher of truth, and the worthy successor of the traitorous Caligastia. Though the majority of the world’s inhabitants of those days exhibited little or no interest in such a prediction, those who were in immediate contact with Van and Amadon took such teaching seriously and began to plan for the actual reception of the promised Son.” (822.5) 73:2.1
6. Proposition. Van and Amadon recruited three thousand volunteers to prepare a home for the expected Adam.
“From their highland headquarters and from sixty-one far-scattered settlements, Van and Amadon recruited a corps of over three thousand willing and enthusiastic workers who, in solemn assembly, dedicated themselves to this mission of preparing for the promised—at least expected—Son.” (822.7) 73:2.3
1. Proposition. Adam was confronted with confusion, degeneracy, and isolation —he had no one to advise him.
“The Adamic mission on experimental, rebellion-seared, and isolated Urantia was a formidable undertaking. And the Material Son and Daughter early became aware of the difficulty and complexity of their planetary assignments Nevertheless, they courageously set about the task of solving their manifold problems. But when they addressed themselves to the all-important work of eliminating the-defectives and degenerates from among the human strains,they were quite dismayed. They could see no way out of the dilemma, and they could not take counsel with their superiors on either Jerusem or Edentia. Hare they were, isolated and day by day confronted with some new and complicated tangle, some problem that seemed to be unsolvable.” (839.2) 75:1.1
2. Proposition. Adam came to set up representative government, but he had to content himself with the establishment of outlying trading posts.
“Adam and Eve had come to institute representative government in the place of monarchial, but they found no government worthy of the name on the face of the whole earth. For the time being Adam abandoned all effort to establish representative government, and before the collapse of the Edenic regime he succeeded in establishing almost one hundred outlying trade and social centers where strong individuals ruled in his name. Most of these centers had been organized aforetime by Van and Amadon.” (834.1) 74:5.7
3. Proposition. Secondary midwayers are indigenous to the Adamic missions.
“The secondary midway creatures are indigenous to the Adamic missions. As with the corporeal staff of the Planetary Prince, the descendants of the Material Sons and Daughters are of two orders: their physical children and the secondary order of midway creatures. These material but ordinarily invisible planetary ministers contribute much to the advancement of civilization and even to the subjection of insubordinate minorities who may seek to subvert social development and spiritual progress.” (583.5) 51:3.6
1. Proposition. From three selected sites for the Garden, the Mediterranean peninsula was chosen.
“The committee on location was absent for almost three years. It reported favorably concerning three possible locations: The first was an island in the Persian Gulf; the second, the river location subsequently occupied as the second garden; the third, a long narrow peninsula—almost an island—projecting westward from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
“The committee almost unanimously favored the third selection. This site was chosen, and two years were occupied in transferring the world’s cultural headquarters, including the tree of life, to this Mediterranean peninsula. All but a single group of the peninsula dwellers peaceably vacated when Van and his company arrived.” (823.1) 73:3.1
2. Proposition. The home of the biologic uplifters is called the Garden of Eden—suggestive of its floral beauty and botanic grandeur.
“When Material Sons, the biologic uplifters, begin their sojourn on an evolutionary world, their place of abode is often called the Garden of Eden because it is characterized by the floral beauty and the botanic grandeur of Edentia, the constellation capital. Van well knew of these customs and accordingly provided that the entire peninsula be given over to the Garden.” (823.7) 73:4.1
3. Proposition. The Garden provided land and homes for one million, with the Father’s temple at the center.
“At the center of the Edenic peninsula was the exquisite stone temple of the Universal Father, the sacred shrine of the Garden. To the north the administrative headquarters was established; to the south were built the homes for the workers and their families; to the west was provided the allotment of ground for the proposed schools of the educational system of the expected Son, while in the ‘east of Eden’ were built the domiciles intended for the promised Son and his immediate offspring. The architectural plans for Eden provided homes and abundant land for one million human beings.” (824.5) 73:5.1
4. Proposition. Although not finished at the time of Adam’s arrival, the Garden was a gem of botanic beauty.
“Although the work of embellishment was hardly finished at the time of Adam’s arrival, the place was already a gem of botanic beauty; and during; the early days of his sojourn in Eden the whole Garden took on new form and assumed new proportions of beauty and grandeur. Never before this time nor after has Urantia harbored such a beautiful and replete exhibition of horticulture and agriculture.” (825.5) 73:5.8
5. Proposition. On normal worlds, the Garden, jointly with the Prince’s headquarters, becomes the center of world culture.
“On normal worlds the garden headquarters of the violet race becomes the second center of world culture and, jointly with the headquarters city of the Planetary Prince, sets the pace for the development of civilization For centuries the city headquarters schools of the Planetary Prince and the garden schools of Adam and Eve are contemporary. They are usually not very far apart, and they work together in harmonious co-operation.” (586.6) 51:6.2
6. Proposition. Both public and private worship were encouraged and Adam vainly attempted to establish offerings of the fruit of the land in place of blood sacrifices.
