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[DIR]! - The London Times, 1984 - 98 Million Africans Inoculated with AIDs Tainted Smallpox Vaccinations By the WHO/ -
[DIR]1 - SEE ALSO - Science - Computers - Gates, etc/ -
[DIR]Bill Gates EXPOSED! Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines/ -
[DIR]Celeste Solum/ -
[DIR]Docs/ -
[DIR]First Ever Study of Unvaccinated Vs. Vaccinated Kids May 2020/ -
[DIR]Hundreds Of Reasons NOT To Vaccinate Your Child_files/ -
[DIR]More On Vaccines_files/ -
[DIR]Photos/ -
[DIR]The Truth About Vaccines - Ty & Charlene 1-7 2017 & 8-9 2020/ -
[DIR]Vaccination Crisis Book/ -
[DIR]WikiHow vaccine propaganda/ -
[DIR]vaccinations, vaccines, immunizations, immunity against diseasesDr. Day_files/ -
[TXT]Aus-NZ Communicable dis Surveillance.htm 0
[VID]Bombshell- Top CDC Whistle Blower- We Were Ordered to Cover Up Vaccine-Autism Link.mp4 0
[VID]Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. - Natural Immunity and Vaccination.mp4 0
[VID]Vaccination - The Hidden Truth (1998) MP4 - roflcopter 2110.mp4 0
[   ]SIDS deaths in 24 hours of vaccine.eml2.6K
[   ]Re [AVN] (article) Study Shows No Autism, Vaccine Link.eml2.8K
[   ]Story of vaccine damage.eml5.2K
[   ]message from Krista re Vacciantions.eml5.8K
[   ]yet another vaccine damage.eml7.3K
[DOC]20 Reasons Not To Take The Small Pox Vaccination - By Amy Worthington.docx 14K
[TXT]Shots in the Dark.htm 15K
[TXT]myelin damage from vaccinations.htm 19K
[DOC]Vaccination1-2.doc 20K
[DOC]AR 600, PARAGRAPH 5.4, Involuntary Vaccinations.doc 21K
[DOC]vaccinations-malkmus.pub 22K
[DOC]Death By Lethal Vaccine Injection.docx 22K
[TXT]vaccinations, vaccines, immunizations, immunity against diseasesDr. Day.htm 23K
[DOC]Vaccines Proven To Be Largest Cause of Insulin Dependent Diabetes in Children.doc 23K
[DOC]Vaccination side effects - reporting.doc 24K
[DOC]Vaccination damage.doc-28-10-02.doc 25K
[DOC]Vaccinations. 14-02-01doc.doc 25K
[DOC]Flu shots cause Alzheimers-17-12-03.doc 25K
[PDF]All Measles Deaths by Population 1901-95 - logarithmic.pdf 25K
[DOC]Why you cannot be forced to be vaxed July 2021.docx 25K
[DOC]Major CDC Study on Thimerosal Flawed.doc 27K
[DOC]A pox on vaccines - Anne Karpf 2002.doc 28K
[TXT]More On Vaccines.htm 29K
[DOC]A State-by-State Summary of Vaccine Exemptions.doc 30K
[DOC]Vaccination Waiver.doc 30K
[DOC]01a-Why Vaccines Dont work.doc-23-01-03.doc 31K
[PDF]Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary 2007.pdf 31K
[TXT]vaccine_update.Dr. Buttram htm.htm 34K
[TXT]shakenbaby.html 34K
[DOC]The Company that Kills Babies.doc-13-12-03.doc 34K
[DOC]Vaccines-thiomerosols-13-12-03.pub 35K
[DOC]Alternative to Immunization.doc 38K
[DOC]Neurological Complications of Vaccinations.doc 40K
[DOC]Forced vaccinations.doc-15-11-04.doc 41K
[TXT]no vacccine articles-malkmus.htm 41K
[DOC]Death By Lethal Vaccine Injection.doc-13-08-02.doc 44K
[DOC]Vaccination Resources Listed by State.doc 45K
[DOC]Vaccinations cause Type i diabetes.doc 46K
[DOC]VACCINATIONS for Nelson rave.doc 50K
[DOC]Mercury in childhood vaccines - VALERI WILLIAMS.doc 51K
[PDF]Mandatory Vaccination, Mandatory Medical Exam, & Your Property Can be Seized.pdf 53K
[DOC]Vaccine Scene 1999.doc-Tim.doc 66K
[DOC]Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6.docx 70K
[DOC]Shots In The Dark.doc 81K
[DOC]howsafe.doc 81K
[TXT]Hilary Butler on vaccines.htm 86K
[TXT]Hiliary Butler-vaccinations.htm 86K
[IMG]z - Children Vaccination Schedule.jpg 88K
[DOC]The Challenge to mass vaccination-cover.doc 95K
[DOC]Vaccinations-safe-effective-23-12-01.doc 96K
[DOC]The Challenge to Mass Vaccination-text.doc101K
[DOC]Dispelling Vaccination Myths.doc-13-08-02.doc105K
[TXT]vaccine updates-mercola Feb 00 htm.htm109K
