Index C
- CA 15-3 (carbohydrate antigen 15-3): Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- CA 19-9 (carbohydrate antigen 19-9): Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- CA-125 (carbohydrate antigen 125): Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- Cabergoline: Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- in ovulation problems: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
- Cachexia: Sec. 12, Ch. 153
- Café au lait spots: Sec. 6, Ch. 88
- Caffeine
- in apnea of prematurity: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- headache and: Sec. 6, Ch. 79
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- Caisson disease: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- Calcitonin
- in calcium regulation: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- in medullary thyroid cancer: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- in osteoporosis: Sec. 5, Ch. 60
- in Paget's disease of bone: Sec. 5, Ch. 61
- Calcitriol: Sec. 11, Ch. 141 (see also Vitamin D)
- Calcium: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [table]
- dietary
- during breastfeeding: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- deficiency of: Sec. 9, Ch. 125 [table]
- in celiac disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 125
- high blood levels of (hypercalcemia): Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [sidebar] (see also Hypercalcemia)
- in vitamin D excess: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- in hyperkalemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- kidney regulation of: Sec. 11, Ch. 141
- in kidney stones: Sec. 11, Ch. 148
- low blood levels of (hypocalcemia): Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- in DiGeorge anomaly: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- in osteoporosis: Sec. 5, Ch. 60
- in osteoporosis prevention: Sec. 5, Ch. 60
- reference range for: Appendix II
- Calcium carbonate
- in antacids: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- in kidney failure: Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- in peptic ulcer: Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [drug table]
- Calcium channel blockers: Sec. 2, Ch. 10
- in arrhythmias: Sec. 3, Ch. 27 [drug table]
- in cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- in coronary artery disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [drug table]
- food interactions with: Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [table]
- gingivitis and: Sec. 8, Ch. 115
- in high blood pressure: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 3, Ch. 22 [drug table]
- urinary incontinence with: Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [table]
- Calcium gluconate: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- Calcium polycarbophil: Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [drug table]
- Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease (pseudogout): Sec. 5, Ch. 70
- Calculi (see Stones)
- Calculus (tartar): Sec. 8, Ch. 114
- Calendar method, in family planning: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- California cone sting: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- California encephalitis: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
- Calix: Sec. 11, Ch. 141; Sec. 11, Ch. 141 [figure]
- Calluses: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
- Caloric testing: Sec. 6, Ch. 80
- Calories: Sec. 12, Ch. 152; Sec. 12, Ch. 152 [sidebar]
- deficiency of: Sec. 12, Ch. 153; Sec. 12, Ch. 153 [sidebar]; Sec. 12, Ch. 153 [table]
- exercise and: Sec. 1, Ch. 6 [table]
- requirements for: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- Calorimetry: Sec. 12, Ch. 152 [sidebar]
- Calymmatobacterium granulomatis infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- Campylobacter infection: Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- Cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180 [table]
- age and: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- alternative medicine for: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
- anus: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
- bile duct: Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 139; Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- bladder: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- bleeding in: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- blood cell (see Leukemia)
- bone: Sec. 5, Ch. 63
- bone marrow (see Leukemia)
- brain: Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88
- headache with: Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88
- breast: Sec. 22, Ch. 251 (see also Breasts, cancer of)
- carcinoid: Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- cardiac: Sec. 3, Ch. 31
- cervix: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 (see also Cervix, cancer of)
- chemical causes of (carcinogens): Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180 [table]
- chemotherapy for: Sec. 15, Ch. 182; Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table] (see also Chemotherapy)
- childhood: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
- chronic meningitis with: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
- colorectal: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [figure]
- ulcerative colitis and: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- complications of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- depression in: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- development of: Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180 [table]
- diagnosis of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- digestive system: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 132
- carcinoid: Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- drug resistance in: Sec. 2, Ch. 13
- ear: Sec. 19, Ch. 219
- embolism with: Sec. 4, Ch. 46
- endometrium: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [sidebar]
- hormone replacement therapy and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- environmental factors in: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- esophagus: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]
- eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- eyelid: Sec. 20, Ch. 228
- fallopian tube: Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- family history and: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- fatigue in: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- gastrin production and: Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [sidebar]
- genes in: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- genetic factors and: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- geographic variation in: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- hypercalcemia and: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- immune system and: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- immunotherapy for: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- jaw: Sec. 8, Ch. 113
- kidney: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- in kidney transplant recipient: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- larynx: Sec. 19, Ch. 223; Sec. 19, Ch. 223 [sidebar]
- lip: Sec. 8, Ch. 113
- liver: Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 57; Sec. 4, Ch. 57 [figure] (see also Lungs, cancer of)
- lymphatic system (see Lymphoma)
- lymph nodes in: Sec. 15, Ch. 181; Sec. 19, Ch. 223 [sidebar]
- lymphocytic leukocytosis in: Sec. 14, Ch. 174
- markers of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- metastatic (see Metastasis)
- in monoclonal gammopathy: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- mouth: Sec. 8, Ch. 113
- in multiple endocrine neoplasia (see Multiple endocrine neoplasia)
- neck lump in: Sec. 19, Ch. 223 [sidebar]
- nervous system: Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
- neurologic symptoms of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- nose: Sec. 19, Ch. 223
- oral color changes with: Sec. 8, Ch. 109 [sidebar]
- orbit: Sec. 20, Ch. 236
- ovary: Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- pain in: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- pancreas: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]
- paranasal sinus: Sec. 19, Ch. 223
- paraneoplastic syndromes in: Sec. 4, Ch. 57; Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 15, Ch. 181; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- penis: Sec. 21, Ch. 238
- peritoneum: Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- pineal gland: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]
- pituitary gland: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- plasma cell: Sec. 14, Ch. 175; Sec. 14, Ch. 175 [sidebar]
- pleura: Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 52
- plexus disorders with: Sec. 6, Ch. 95
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 182; Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [sidebar]
- prostate: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 21, Ch. 239; Sec. 21, Ch. 239 [table] (see also Prostate gland, cancer of)
- radiation exposure and: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- radiation therapy for: Sec. 15, Ch. 182; Sec. 15, Ch. 182; Sec. 24, Ch. 292 (see also Radiation therapy)
- renal pelvis: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- respiratory symptoms of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- retina: Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
- risk factors for: Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180 [table]
- salivary gland: Sec. 8, Ch. 111; Sec. 8, Ch. 113
- screening for: Sec. 15, Ch. 181; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table] (see also Screening, tests for cancer)
- skin: Sec. 18, Ch. 214; Sec. 18, Ch. 214 [sidebar]; Sec. 18, Ch. 216; Sec. 18, Ch. 216 [sidebar]; Sec. 18, Ch. 216 [sidebar]; Sec. 21, Ch. 238 (see also Skin, cancer of)
- small intestine: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]
- spinal cord: Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
- spread of: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- staging of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- stomach: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]
- ulcers and: Sec. 9, Ch. 121
- surgery for: Sec. 15, Ch. 182; Sec. 15, Ch. 182
- symptoms of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- terminology for: Sec. 15, Ch. 180 [sidebar]
- testis: Sec. 21, Ch. 238
- tests for: Sec. 15, Ch. 181; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- throat: Sec. 19, Ch. 223
- thymus gland: Sec. 6, Ch. 95; Sec. 6, Ch. 95
- thyroid gland: Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- radiation accident and: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- tongue: Sec. 8, Ch. 110; Sec. 8, Ch. 113
- tonsils: Sec. 19, Ch. 223
- treatment of: Sec. 15, Ch. 182; Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [sidebar]; Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table] (see also Chemotherapy; Immunotherapy; Radiation therapy)
- side effects of: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
- types of: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- ureter: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- urethra: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- urinary tract: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- uterus: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 243; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [sidebar] (see also Uterus, cancer of)
- vagina: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- viral infection and: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [table]
