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Chapter 10
A Chakra Miscellany
Companion Chakras
The chakras on the front of the body have smaller companion chakras on either side
which normally have a lower flow of energy. Their purpose is to help govern the amount of
energy going through the main chakra and to determine how the energy is used; the ones on
the right side of the body relate to attitudes or thoughts about how active the chakras
should be, whereas the ones on the left relate to the feeling level of operation.
Introductory Exercise
Be aware of the line of main chakras and the line of companion chakras two to three
inches on either side of it. Which feel open and which feel closed? You may wish to hold
your hands a few inches over your body, move them down the companion chakras, first one
side and then the other; which ones feel blocked? Companion chak�ras left of the belly
affect the descending colon very heavily; those right of the belly affect the ascending
colon. The chakras along the chest affect the lungs on either side. Companion chakras in
the fore�head area affect the left and right brain and psychic sight.
you find a blocked companion chakra, let the energy flow out by lightly massaging it and
the area around it. If massage is painful, send energy from the ends of your fingers or
from your palms. Now be quiet; let your mind ramble, your feelings open. You may come to
know what caused the block in the first place. If you like, fill the area with lavender, a
manifestation of a healing energy frequency, which erases non-spiritual matters.
this exercise may loosen powerful memories and im�ages, healing yourself may be an
overwhelming proposition. You may want to find a therapist or counsellor to assist you. It
isn't nec�essary to do it all by yourself.
Three Sex Chakras
Sexual energy is a very important part of our Kundalini energy and can affect us in
many ways, not just sexually. Though each of us relates to one sex chakra over the others,
all three of the sex chakras need to be open and developed to ensure personal growth.
The three sex chakras he between the navel and the pubic bone: the first 1-11/2 inches
(depending on body size) below the navel, the second the same distance down, and the lower
at the top of the pubic bone. The energy from the upper chakra can be used in both
creativ�ity and sex; working well, it amplifies playfulness and joy, but working poorly
it brings rigidity, humorlessness and lack of creativity. The flirtatiousness that may
ensue may have a positive or nega�tive result, depending on how it is used.
The second sex chakra, next down, relates to power. Sexual union may empower people with
strength and provide whole-body energy to establish a sense of inner stability, charisma
and wellbeing. Though this energy has great healing potential, negated, it promotes a
desire to control others with sex and results in people whom I call collectors-those fond
of seeing how much sexual attention they can attract to themselves. Collectors have no
interest in the positive side of the sexual energy. Rape is a manifestation of their imbalance.
The third sex chakra, just above the pubic bone, relates to transformational sex. Positive
energy here transforms sexual energy to its higher octave, spiritual energy. People using
energy from the third sex chakra may have visions and develop a new spiritual awareness.
The negative side of this chakra manifests in a feeling that sex is evil and dirty.
Negative Chakras
Sexual energy is incredibly powerful, but excessive amounts in the companion chakras,
without sufficient energy in the main chakras for balance, may result in a negative
reversal (out the back of the body), leading to a savior complex, in which people feel
they have answers to save the world. In extreme form, "saviors" feel destined to
assert their agendas at any cost to individuals or society. Reversal may also be expressed
as lust (insatiable desire) for sex, money, or power. Violence-against self or
others-easily results from this condition, as a person is explosive and short-fused. When
people aren't creative and don't change for the better, they become frustrated, feel there
is no joy or control, and may react with criminal inclinations or other destructive
avenues of self-expression. Some criminals are very creative, but their creativity has not
developed positively.
It is my belief that in the future there will be chakra and Kundalini testing of children.
Improper energy flow-too much to the companion chakras, not enough to the main chakras-may
be caused either by a difficult childhood experience or by events from past lives.
Physical and emotional abuse, suffering through traumas which undermine positive personal
power and create feelings of helplessness and ineffectualness-these may split chakra
energy flow and result in criminal behavior, poor learning energy and other problems. But
counseling and redirection could be prescribed early.