[DOC]For Parents Wishing to Limit or Avoid Immunizations for Their Children-14-04-02.doc113K
[DOC]What Is Coming Through That Needle - Benjamin McRearden.doc113K
[DOC]The Fallacy Of Vaccination - John Pitcairn.doc116K
[PDF]Vaccinations Danger To Health - Dr.-Ing. Joachim-F. Grätz 2008 or after.pdf123K
[PDF]How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds - www.mercola.com.pdf126K
[DOC]Vaccination brochure-4-12-00.pub135K
[PDF]The Syringe of Death; Vaccinations - Rima E. Laibow, MD 2009.pdf160K
[DOC]Immunization Ploys.doc-20-07-04.doc182K
[TXT]Hundreds Of Reasons NOT To Vaccinate Your Child.htm217K
[PDF]Vaccine and Serum Evils - Herbert M. Shelton.pdf232K
[PDF]Vaccines; Get the Full Story 2011.pdf268K
[DOC]Vaccination in the Work of Rudolf Steiner - Rudolf Steiner 2021.azw3282K
[PDF]Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccination - Keith Scott-Mumby.pdf322K
[PDF]Health The Only Immunity, the Alternative to Vaccination - Ian Sinclair 1995.pdf323K
[DOC]A - Vaccination - Wikipedia Dec 23 2006.doc408K
[PDF]FLU VACCINES, ARE THEY EFFECTIVE AND SAFE - Richard Gale and Gary Null 2009.pdf414K
[IMG]Mandatory Explained.jpg433K
[PDF]FACTS vs BELIEFS, Lessons For Vaccination Awareness Advocates - Gary Krasner 2006.pdf622K
[PDF]The Urabe Farrago, Corporations and Govs. Hiding Vaccine Damage for the Greater Good - Martin J Walker 2007.pdf724K
[PDF]Refusing Vaccination, An Introductory Guide to an Informed Choice - Gary Krasner 2005.pdf742K
[PDF]Polio Awareness Day - Medical Myths Die Hard - Gary Krasner 2006.pdf769K
[PDF]Vaccines for Preventing Influenza in Healthy Adults - Jefferson T, Di Pietrantonj 2010.pdf846K
[   ]Deadly Choices How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All-Offit - Paul A. Offit, M.D. 2011.epub1.1M
[PDF]Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins 1988.pdf1.2M
[PDF]Vaccines for Preventing Influenza in The Elderly - Jefferson T, Di Pietrantonj 2010.pdf1.3M
[PDF]The Poisoned Needle, Suppressed Facts About Vaccination - Eleanor McBean 1957.pdf1.4M
[PDF]Immunization Graphs - Raymond Obomsawin 2009.pdf1.4M
[PDF]Into the Labyrinth; Discovering the Truth about Vaccination -Jock Doubleday 2013.pdf1.5M
[PDF]Vaccines for Preventing Influenza in Healthy Children - Jefferson T, Rivetti 2008.pdf1.6M
[   ]Pox - An American History - Michael Willrich 2011.mobi1.7M
[PDF]The Virus and the Vaccine - Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect - Debbie Bookchin 2005.pdf1.7M
[PDF]Vaccination Proved Useless and Dangerous - Alfred R. Wallace 1889.pdf1.8M
[PDF]The Anti-Vaccination Movement, Harmful - Steven Novella Nov2007.pdf2.1M
[PDF]Horrors of Vaccination, Exposed and Illustrated - Chas. M. Higgins 1920 A.O.pdf2.5M
[DOC]Vaccinations, The Story of a Great Delusion - William White 1885.doc2.5M
[PDF]The Crime of Vaccination or Bacteria, X. Y. Z. - Tenison Deane 1913 A.O.pdf2.7M
[PDF]Vaccine Epidemic - Louise Kuo Habakus 2011.pdf3.0M
[PDF]Mercury, Immunizations and the Global Vaccine Agenda - David Ayoub 2004.pdf3.4M
[SND]Hour of the Time 137 July 13 1993 Vaccinations - Alex Logila.mp34.0M
[PDF]FACA, Conflicts of Interest & Vaccine Development, Preserving the Integrity of the Process - US Congress 2001.pdf4.4M
[PDF]Immunization Safety Review Committee, Closed Session - National Academy of Science 2001.pdf5.0M
[VID]Dr Neides vaccination tears.mp45.4M
[VID]Voting and Vaccines (Pro) - CNN.mp46.2M
[VID]Leaked DoD Video of Modifying Human Behavior Through Vaccines.mp46.7M
[VID]Aborted Human Fetal Cell Line use in Vaccine Production.mp47.2M
[VID]Vaxxed From Cover Up to Catastrophe TRAILER.mp4 10M
[PDF]On Vaccination, It's Value & Alleged Danger, - by Edward Ballard 1868 A.O.pdf 10M