- vocal cord: Sec. 19, Ch. 222 [figure]
- vulva: Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- warning signs of: Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]; Sec. 18, Ch. 216 [sidebar]
- weight loss in: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- Candidiasis: Sec. 17, Ch. 197
- in diaper rash: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- genital: Sec. 18, Ch. 212; Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 247; Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 247
- in HIV infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [table]
- mucocutaneous, chronic: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- oral (thrush): Sec. 8, Ch. 110; Sec. 8, Ch. 115; Sec. 16, Ch. 184; Sec. 18, Ch. 212
- skin: Sec. 18, Ch. 212
- urinary tract: Sec. 11, Ch. 149
- Cane: Sec. 1, Ch. 7 [figure]
- Canker sores: Sec. 8, Ch. 112; Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- Cannabis (marijuana): Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- adolescent use of: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
- in HIV infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- Capacity: Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- Capillaries: Sec. 3, Ch. 20
- alveolar: Sec. 4, Ch. 38; Sec. 4, Ch. 38 [figure]
- of blood-brain barrier: Sec. 6, Ch. 76
- enlargement of (spider veins): Sec. 3, Ch. 36; Sec. 3, Ch. 36; Sec. 18, Ch. 215
- in ataxia-telangiectasia: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- malformation of (port-wine stain): Sec. 18, Ch. 215
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [sidebar]
- of skin: Sec. 18, Ch. 201 [figure]
- Caplan's syndrome: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- Capsaicin cream: Sec. 6, Ch. 78
- Carbachol: Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [drug table]
- Carbamate poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Carbamazepine
- in central diabetes insipidus: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- in manic-depressive illness: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- in seizure disorders: Sec. 6, Ch. 85 [drug table]
- Carbapenems: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Carbecephem: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Carbenicillin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Carbidopa: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Carbimazole: Sec. 13, Ch. 163 [drug table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- Carbohydrate antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3): Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9): Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- Carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA-125): Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- Carbohydrates: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- diet-related restriction of: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- hypoglycemic reaction to: Sec. 13, Ch. 166
- metabolism of (see also Diabetes mellitus; Hyperglycemia; Hypoglycemia)
- hereditary disorders of: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- Carbon dioxide
- in acid-base regulation: Sec. 12, Ch. 159
- blood transport of: Sec. 14, Ch. 169
- in diver: Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- in lungs: Sec. 4, Ch. 38; Sec. 4, Ch. 38 [figure]
- measurement of, in blood: Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Appendix II
- pressure: Appendix II
- in sick building syndrome: Sec. 25, Ch. 306
- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [drug table]
- Carbon monoxide
- diffusing capacity test for: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in hemoglobin: Appendix II
- poisoning with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]; Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Carboplatin: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
- Carboxyhemoglobin: Appendix II
- Carbuncles (skin abscesses): Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 18, Ch. 204 [figure]; Sec. 18, Ch. 204; Sec. 18, Ch. 211; Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA): Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- Carcinogens: Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180 [table]
- Carcinoid tumor and carcinoid syndrome: Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- in lung cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- of small intestine: Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]
- Carcinoma: Sec. 15, Ch. 180 (see also Cancer)
- alveolar cell: Sec. 4, Ch. 57
- basal cell: Sec. 18, Ch. 216; Sec. 18, Ch. 216 [sidebar]; Sec. 19, Ch. 219
- bronchogenic: Sec. 4, Ch. 57; Sec. 4, Ch. 57 [figure]
- fibrolamellar: Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- hepatocellular (hepatoma): Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- renal cell: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- squamous cell (see Squamous cell carcinoma)
- transitional cell, of renal pelvis: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- Cardiac arrest: Sec. 3, Ch. 27; Sec. 24, Ch. 299; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [figure]
- coma with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 84
- Cardiac asthma: Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- Cardiac catheterization: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in angioplasty: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- in congenital heart defects: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in dilated cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- in pericarditis: Sec. 3, Ch. 30
- Cardiac tamponade: Sec. 3, Ch. 30 [figure]
- in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- Cardialgia (see Indigestion)
- Cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 23; Sec. 3, Ch. 26; Sec. 3, Ch. 26 [figure]
- peripartum: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- in selenium deficiency: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- sexual activity and: Sec. 21, Ch. 240 [sidebar]
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 299
- in electrical injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
- in hypothermia: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
- in lightning injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
- in near drowning: Sec. 24, Ch. 294
- order against: Sec. 1, Ch. 8; Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- Cardiospasm: Sec. 9, Ch. 120
- Cardiovascular system: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [table] (see also Blood vessels; Heart)
- Cardioversion: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- Caries: Sec. 8, Ch. 114; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [sidebar]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]; Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- Carotenoids: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- Carotid arteries
- aneurysm of: Sec. 3, Ch. 35
- in ischemic stroke: Sec. 6, Ch. 86
- in transient ischemic attack: Sec. 6, Ch. 86
- Carotid sinus stimulation: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- Carpal tunnel syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 71; Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]
- Carrier screening: Sec. 22, Ch. 256
- Carrots, excess ingestion of: Sec. 10, Ch. 135
- Car sickness (see Motion sickness)
- Cartilage: Sec. 5, Ch. 58
- in chondrodysplasias: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- in osteoarthritis: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]
- in relapsing polychondritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- transplantation of: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- Cascara: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [drug table]
- Case-control study: Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- Caspofungin: Sec. 17, Ch. 197 [drug table]
- Cast: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62 [sidebar]
- pressure sores with: Sec. 5, Ch. 62
- Castor oil: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [drug table]
- Cataplexy: Sec. 6, Ch. 81
- Cataract: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 20, Ch. 231; Sec. 20, Ch. 231 [figure]
- congenital: Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [table]
- in electrical injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
- in galactosemia: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- Catatonia, in schizophrenia: Sec. 7, Ch. 107; Sec. 7, Ch. 107
- Cat bite: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Catecholamines: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- Catheter(ization)
- for antibiotic administration: Sec. 17, Ch. 192; Sec. 17, Ch. 192
- cardiac: Sec. 3, Ch. 21: Appendix II
- in angioplasty: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- in congenital heart defects: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in dilated cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- in pericarditis: Sec. 3, Ch. 30
- central venous: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in hemodialysis: Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- infection of: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- in liver biopsy: Sec. 10, Ch. 134
- in peritoneal dialysis: Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- in poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- pulmonary artery: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- for tube feeding: Sec. 12, Ch. 153
- urinary
- in bladder injury: Sec. 11, Ch. 150
- in hydronephrosis: Sec. 11, Ch. 148
- in overflow incontinence: Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [sidebar]; Sec. 11, Ch. 147
- for sample collection: Sec. 11, Ch. 147; Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- CAT scan (see Computed tomography)
- Cat-scratch disease: Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [table]
- Cat's cry syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266 [sidebar]
- Cauda equina: Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]
- Cauda equina syndrome: Sec. 6, Ch. 93 [sidebar]
- Cauliflower ear: Sec. 19, Ch. 219
- Causalgia: Sec. 6, Ch. 78
- Caustic burns: Sec. 24, Ch. 289; Sec. 24, Ch. 289 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Cavernous hemangioma: Sec. 18, Ch. 215
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis: Sec. 20, Ch. 236 [sidebar]
- Cavities: Sec. 8, Ch. 114; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [sidebar]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]
- fluoride and: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- CBC (complete blood count): Sec. 14, Ch. 170; Sec. 14, Ch. 170 [table]: Appendix II
- in acute lymphocytic leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- C-(cesarean) section: Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- CD4 lymphocytes: Appendix II
- in HIV infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 199; Sec. 17, Ch. 199; Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen): Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- Cecum: Sec. 9, Ch. 118