“The public worship hour of Eden was noon; sunset was the hour of family worship. Adam did his best to discourage the use of set prayers, teaching that effective prayer must be wholly individual, that it must be the ‘desire of the soul’; but the Edenites continued to use the prayers and forms handed down from the times of Dalamatia. Adam also endeavored to substitute the offerings of the fruit of the land for the blood sacrifices in the religious ceremonies but had made little progress before the disruption of the Garden.” (836.10) 74:7.21
7. Proposition. The laws of the Garden consisted of the seven commandments of Dalamatia.
“The laws of the Garden were based on the older codes of Dalamatia and were promulgated under seven heads:
- The laws of health and sanitation.
- The social regulations of the Garden.
- The code of trade and commerce.
- The laws of fair play and competition.
- The laws of home life.
- The civil codes of the golden rule.
- The seven commands of supreme moral rule.” (836.1) 74:7.12
8. Proposition. Adam attempted to teach the races sex equality.
“Adam endeavored to teach the races sex equality. The way Eve worked by the side of her husband made a profound impression upon all dwellers in the Garden. Adam definitely taught them that the woman, equally with the man, contributes those life factors which unite to form a new being. Theretofore, mankind had presumed that all procreation resided in the ‘loins of the father.’ They had looked upon the mother as being merely a provision for nurturing the unborn and nursing the newborn.”
(836.11) 74:7.22
9. Proposition. The “golden age” is a myth, but Eden was a fact.
“The ‘golden age’ is a myth, but Eden was a fact, and the Garden civilization was actually overthrown. Adam and Eve carried on in the Garden for one hundred and seventeen years when, through the impatience of Eve and the errors of judgment of Adam, they presumed to turn aside from the ordained way, speedily bringing disaster upon themselves and ruinous retardation upon the developmental progression of all Urantia.” (838.6) 74:8.14
1. Proposition. The “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” may be a figure of speech, but the “tree of life,” sent from Edentia, was real.
“The ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ may be a figure of speech, a symbolic designation covering a multitude of human experiences, but the ‘tree of life’ was not a myth; it was real and for a long time was present on Urantia. When the Most Highs of Edentia approved the commission of Caligastia as Planetary Prince of Urantia and those of the one hundred Jerusem citizens as his administrative staff, they sent to the planet, by the Melchizedeks, a shrub of Edentia, and this plant grew to be the tree of life on Urantia. This form of nonintelligent life is native to the constellation headquarters spheres, being also found on the headquarters worlds of the local and superuniverses as well as on the Havona spheres, but not on the system capitals.” (825.8) 73:6.3
2. Proposition. After the rebellion, the tree of life was taken by Van to his headquarters, and it served him and Amadon for one hundred and fifty thousand years.
“During the days of the Prince’s rule the tree was growing from the earth in the central and circular courtyard of the Father’s temple. Upon the outbreak of the rebellion it was regrown from the central core by Van and his associates in their temporary camp. This Edentia shrub was subsequently taken to their highland retreat, where it served both Van and Amadon for more than one hundred and fifty thousand years.” (826.2) 73:6.5
3. Proposition. After making ready the Garden for Adam and Eve, Van transplanted the tree of life to the courtyard of the Father’s temple.
“When Van and his associates made ready the Garden for Adam and Eve, they transplanted the Edentia tree to the Garden of Eden, where, once again, it grew in a central, circular courtyard of another temple to the Father. And Adam and Eve periodically partook of its fruit for the maintenance of their dual form of physical life.” (826.3) 73:6.6
1. Proposition. Adam and Eve arrived on Urantia, from A. D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. Ten days were required for rematerialization.
“Adam and Eve arrived on Urantia, from the year A. D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in the height of bloom that they arrived. At high noon and unannounced, the two seraphic transports, accompanied by the Jerusem personnel intrusted with the transportation of the biologic uplifters to Urantia, settled slowly to the surface of the revolving planet in the vicinity of the temple of the Universal Father. All the work of rematerializing the bodies of Adam and Eve was carried on within the precincts of this newly created shrine. And from the time of their arrival ten days passed before they were re-created in dual human form for presentation as the world’s new rulers. They regained consciousness simultaneously. The Material Sons And Daughters always -serve together. It is the essence of their service at all times and in all places never to be separated. They are designed to work in pairs; seldom do they function alone.”(828.1) 74:0.1
2. Proposition. Adam and Eve, jointly number 14,311, were members of the senior corps of Material Sons on Jerusem.
“The Planetary Adam and Eve of Urantia were members of the senior corps of Material Sons on Jerusem, being Jointly number 14,311. They belonged to the third physical series and were a little more than eight feet in height.” (828.2) 74:1.1
3. Proposition. Rematerialization restored Adam and Eve to their Jerusem status.
“Upon arrival at their planetary destination the Material Son and Daughter are rematerialized under the direction of the Life Carriers. This entire process takes ten to twenty-eight days of Urantia time. The unconsciousness of the seraphic slumber continues throughout this entire period of reconstruction. When the reassembly of the physical organism is completed, these Material Sons and Daughters stand in their new homes and on their new worlds to all intents and purposes just as they were before submitting to the dematerializing process on Jerusem.” (582.4) 51:2.4
4. Proposition. The bodies of Adam and Eve gave forth a shimmering light— the origin of the traditional halo encircling the hoods of holy men.
