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Methods for Voluntary Kundalini Release WARNING This chapter may be hazardous to the student's health. It is best to work with a qualified Kundalini teacher. l realize that this is not always possible and that some people will feel guided to release more energy on their own. But please exercise caution. You are dealing with very powerful energies. By providing exercises for the unsupervised releasing of Kundalini I have probably opened myself to criticism from various sources. But with reasonable caution and common sense, many people can work alone. As mentioned before, the Aquarian Age is the time when information previously considered secret and available for the select few becomes available for all. In this new age the choice is, and should be, the individual's. Once you make the decision to go ahead and work for more releasing, do not be attached to it or fear it. Attachment and fear are forces that work against healthy release. Do not fear, but do respect the energy. Having read the previous chapters and practiced the exercises, you may feel ready to release more Kundalini. If so, this chapter provides insights and exercises. BUT, if you are the kind of person who skips the first parts of books, including this one-if you have no intention of doing the exercises leading up to this point but just wanted to get into releasing more, let me caution you: Take the time to read and study the previous chapters and do the exercises; otherwise you risk incurring problems, perhaps minor, perhaps traumatic. Releasing more Kundalini is always something of a risk. If the exercises thus far have worked well and your life is on a fairly even keel, risk is minimized. Kundalini is different in each person. You may not notice much change, or you may notice change after just one or two exercises; some people are more ready than others. If you have done a lot of cleansing, releasing new energy is faster and easier. Those who have been on hard drugs may experience too much release in the beginning and should be extra cautious. Some people are not at first aware of energy movement; this does not mean there is none. Wait before repeating an exercise until you are sure you have handled whatever you released. When you are aware of what the energies feel like, and when you are able to move energy around, you stand a much better chance of controlling additional release. Once released, there is no putting the energy back. Released energy may affect you in one of three ways: 1 / it moves up the system, cleansing as it goes; 2/ it gets stuck in energy blocks for however long it takes to break through; 3/ it uses its own energy to turn back on itself; this is very unsafe and creates risk. You may use the power of Kundalini to hold back the Kundalini itself for a period of time, but such a concentration of energy increases the risk of bodily harm. Your Decision Some exercises may not seem right for you. If an exercise does not feel right, do not do it. Everyone is different, and what works for one does not necessarily work for another. I have provided a variety of exercises so you have some choice. Take the time to re-read Chapter 2; many exercises contained therein are helpful after you have released more energy. Never do the exercises on a full stomach; wait at least one hour after eating. Do not do the exercises when tired or just before doing something that will take a lot of concentration. Having done the exercises, you may be inclined to relive old illness; very vivid memories of illness may arise during cleansing. You may also relive old joys and traumas as they are released from your system. This does not mean you will be left with no memory of past experience; it only means the memory is being cleansed, thus releasing another energy block. The memory will remain, but its impact on life will be insignificant; it will simply be a part of the past. You must keep faith in yourself and in the Divine while releasing. Sometimes, during deep Kundalini dings, it is possible to feel alienated from self, loved ones, society and God. Work for a balanced life and outlook during this period. Do not get caught in the experiences. Observe, but remain detached. This is much easier said than done, but try. It can be a great help if you have someone with whom to share your experience of Kundalini release, especially so when reliving traumatic experiences. Learning to work with the new energies is much like a child learning to handle and use the new body he or she has been given. Just don't became a bore with it. Find creative projects such as journaling or art work in order to use your new energy so it does not back up on you and become clogged in your system. Possible Effects of Kundalini Release Headaches and Other Pains Most headaches are caused by blockages and concentrations of energy. If you seem to have too much energy in your head, let some go out the crown chakra and send the remainder down to your feet and let it go into the floor or ground. This is called grounding and is an excellent means of releasing energy concentrations. Also massage your head, as it tends to expand with Kundalini release. Pain is a warning signal, a sign there is something wrong. If the problem appears to be an energy concentration or an improper flow in your body, lie down and fill the painful spot with a golden light; feel the energy equalize throughout your entire body. Or you may move the energy from the painful area to another area. If the pain seems to stem from lack of energy, send golden energy to it. If this does not work and the pain persists, stop all exercises. If the pain still persists, seek competent help from the outside. DO NOT WORK FOR KUNDALINI RELEASE IF YOU HAVE PAIN IN YOUR BODY; THIS COULD ONLY WORSEN THE PROBLEM. During cleansing from Kundalini release, a current illness may become better or it may disappear. Many illnesses are caused by an excess of Kundalini blocked somewhere in the system wreaking havoc. Other Phenomena During and after the exercises it is very likely any of a number of things will happen. You may experience out-of-body travel in full consciousness, or you may have memories of travel you made during sleep. Psychic gifts may appear or strengthen; they may also fade as other abilities appear. As your cleansing becomes more complete, your abilities comeback stronger. Visual changes (such as seeing auras, pictures, and dots of light) will appear; in fact, at times, everything may appear as dots