- Cefaclor: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefadroxil: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefamandole: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefazolin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefdinir: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefditoren: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefepime: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefixime: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefmetazole: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefonicid: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefoperazone: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefotazime: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefotetan: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefoxitin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefpodoxime: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefprozil: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Ceftazidime: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Ceftibuten: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Ceftizoxime: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Ceftriaxone: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cefurozime: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Celiac disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 125
- in dermatitis herpetiformis: Sec. 18, Ch. 209
- Cell(s): Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [figure]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]
- blood (see also Blood, cells of; Red blood cells; White blood cells)
- Langerhans': Sec. 18, Ch. 201
- membrane of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1
- receptors of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 2, Ch. 12; Sec. 2, Ch. 12 [figure]; Sec. 2, Ch. 12 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 12
- Reed-Sternberg: Sec. 14, Ch. 177
- stem (see Stem cells)
- types of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [figure]
- Cellophane maculopathy: Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- Cellulase, for foreign objects: Sec. 9, Ch. 123
- Cellulitis: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- necrotizing: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- oral: Sec. 8, Ch. 114
- orbital: Sec. 20, Ch. 236
- staphylococcal: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- streptococcal: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- tonsillar: Sec. 19, Ch. 222
- Cementum: Sec. 8, Ch. 109
- Centigrade temperature scale: Appendix I
- Centipede bites: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Central nervous system (see also Brain; Spinal cord)
- age-associated changes in: Sec. 6, Ch. 76
- biology of: Sec. 6, Ch. 76; Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]
- diagnostic tests for: Sec. 6, Ch. 77; Sec. 6, Ch. 77 [figure]
- viral infection of: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- Central sleep apnea: Sec. 6, Ch. 81; Sec. 6, Ch. 81
- Central venous pressure: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- Cephalexin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cephalic (head-first) presentation: Sec. 22, Ch. 260; Sec. 22, Ch. 261 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263
- Cephalohematoma: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- Cephalosporins: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cephapirin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cephradine: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Cerebellar degeneration, subacute: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- Cerebellum: Sec. 6, Ch. 76; Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]
- disorders of, coordination problems and: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- herniation of: Sec. 6, Ch. 87; Sec. 6, Ch. 87 [figure]
- Cerebral (see Brain)
- Cerebral arteries: Sec. 6, Ch. 86 [figure]
- aneurysm of: Sec. 3, Ch. 35; Sec. 6, Ch. 86; Sec. 6, Ch. 86
- in polycystic kidney disease: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- bleeding of (see Stroke, hemorrhagic)
- blood clots in (see Stroke, ischemic)
- Cerebral hemispheres: Sec. 6, Ch. 76; Sec. 6, Ch. 82 (see also Brain)
- Cerebral palsy: Sec. 23, Ch. 284
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
- accumulation of (hydrocephalus): Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]
- congenital: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- biology of: Sec. 6, Ch. 76
- sample collection of: Sec. 6, Ch. 77; Sec. 6, Ch. 77 [figure] (see also Spinal tap)
- Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis: Sec. 23, Ch. 282 [sidebar]
- Cerebrovascular accident (see Stroke)
- Cerebrovascular syndrome: Sec. 24, Ch. 292; Sec. 24, Ch. 292
- Cerebrum: Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]
- biology of: Sec. 6, Ch. 76
- dysfunction of: Sec. 6, Ch. 82; Sec. 6, Ch. 82 [figure]
- Ceruloplasmin: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Appendix II
- Cerumen (earwax): Sec. 19, Ch. 219; Sec. 19, Ch. 219 [figure]
- Ceruminoma: Sec. 19, Ch. 219
- Cervical cap: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
- Cervical dystonia: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Cervical plexus: Sec. 6, Ch. 95; Sec. 6, Ch. 95 [figure]
- Cervical spondylosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 93
- Cervicitis: Sec. 22, Ch. 248
- Cervicothoracic sympathectomy, in long QT syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266
- Cervix: Sec. 22, Ch. 241; Sec. 22, Ch. 241 [figure]
- biopsy of: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- cancer of: Sec. 22, Ch. 252; Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- screening for: Sec. 1, Ch. 5; Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]; Sec. 15, Ch. 181; Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 242 [figure]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- staging of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [table]
- chlamydial infection of: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- colposcopy of: Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- conization of: Appendix II
- curettage of: Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- dilation of: Sec. 22, Ch. 260; Sec. 22, Ch. 260 [figure]
- examination of: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 242 [figure]
- gonococcal infection of: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- in labor: Sec. 22, Ch. 260; Sec. 22, Ch. 260 [figure]
- loop electrical excision procedure on: Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- mucus of: Sec. 22, Ch. 254; Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- Cesarean section: Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- Cetirizine: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [drug table]
- Chagas' disease (Trypanosoma cruzi infection): Sec. 17, Ch. 196 [table]
- Chalazion: Sec. 20, Ch. 228
- Chamomile: Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]
- Chancre: Sec. 8, Ch. 112; Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- Chancroid: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- Charcoal, in poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 95
- Charcot's joints: Sec. 6, Ch. 95 [sidebar]
- Charleyhorse: Sec. 5, Ch. 59
- Chédiak-Higashi syndrome: Sec. 16, Ch. 184 [table]
- Cheese washer's lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
- Cheilitis: Sec. 8, Ch. 110
- Chelation therapy: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Chemical(s)
- burns from: Sec. 24, Ch. 289; Sec. 24, Ch. 289 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 289 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 289 [figure]
- of esophagus: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- of eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 227
- in cancer risk: Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180; Sec. 15, Ch. 180 [table]
- dermatitis from: Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]
- inhalation of
- hypersensitivity pneumonitis from: Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 51; Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
- occupational lung disease from: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- photosensitivity reactions from: Sec. 18, Ch. 214; Sec. 18, Ch. 214 [sidebar]
- poisoning from, in food: Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- sensitivity to: Sec. 25, Ch. 306; Sec. 25, Ch. 306 [sidebar]
- in sick building syndrome: Sec. 25, Ch. 306
- vaginal discharge from: Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- vaginal itching from: Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- Chemical pneumonitis: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
- Chemical worker's lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
- Chemotaxis: Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183
- Chemotherapy: Sec. 15, Ch. 182; Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
- for acute lymphocytic leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- for acute myelocytic leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- for amyloidosis: Sec. 25, Ch. 304
- for brain tumor: Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]
- for breast cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 251; Sec. 22, Ch. 251
- for carcinoid tumors: Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- for cervical cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- for chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- for chronic myelocytic leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- combination: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
- for endometrial cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- for gynecologic cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- hair loss with: Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- for Hodgkin's disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 177
- for liver cancer: Sec. 10, Ch. 139; Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- for lung cancer: Sec. 4, Ch. 57
- for macroglobulinemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- for multiple myeloma: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- for neuroblastoma: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
- for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Sec. 14, Ch. 177
- for ovarian cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- for pheochromocytoma: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- for retinoblastoma: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
- side effects of: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
- for Wilms' tumor: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
- Cherry hemangioma: Sec. 18, Ch. 215
- Chest
- abscess of: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- air in (pneumothorax): Sec. 4, Ch. 52; Sec. 4, Ch. 52 [sidebar]
- in asthma: Sec. 4, Ch. 44
- in barotrauma: Sec. 24, Ch. 295
- in COPD: Sec. 4, Ch. 45
- in meconium aspiration syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- compression of, in CPR: Sec. 24, Ch. 299
- examination of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- imaging of: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in aspergillosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 51
- in black lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- in eosinophilic pneumonia: Sec. 4, Ch. 51
- in heart disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- in lung cancer: Sec. 4, Ch. 57; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- in pericarditis: Sec. 3, Ch. 30
- in pneumonia: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
- in pneumonitis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- in pulmonary embolism: Sec. 4, Ch. 46
- in silicosis prevention: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- in tuberculosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 193
- pain in
- in angina: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- in aortic stenosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 28