The first step would be teaching the person to redirect the energy from these particular
companion chakras inwards to the main chakras; the person then would learn to express
through these chakras in more positive ways, to feel, for example, the energy of creative
playfulness through the upper sex chakra or a positive self-affirming power through the
power/sex chakra. A person would learn to feel the spiritual self, the transformation of
the lower nature into more spiritual form. In severe cases a great deal of work would be
needed, including professional help and supervision by a trained energy therapist. This
would be necessary because of the incredible power the sex chakras can exert. Change would
require vigilance. The person would be trained to balance these energies throughout the
body so that excessive forces would not reside in particular areas of the body.
Seven Eyes
Besides the two physical eyes to which we are accustomed, there are five additional
spiritual eyes-all in our heads-that form a part of our expanded awareness or
consciousness and open spontaneously in our travels on the evolutionary path. The third
eye is located between the eyebrows; eyes four through seven are located on a line going
straight up the forehead: the fourth just above the third, the fifth in the center of the
forehead, the sixth just below the hairline and the seventh about one inch above the
hairline. Each eye has its own particular function and all are needed in our complete
The two physical eyes have functions beyond
ordinary seeing abilities. The first eye-the right-is primarily used to see the forms of
objects; it aids in perception of detail. The second eye-the leftrelates to our emotional
self, more to color and texture than to form; it gives us a sense of the relationship
between objects.
Our third eye gives us understanding of the form and workings of our physical world; it
enlarges on what the first eye sees and brings depth or a third dimension. Open, it brings
height into perspective, alleviating fear of heights or of flying. Our fourth eye is for
understanding relationships and developing a belief in God; it enlarges on what the second
eye sees. Our fifth eye aids in understanding universal truths and ideals; with it we
receive "concepts" and it is excellent for past life viewing. Our sixth eye is
necessary for true inner sight and for understanding the essence and purposes of our
lives. Our seventh eye aids in understanding the totality and purpose of the universe;
through it we receive divine understanding and see radiant light and angelic presences.
Few people have all seven eyes developed; few, in fact, have even the first two eyes fully
developed. This is mainly due to ignorance of the possibilities in the various forms of
sight, our laziness in comprehending or "seeing" what our eyes actually view,
and insufficient regard for our spiritual heritage of expanded consciousness. All of these
attitudes put veils over our eyes; but when we remove them, new worlds open up.
The Danger of Premature Opening
There are dangers in premature opening, the main one being lack of comprehension and
fear of what isn't understood. People's eyes may "blow" open prematurely through
drugs, physical injury (a head blow, for example), or through uneven development of the
evolutionary process. Whatever the reason, when an eye opens without one's full
understanding of its purpose, confusion and misunderstanding result; what should be a
blessing may feel like a curse.
The Subconscious Eye
Also called "First Consciousness" Eye. The subconscious eye is located at
the top of the nose, at the indentation below the bones that rise up to form the brow. It
is an area of combined physical and emotional consciousness and as such relates to our
basic or primitive living, gut level feelings, basic survival, and awareness. With this
chakra open, it puts a person in touch with the subconscious (which is not supposed to be
subconscious at all). Any emotional or physical difficulties which a person chooses not to
deal with on a conscious level produce blocks, inhibiting growth and awareness.
When the chakra is too open, a person suffers preoccupations with physical and emotional
matters; too closed, and the person is out of touch with the life force.
An indication that this eye is beginning to open-that subconscious information is coming
to awareness-is an urge to massage the area.
The seven heart chakras are all powered by the heart center. Each has a different kind of
loving energy. They line up one on top of the other beginning at the xiphoid process and,
for average sized people, are silver dollar size (if you are very small, the spacing will
be closer; if you are very large, further apart).
Heart Chakra #1 |
Location: on the
xiphoid process, the bony appendage at the end of the breastbone. Function:
conscience energy; determining right and wrong.
Too open:
guilt-ridden, defensive, rationalizing
Blocked: not aware
of guilty feelings; impressionable.' |
The very bottom
heart chakra functions as your conscience, the little gyroscope of memory from all the
early or sometimes late teachings which built up the toughts, shoulds and musts. Your parents were the very first
con�tributors to this storehouse of thoughts, but many other people, including you, have
added to it: teachers, friends, spouses, other relatives, even culture itself, have
prevailed upon your heart with these strictures.