of light, geometric shapes, flames, vivid colors and forms. You may experience the nature sounds such as waterfalls, thunder, oceans, bees buzzing, and wind; or there may be musical sounds as if coming from the universe, including bells, flutes, violins, woodwinds, mighty orchestras or choruses. Sometimes you will also hear humming. Observe and learn from all these things, but do not get caught in them. Remember the goal is the raising of the Kundalini and the joining of it with the divine energies for the ultimate in consciousness and awareness. Preliminary Considerations Bringing the Flow to the Spine The Kundalini does not always feel hot traveling up the spine, especially when only small amounts are released. Some layers may bring chills to your system. Remember, outer layers have some heat, but the deepest layers have the intense heat. The Kundalini raising may feel like a lump moving up or just a pain. During exercises always continue to bring the energy up (think or visualize it going up) and be aware of its changes as it ascends; it may feel like an electric current, or a lightning streak, or there may be no sensations at all. If the latter, do not stop; if your awareness is not yet developed it is difficult to discern changes during the upward movement. Usually one does find some difference afterwards in the self or in attitudes. If something happens to make it necessary to quit in the middle of an exercise, return to the exercise as soon as possible. If this is not possible, take just a moment and diffuse the energy throughout your body. NEVER LEAVE THE ENERGY IN ONE AREA. Always end a Kundalini releasing experience by mixing the Kundalini with the Divine and showering it over the body. ![]()
A-The ideal is to travel directly up the spine, sometimes it is quickly, and other times gently. Wide Kundalini Raising Sometimes people will experience spontaneous Kundalini release in a wide swath rather than in the narrow stream traveling only up the spine. Such a raising is usually wide enough to go beyond the body limits and often forms a tube-like shape. The wide raising can be much easier to handle than the narrow stream, as it does not concentrate in one area. When a Kundalini rising produces great pain, diffuse it by "thinking it" into the wide tube. Make sure you bring it up above your head to mix with the divine energy for the shower over your body. Relaxing a Tight Anal Area People may impede the Kundalini's release by keeping their anal muscles very tense. When your inner or outer security is threatened, your anal area; closely connected with feelings of security, will be the first place to tense. Sit on the floor and lean back on your hands; raise your buttocks off the floor and drop them down again. Do this three or four times, then lie down and feel the area relaxed and at ease. Methods for Kundalini Release Mixing and Showering Technique (To be used after all Kundalini releases)Let the Kundalini mix with the Divine energy above the head and shower over the body (see Plate 4). As the energy comes into the body, visualize or imagine it going to cleanse and refine all of the cells. Basic Kundalini Release Lie down with your back and neck straight (no pillow). (You may sit for this exercise, but our "western" backs are usually not strong enough to remain erect throughout the exercise; lying down precludes worrying about a straight back.) Concentrate on the area between your anus and genitals (the Kundalini reservoir, shown in the illustration). Tighten this area as much as possible and hold for five deep breaths. Then release for the count of five breaths. Repeat this sequence three times, then contract and release the area quickly ten times. Visualize or imagine the Kundalini coming into the end of your spine and leaving out the top of your head as a wisp of grayish white, energy-like smoke. Finish by using the Mixing and Showering Technique above. Visualizing the energy as a wisp of smoke lessens the Kundalini released. If you think you have not released enough, you may repeat the raising part of the exercise several times. The grayish white color will soften power and is easier for your system to handle. Later you may wish to visualize or imagine the red-orange of the true Kundalini colors, or you may wish to transmute it into the radiant silver. Rocking Release Play background music during this exercise; belly dance or tribal music are particularly suitable for releasing evolutionary (Kundalini) energy. Sit on a thick pillow. Use the following rocking movements as they feel comfortable to you:
Visualize or imagine the Kundalini entering your spine, raising up and going out the top of your head. Complete the exercise, as always, with the Mixing and Showering Technique. Rocking Release with a Partner. Follow the instructions given above with the addition of sitting back to back with your partner. As above, use thick pillows. Your buttocks should touch your partner's.Release through Nadis 1 / Visualize Sushumna, Ida and Pingala (the three principal nadis) as pure and clean. 2/ Visualize or imagine the pram in Ida and Pingala going down to their source at either end of the bottom of the tailbone and then into the Kundalini reservoir between the anus and genitals. Hold it there and quiet your mind. After a few moments, release the energy. 3/ Visualize or imagine the pram in Sushumna (the spine) and let it drop into the reservoir. Hold it there for a few minutes with the mind quiet. After a few moments, release the energy. 4/ Inhale a deep breath, holding it in the heart area a moment as you visualize a red flame with it. Move the breath and the red flame back to the spine and down into the reservoir. Visualize the breath and flame setting fire to the latent Kundalini. Hold the breath for as long as possible and then release it. Alternately tighten and release the Kundalini reservoir, forcing the Kundalini into the end of your spine, into Sushumna and up the spine and out the top of the head. Complete the exercise utilizing the Mixing and Showering Technique. As a variation, visualize the combined energy going into the thousands of nadis, especially back into Ida and Pingala. Do not worry about where the nadis are; they are all over your body and thinking the energy into them will serve to find them. As another variation, do steps 1-4 in one sequence and continuing the exercise as listed. First Consciousness (Subconscious) Exercise Think of a spot approximately an inch behind and one inch below your navel; this is the area