The Kundalini Book



Chapter 9

Measuring Chakra Flow for Personality Reading

Chakra Measurement
In this chapter we will explore the effects of flowing or blocked chakra energies on personality and behavior using the seven main chakras and seven lesser-known chakras. There are many more chakras, and for a more in-depth reading they could be measured; but the general personality is expressed through these fourteen.

Chart 3 is a list of the fourteen chakras and their locations. Measurement is recommended for only the three lower bodies (physical, emotional and mental); they mainly determine personality, while the higher bodies are hard to measure because of their size, subtle nature, and the difficulty in locating them when they are not well developed.

The illustration opposite shows a pattern of even and flowing body energies. The etheric body expands beyond the physical, the emotional beyond the etheric, and the mental beyond the emotional; these bodies interpenetrate the physical body.

It may take a little practice to locate the outer limits of chakra flow. The following exercises are designed for that purpose.

  1. Rub your hands together to create static electricity and heighten your sensitivity.
  2. Hold your hands as far apart as you can with your palms still facing each other.
  3. Slowly bring your palms toward each other. You may feel your first "wall" of energy within a few inches, like the edge of an invisible balloon, or you may experience a sudden warmth or tingling in your palms. Strong energy may go up your arm. This is where the emotional I body "wall" is found in most people.

It should be fairly easy to feel the energies this way as you are feeling them twice, once from each palm chakra. As you become aware of them you will notice their quality is different for each body level; a peaceful body may feel "smooth," while an irritated and agitated body may feel like and appear as fine silvery needles 11/2-2 inches long. Some people develop the ability to see the energy walls. Others develop the ability to hear or see the numbers psychically.

A yardstick is okay for measuring the chakras, but a carpenter's rule is much more handy. Have the person being measured lie down supine on the floor, hands at sides. Rub your hands until you feel static electricity. Locate the subject's physical body energy, about four inches above and around the entire body.

Next, locate the chakra to be measured. Stop for a few moments and feel the energies above it with your hand. Do not "bounce" the energy, as this disturbs the natural flow; and do not touch the person with the ruler, for the same reason. Pull your hand away, up about twenty inches, then put it above the chakra and slowly and gently come down until you feel the "wall" of the etheric body and the chakra on that level. Measure it and record the information. Do the same with the emotional body, only start at about forty inches; record the distance when you find it. For the mental level, begin about seventy inches away (you may need to stand on a stool or a chair; be careful, falling changes the energies, not to mention risks injury), If you do not find the chakras below the twenty, forty, and seventy inch marks, go further out.

You will learn to feel the differences between the etheric, emotional and mental energies. Do not hassle yourself too much over getting the correct energy in the beginning; you would only get nervous and make everything more difficult. Many times your subject can feel when you hit the particular energies and guide you in the process. If, later on, you wonder whether you have measured correctly, go back and do it over. Do not measure for too long a period in the beginning because the energies may drain you; in the event you do get "wiped out," a drink of water and a few minutes rest will generally refresh you enough to continue. Chakra flows that you have trouble locating may be angling to the right or left or up or down; if so, make a note of it.

When you have finished with the front chakras, measure the back. After measuring, average the three flows (etheric, emotional and mental) and record the numbers on the chart. Now make a note of any significant variations within each level. A variance of one to two inches either way in the etheric is normal; three to four inches in the emotional, and five to six inches in the mental. Excessive vari ance means the energies are unbalanced and leads to confusion and mood swings. On the other hand, excessive consistency within any of the chakras indicates rigidity. In a truly balanced person, the higher chakras, such as the heart, fifth eye, or crown, are a little higher than the rest.


Be aware of the following while doing a personality reading:

  1. Energy flows vary somewhat from day to day. A general pattern may remain indefinitely if a person makes no effort to change.
  2. Extreme anger, hurt, love or any other emotion will show up in the energy flow. Comparing the measurements of extremely emotional states with those of fairly normal states will give you an idea what anger does to your system.
  3. Personality problems both cause and are caused by energy imbalance; it is difficult to know which comes first.
  4. Physical injuries may release energy or cause flow change.
  5. When a chakra is too open you may put your hand over it, push the energy back into the body, and mentally direct it to a chakra that is low.
  6. When a chakra is too low, massage it and the area around it; this will release any muscle tension, allowing you to send energy out that chakra mentally.
  7. Whenever you discover several walls or edges to a chakra, record the measurement farthest away from the body. Walls within walls indicate partial development of that body or chakra area.