“The bodies of Adam and Eve gave forth a shimmer of light, but they always wore clothing in conformity with the custom of their associates. Though wearing very little during the day, at eventide they donned night wraps. The origin of the traditional halo encircling the heads of supposed pious and holy men dates back to the days of Adam and Eve. Since the light emanations of their bodies were so largely obscured by clothing, only the radiating glow from their heads was discernible. The descendants of Adamson always thus portrayed their concept of individuals believed to be extraordinary in spiritual development.” (834.7) 74:6.5
5. Proposition. When Adam and Eve awakened on Urantia, they were welcomed by Van and Amadon.
“Adam and Eve fell asleep on Jerusem, and when they awakened in the Father’s temple on Urantia in the presence of the mighty throng assembled to welcome them, they were face to face with two beings of whom they had heard much, Van and his faithful associate Amadon. These two heroes of the Caligastia secession were the first to welcome them in their new garden home.” (829.3) 74:2.1
6. Proposition. The runners hastened to the carrier pigeons’ rendezvous, shouting: “Let loose the birds...the promised Son has come.”
“And on that day there was great excitement and joy throughout Eden as the runners went in great haste to the rendezvous of the carrier pigeons assembled from near and far, shouting; ‘Let loose the birds; let them carry the word that the promised Son has come. Hundreds of believer settlements had faithfully, year after year, kept up the supply of these home-reared pigeons for just such an occasion.” (829.5) 74:2.3
7. Proposition. After the Melchizedek charge, Van proclaimed Adam and Eve rulers of Urantia They took oaths of allegiance to the Most Highs and to Michael of Nebadon.
“The next act was the delivery of the charge of planetary custody to Adam and Eve by the senior Melchizedek, chief of the council of receivership on Urantia. The Material Son and Daughter took the oath of allegiance to the Most Highs of Norlatiadek and to Michael of Nebadon and were proclaimed rulers of Urantia by Van, who thereby relinquished the titular authority which for over one hundred and fifty thousand years he had held by virtue of the action of the Melchizedek receivers.” (830.1) 74:2.6
8. Proposition. Gabriel proclaimed the second judgment roll call and the resurrection of the sleeping survivors of the second dispensation on Urantia.
“Then was heard the archangels’ proclamation, and the broadcast voice of Gabriel decreed the second judgment roll call of Urantia and the resurrection of the sleeping survivors of the second dispensation of grace and mercy on 606 of Satania. The dispensation of the Prince has passed, the age of Adam, the third planetary epoch, opens amidst scenes of simple grandeur; and the new rulers of Urantia start their reign under seemingly favorable conditions, notwithstanding the worldwide confusion occasioned by lack of the co-operation of their predecessor in authority on the planet.” (830.3) 74:2.8
9. Proposition. The heads of the Edenites were turned; over Van’s protest, they wanted to bring Adam and Eve to the temple that they might worship them.
“The amazing events of the first six days of Adam and Eve on earth were entirely too much for the unprepared minds of even the world’s best men; their heads were in a whirl; they were swept along with the proposal to bring the noble pair up to the Father’s temple at high noon in order that everyone might bow down in respectful worship and prostrate themselves in humble submission. And the Garden dwellers were really sincere in all of this.
“Van protested. Amadon was absent, being in charge of the guard of honor which had remained behind with Adam and Eve overnight. But Van’s protest was swept aside. He was told that he was likewise too modest, too unassuming; that he was not far from a god himself, else how had he lived so long on earth, and how had he brought about such a great event as the advent of Adam? And as the excited Edenites were about to seize him and carry him up to the mount for adoration, Van made his way out through the throng and, being able to communicate with the midwayers, sent their leader in great haste to Adam.” (832.2) 74:4.2
10. Proposition. Transported by midwayers, Adam and Eve appeared on the inaugural mount and, after solemn discourse, explained that they would accept all respect, but worship never:
“It was near the dawn of their seventh day on earth that Adam and Eve heard the startling news of the proposal of these well-meaning but misguided mortals; and then, even while the passenger birds were swiftly winging to bring them to the temple, the midwayers, being able to do such things, transported Adam and Eve to the Father’s temple. It was early on the morning of this seventh day and from the mount of their so recent reception that Adam held forth in explanation of the orders of divine sonship and made clear to these earth minds that only the Father and those whom he designates may be worshiped. Adam made it plain that he would accept any honor and receive all respect, but worship never!” (832.4) 74:4.4
11. Proposition. And this was the origin of the Sabbath-day tradition.
“And this was the origin of the Sabbath-day tradition. Always in Eden the seventh day was devoted to the noontide assembly at the temple; long it was the custom to devote this day to self-culture. The forenoon was devoted to physical improvement, the noontime to spiritual worship, the afternoon to mind culture, while the evening was spent in social rejoicing. This was never the law in Eden, but it was the custom as long as the Adamic administration held sway on earth.” (832.6) 74:4.6
12. Proposition. On normal worlds, the arrival of Adam would herald an age of invention, progress, and intellectual enlightenment.