- in coronary artery disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- in esophageal disorders: Sec. 9, Ch. 120; Sec. 9, Ch. 120
- in familial Mediterranean fever: Sec. 25, Ch. 305
- in heart attack: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- in pleurisy: Sec. 4, Ch. 52
- in respiratory disorders: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in sickle cell disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- with swallowing: Sec. 9, Ch. 119
- physical therapy for: Sec. 4, Ch. 40
- Chest cavity: Sec. 4, Ch. 38
- Chest tube: Sec. 4, Ch. 52; Sec. 4, Ch. 52
- Chest wall
- pain in: Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 4, Ch. 52 (see also Chest, pain in)
- in respiratory failure: Sec. 4, Ch. 55 [drug table]
- Cheyne-Stokes respiration: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 6, Ch. 81; Sec. 6, Ch. 84
- Chickenpox: Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- immunization for: Sec. 4, Ch. 42 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
- pneumonia: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
- Chiggers: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Chilblains: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
- Childbirth (see Labor and delivery)
- Childcare: Sec. 23, Ch. 268; Sec. 23, Ch. 287
- HIV-related precautions for: Sec. 23, Ch. 273; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- Childhood disintegrative disorder: Sec. 23, Ch. 286
- Children (see also Infant[s])
- abuse of: Sec. 7, Ch. 106 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 200; Sec. 23, Ch. 288
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- adverse drug reactions in: Sec. 2, Ch. 15
- air travel by: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- bacterial infections in: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- behavioral problems in: Sec. 23, Ch. 269; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]
- bone disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 278; Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [sidebar]
- cancer in: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
- connective tissue disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- development of (see Development, child)
- diabetes mellitus in: Sec. 23, Ch. 281; Sec. 23, Ch. 281 [sidebar]
- digestive system disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 275; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 275 [sidebar]
- dissociative identity disorder in: Sec. 7, Ch. 106; Sec. 7, Ch. 106 [sidebar]
- domestic violence and: Sec. 22, Ch. 253 [sidebar]
- drug dosage for: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- drug safety and: Sec. 2, Ch. 15
- ear, nose, and throat disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 276; Sec. 23, Ch. 276 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 276 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 276 [sidebar]
- eye disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 277; Sec. 23, Ch. 277 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 277 [figure]
- foster care for: Sec. 23, Ch. 287
- head injury in: Sec. 6, Ch. 87; Sec. 6, Ch. 87 [sidebar]
- immunization for: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
- mental health disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 286; Sec. 23, Ch. 286 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 286 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 286 [sidebar]
- mental retardation in: Sec. 23, Ch. 285; Sec. 23, Ch. 285 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 285 [sidebar]
- metabolic disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 281; Sec. 23, Ch. 282 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 282 [sidebar]
- Münchausen syndrome and: Sec. 7, Ch. 99 [sidebar]
- neglect of: Sec. 23, Ch. 288
- over-the-counter drugs for: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- respiratory disorders in: Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- rheumatoid arthritis in: Sec. 23, Ch. 280
- seizures in: Sec. 6, Ch. 85
- social issues affecting: Sec. 23, Ch. 287; Sec. 23, Ch. 287 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 287 [sidebar]
- suicidal behavior in: Sec. 23, Ch. 286; Sec. 23, Ch. 286 [sidebar]
- tooth eruption in: Sec. 8, Ch. 109
- toxoplasmosis in: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- treatment compliance in: Sec. 2, Ch. 16
- tumors in: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
- very young, problems in: Sec. 23, Ch. 267; Sec. 23, Ch. 267 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 267 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 267 [sidebar]
- viral infection in: Sec. 23, Ch. 273; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- Chinese alternative medicine: Sec. 25, Ch. 302
- Chinese restaurant syndrome (MSG sensitivity): Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [sidebar]
- Chiropractic: Sec. 25, Ch. 302
- Chlamydial infection
- cervix (cervicitis): Sec. 17, Ch. 200; Sec. 17, Ch. 200 [sidebar]
- eye (conjunctivitis): Sec. 20, Ch. 229
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [table]
- gonorrhea with: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- lymphogranuloma venereum: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- parrot fever: Sec. 4, Ch. 42 [sidebar]
- pneumonia: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- trachoma: Sec. 20, Ch. 229
- urethritis in: Sec. 11, Ch. 149
- vaginitis: Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [table]
- Chloral hydrate
- abuse of: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- in sleep disorders: Sec. 6, Ch. 81 [sidebar]
- Chlorambucil
- in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- Chloramphenicol: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- in infants: Sec. 2, Ch. 15
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- Chlordiazepoxide, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Chlorhexidine: Sec. 8, Ch. 114
- Chloride: Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [table]; Appendix II
- Chlorine, inhalation of: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- Chloroma: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- Chloroquine
- in malaria: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- in porphyria: Sec. 12, Ch. 160
- Chlorpheniramine: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [drug table]
- in common cold: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Chlorpromazine, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Chlorpropamide
- in diabetes insipidus: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- in diabetes mellitus: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [drug table]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- Chlorzoxazone, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Choking: Sec. 24, Ch. 299; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [figure]; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [figure]
- with infant feeding: Sec. 23, Ch. 263
- Cholangiocarcinoma: Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- Cholangiography
- operative: Sec. 10, Ch. 134; Sec. 10, Ch. 134 [figure]
- percutaneous transhepatic: Sec. 10, Ch. 134; Sec. 10, Ch. 134 [figure]; Sec. 10, Ch. 136
- Cholangitis
- bacterial: Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- primary sclerosing: Sec. 10, Ch. 136
- Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3): Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal): Sec. 10, Ch. 140; Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- Cholecystitis: Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- Cholecystokinin: Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]
- Choledocholithiasis (bile duct stones): Sec. 10, Ch. 140; Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- Cholelithiasis (see Gallstones)
- Cholera: Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- immunization for: Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]
- Cholescintigraphy: Sec. 10, Ch. 134; Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- Cholestasis (bile flow obstruction): Sec. 10, Ch. 135
- in hepatitis: Sec. 10, Ch. 137
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- Cholesteatoma: Sec. 19, Ch. 220; Sec. 23, Ch. 276
- Cholesterol: Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Appendix II
- in atherosclerosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 32; Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis: Sec. 23, Ch. 282 [sidebar]
- coronary artery disease and: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- desirable blood levels of: Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]
- estrogen and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- exercise effects on: Sec. 1, Ch. 6
- in gallstone formation: Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- HDL: Sec. 3, Ch. 32; Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]
- high blood levels of: Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [drug table]
- hereditary: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- LDL: Sec. 3, Ch. 32; Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]
- estrogen and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- progestin and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- liver production of: Sec. 9, Ch. 118; Sec. 10, Ch. 133
- low blood levels of: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- lowering of: Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [drug table]
- in coronary artery disease prevention: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- oral contraceptive use and: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- in preventive care: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]
- progestin and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- reference range for: Appendix II
- VLDL: Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]
- in Wolman's disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 282 [sidebar]
- Cholestyramine: Sec. 10, Ch. 135; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [drug table]
- Cholinergic agents: Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [drug table]
- Chondroblastoma: Sec. 5, Ch. 63
- Chondrodysplasias: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- Chondroitin sulfate: Sec. 5, Ch. 75
- Chondroma: Sec. 5, Ch. 63
- Chondromalacia patellae: Sec. 23, Ch. 278
- Chondromyxoid fibroma: Sec. 5, Ch. 63
- Chondrosarcoma: Sec. 5, Ch. 63; Sec. 5, Ch. 63
- Chordee: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- Chordoma: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
- Chorea: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Huntington's: Sec. 6, Ch. 91; Sec. 6, Ch. 91; Sec. 6, Ch. 91 [sidebar]
- Sydenham's: Sec. 6, Ch. 91; Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- Chorea gravidarum: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Choreoathetosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 91; Sec. 23, Ch. 284
- Choriocarcinoma: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- Choriomeningitis: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
- Chorion: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 257 [figure]
- Chorionic villus sampling: Sec. 22, Ch. 256; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 265; Sec. 23, Ch. 285; Appendix II
- Chorioretinitis: Sec. 20, Ch. 232
- Choroid: Sec. 20, Ch. 232; Sec. 20, Ch. 232 [figure]; Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- melanoma of: Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- metastases to: Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- Choroiditis: Sec. 20, Ch. 232