Heart Chakra #2 |
Location: just
above the xiphoid Process Function:
maintaining a balance of released energy in terms of connectedness with others.
open: over-attachment to a person or ideal, leaving little understanding or energy to
balance the heart forces.
rejects attachment; closed heart. |
The second heart
relates to attach�ment: to people, things, and ideas.
There is often a cloying, danger�ous, and heavy energy here, especially in a
relationship. Re�member that you cannot lovingly own, possess, manipulate or control
another human being. The positive side to attachment is a deep caring, an acceptance of
responsibility, a willingness to put yourself out for someone. |
Heart Chakra #3 |
Location: on the
breastbone between the breasts.
will to live well.
open: impulsive, heedless.
fear of life; weak will. |
The third heart
chakra is the main one we work with in our basic Kundalini the chakra of love and the will
to live. Your heart here is your life, your driving force to embrace your fife, enjoy it,
learn from it, use it to grow personally, to discover your divine origins and return into
that ocean of love that is the energy of God. |
Heart Chakra #4 |
Location: above
heart chakra #3.
forgiveness, letting fight shine.
open: overly forgiving; accepting even when it means injury or damage.
seeks vengeance; forces greatness or accomplishment on others. |
The fourth heart
chakra concerns vengeance and forgiveness.
Forgiveness is an incredible blessing, both for the one who gives and the one who
Vengeance is the flip side; tightness and an
inability to
flow or let go result in a fierce and powerful desire to get even, to hold back, to block
the true feeling of love. |
Heart Chakra #5 |
Location: midpoint
between the horseshoe in the neck and heart chakra #3.
will to five; equilibrium, compassion.
Open: people pleasing.
hard-hearted.' |
The fifth heart
chakra is your compassionate heart. Flowing, it
will cause people to open to you like flowers; they may even start telling you all
their troubles, attaching themselves to you like
emotional vacuum cleaners. It can suck you dry. If you ever find yourself in this
situation, imagine unplugging that energy from your heart and re-plugging it backinto
their own navel or a heart chakra. |
Heart Chakra #6 |
Location: just
below the horseshoe shaped bone in the front of the neck.
to open to higher spiritual levels; to put heart energy into spiritual growth.
open: a tendency to see things only in higher levels or spiritual ways and ignore the more
human lot in life.
fearful; rejects higher spiritual levels. |
The sixth heart
chakra opens you to higher spiritual growth, spiritual melting, the outpouring of
spiritual love you feel for your God. True love that we feel for others is very similar to
this feeling. A person whose flow is too open, however, can be a pain, indulging in
spiritual platitudes and inattentive to others' reality. Someone whose flow is blocked
stubbornly sees only the human side of life. |
Heart Chakra #7 |
Location: where
the bones in the bottom of the neck form a horseshoe shape.
service in the world.
open: a person pushes to serve even when it's neither needed nor welcome.
self serving. |
The seventh heart
is the service chakra. To give service is a high goal. When the energy of the seventh
heart is blocked or twisted, it becomes a martyr's, a begrudging, mean-spirited,
unacceptable giving which does damage to all concerned, much like a person
"helping" the old woman across the street. Twisted energy can produce a martyr,
someone who gives service to others but complains about it. Someone whose flow is blocked
may be oblivious to opportunities to help others. But when flowing properly, this service
chakra becomes a supreme purpose of this
lifetime. |
A Meditative Exercise on the Seven Hearts
Carefully massage the lowest heart chakra. If it is sore, you could injure it, so be
very gentle. Relax; let your breath float deeply and gently into your body, watching it
from that still, quiet space deep within you. Free your mind. Without fear or worry, open
your memory. Look at your energy.
Ask what shoulds, oughts, and must dos are buried within this conscience heart
chakra. Which ones are no longer valid and need to be laid to rest? As each stricture
surfaces to your conscious mind, recognize your feelings about it, how each helps or
hinders your ability to relax, relate, enjoy yourself and your life. What can you release?
What should you enforce even more?
Move your
awareness up to the chakra of attachment and nonattachment, next in line. Massage the
area. Feel the flow of energy; notice its quality and recognize the feelings, ideas,
essences of what this heart elicits within you. Ask yourself what you need, crave, love,
or possess. Perhaps they are material things-house, car, clothing, some old trinket
carefully cherished. What do these attach
ments mean to you?