“On a normal planet the arrival of the Material Son would ordinarily herald the approach of a great age of invention, material progress, and intellectual enlightenment. The post-Adamic era is the great scientific age of most worlds, but not so on Urantia. Though the planet was peopled by races physically fit, the tribes languished in the depths of savagery and moral stagnation.” (821.4) 73:1.1
1. Proposition. Caligastia frequently visited Eden, but was unable to seduce Adam and Eve by direct appeal. He was still titular Planetary Prince— not being deposed until the times of Michael on Urantia.
“Caligastia paid frequent visits to the Garden and held many conferences with Adam and Eve, but they were adamant to all his suggestions of compromise and short-cut adventures. They had before them enough of the results of rebellion to produce effective immunity against all such insinuating proposals. Even the young offspring of Adam were uninfluenced by the overtures of Daligastia. And of course neither Caligastia nor his associate had power to influence any individual against his will, much less to persuade the children of Adam to do wrong.
“It must be remembered that Caligastia was still the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia, a misguided but nevertheless high Son of the local universe. He was not finally deposed until the times of Christ Michael on Urantia.” (840.3) 75:2.1
2. Proposition. After Adam’s first one hundred years, Serapatatia became head of the Syrian Nodites. He was from Dalamatia and blue race ancestors.
“Adam had just finished his first one hundred years on earth when Serapatatia, upon the death of his father, came to the leadership of the western or Syrian confederation of the Nodite tribes. Serapatatia was a brown-tinted man, a brilliant descendant of the one time chief of the Dalamatia commission on health mated with one of the master female minds of the blue race of those distant days. All down through the ages this line had held authority and wielded a great influence among the western Nodite tribes.”
(841.1) 75:3.1
3. Proposition. Serapatatia became chairman of the Edenic commission on tribal relations, and proposed to Eve plans for immediate racial advancement.
“Presently, Serapatatia became the associate chairman of the Edenic commission on tribal relations, and many plans were laid for the more vigorous prosecution of the work of winning the remote tribes to the cause of the Garden.
“He held many conferences with Adam and Eve—especially with Eve— and they talked over many plans for improving their methods. One day, during a talk with Eve, it occurred to Serapatatia that it would be very helpful if, while awaiting the recruiting of large numbers of the violet race, something could be done in the meantime immediately to advance the needy waiting tribes.” (841.4) 75:3.4
4. Proposition. Serapatatia was honest—wholly sincere. He had no intention of playing into the hands of Caligastia.
“It should again be emphasized that Serapatatia was altogether honest and wholly sincere in all that he proposed. He never once suspected that he was playing into the hands of Caligastia and Daligastia.” (841.6) 75:3.6
5. Proposition. Eve had no intention of wrongdoing in connection with her increasingly confidential visits with Serapatatia.
“It was farthest from Eve’s intention ever to do anything which would militate against Adam’s plans or jeopardize their planetary trust. Knowing the tendency of woman to look upon immediate results rather than to plan farsightedly for more remote effects, the Melchizedeks, before departing, had especially enjoined Eve as to the peculiar dangers besetting their isolated position on the planet and had in particular warned her never to stray from the side of her mate, that is, to attempt no personal or secret methods of furthering their mutual undertakings. Eve had most scrupulously carried out these instructions for more than one hundred years, and it did not occur to her that any danger would attach to the increasingly private and confidential visits she was enjoying with a certain Nodite leader named Serapatatia. The whole affair developed so gradually and naturally that she was taken unawares.” (840.6) 75:2.4
6. Proposition. Cano was a leader of friendly Nodites. Eve consented to a secret conference with him, at the suggestion of Serapatatia.
“For more than five years these plans were secretly matured. At last they had developed to the point where Eve consented to have a secret conference with Cano, the most brilliant mind and active leader of the near-by colony of friendly Nodite. Cano was very sympathetic with the Adamic regime; in fact, he was the sincere spiritual leader of those neighboring Nodites who favored friendly relations with the Garden.” (841.7) 75:3.7
7. Proposition. The fateful meeting occurred at twilight of an autumn evening, near the home of Adam. Cano thoroughly believed in the Serapatatia project.
“The fateful meeting occurred during the twilight hours of the autumn evening, not far from the home of Adam. Eve had never before met the beautiful and enthusiastic Cano—and he was a magnificient specimen of the survival of the superior physique and outstanding intellect of his remote progenitors of the Princess staff. And Cano also thoroughly believed in the righteousness of the Serapatatia project. (Outside of the Garden, multiple mating was a common practice.)” (842.1) 75:3.8
8. Proposition. By flattery and personal persuasion, Eve was unthinkingly led to take the fatal step.
“Influenced by flattery, enthusiasm, and great personal persuasion, Eve then and there consented to embark upon the much-discussed enterprise, to add her own little scheme of world saving to the larger and more far-reaching divine plan. Before she quite realized what was transpiring, the fatal step had been taken. It was done.” (842.2) 75:3.9
9. Proposition. Eve had consented to participate in the practice of good and evil..
“Eve had consented to participate in the practice of good and evil. Good is the carrying out of the divine plans; sin is a deliberate transgression of the divine will; evil is the misadaptation of plans and the maladjustment of techniques resulting in universe disharmony and planetary confusion.” (842.5) 75:4.3
10. Proposition. The celestial life on the planet was astir. Adam now learned of the Serapatatia plan for accelerating world improvement.