- Chromium picolinate: Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- Chromosome(s): Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [figure]; Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 266
- abnormalities of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265; Sec. 23, Ch. 266; Sec. 23, Ch. 266 [sidebar]
- parental age and: Sec. 22, Ch. 241 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 266
- prenatal testing for: Sec. 22, Ch. 256; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 266
- analysis of: Appendix II
- deletions of: Sec. 23, Ch. 266 [sidebar]
- in leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- mitochondrial: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- Philadelphia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- sex: Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 23, Ch. 266; Sec. 23, Ch. 266 (see also X chromosome; Y chromosome)
- Chronic deep vein insufficiency: Sec. 3, Ch. 36
- Chronic fatigue syndrome: Sec. 25, Ch. 306; Sec. 25, Ch. 306 [sidebar]
- Chronic granulomatous disease: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Sec. 4, Ch. 45
- prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]
- pulmonary hypertension in: Sec. 4, Ch. 54
- pulmonary rehabilitation in: Sec. 4, Ch. 40; Sec. 4, Ch. 45
- Chylomicrons: Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]
- deficiency of (abetalipoproteinemia): Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- excess of: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- Chylothorax: Sec. 4, Ch. 52; Sec. 4, Ch. 52
- Chyluria: Sec. 11, Ch. 149
- Ciclopirox: Sec. 18, Ch. 212
- Cidofovir: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
- Cigarette smoking (see Smoking)
- Ciguatera poisoning: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- Cilia
- of airways: Sec. 4, Ch. 38; Sec. 17, Ch. 188
- of fallopian tubes: Sec. 22, Ch. 241
- of hair cells: Sec. 19, Ch. 217
- of nose and sinuses: Sec. 19, Ch. 217
- of smell receptors: Sec. 19, Ch. 217
- of throat cells: Sec. 19, Ch. 217
- Ciliary body: Sec. 20, Ch. 232; Sec. 20, Ch. 233; Sec. 20, Ch. 232 [figure]; Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [figure]
- Cilostazol: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- Cimetidine
- drug interactions of: Sec. 2, Ch. 13
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- in peptic ulcer: Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [drug table]
- Cineangiography: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- Cine-computed tomography: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- Cineradiography: Sec. 9, Ch. 120; Sec. 9, Ch. 120
- C1 inhibitor deficiency: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [sidebar]
- Ciprofloxacin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- drug interactions of: Sec. 2, Ch. 13
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- Circle of Willis: Sec. 6, Ch. 86 [figure]
- Circulation
- blood: Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 3, Ch. 20 [figure]
- in fetus: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- cerebral: Sec. 6, Ch. 76; Sec. 6, Ch. 76; Sec. 6, Ch. 86 [figure]
- testing of: Sec. 6, Ch. 77
- coronary: Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 3, Ch. 20 [figure]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- spinal: Sec. 6, Ch. 93
- Circumcision: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- Cirrhosis: Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 136 [sidebar]
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- liver cancer and: Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- primary biliary: Sec. 10, Ch. 136
- Cisplatin: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
- CK-MB enzyme: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- Clap (see Gonorrhea)
- Clarithromycin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Claudication: Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- Clavicle, fracture of: Sec. 5, Ch. 62
- Clean-catch urine sample: Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 11, Ch. 142 [sidebar]
- Cleansing agents: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- Clear cell carcinoma: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- Cleft lip and palate: Sec. 23, Ch. 265; Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [figure]
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- Clemastine: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [drug table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
- Clidinium-chlordiazepoxide, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Climacteric (see Menopause)
- Clindamycin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]; Sec. 18, Ch. 204 [drug table]
- Clinical trial: Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- Clitocybe (mushroom) poisoning: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- Clitoris: Sec. 22, Ch. 241; Sec. 22, Ch. 241 [figure]
- CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia): Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- Clofibrate: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- Clomiphene
- in low sperm count: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
- in ovulation problems: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
- in polycystic ovary syndrome: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
- Clonazepam: Sec. 6, Ch. 85 [drug table]
- Clonidine
- for hot flashes: Sec. 22, Ch. 243; Sec. 22, Ch. 243 [drug table]
- in opioid withdrawal: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- in Tourette's syndrome: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Cloning: Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [sidebar]
- Clonorchiasis (liver fluke infection): Sec. 17, Ch. 196 [table]
- Clopidogrel
- for heart attack: Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [drug table]
- in peripheral arterial disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- in stroke prevention: Sec. 6, Ch. 86
- Clostridial infection: Sec. 9, Ch. 127 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [sidebar]
- antibiotic-associated colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 9, Ch. 127
- botulism: Sec. 6, Ch. 95
- food poisoning: Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- gas gangrene: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- tetanus: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- immunization for: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [table]
- Clotting: Sec. 14, Ch. 173; Sec. 14, Ch. 173 [figure] (see also Anticoagulants; Blood clots)
- in allergic purpura: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- bleeding time test of: Sec. 14, Ch. 170
- disorders of: Sec. 14, Ch. 170; Sec. 14, Ch. 173; Sec. 14, Ch. 173 [sidebar]
- in disseminated intravascular coagulation: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- drug effects on: Sec. 14, Ch. 173 [sidebar] (see also Anticoagulants)
- in hemolytic-uremic syndrome: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- in hemophilia: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu-Osler-Weber disease): Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- in homocystinuria: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- in thrombocytopenia: Sec. 14, Ch. 173; Sec. 14, Ch. 173 [sidebar]
- in thrombophilia: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- in von Willebrand's disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- Clotting factors
- deficiency of: Sec. 14, Ch. 170; Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- testing of: Sec. 14, Ch. 170
- transfusion of: Sec. 14, Ch. 171; Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- Cloxacillin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Clozapine
- monitoring of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10
- in schizophrenia: Sec. 7, Ch. 107; Sec. 7, Ch. 107 [drug table]
- Clubbing, of fingers: Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 4, Ch. 39 [figure]
- Clubfoot: Sec. 23, Ch. 265; Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [figure]
- Cluster headache: Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 79
- CML (chronic myelocytic leukemia): Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- Coal workers' pneumoconiosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]
- Coarctation of aorta: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- Cobalamin (vitamin B12): Sec. 12, Ch. 154 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 154; Sec. 12, Ch. 154 [sidebar]
- deficiency of: Sec. 12, Ch. 154; Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- in homocystinuria: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- supplementation with: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- Cocaine: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- adolescent use of: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- Coccal infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [figure]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 190 (see also specific infections)
- Coccidioidomycosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 197
- pneumonia and: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
- Cochlea: Sec. 19, Ch. 217; Sec. 19, Ch. 217 [figure]
- Cochlear implant: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 276
- Codeine: Sec. 6, Ch. 78 [drug table]
- in cough remedies: Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
- in diarrhea: Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [drug table]
- Coelenterate sting: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Coenurosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
- Coffee worker's lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
- Cognitive-behavior therapy: Sec. 7, Ch. 98
- in anxiety: Sec. 7, Ch. 100
- in bulimia: Sec. 7, Ch. 103
- Cognitive impairment
- after stroke: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- in Alzheimer's disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- in delirium: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- in dementia: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- in schizophrenia: Sec. 7, Ch. 107
- Cohort study: Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- Coke (see Cocaine)
- Colchicine
- in amyloidosis: Sec. 25, Ch. 304
- in familial Mediterranean fever: Sec. 25, Ch. 305
- in gout: Sec. 5, Ch. 70; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [drug table]
- in pseudogout: Sec. 5, Ch. 70
- Cold, common: Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 19, Ch. 221
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- remedies for: Sec. 1, Ch. 4; Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
- Cold antibody hemolytic anemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- Cold environment
- allergy to: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- injury from: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
- keeping warm in: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
- Cold sores: Sec. 8, Ch. 112; Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- Cold therapy (cryotherapy): Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- after dental treatment: Sec. 8, Ch. 117
- in ankle sprain: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
- in cervical cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- in heat stroke: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- in sports injuries: Sec. 5, Ch. 75
- in wart removal: Sec. 18, Ch. 213
- Colesevelam: Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [drug table]
- Colestipol: Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [drug table]
- Colic