Or perhaps the attachments are to people, ideas, ways of relating to the world, ways of
perceiving the ideal. What do these attachments do to your life? Do they free or restrict
you? Comfort or cause you anxiety? Where do you really want to attach and what do you want
to let go of? Can you watch yourself expand well beyond these cherished
attachments?-loving responsibly yet letting go at the same time!
Open the
will-to-live chakra-the major heart chakra in the middle of your chest between your
nipples. Feel the powerful flow of energy from this strong, piercing chakra of love, the
joyousness, openness, curiosity, and excitement for the next adventure. Let the energy
pour out to embrace the next teaching or lesson; coax yourself; sift the lessons of your
life for their kernels of truth, patiently allowing modification of existing love,
knowledge and understanding. Let yourself simply experience who you are.
open the heart chakra of vengeance and forgiveness (di�rectly above the will to live);
experience the energy, notice the changes, and relax, letting the chakra flow. Are there
old and deeply buried grudges here? What burdens can you let go of? What for�giveness can
be released from this chakra? Breath deeply, peace�fully. See in your mind's eye the face
of the person with whom you have had the most difficulty in this life (whether now living
or dead ). Hear his or her voice. What is the most irritating thing that person does? Did
you love this person? Does that love continue? Go back in your memory and determine the
basic cause of the first diffi�culty you had with this person. Have you ever wanted to
strike that person?-even kill? Any particularly irritating physical characteris�tics
about this person? You may have felt there was another kind of relationship between you
(for example, mother or father), one which does not exist in this life. Now forgive
yourself for anything you might have ever said or done to this person. Take thirty
sec�onds; say over and over again I forgive myself for whatever you may have done to this
person. Now ask for God's forgiveness for
attitude you might have had, or anything you've ever said or done to this person. One half
minute-God's forgiveness-ask it!
Silently now in
your mind forgive this person for anything he or she may have done to you-specific acts,
specific words. Forgive them now. One half minute, just forgive. And now for one half
minute, pray for this person; send love to this person, bless this person-even if it
scrapes your nerves raw-pray for this person.
Now relax. Smile.
And flow from that sweet place of forgiveness within.
The next chakra up
is the compassionate heart chakra. Massage it, gently focus the awareness, open the
chakra, let your compassion flow out. Just feel the compassion; let it out
indiscriminately for everyone who brushes against your being, your life. Compassion for
your friends, for your family, for your intimates, and then for yourself. Flow over with
the sweetness of compassion, letting yourself taste the humor of your compassion. Focus
the power of this energy now totally toward yourself; let it wash over your quirks,
foibles, pet peeves, secret habits; let yourself smile at this groping, curious, shining
miraculous being that is you. Move on up now to the next heart chakra, that of opening up
to higher spiritual energies, just below the horseshoe of your throat. Let a prayer form
within this flow of energy-what does this opening to your divine origins feel like? Let
your prayer form into a wish for a new start on life, a higher dedication of your spirit
to a brighter calling. Check your wish for shreds of oughts and ought nots, for
attachments that bind, for willfulness and ego, for hidden grudges, and pet likes. Now
polish your wish, shine up this prayer, and let it go up into the divine.
Last, move your
awareness into the hollow of the throat, into that horseshoe, the chakra of service. Let
yourself concentrate on totally opening, expanding, breathing past the slightly choking,
blocking, closing feeling that happens so easily in this delicate area. Ask what kinds of
service are opening up in your life right now? Where are you making the effort to give to
life? What does your service energy feel like? Notice it, experience it, sense it with all
your being. Now ask what new areas of service are starting to open within you - Ask to
experience the very highest that is in you to give. "I will to will Thy will."
Form that intent, send it up, rededicate yourself to the seeds of service beginning to
sprout within you-"I will to will Thy will."
Ring Around The

"Ring around
the crown" chakras may not be a very elegant description, but that is just exactly
what they are. Six of them, found around the crown chakra (center of the top of the head),
are listed below:
1 / This is the
same as the seventh eye. (You may refer to seven eyes for further description, page 129.)