“The celestial life on the planet was astir. Adam recognized that something was wrong, and he asked Eve to come aside with him in the Garden. And now, for the first time, Adam heard the entire story of the long-nourished plan for accelerating world improvement by operating simultaneously in two directionss the prosecution of the divine plan concomitantly with the execution of the Serapatatia enterprise.” (842.3) 75:4.1
11. Proposition. As Adam and Eve communed in the moonlit Garden, they were informed that they had transgressed the Garden covenant and defaulted in a sacred trust.
“And as the Material Son and Daughter thus communed in the moonlit Garden, ‘the voice in the Garden’ reproved them for disobedience. And that voice was none other than my own announcement to the Edenic pair that they had transgressed the Garden covenant; that they had disobeyed the instructions of the Melchizedeks; that they had defaulted in the execution of their oaths of trust to the sovereign of the universe.” (842.4) 75:4.2
1. Proposition. It was Solonia, the seraphim, who called to Adam and Eve in the Garden, asking “Where are you?”“
I talked to the father and mother of the violet race that night in the Garden as became my duty under the sorrowful circumstances. I listened fully to the recital of all that led up to the default of Mother Eve and gave both of them advice and counsel concerning the immediate situation. Some of this advice they followed; some they disregarded. This conference appears in your records as ‘the Lord God calling to Adam and Eve in the Garden and asking, “Where are you?”’ It was the practice of later generations to attribute everything unusual and extraordinary, whether natural or spiritual, directly to the personal intervention of the Gods.” (843.2) 75:4.8
2. Proposition. Eve’s disillusionment was pathetic, but brokenhearted Adam was truly sympathetic with his erring mate.“
Eve’s disillusionment was truly pathetic, Adam discerned the whole predicament and, while heartbroken and dejected, entertained only pity and sympathy for his erring mate.” (843.3) 75:5.1
3. Proposition. In fear that he might be separated from his mate, Adam sought out Laotta and deliberately committed the folly of Eve.
“It was in the despair of the realization of failure that Adam, the day after Eve’s misstep, sought out Laotta, the brilliant Nodite woman who was head of the western schools of the Garden, and with premeditation committed the folly of Eve. But do not misunderstand; Adam was not beguiled; he knew exactly what he was about; he deliberately chose to share the fate of Eve. He loved his mate with a supermortal affection, and the thought of the possibility of a lonely vigil on Urantia without her was more than he could endure.” (843.4) 75:5.2
4. Proposition. After thirty days of wandering, Adam returned home and began planning for the future.
“The children of Adam sought to comfort their distracted mother while their father wandered in solitude for thirty days. At the end of that time judgment asserted itself, and Adam returned to his home and began to plan for their future course of action.” (843.7) 75:5.5
5. Proposition. Seventy days after the default, the Melchizedek receivers returned to Urantia and Adam and Eve knew they had failed.
“Time passed, but Adam was not certain of the nature of their offense until seventy days after the default of Eve, when the Melchizedek receivers returned to Urantia and assumed jurisdiction over world affairs. And then he knew they had failedo” (844.1) 75:5.8
6. Proposition. Never will you gain anything by attempting to circumvent the divine plan by short cuts or other human devices.
“Never, in all your ascent to Paradise, will you gain anything by impatiently attempting to circumvent the established and divine plan by short cuts, personal inventions, or other devices for improving on the way of perfection, to perfection, and for eternal perfection.” (846.4) 75:8.5
1. Proposition. Adam and twelve hundred loyal followers went forth from the Garden in quest of a new home.
“Adam knew that he and Eve had failed; the presence of the Melchizedek receivers told him that, though he still knew nothing of their personal status or future fate. He held an all-night conference with some twelve hundred loyal followers who pledged themselves to follow their leader, and the next day at noon these pilgrims went forth from Eden in quest of new homes. Adam had no liking for war and accordingly elected to leave the first garden to the Nodites unopposed.” (844.4) 75:6.2
2. Proposition. All of Adam’s younger children and two thirds of the older were taken to Edentia as wards of the Most Highs.
“The Edenic caravan was halted on the third day out from the Garden by the arrival of the seraphic transports from Jerusem. And for the first time Adam and Eve were informed of what was to become of their children. While the transports stood by, those children who had arrived at the age of choice (twenty years) were give the option of remaining on Urantia with their parents or of becoming wards of the Most Highs on Norlatiadekc, Two thirds chose to go to Edentia; about one third elected to remain with their parents. All children of prechoice age were taken to Edentiaa No one could have beheld the sorrowful parting of this Material Son and Daughter and their children without realizing that the way of the transgressor is hard. These offspring of Adam and Eve are now on Edentia; we do not know what disposition is to be made of them.”