Analyzing the Chakra Profile
Having measured and charted the energy flow of the physical, emotional and mental bodies through the chakra systems, we are ready to study the profile and find areas in which the subject may experience energy crisis. Personality problems are created by an imbalance or disturbance of the energy flow within the physical, emotional and mental bodies. The chakra profile graphically shows in what areas these imbalances occur.

Any extremely above average chakra is probably too open and receives too much energy; or below average, is blocked and receives inadequate energy. (The symptoms of too much openness or blockage are described in Chapter 8.) Beyond the individual chakra measurements, it is important to look for particular patterns or relationships between chakras and bodies. There are many patterns of interaction that operate to create personality disturbances, but several common patterns may be noted. These general guidelines for analyzing a profile with reasonable accuracy may be noted:

  1. Look for the highs and lows in each body to determine where the energy is flowing too intensely and where it is blocked.what areas these imbalances occur.
  2. Imbalances in the chakra system of the physical body will manifest through both actions and physical illness. Imbalances in the emotional body will manifest, naturally, through feelings and emotions. Imbalances in the mental body will manifest through thought. When severe enough, a problem in one body will affect all other bodies in some way.
  3. General tension or rigidity usually indicates low energy, very even all the way around-not a healthy situation. It is better to have highly erratic flows; at least then some energy is getting out. Moderate flow, demonstrating character, is best.


Things to Look For
There needs to be good balance between the bodies. Be wary if one body is closed relative to the others. The etheric level should generally be above ten inches, the emotional above twenty inches and the mental body above fifty inches.

Take, for example, a mental level in the seventies and a physical level below ten; this indicates lack of follow through, lack of attention to the physical body, inactivity-in short, too much energy in the mental body means there is much more thought than action. Or take an emotional body in the forties or fifties with a mental body in the high fifties or low sixties; this indicates a preoccupation with feelings. Excessively high physical energies would suggest that a person acts without feeling or thinking.

When one chakra is very blocked, look to see where the excess is going. A blocked heart may go out the spleen in anger or out the sex chakra in excessive sexual energies. A low throat chakra suggests non-acceptance or resistance as well as an excessive flow out the heart chakra and a tendency to be overly loving. The energy from a blocked navel and spleen can go into the the sexual or root chakra.

A person excessively caught up in a particular problem generally gives extra energy to the associated chakra; that chakra may then become greatly opened, pulling the person's attention continually to it and only compounding the problem. It becomes a vicious circle. Try moving the energy away from a particular chakra to release the overload, or spread the energy from that chakra and your concern all over your body, diffusing the situation and bringing new awareness and new insight.

Excessively low crown chakra opens you to put-downs (from others or from yourself) and a fear of getting a big head. An excessively high crown, on the other hand, is usually all right, though it may release too much energy and blow open, resulting in general fatigue, a lack of energy for everyday pursuits, and a need to rebalance. In this case, try bringing some of the energy back and moving it throughout the body.

A high fifth eye chakra is all right unless it takes energy away from other chakras. It can indicate vivid dreams, clairvoyance-or headaches. Excessively low fifth eye indicates lack of vision.

Excessively high throat chakra suggests an overly accepting personality and a lack of reason. Excessively low throat indicates non-acceptance of life and an inability to speak up.

Excessively high heart chakra suggests that a person is too loving for his or her own good, may feel drained (burned out) or literally have heartaches. Excessively low heart suggests a downhearted or heartsick state, fatigue, depletion, and hard-heartedness; there may be great pain from earlier in life or from past lives.

Excessively high navel chakra produces an overly emotional state, leaving little energy to think or act. Excessively low navel indicates a blocked state or a fear of feeling.

Excessively high spleen chakra may result in uncontrollable anger and trouble thinking clearly. Excessively low spleen indicates a fear of expressing anger.