2/ Located in the
back of the top of the head (some people may feel a depression there which can indicate a
more developed pineal gland). This chakra is the same as the sixth level of the
will/spirit body. You may refer to page 68 for further description.
3, 4, 5, 6 / These
chakras are on the sides of this ring, two on the right side and two on the left. They
relate to higher states of consciousness and receive information from higher levels, just
like antennae.
You should work
with the first or second chakras separately. Treat chakras three through six as an entire
unit. Massaging the chakras (running you fingers around your head), you may notice changes
in energy where the chakras are located. Measuring equal distances from one to three,
three to four, four to two, two to five and five to six helps you in spacing them. Having
massaged them, let the energy flow, making sure that it is also flowing from your crown
chakra so you maintain a better balance. Imagine you are floating and be open to any
information or ideas. Do not judge these thoughts for now; just write them down. Check
them out later for meaning and how they illuminate your life.
above, so below." That's how it is the "ring around the crown chakras"
matches the "ring around the heels chakras." There is even a chakra in the
center of the heels which corresponds to the crown.
These chakras do
not receive a lot of attention but they are very important. Their purpose is to ground
your spiritual experience and awareness and make it usable. With both the crown and heel
chakras open, your head is in the heavens and your feet on the ground. We should remember
that earth is part of the heavens; the "ring around the heel chakras" relate to
cosmic power and energy as it manifests in the earthly realm.
Find an open area where you can walk around. Massage all of the ring around the heel
and head chakras. Walk around feeling the energy going through both the heels and the
head. Be aware of the connectedness and the power in this combination. After a few minutes
you may wish to sit or lie down (either way, keep your back straight);. Enter a meditative
state and be open to any images or thoughts that come to you.
For beginners,
these chakra sets are not that important; but a person growing in the amount of spiritual
force available needs to have these chakras open and balanced in order to make maximum use
of it. These chakras also help maintain the physical body at a degree of strength where it
can handle the power of the higher energies.
Shoulder Blade Chakras
These chakras are located just inside the center of the shoulder blades. When open,
they energize your system and open you to higher learning. When closed, you may think of
massaging them, but of course it is difficult to massage that area yourself. You may rub
up against the side of a door, but it is preferable to have someone else do the massage.
Let them be open. Which energies have you been blocking? How could you be more open? These
chakras may open you up to other worlds and other ways of doing things.
Unity and Destruction Chakras
These are companions to the navel chakras (see page 125) and are similar except that
the left one deals more with emotions and the right one more with thoughts. When the
energy from these chakras is flowing well and positively out the front of the body, you
have a sense of unity among the different bodies as well as between the en�tire body
system and divine energy.
Energy from blocked unity and destruction chakras goes out the back and can be very
destructive indeed. A person with such blocks is generally unaware of their destructive
part not only in his or her life but in the lives of others. If you think you are
destructive or cause problems, you may wish to check these areas and bring the energy
frontwards to turn it into unity. It does not matter whether you are aware of the
destruction caused from these chakras. It is your energy and you can still cause karma
with it. Excessive energy can be brought to the navel for a peaceful feeling across the
entire area.
Knee and Elbow
Find the indentations just to the outside and inside of your kneecap. These chakras
concern showing reverence, bowing the knee either to the divine or to someone royal or a
spiritual entity ("genuflection" literally means "knee bending"). The
state of flexi�bility in your knees affects your entire body, and for that reason as well
these chakras are important.
These chakras, on either side of the elbows, are similar in purpose to the knee
chakras. There are very open when a person puts his or her hands together in prayer. In
fact, the prayer state-bent knees, palms together (bent elbows), and lowered head-opens
the devotional chakra and allows great openness to higher, more spiritual realms. The body
joins in the prayer with its energy, enhancing the spiritual connection. Blocked elbow
chakras lead to great selfcenteredness.
Body Confidence
These four chakras, two on the upper arms and two on the
up�per thighs, when balanced and open, give a sense of physical well�being, support
through the body, and body confidence. Massage these areas. Let the energy flow in a
balanced way. Take a few mo�ments. Feel good about yourself and being in your body. With
the body confidence chakras too open, a person is overly preoccupied with the body and its
well-being; too closed, and a person will be out of touch with the body.
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