(844.5) 75:6.3
3. Proposition. Gabriel informed Adam and Eve that they were “adjudged in default,” that they had “violated the covenant of their trusteeship.” They were cheered to learn that they had not been guilty of rebellion.
“It was while the Edenic caravan was halted that Adam and Eve were informed of the nature of their transgressions and advised concerning their fate. Gabriel appeared to pronounce judgment. And this was the verdict: The Planetary Adam and Eve of Urantia are adjudged in default; they have violated the covenant of their trusteeship as the rulers of this inhabited world.
“While downcast by the sense of guilt, Adam and Eve were greatly cheered by the announcement that their judges on Salvington had absolved them from all charges of standing in ‘contempt of the universe government.’ They had not been held guilty of rebellion.” (845.1) 75:7.1
4. Proposition. The Edenic pair learned that they had degraded themselves to the status of mortals of the realm.
“The Edenic pair were informed that they had degraded themselves to the status of the mortals of the realm; that they must henceforth conduct themselves as man and woman of Urantia, looking to the future of the world races for their future.” (845.3) 75:7.3
5. Proposition. Adam and Eve did fall from their high estate to mortal status, but that was not the fall of man.
“Adam and Eve did fall from their high estate of material sonship down to the lowly status of mortal man. But that was not the fall of man. The human race has been uplifted despite the immediate consequences of the Adamic default. Although the divine plan of giving the violet race to the Urantia peoples miscarried, the mortal races have profited enormously from the limited contribution which Adam and his descendants made to the Urantia races.” (845.8) 75:8.1
6. Proposition. The vacated Garden was later occupied by the northern Nodites for four thousand years, when it sank beneath the waters.
“After the first garden was vacated by Adam, it was occupied variously by the Nodites, Cutites, and the Suntites. It later became the dwelling place of the northern Nodites who opposed co-operation with the Adamites. The peninsula had been overrun by these lower-grade Nodites for almost four thousand years after Adam left the Garden when, in connection with the violent activity of the surrounding volcanoes and the submergence of the Sicilian land bridge to Africa, the eastern floor of the Mediterranean Sea sank, carrying down beneath the waters the whole of the Edenic peninsula. Concomitant with this vast submergence the coast line of the eastern Mediterranean was greatly elevated.”(826.6) 73:7.1
1. Proposition. Hearing that Adam approached, the dwellers in the second garden fled in haste. Adam found it vacated.
“When word had reached the dwellers in the land of the second garden that the king and high priest of the Garden of Eden was marching on them, they had fled in haste to the eastern mountains. Adam found all of the desired territory vacated when he arrivedo And here in this new location Adam and his helpers set themselves to work to build new homes and establish a new center of culture and religion.” (847.4) 76:1.2
2. Proposition. With the aid of a defense wall to the north, the two rivers formed a good natural defense.
“This site was known to Adam as one of the three original selections of the committee assigned to choose possible locations for the Garden proposed by Van and Amadon. The two rivers themselves were a good natural defense in those days, and a short way north of the second garden the Euphrates and Tigris came close together so that a defense wall extending fifty-six miles could be built for the protection of the territory to the south and between the rivers.” (847.5) 76:1.3
3. Proposition. The Melchizedeks informed Adam and Eve that their repentance was acceptable and that they would be admitted to the ranks of sleeping survivors.
“Not long after the establishment of the second Eden, Adam and Eve were duly informed that their repentance was acceptable, and that, while they were doomed to suffer the fate of the mortals of their world, they should certainly become eligible for admission to the ranks of the sleeping survivors of Urantia. They fully believed this gospel of resurrection and rehabilitation which the Melchizedeks so touchingly proclaimed to them. Their transgression had been an error of Judgment and not the sin of conscious and deliberate rebellion.” (851.7) 76:5.1
1. Proposition. Cain and Sansa were born enroute to the second garden. Laotta died. Eve adopted Sansa.
“Cain and Sansa were both born before the Adamic caravan had reached its destination between the rivers in Mesopotamia. Laotta, the mother of Sansa, perished at the birth of her daughter; Eve suffered much but survived, owing to superior strength. Eve took Sansa, the child of Laotta, to her bosom, and she was reared along with Cain. Sansa grew up to be a woman of great ability. She became the wife of Sargan, the chief of the northern blue races, and contributed to the advancement of the blue men of those times.” (847.2) 76:0.2
2. Proposition. Abel was born two years after Cain. Abel became a herder— Cain a farmer.
“Less than two years after Cain’s birth, Abel was born, the first child of Adam and Eve to be born in the second garden. When Abel grew up to the age of twelve years, he elected to be a herder; Cain had chosen to follow agriculture.” (848.1) 76:2.1
3. Proposition. Abel made animal offerings, Cain the fruits of the field. Abel’s offerings were more favored, and therewith he taunted Cain.