[VID]Lauren Atkinson - URGENT NEWS!! THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING._.__10157919496975455.mp4 10M
[VID]!!Leaked Pentagon Video Shows Vaccine Designed to ~ Modify Behavior ~.mp4 11M
[VID]Massive Bonuses Paid to Doctors Who Vaccinate Children.mp4 12M
[PDF]Aluminum in Vaccines 2 - Dept of Health & Human Services May 2000.pdf 13M
[PDF]Workshop on Aluminum in Vaccines - Dept. of Health & Human Services May 2000.pdf 13M
[VID](PLEASE SPREAD THE MESSAGE) We-ll DELETE This Video Within 24 Hours For Safety Reasons.mp4 14M
[VID]Aussie Family Hunted like Bank Robbers for Saving THEIR Child (VACCINE LIES in AUSTRALIA).mp4 15M
[PDF]Dissolving Illusions - Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History - Suzanne Humphries MD 2013.pdf 16M
[VID]Vacsinations - Pharmaceutical industry lie busted 2017.mp4 18M
[PDF]Aluminum in Vaccines 1 - Dept of Health & Human Services May 2000.pdf 20M
[VID]Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins interviewed by Bobby Lee 2004.wmv 21M
[VID]A London Real video on biological chemical weapons.mp4 22M
[VID]European Vaccine Action Plan 2015-2020.mp4 22M
[PDF]The Vaccine Book 2nd ed - Barry R. Bloom 2016.pdf 22M
[VID]Godfather of Vaccines Admits to Experimentation on Babies, Children, Handicapped.mp4 23M
[VID]Vaccines SubZero transport.mp4 23M
[SND]Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins.mp3 25M
[VID]Unicef Obligatorska Vacc.mp4 25M
[VID]Important Vaccine Message.mp4 26M
[VID]Gary Null Speaking Out at the NYS Assembly Hearing - 10-13-2009 (part 3 of 3).flv 27M
[VID]Bill Gates Eugenics Empire Exposed - 2017.mp4 28M
[VID]Vaccsinations, We have UNDERCOVER FOOTAGE IT’S TIME TO MAKE THIS PUBLIC Dr Rashid Buttar.mp4 30M
[VID]Forced Vaccination Checkpoints, RFID Bracelets, And FEMA Camps.mp4 30M
[VID]If your thinking this vaccine might not be so bad you better watch this. Fake.mp4 31M
[VID]Aluminum and Mercury - Trying out your suggestions!.mp4 31M
[VID]Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits - Vaccinations 2018.mp4 32M
[VID]WARNING This Will Happen If You Take Vaccines July 17 2020.mp4 32M
[VID]Aluminum and Mercury.mp4 32M
[VID]Vaccines are used to Sterilize and Cull the Population - Dr. Leonard Coldwell - roflcopter 2110.mp4 33M
[VID]Dont Inject Me with the Swine Flu Vaccine (Music Video) - Adams 2009.avi 36M
[VID]RFK, Jr- My meeting with Trump on vaccine commission.mp4 37M
[SND]Robert-F-Kennedy-Jr.mp3 40M
[VID]Vaccinations - Michael Tsarion 2020.mp4 40M
[VID]SHOT IN THE DARK - Hibbeler Production Dec 2023.mp4 45M
[VID]Gary Null Speaking Out at the NYS Assembly Hearing - 10-13-2009 (part 1 of 3).flv 49M
[SND]Rashid-Buttar - Vaccinations 2020.mp3 50M
[VID]Gary Null Speaking Out at the NYS Assembly Hearing - 10-13-2009 (part 2 of 3).flv 53M
[VID]You Won't Believe What They Admitted on the News in 1971.mp4 53M
[VID]Dr. Suzanne Humphries - are vaccines safe - Oct. 2014 .mp4 59M
[VID]The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children - Greg Reese Oct 25 2023.mp4 59M
[VID]Vaccinations - The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children - Greg Reese Oct 25 2023.mp4 59M
[VID]Most Dangerous Flu Vaccine Ever Being Pushed On The Public Dec 2016.mp4 60M
[VID]Welcome to the Literal Nanny State.mp4 65M
[VID]What the Media Won-t Tell You About the Flu.mp4 66M
[VID]Revelation Bill Gates - ID2020 Microchips for a Cashless Society April 4 2020.mp4 83M
[VID]Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body - Greg Reese Apr 18 2024.mp4 84M
[VID]Vaxxed; From Cover-Up to Catastrophe - Del Matthew Bigtree, Ever Bigtree, Thaea Bigtree 2016.mp4 90M
[VID]Forced Vaccinations.mp4 96M
[VID]Robert Kennedy Jr. on 'Controversial' Vaccines, Trump, and climate change may 2020.mp4 98M