- biliary (gallbladder pain): Sec. 10, Ch. 133; Sec. 10, Ch. 140; Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- in infants: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- renal: Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 11, Ch. 148; Sec. 11, Ch. 148
- Colistin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Colitis (see also Crohn's disease)
- antibiotic-associated: Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 9, Ch. 127; Sec. 17, Ch. 192
- collagenous: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- diversion: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- hemorrhagic: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- ischemic: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
- lymphocytic: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- toxic: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- ulcerative: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- Collagenous colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- Colles' fracture: Sec. 5, Ch. 60; Sec. 5, Ch. 62
- Colon (see Large intestine)
- Colonic enema: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- Colonic inertia: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- Colonoscopy: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 119 [figure]; Appendix II, Appendix II
- in cancer screening: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- in Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- in diverticulitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 128
- in intestinal polyps: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
- in small intestine cancer: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
- in ulcerative colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- Color blindness: Sec. 20, Ch. 225; Sec. 20, Ch. 225 [sidebar]
- testing for: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- Colorectal cancer: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [figure]
- ulcerative colitis and: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- Colostomy: Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [figure]
- in colorectal cancer: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
- diversion colitis after: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- in diverticulitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 128
- in fecal incontinence: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in Hirschsprung disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- travel with: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- Colostrum: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 23, Ch. 263
- Colposcopy: Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- Coma: Sec. 6, Ch. 84; Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
- diabetic: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- hepatic: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 10, Ch. 135
- myxedema: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- Common bile duct: Sec. 9, Ch. 118 [figure]; Sec. 10, Ch. 133 [figure]
- Common cold (see Cold, common)
- Common hepatic duct: Sec. 9, Ch. 118 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 118; Sec. 10, Ch. 133 [figure]
- Common variable immunodeficiency: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- Communicable diseases (see Infection)
- Communication
- with dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8 [sidebar]
- with health care professionals: Sec. 1, Ch. 4; Sec. 1, Ch. 8; Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 2, Ch. 16
- in medical decision-making: Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- parent-child: Sec. 23, Ch. 287 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 287 [sidebar]
- Compartment syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62
- in electrical injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
- Competency: Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]
- Complementary medicine: Sec. 25, Ch. 302
- Complement system: Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183
- Complete blood count (CBC): Sec. 14, Ch. 170; Sec. 14, Ch. 170 [table]; Appendix II
- Complex partial (psychomotor) seizures: Sec. 6, Ch. 85
- Complex regional pain syndrome: Sec. 6, Ch. 78
- Compliance (adherence), with drug treatment: Sec. 2, Ch. 10 [sidebar]; Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [sidebar]; Sec. 2, Ch. 14; Sec. 2, Ch. 16; Sec. 2, Ch. 16 [sidebar]
- Compressed air injuries: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- Compression bandages
- in deep vein thrombosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 36
- in leg ulcers: Sec. 3, Ch. 36
- Compulsions: Sec. 7, Ch. 100
- Computed tomography (CT): Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Appendix II
- in acromegaly: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- in cancer staging: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- in Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- in digestive system disorders: Sec. 9, Ch. 119
- of eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- of fracture: Sec. 5, Ch. 62
- in heart disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in Hodgkin's disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 177
- in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- in kidney and urinary tract disorders: Sec. 11, Ch. 142
- of liver: Sec. 10, Ch. 134
- in lung cancer: Sec. 4, Ch. 57; Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- in lung disorders: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in musculoskeletal disorders: Sec. 5, Ch. 59
- in neurologic disorders: Sec. 6, Ch. 77
- in pancreatitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 124; Sec. 9, Ch. 124
- Computed tomography angiography (CTA): Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 4, Ch. 46
- Computer keyboard, hand position at: Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]
- Conception (see Fertilization)
- Conchae, nasal: Sec. 19, Ch. 217; Sec. 19, Ch. 217 [figure]
- Concussion: Sec. 6, Ch. 87; Sec. 6, Ch. 87
- Condom: Sec. 17, Ch. 200; Sec. 17, Ch. 200 [sidebar]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
- Conduct disorder: Sec. 23, Ch. 286
- Conduction aphasia: Sec. 6, Ch. 82 [sidebar]
- Condylomata acuminata: Sec. 17, Ch. 200; Sec. 21, Ch. 238
- Condylomata lata: Sec. 17, Ch. 200; Sec. 21, Ch. 238
- Cones: Sec. 20, Ch. 224
- Confidentiality: Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- Confusion: Sec. 6, Ch. 83 [sidebar]
- in delirium: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- drug-related: Sec. 2, Ch. 15 [table]
- in dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- Congenital disorders (see Birth defects; Chromosome[s], abnormalities of; Genetics, disorders of)
- Congestive heart failure (see Heart failure)
- Conization: Appendix II
- Conjunctiva: Sec. 20, Ch. 224; Sec. 20, Ch. 224 [figure]; Sec. 20, Ch. 224; Sec. 20, Ch. 229
- bleeding in: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- dark spots on: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- disorders of: Sec. 20, Ch. 229
- inflammation of (see Conjunctivitis)
- noncancerous growths on: Sec. 20, Ch. 229
- sarcoidosis of: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- Conjunctivitis: Sec. 20, Ch. 229; Sec. 20, Ch. 229 [sidebar]
- allergic: Sec. 16, Ch. 185; Sec. 16, Ch. 185; Sec. 20, Ch. 229
- gonococcal: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- granular: Sec. 20, Ch. 229
- hemorrhagic: Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- inclusion: Sec. 20, Ch. 229
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [table]
- in Reiter's syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 67
- Connective tissue: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 5, Ch. 58
- disorders of
- autoimmune: Sec. 5, Ch. 68; Sec. 5, Ch. 68 [sidebar]
- in diabetes mellitus: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [table]
- hereditary: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- mixed: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- pulmonary hypertension with: Sec. 4, Ch. 54
- vasculitic: Sec. 5, Ch. 69; Sec. 5, Ch. 69 [table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 69 [figure]
- Conn's syndrome: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- Consciousness: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 (see also Coma; Confusion)
- in breath-holding spells: Sec. 23, Ch. 269
- in concussion: Sec. 6, Ch. 87
- in delirium: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- in head injury: Sec. 6, Ch. 87
- in heat exhaustion: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- in heatstroke: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- in lightning injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
- in low blood pressure: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- in nitrogen narcosis: Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- in respiratory failure: Sec. 4, Ch. 55
- in seizures: Sec. 3, Ch. 23; Sec. 6, Ch. 85
- Consent: Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 25, Ch. 301
- Constipation: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [drug table]
- in dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- in dyschezia: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in infants and children: Sec. 23, Ch. 267; Sec. 23, Ch. 269; Sec. 23, Ch. 275
- in irritable bowel syndrome: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- psychogenic: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- Constriction devices, in erectile dysfunction: Sec. 21, Ch. 240
- Consumption (see Tuberculosis)
- Contact dermatitis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]
- Contact lenses: Sec. 20, Ch. 226
- travel with: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- Contagious diseases (see Infection)
- Continuous ambulatory electrocardiography: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 21 [figure]
- in angina evaluation: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- in arrhythmias: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in fainting: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
- in apnea of prematurity: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in atelectasis: Sec. 4, Ch. 48
- in obstructive sleep apnea: Sec. 6, Ch. 81
- in respiratory distress syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in transient tachypnea of newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- during travel: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- Contraception and contraceptives: Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]
- for adolescents: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
- after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- barrier: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
- condoms: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
- effectiveness of: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]
- emergency: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- hormonal methods for: Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [sidebar]
- implants in: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- injectable: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- intrauterine devices in: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
- oral: Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table] (see also Oral contraceptives)
- rhythm methods in: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- skin patches in: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- sterilization in: Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