“Now, in those days it was customary to make offerings to the priesthood of the things at hand. Herders would bring of their flocks, farmers of the fruits of the fields; and in accordance with this custom, Cain and Abel likewise made periodic offerings to the priests. The two boys had many times argued about the relative merits of their vocations, and Abel was not slow to note that preference was shown for his animal sacrifices. In vain did Cain appeal to the traditions of the first Eden, to the former preference for the fruits of the field. But this Abel would not allow, and he taunted his older brother in his discomfiture.” (848.2) 76:2.2
4. Proposition. Abel never failed to remind Cain that Adam was not his father. Cain nourished an increasing hatred for his brother.
“The two boys never got along well, and this matter of sacrifices further contributed to the growing hatred between them. Abel knew he was the son of both Adam and Eve and never failed to impress upon Cain that Adam was not his father. Cain was not pure violet as his father was of the Nodite race later admired with the blue and the red man and with the aboriginal Andonic stock. And all of this, with Cain’s natural bellicose inheritance, caused him to nourish an everincreasing hatred for his younger brother.”
(848.4) 76:2.4
5. Proposition. At ages eighteen and twenty, Abel’s taunts so infuriated Cain that he killed his brother.
“The boys were respectively eighteen and twenty years of age when the tension between them was finally resolved, one day, when Abel’s taunts so infuriated his bellicose brother that Cain turned upon him in wrath and slew him.” (848.5) 76:2.5
6. Proposition. Cain fled to the land of Nod and married Remona. He became a Nodite leader and lived peaceably with the Adamites.
“And so Cain departed for the land of Nod, east of the second Eden. He became a great leader among one group of his father’s people and did, to a certain degree, fulfill the predictions of Serapatatia, for he did promote peace between this division of the Nodites and the Adamites throughout his lifetime, Cain married Remona, his distant cousin, and their first son, Enoch, became the head of the Elamite Nodites, And for hundreds of years the Elamites and the Adamites continued to be at peace.” (849.3) 76:2.9
1. Proposition. Adam and Eve were founders of the violet peoples—the ninth human race. Neither Eve nor the unmixed evolutionary races suffered pain in childbirth.
“Adam and Eve were the founders of the violet race of men, the ninth human race to appear on Urantia. Adam and his offspring had blue eyes, and the violet peoples were characterized by fair complexions and light hair color—yellow, red, and brown.
“Eve did not suffer pain in childbirth; neither did the early evolutionary races. Only the mixed races produced by the union of evolutionary man with the Nodites and later with the Adamites suffered the severe pangs of childbirth.” (850.7) 76:4.1
2. Proposition. Adam’s progeny were far more resistant to disease than the Urantia races.
“The body cells of the Material Sons and their progeny are far more resistant to disease than are those of the evolutionary beings indigenous to the planeto The body cells of the native races are akin to the living disease-producing microscopic and ultramicroscopic organisms of the realm. These facts explain why the Urantia peoples must do so much by way of scientific effort to withstand so many physical disorders. You would be far more disease resistant if your races carried more of the Adamic life.” (851.5) 76:4.7
3. Proposition. Adamson, Adam’s first son, founded a center of the violet race north of the second garden. The second son, Eveson, became a masterly leader and administrators.
“The civil rulers of the Adamites were derived hereditarily from the sons of the first garden. Adam’s first son, Adamson (Adam ben Adam), founded a secondary center of the violet race to the north of the second Eden. Adam’s second son, Eveson, became a masterly leader and administrator; he was the great helper of his father. Eveson lived not quite so long as Adam, and his eldest son, Jansad, became the successor of Adam as the head of the Adamite tribes.” (849.6) 76:3.3
4. Proposition. The Adamites excelled in culture—art, literature, and manufacture. They produced the third alphabet and improved architecture.
“The Adamites greatly excelled the surrounding peoples in cultural achievement and intellectual development. They produced the third alphabet and otherwise laid the foundations for much that was the forerunner of modern art, science, and literature. Here in the lands between the Tigris and Euphrates they maintained the arts of writing, metalworking, pottery making, and weaving and produced a type of architecture that was not excelled in thousands of years.” (850.4) 76:3.8
5. Proposition. Adam elected to leave on Urantia as much of his life plasm as possible. The highest type of evolutionary women bore 1,570 superior children, who founded the mighty Andite race.
“After becoming established in the second garden on the Euphrates, Adam elected to leave behind as much of his life plasm as possible to benefit the world after his death. Accordingly, Eve was made the head of a commission of twelve on race improvement, and before Adam died this commission had selected 1,682 of the highest type of women on Urantia, and these women were impregnated with the Adamic life plasm. Their children all grew up to maturity except 112, so that the world, in this way, was benefited by the addition of 1,570 superior men and women. Though these candidate mothers were selected from all the surrounding tribes and represented most of the races on earth, the majority were chosen from the highest strains of the Nodites, and they constituted the early beginnings of the mighty Andite race. These children were born and reared in the tribal surroundings of their respective mothers.” (851.6) 76:4.8