of the leyden cells, the center of the first consciousness. (There is also an area in the brain corresponding to the first consciousness, but the belly area is the true home). Put your attention on the leyden cell area (see illustration). Breathe into it, feel the energy expand and let it drop down into the Kundalini reservoir. As the Kundalini releases, let it raise up through an imaginary tower about four inches in diameter beginning at the Kundalini reservoir and ending at the crown chakra. Complete the exercise with the Mixing and Showering Technique. As a variation, expand the energy in a large circle and rather than the four inch tower, do the wide release as explained above. Puffing Exercise From a standing position, slightly bend your knees so that the top of your body is slightly bent forward. Place your hands at your hips and with mouth closed begin to huff and puff like a steam locomotive pulling its load up a hill, letting your solar plexus and belly area move in and out. Visualize the Kundalini being pulled up the hill-up your spine. Do this only about six times in the beginning; work up to twenty times. As always, complete the exercise with the Mixing and Showering Technique. As a variation, move the energy around the brains for cleansing and refining before releasing it out of the crown chakra; you may wish to visualize a golden-colored energy. Another variation (only use if you have strong mental control of the energy) is to drop the sexual energy into the Kundalini reservoir and bring the combination up the spine and out through the crown chakra. Maithuna Tantric Yoga has a ritual for the Kundalini release through sexual union, called maithuna, involving elaborate preparations, extensive training and a detailed ritual. Its purpose is to heighten the sexual feelings so that the energy becomes sufficiently strong and intense to awaken the Kundalini. Sexual climaxes are not allowed in the practice of maithuna. Instead, you are to sublimate the energy into the Kundalini or spiritual experience, thus awakening the Kundalini and helping it reach the crown chakra for a spiritual awakening. Much control is required to "force the energy up the spine" and keep from climaxing. It is possible to do this exercise without the elaborate preparations and training of the classical maithuna experience. But you are still obliged to treat it as any other Kundalini raising experience in this book; you must first prepare and cleanse your system. Westerners may find it more helpful to end with climaxing so that the lower abdominal area does not become too clogged with energies, which can easily happen when there is a heightening of sexual energies and no adequate release. First, begin with a willing partner; discuss any necessary preparations or rituals. Make up the rituals; include candles, incense, music or whatever is appropriate. Plan the time and place so you will be undisturbed. Massage, meditation on Kundalini raising, or breathing exercises may be a part of the preparation. There may be love play both before and during maithuna union. The usual position (others may also be used) is for the man to sit down with legs outstretched. The woman then sits astride the man facing him. They both then entwine their legs around each other. Movement is then used only to heighten the sensations and increase the passion, while still holding back climax. When you are both highly sexually aroused, let the energy drop down into the Kundalini reservoir at the end of the spine. Focus your attention in the Kundalini reservoir and gently massage each other's spine and crown chakra. Then with your arms around each other, but your backs and heads straight, put your awareness about three inches above your heads. Keep your minds still and your awareness open. Move the energy up your spines and through the crown chakras. Complete the exercise with the Mixing and Showering technique. After finishing the exercise, lie down side by side, touching. Be in open meditation for at least twenty minutes to allow for messages and insights to appear. Share the experiences. (If you desire a climax, it can come either before or after meditation). Now you can take a water shower! Spiritual Light Visualize or imagine a ball of white light approximately two feet in diameter resting above your head. Slowly bring it down into your head, awakening and developing the head in general, but the pineal gland in particular. After a few minutes, bring the ball of light slowly down through your body, the center of the ball going through the spine. Take it all the way to the Kundalini reservoir and feel the union of spiritual and Kundalini energies (see illustration on page 184). Bring this combination into your tailbone, up the spine and out the crown chakra. Since the energies are already mixed, complete the exercise simply with the showering technique. Candle Flame The Kundalini, flowing in the normal manner, resembles a candle flame, everflowing and gentle. When large amounts are released it is like the wind blowing the flame longer and larger. Visualize or imagine the Kundalini reservoir as a candle. Let feelings of Divine love light the candle. Watch the flame as it goes up the spine and out the crown chakra. Complete with the Mixing and Showering Technique. As a variation, see the showering of energy as sparks of light (see Plate 5); or, after the showering, feel the Kundalini in your system as a softly glowing candle. Cautions 1 / Don't try to do all of these exercises at once; you will release too much. 2 / Wait at least a week or two between exercises in order to assimilate the energies released and make them useable. 3/ If you find yourself getting excessively hyper or unable to cope well with everyday demands, wait unfit you feel more capable of handling extra energy before continuing. 4/ If the Kundalini stays stuck in your spine, lie down on the floor with a crystal above your head and pointing away from your head. The power of the crystal will help move the energy. A multior double-terminated crystal is best.
To make the best use of the new energy, spend a part of each day with spiritual thoughts, affirmations or reading spiritual texts. When these practices seem very afien is when they are most needed. During Kundalini cleansing and releasing periods it is also an excellent idea to reflect on new possibilities as Kundalini brings new abilities and gifts. Practice using the new dents. It is a new life, with the blessing of the Shakti-Shiva union. Make the most of it! |