- vaginal rings in: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- withdrawal method in: Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]
- Contractions
- after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 261; Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- in labor (see Labor and delivery)
- Contracture
- after amputation: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- Dupuytren's: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- Contrast agents, problems with: Sec. 11, Ch. 142 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [sidebar]
- Contusion
- bladder: Sec. 11, Ch. 150
- brain: Sec. 6, Ch. 87
- eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 227
- first aid for: Sec. 24, Ch. 299
- kidney: Sec. 11, Ch. 150 [figure]
- urethra: Sec. 11, Ch. 150
- Conversion disorder: Sec. 7, Ch. 99; Sec. 23, Ch. 286
- Conversion symptoms: Sec. 7, Ch. 99 [sidebar]
- Convulsions (see Seizures)
- Coombs test: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- Coordination
- disorders of: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- testing of: Sec. 6, Ch. 77
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease): Sec. 4, Ch. 45
- prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]
- pulmonary hypertension in: Sec. 4, Ch. 54
- pulmonary rehabilitation in: Sec. 4, Ch. 45
- rehabilitation for: Sec. 4, Ch. 40
- Coping mechanisms: Sec. 7, Ch. 105 [table]
- Copper: Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [sidebar]
- deficiency of: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- excess of: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- liver accumulation of (Wilson's disease): Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [sidebar]
- hepatitis and: Sec. 10, Ch. 137
- reference range for: Appendix II
- Copperhead snake bite: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Copper IUD: Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
- Coprolalia: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Coral snake bite: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Coral sting: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Cord (see Umbilical cord)
- Corkscrew esophagus: Sec. 9, Ch. 120
- Cork worker's lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
- Cornea: Sec. 20, Ch. 224; Sec. 20, Ch. 224 [figure]
- abrasion of, in infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- age-associated changes in: Sec. 20, Ch. 224
- disorders of: Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- drying of: Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- herpes simplex virus infection of: Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- pain in: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- shape changes in: Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- swelling of: Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- thickness of: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- transplantation of: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- ulcers of: Sec. 20, Ch. 226; Sec. 20, Ch. 230; Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- Corns: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
- Cornstarch: Sec. 18, Ch. 202; Sec. 23, Ch. 263
- Coronary arteries: Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 3, Ch. 20 [figure]
- aneurysm of, in Kawasaki syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- angiography of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- angioplasty of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 24; Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- bypass surgery of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- catheterization of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- disease of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- after menopause: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- angina in: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- in cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- in dilated cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- in familial hypercholesterolemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- heart failure with: Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- prevention of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- risk factors for: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- radionuclide imaging of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- spasm of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery: Sec. 3, Ch. 24
- Coronary stent, travel and: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- Coronary thrombosis (see Heart attack)
- Corpora cavernosa: Sec. 21, Ch. 237
- Cor pulmonale: Sec. 4, Ch. 54; Sec. 4, Ch. 54 [sidebar]
- Corpus luteum: Sec. 22, Ch. 241 [figure]; Sec. 22, Ch. 241
- Corpus spongiosum: Sec. 21, Ch. 237
- Corti, organ of: Sec. 19, Ch. 217
- Cortical necrosis: Sec. 11, Ch. 145
- Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Corticosteroids: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [sidebar]; Sec. 18, Ch. 202 (see also Immunosuppressive drugs [immunomodulators])
- in Addison's disease: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- adrenal gland suppression by: Sec. 13, Ch. 164 [sidebar]
- in allergic conjunctivitis: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- in allergic rhinitis: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- in allergy: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- in aspergillosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 51
- in asthma: Sec. 4, Ch. 44; Sec. 4, Ch. 44 [drug table]; Sec. 4, Ch. 44; Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- in autoimmune disorders: Sec. 10, Ch. 137; Sec. 14, Ch. 172; Sec. 16, Ch. 186
- in Behçet's syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 69
- in Bell's palsy: Sec. 6, Ch. 96
- in bronchitis: Sec. 4, Ch. 41
- in canker sores: Sec. 8, Ch. 112
- control of: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- in COPD: Sec. 4, Ch. 45
- in Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
- in croup: Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- in Cushing's disease: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
- deficiency of: Sec. 13, Ch. 164 (see also Addison's disease)
- depression with: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- in dermatomyositis: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- in eosinophilic fasciitis: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- in eosinophilic gastritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 121
- in eosinophilic pneumonia: Sec. 4, Ch. 51
- in fetal lung immaturity: Sec. 23, Ch. 264; Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in fungal infection: Sec. 18, Ch. 212
- generic substitutions for: Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]
- in gout: Sec. 5, Ch. 70; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [drug table]
- in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- in itching: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- in lichen planus: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- in meningitis: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
- in mixed connective tissue disease: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- in multiple myeloma: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- in multiple sclerosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 92
- in muscular dystrophy: Sec. 5, Ch. 73
- in nasal polyps: Sec. 19, Ch. 221
- in nephrotic syndrome: Sec. 11, Ch. 144
- in osteopetroses: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- overproduction of (Cushing's syndrome): Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- over-the-counter: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- in pancreatitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 124
- in pemphigus: Sec. 18, Ch. 209
- in polyarteritis nodosa: Sec. 5, Ch. 69
- in polymyalgia rheumatica: Sec. 5, Ch. 69
- in polymyositis: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- in preterm labor: Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis: Sec. 11, Ch. 144
- in rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [drug table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 67
- in sarcoidosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- in seborrheic dermatitis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- in spinal cord injury: Sec. 6, Ch. 93
- in sports injuries: Sec. 5, Ch. 75
- in Stevens-Johnson syndrome: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- in systemic lupus erythematosus: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- in temporal (giant cell) arteritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 69
- in tendinitis: Sec. 5, Ch. 74
- in thyroiditis: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- topical: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- in toxic epidermal necrolysis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- in transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
- in ulcerative colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- in Wegener's granulomatosis: Sec. 5, Ch. 69
- Corticotropin (ACTH): Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 162 [figure]; Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- in Addison's disease: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- deficiency of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- measurement of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- overproduction of: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- Cortisol: Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table] (see also Corticosteroids)
- Cortisone (see Corticosteroids)
- Corynebacterium minutissimum infection: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- Coryza (see Cold, common)
- Cosmetic dentistry: Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [sidebar]
- Cosmetics, dermatitis from: Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]
- Cosmetic surgery: Sec. 25, Ch. 301 [sidebar]
- Cost-benefit study: Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- Cottonmouth snake bite: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Cough: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in asthma: Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- blood in: Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 4, Ch. 50 [table]
- in bronchiectasis: Sec. 4, Ch. 47
- in COPD: Sec. 4, Ch. 45
- in croup: Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
- fainting with: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- in Hodgkin's disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 177 [table]
- remedies for: Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- in tuberculosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 193
- whooping (pertussis): Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- immunization for: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 272 [sidebar]
- Counseling
- for children of divorce: Sec. 23, Ch. 287
- genetic: Sec. 22, Ch. 256
- in immunodeficiency disorders: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- in macular degeneration: Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- in muscular dystrophy: Sec. 5, Ch. 73
- in neurofibromatosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 88
- in pulmonary medicine: Sec. 4, Ch. 40
- in sickle cell disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- Coup contrecoup injury: Sec. 6, Ch. 87
- Coxibs (see Cyclooxygenase-2 [COX-2] inhibitors)
- Coxiella burnetii infection (Q fever): Sec. 17, Ch. 195 [table]
- COX-2 inhibitors (see Cyclooxygenase-2 [COX-2] inhibitors)