1. Proposition. Adam and Eve died natural deaths and were buried in the temple.
“Adam lived for 530 years; he died of what might be termed old age. His physical mechanism simply wore out; the process of disintegration gradually gained on the process of repair, and the inevitable end came. Eve had died nineteen years previously of a weakened heart. They were both buried in the center of the temple of divine service which had been built in accordance with their plans soon after the wall of the colony had been completed. And this was the origin of the practice of burying noted and pious men and women under the floors of the places of worship.” (852.4) 76:5.5
1. Proposition. Adam anticipated a dispensational resurrection, but Michael’s promise implied that it might be sooner.
“Adam knew about the dispensational resurrection which occurred simultaneously with his arrival on the planetfand he believed that he and his companion would probably be repersonalized in connection with the advent of the next order of sonship. He did not know that Michael, the sovereign of this universe, was so soon to appear on Urantia; he expected that the next Son to arrive would be of the Avonal order. Even so, it was always a comfort to Adam and Eve, as well as something difficult for them to understand, to ponder the only personal message they ever received from Michael. This message, among other expressions of friendship and comfort, said: ‘I have given consideration to the circumstances of your default, I have remembered the desire of your hearts ever to be loyal to my Father’s will, and you will be called from the embrace of mortal slumber when I come to Urantia if the subordinate Sons of my realm do not send for you before that tine.’” (852.2) 76:5.3
2. Proposition. Adam and Eve had strong faith in the Melchizedek promises of survival.
“Adam and Eve went to their mortal rest with strong faith in the promises made to them by the Melchizedeks that they would sometime awake from the sleep of death to resume life on the mansion worlds, worlds all so familiar to them in the days preceding their mission in the material flesh of the violet race on Urantia.” (853.2) 76:6.1
3. Proposition. On the third day after death, Adam and Eve repersonalized with 1,316 of their associates, in special resurrection number twenty-six.
“They did not long rest in the oblivion of the unconscious sleep of the mortals of the realm. On the third day after Adam’s death, the second following his reverent burial, the orders of Lanaforge, sustained by the acting Most High of Edentia and concurred in by the Union of Days on Salvington, acting for Michael, were placed in Gabriel’s hands, directing the special roll call of the distinguished survivors of the Adamic default on Urantia. And in accordance with this mandate of special resurrection, number twenty-six of the Urantia series, Adam and Eve were repersonalized and reassembled in the resurrection halls of the mansion worlds of Satania together with 1,316 of their associates in the experience of the first garden. Many other loyal souls had already been translated at the time of Adam’s arrival, which was attended by a dispensational adjudication of both the sleeping survivors and of the living qualified ascenders.” (853.3) 76:6.2
4. Proposition. Thus ends the planetary story of Adam and Eve—a story of trial, tragedy, and triumph.
“And thus ends the story of the Planetary Adam and Eve of Urantia, a story of trial, tragedy, and triumph, at least personal triumph for your well-meaning but deluded Material Son and Daughter and undoubtedly, in the end, a story of ultimate triumph for their world and its rebellion-tossed and evil-harassed inhabitants.” (854.1) 76:6.4
5. Proposition. Adam and Eve accelerated biologic progress, but their superb culture was soon submerged. It is the people who make a civilization; civilization does not make the people.
“When all is summed up, Adam and Eve made a mighty contribution to the speedy civilization and accelerated biologic progress of the human race. They left a great culture on earth, but it was not possible for such an advanced civilization to survive in the face of the early dilution and the eventual submergence of the Adamic inheritance. It is the people who make a civilization; civilization does not make the people.” (854.1) 76:6.4
Theology of The Urantia Book
- 1. The Doctrine of God
- 2. The Paradise Trinity
- 3. The Absolutes
- 4. Paradise
- 5. The Paradise-Havona System
- 6. Cosmology
- 7. The Local Universe
- 8. Evolution
- 9. The Supreme Spirits
- 10. The Paradise Sons
- 11. Angels
- 12. The Creator Sons
- 13. Local Universe Creative Spirit
- 14. The Power Directors
- 15. Local Universe Sons
- 16. Permanent Citizens
- 17. Man
- 18. Education
- 19. Marriage and Home
- 20. The State
- 21. Ascending Sons of God
- 22. The Morontia Life
- 23. The Corps of the Finality
- 24. Yahweh
- 25. Sin
- 26. Plan of Salvation
- 27. Adam and Eve
- 28. Machiventa Melchizedek
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- Index of The Urantia Book
- Theology of The Urantia Book
- 1. The Doctrine of God
- 10. The Paradise Sons
- 11. Angels
- 12. The Creator Sons
- 13. Local Universe Creative Spirit
- 14. The Power Directors
- 15. Local Universe Sons
- 16. Permanent Citizens
- 17. Man
- 18. Education
- 19. Marriage and Home
- 2. The Paradise Trinity
- 20. The State
- 21. Ascending Sons of God
- 22. The Morontia Life
- 23. The Corps of the Finality
- 24. Yahweh
- 25. Sin
- 26. Plan of Salvation
- 27. Adam and Eve
- 28. Machiventa Melchizedek
- 3. The Absolutes
- 4. Paradise
- 5. The Paradise-Havona System
- 6. Cosmology
- 7. The Local Universe
- 8. Evolution
- 9. The Supreme Spirits