[VID]Mandatory Vaccine Ethics and Risks.mp4100M
[VID]Dr. Russell Blaylock - Eugenics, Fluoride & Vaccines June 2021.mp4114M
[VID]TTAV2020 Vaccine Roundtable (Part 1).mp4116M
[VID]Vaccine Roundtable.mp4116M
[VID]Vaxxed Movie, MMR Vaccine Autism Risk and Vaccination Danger Awareness.mp4116M
[VID]Flu Vaccines are poison.mp4117M
[SND]London Real - LR525 Robert F. Kennedy, May 2020.mp3119M
[VID]The Swine Flu Fraud Of 1976, on 60 Minutes.mp4126M
[VID]Vaxxed 2.mp4127M
[VID]The Truth About Vaccines - Charlene Bollinger Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits -Part 1 May 14 2020-.mp4127M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 3.mp4132M
[VID]The Future of Vaccines.mp4136M
[VID]A History Of Vaccines To The Present Pfizer COVID Vaccine & Their Dangers With Dr. Carrie Madej.mp4140M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH! - Part 1-9.mp4143M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 9.mp4145M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 8.mp4145M
[VID]VaccineWith All EYES On The War THIS Is Happening UNDER THE RADAR�Globalists Plot While You�re DISTRACTED.mp4145M
[VID]Adult Vaccine Mandates - Dr Sherri Tenpenny 2004.mp4147M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 2.mp4150M
[VID]The Truth About the Gardasil Vaccine - Sherry J. Tenpenny 2009.ogv156M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 7.mp4159M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 6.mp4163M
[VID]Russell-Blaylock ~ Fluoride's Deadly Secret.mp4172M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 4.mp4174M
[VID]Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 5.mp4175M
[VID]The Truth About Vaccines Docu-Series- Episode 9.mp4179M
[VID]The shocking truth about what's really in vaccines- Mercury, MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum.mp4186M
[VID]Vaccines-The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction.mp4201M
[VID]Dr. Rima Laibow On How To Assert Your Legally Protected Vaccine Exemption. A Must listen.avi201M
[VID]Worst Nightmare for Mother of 6 Unvaxxed Children.mp4228M
[VID]Vaccine Nation (Documentary).mp4233M
[VID]The Drugging Of Our Children (Full Length).mp4244M
[VID]The Greater Good Vaccines Documentary - Vaccines 2011,.mp4257M
[VID]History Of Vaccines.mp4286M
[VID]Vaxxed- From Cover-Up to Catastrophe - Full Documentary (French Subtitles).mp4290M
[VID]No Vaccine in 2018! with Dr. Viera Scheibner, Madame Ghis, Dr. Rebecca Carley & Sallie O Elkordy.mp4315M
[VID]Vaccine Nation - Null 2008.avi316M
[VID]Flu and Flu Viruses, What's Coming Through That Needle 1 - Sherry J. Tenpenny 2010.mkv330M
[VID]The Vaccine War - Frontline 2010.avi346M
[VID]Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma- Fauci - Pro-Vaccine Movement My 2 2020.mp4374M
[VID]Flu and Flu Viruses, What's Coming Through That Needle 2 - Sherry J. Tenpenny 2010.mkv380M
[VID]In Lies We Trust - CIA, Nazis, Hollywood, Bioterror (FULL).mp4383M
[VID]Vaxxed 1.mp4392M
[VID]Eugenics, Fluoride & Vaccines - Russell L. Blaylock, Alex Jones 2010.mkv439M
[VID]Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda - Ayoub 2005.avi458M
[VID]Vaccine Panel - Conscious Life Expo (2016).mp4519M
[VID]Battle-For-Humanity 2023.mp4641M
[VID]Is There A Flushot.mp4650M
[VID]Are Vaccines Safe - Tocco 2007.avi659M
[VID]Vaccination - The Hidden Truth 1998.avi694M
[VID]Vaccines, The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices - Sherry J. Tenpenny 2004.avi698M
[VID]Trace Amounts Autism, Mercury, and the Hidden Truth - 2014.mp4833M
[VID]Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines Movie dire.mp41.0G
[VID]The Act - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act - 1986.mkv1.7G