- Coxsackie B virus infection: Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation): Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 299
- do-not-resuscitate order against: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- in electrical injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
- in hypothermia: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
- in lightning injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
- in near drowning: Sec. 24, Ch. 294
- order against: Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- Crabs (pubic lice): Sec. 18, Ch. 210; Sec. 18, Ch. 210 [figure]
- Crack cocaine: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Cradle cap (seborrheic dermatitis): Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- Cramps
- in Buerger's disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- heat: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- intestinal: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- muscle: Sec. 5, Ch. 74
- Cranberry: Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- Cranial nerves: Sec. 6, Ch. 76
- disorders of: Sec. 6, Ch. 96; Sec. 6, Ch. 96 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 96 [figure]
- sarcoidosis of: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- testing of: Sec. 6, Ch. 77; Sec. 6, Ch. 96 [table]
- Craniopharyngioma: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
- Craniotomy: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]
- Cravings food: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- C-reactive protein
- in multiple myeloma: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- in osteomyelitis: Sec. 5, Ch. 65
- Creams: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- estrogen: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- in itching: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- Creatine, as nutraceutical: Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- Creatine kinase: Sec. 5, Ch. 59
- reference range for: Appendix II
- Creatinine: Appendix II
- Creatinine clearance test: Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- Creeping eruption: Sec. 18, Ch. 210
- CREST syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 83; Sec. 6, Ch. 90; Sec. 6, Ch. 90 [sidebar]
- Crib death: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 264; Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- Cri du chat syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266 [sidebar]
- Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
- Cromolyn: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- in allergic conjunctivitis: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- in allergic rhinitis: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- in asthma: Sec. 4, Ch. 44 [drug table]; Sec. 4, Ch. 44; Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- Cross-dressing: Sec. 7, Ch. 104
- Cross-eyes (strabismus): Sec. 23, Ch. 277; Sec. 23, Ch. 277 [figure]
- Cross-sectional study: Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- Crotalaria leaves: Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- Croup: Sec. 23, Ch. 273; Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- Crowns, dental: Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]
- Crust (scab): Sec. 18, Ch. 202 [sidebar]
- Crying, in infants: Sec. 23, Ch. 263
- Cryofibrinogen: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- Cryoglobulinemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 175; Sec. 14, Ch. 175 [sidebar]
- Cryoglobulins: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- Cryomyolysis: Sec. 22, Ch. 246
- Cryopexy: Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- Cryotherapy: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- after dental treatment: Sec. 8, Ch. 117
- in ankle sprain: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
- in cervical cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- in heat stroke: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- in sports injuries: Sec. 5, Ch. 75
- in wart removal: Sec. 18, Ch. 213
- Cryptococcosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 197
- with HIV infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [table]
- pneumonia and: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
- Cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- Cryptorchidism: Sec. 21, Ch. 238; Sec. 23, Ch. 267; Sec. 23, Ch. 267 [figure]
- Cryptosporidium infection: Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- with HIV infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [table]
- Crystal (methamphetamine): Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Crystal deposition
- in gout: Sec. 5, Ch. 70; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [sidebar]; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [drug table]
- in pseudogout: Sec. 5, Ch. 70
- CSF (see Cerebrospinal fluid)
- CT (see Computed tomography)
- Cubital tunnel syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- Culture: Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]; Appendix II
- in bacteremia: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- in sepsis: Sec. 17, Ch. 191
- in strep throat: Sec. 23, Ch. 276
- urine: Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- Curettage
- for abortion: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- endocervical: Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- Curvature, spinal: Sec. 23, Ch. 278; Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [figure]
- in Scheuermann disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 278; Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [figure]
- Cushing's syndrome: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- in lung cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- obesity in: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
- potassium deficiency with: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- Cutaneous larva migrans: Sec. 18, Ch. 210
- Cuticle, infection of (paronychia): Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- Cutis laxa: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- Cuts: Sec. 1, Ch. 4; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 (see also Laceration)
- Cyanosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in apnea of prematurity: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in breath-holding spells: Sec. 23, Ch. 269
- in carcinoid tumors: Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- in congenital heart defects: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- of hands and feet: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- in heart disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in meconium aspiration syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in persistent pulmonary hypertension: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in pulmonary valve stenosis: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in respiratory disorders: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in respiratory tract infection: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- in shock: Sec. 3, Ch. 24
- in tetralogy of Fallot: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in tracheoesophageal fistula: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in transient tachypnea of newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in transposition of great arteries: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- Cyclobenzaprine, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors (coxibs): Sec. 6, Ch. 78
- in gout: Sec. 5, Ch. 70; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [drug table]
- in osteoarthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 66
- in rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [drug table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 67
- Cyclophosphamide
- in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- in rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [drug table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 67
- in transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
- Cyclosporine
- in Behçet's syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 69
- in Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
- food interactions with: Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [table]
- gingivitis and: Sec. 8, Ch. 115
- in psoriasis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- in rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [drug table]
- in transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
- in ulcerative colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- Cyclothymic disorder: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- Cyproheptadine: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [drug table]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- in physical allergy: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- Cyproterone: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
- Cyst(s)
- Baker's: Sec. 5, Ch. 74
- Bartholin's: Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [sidebar]
- brain: Sec. 6, Ch. 89
- breast: Sec. 22, Ch. 251
- dermoid: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
- epidermal: Sec. 18, Ch. 215
- ganglion: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- kidney: Sec. 11, Ch. 146; Sec. 11, Ch. 146 [figure]
- neck: Sec. 23, Ch. 276
- oral: Sec. 8, Ch. 113
- ovarian: Sec. 13, Ch. 164; Sec. 13, Ch. 164; Sec. 22, Ch. 244; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [sidebar]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- popliteal: Sec. 5, Ch. 74
- pulmonary, in Marfan syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- sebaceous: Sec. 19, Ch. 219
- Cystadenocarcinoma: Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [figure]
- Cystectomy: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- Cystic duct: Sec. 9, Ch. 118; Sec. 10, Ch. 133 [figure]
- blockage of: Sec. 10, Ch. 140
- Cysticercosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- Cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 4, Ch. 53; Sec. 4, Ch. 53 [figure]; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- Cystic medial necrosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 35
- Cystine
- in kidney stones: Sec. 11, Ch. 148
- in urine (cystinuria): Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- Cystitis: Sec. 11, Ch. 149; Sec. 11, Ch. 149 [sidebar]; Sec. 11, Ch. 149 [sidebar]
- after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- Cystocele: Sec. 22, Ch. 249; Sec. 22, Ch. 249 [figure]
- Cystography: Sec. 11, Ch. 142
- Cystoplasty: Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [sidebar]
- Cystosarcoma phyllodes: Sec. 22, Ch. 251; Sec. 22, Ch. 251
- Cystoscopy: Sec. 11, Ch. 142
- in urethral stricture: Sec. 21, Ch. 238
- Cystourethrocele: Sec. 22, Ch. 249
- Cystourethrography
- in urinary tract infection: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- voiding: Sec. 11, Ch. 149
- Cytapheresis: Sec. 14, Ch. 171 [sidebar]
- Cytarabine: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
- Cytokines: Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 17, Ch. 191
- Cytomegalovirus infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- with HIV infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [table]
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [table]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- Cytopenia: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
- Cytoplasm: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [figure]
- Cytotoxic drugs (see Chemotherapy)
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