Excessively high will (if the heart is closed) naturally indicates a very willful state and a person who is difficult to get along with. Excessively low will usually indicates a pervasive sense of helplessness in which the energy spills into the emotional area. Will should be balanced with heart and navel.

Excessively high root chakra makes it difficult to sit still. A person could also be "sitting" on potential and repressing anger. Hemorrhoids may result. Excessively low root may produce a fear of mistakes. With head and root both closed, there may be a general fear of life leading to hiding (turtle complex).

Excessively high devotional (if higher than the crown) indicates devotion without direction, whether to a person or cause. Low devotional describes a person who is closed to others' ideas, inclines to project onto others, is preoccupied with the rights of self, and is suspicious of others.

Excessively open escape hatch chakra can leave a person spacey, especially when the head sticks out in front of the body too far. It closes off energy to the brain. In extreme cases, a person can feel paranoid. Excessively low escape hatch can mean overacceptance of the world.

Excessively high foot chakras indicate anger, the need to walk in order to clear emotions and mind, and a need to be heard and make a mark in the world (especially so when the heels hit hard walking). Excessively low foot chakras suggest pussyfootedness, fear of walking, walking on eggshells, fear of "standing on your own two feet," and a need to hang on. Toes excessively high produce a desire to release anger through kicking (to kick the way clear); when too low, the toes may curl from a pulling-in action, emblematic of a need for security, such as a bird hanging on to a branch *

With heart and emotional chakras excessively closed, a person tends to show love through sex. The sex chakra may also become excessively high due to overflow from other chakras; combined with higher emotional or mental levels, this results in more thought about sex than action. Excessively low sexual chakra suggests an inability to express sexually or to use this energy in other ways.

Nausea may result from either excessively high or excessively low flows from the solar plexus chakra. This extreme indicates problems in acting, feeling or thinking appropriately regarding one's destiny. Excessively open, there is a preoccupation with destiny and daily affairs; excessively low, there is a fear of assuming a place in the world or of not being open to manifestation.

Chart #4 lists the chakra measurements for five people of diverse backgrounds. B and C have the lowest levels of the group; both are in structured and traditional professions. A, D and E have much more freedom for personal and spiritual growth; all three frequently do work with their spiritual energies.

A/ The highest chakra reading is on the spleen, mental level. This person was undergoing a lot of stress at the time. The crown is lower than the average (80), indicating imbalance and, in particular, lack of self-esteem. The overall scores are high, suggesting development; but a crown that is low relative to devotional indicates a need for more self-appreciation; the "lid" is on, inhibiting the crown's flow. The heart chakra higher on all three levels than the crown indicates A puts others' needs first.

B/ As noted, this person is in a traditional, overly-structured, stressful work environment, borne out by higher spleen readings on the etheric, emotional and mental levels. Devotional energy is lower than the average; dissatisfaction and separation only exacerbate stress and anger. B's crown chakra is above the average, indicating development.

C/ This person is in the most structured and rigid work environment of all. The readings on the escape hatch-a chakra so called because it serves as a general repository of excess energy during difficult times-are higher than average. There is consequently a strong escape desire, but the devotional energies on the emotional and mental level are higher yet, indicating that the person is trying to make things work. The devotional is much higher than the crown, meaning that the person does not spend enough time on personal pursuits. C's self-opinion could certainly stand improvement.

D/ Good mental development, but the crown and navel are too low. A low navel on the mental level indicates difficulty in processing emotions; and since it is also low on the etheric level there is trouble acting from the emotions. In terms of feeling emotions, however. this case shows much better balance. Devotional is higher than crown, indicating excessive devotion to other things and a need to take more personal time.

E/ There are high mental and emotional scores on the root chakra, suggesting that in spite of good development E is "sitting" on available potential, especially in regard to leadership. The emotional body measurement on the crown chakra is lower than average, while the etheric and mental are above average, indicating E does not have clear feelings about self, balance or enlightenment. When some measurements are high and others are low, there may be problems with using any of those energies. E's root is more than double the crown, truly indicating a state of sitting on feelings. The mental brow level is high for devotional, will, and foot, indicating clairvoyant abilities and the possibility of more vivid dreams.

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