Index D
- Daclizumab: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
- Dacryoadenitis: Sec. 20, Ch. 236
- Dacryocystitis: Sec. 20, Ch. 228
- Dacryostenosis: Sec. 20, Ch. 228
- Dairy products, intolerance to: Sec. 9, Ch. 118; Sec. 9, Ch. 125; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- Danazol
- in breast pain: Sec. 22, Ch. 251
- in endometriosis: Sec. 22, Ch. 245; Sec. 22, Ch. 245 [drug table]
- in fibroids: Sec. 22, Ch. 246
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- D and C (dilation and curettage): Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 242 [figure]; Appendix II
- after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- in dysfunctional uterine bleeding: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
- D and E (dilation and evacuation): Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- Dandruff: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- Dapsone: Sec. 17, Ch. 194
- in dermatitis herpetiformis: Sec. 18, Ch. 209
- Darbepoietin
- abuse of: Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
- in kidney failure: Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- in multiple myeloma: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- Dawn phenomenon: Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- Daycare: Sec. 23, Ch. 268;: Sec. 23, Ch. 287
- HIV-related precautions for: Sec. 23, Ch. 273; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- Daytop Village: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- D-dimer test: Sec. 4, Ch. 46
- Deafness (see Hearing, loss of)
- Death and dying: Sec. 1, Ch. 8 (see also Legal issues)
- advance directive for: Sec. 1, Ch. 8; Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]; Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- anxiety and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- in breast cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 251
- breathing during: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- confusion and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- in COPD: Sec. 4, Ch. 45
- depression and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- digestive system disorders during: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- disability and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- fatigue and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- of fetus: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- financial concerns and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8; Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- health care choices and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- in heart failure: Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- incontinence and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- of infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 287
- SIDS and: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 264; Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- legal issues and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- in leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- in lung cancer: Sec. 4, Ch. 57
- in multiple myeloma: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- obesity and: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
- pain in: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- preparation for: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- pressure sores and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- signs of: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- suicide and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- time course of: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- treatment options and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- unconsciousness and: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- Death certificate: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- Death rattle: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- Death With Dignity Act (1998): Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- Decay, tooth (cavities): Sec. 8, Ch. 114; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [sidebar]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]
- Decision making
- medical: Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- surrogate: Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- Decompression sickness: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- Decongestants: Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
- in allergic rhinitis: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- for children: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- before diving: Sec. 24, Ch. 295
- urinary incontinence with: Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [table]
- Decubitus ulcers (see Pressure sores)
- Deep-sea diving injuries: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- Deep vein thrombosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 36; Sec. 3, Ch. 36 [figure]
- after surgery: Sec. 25, Ch. 301
- in pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- in thrombophilia: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- Deer fly bites: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Deer fly fever (tularemia): Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [sidebar]
- DEET (diethyltoluamide): Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [figure]; Sec. 17, Ch. 195
- Defecation (see Bowel movements)
- Defense mechanisms: Sec. 7, Ch. 105 [table]
- against disease: Sec. 16, Ch. 183 (see also Immune system)
- against infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 188
- of lungs: Sec. 4, Ch. 38
- Deferoxamine: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Defibrillation: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- Defibrillator
- external: Sec. 24, Ch. 299; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [figure]
- implantable
- in long QT syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266
- travel and: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- Deformities (see Birth defects)
- Dehydration: Sec. 12, Ch. 158
- in Addison's disease: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- during air travel: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- body response to: Sec. 1, Ch. 1
- in burn injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 289; Sec. 24, Ch. 289
- in cholera: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- constipation and: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
- in diabetes insipidus: Sec. 11, Ch. 146; Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- in diarrhea: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in elderly persons: Sec. 12, Ch. 158
- fainting with: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- in gastroenteritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 23, Ch. 275
- in heat exhaustion: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- in infants and children: Sec. 23, Ch. 267; Sec. 23, Ch. 267; Sec. 23, Ch. 267 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 275
- during labor and delivery: Sec. 22, Ch. 260
- orthostatic hypotension with: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- in premature infant: Sec. 12, Ch. 158
- in radiation illness: Sec. 24, Ch. 292
- in shigellosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- in Addison's disease: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- as nutraceutical: Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- Dejection (see Depression)
- Delavirdine: Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [drug table]
- Delirium: Sec. 6, Ch. 83; Sec. 6, Ch. 83 [sidebar]
- vs. dementia: Sec. 6, Ch. 83 [table]
- in mania: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- vs. psychosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 83; Sec. 6, Ch. 83 [table]
- Delirium tremens (DTs): Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Delivery (see Labor and delivery)
- Delta-aminolevulinic acid: Sec. 12, Ch. 160
- Delusional: Sec. 7, Ch. 107
- in depression: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- in schizophrenia: Sec. 7, Ch. 107
- Demecarium: Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [drug table]
- Demeclocycline: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Dementia: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 83 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 83; Sec. 6, Ch. 83 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 83 [sidebar]
- Alzheimer's: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- vs. delirium: Sec. 6, Ch. 83 [table]
- depression and: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- Lewy body: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- sleep disorders with: Sec. 6, Ch. 81
- vascular: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- Dementia pugilistica: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- Demyelination: Sec. 6, Ch. 92; Sec. 6, Ch. 92 [table]
- Dendrite: Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]
- Dendritic cells: Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183
- Dengue fever: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- Denial: Sec. 7, Ch. 99 [sidebar]
- Dental caries (cavities): Sec. 8, Ch. 114; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [sidebar]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]
- Dental hygiene (see Oral hygiene)
- Dental problems (see Tooth [teeth])
- Dentin: Sec. 8, Ch. 109
- Dentist
- examination by: Sec. 8, Ch. 114
- language of: Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [table]
- tooth repair techniques of: Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [sidebar]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [sidebar]; Sec. 8, Ch. 114 [figure]
- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]
- cell transfer of (gene therapy): Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- laboratory copying of: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- mitochondrial: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- Dependence, drug: Sec. 6, Ch. 78; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 (see also Drugs, abuse of)
- Dependent personality: Sec. 7, Ch. 105
- Depersonalization: Sec. 7, Ch. 106; Sec. 7, Ch. 106
- Depilatory: Sec. 18, Ch. 207; Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- Depression: Sec. 7, Ch. 101; Sec. 7, Ch. 101 [sidebar]; Sec. 7, Ch. 101 [drug table]
- in adolescents: Sec. 23, Ch. 286
- alcohol and: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- in anorexia: Sec. 7, Ch. 103
- in burn injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 289
- in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 286; Sec. 23, Ch. 286 [sidebar]
- constipation in: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- drugs for (see Antidepressants)
- in dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- in elderly persons: Sec. 1, Ch. 3
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- mental retardation and: Sec. 23, Ch. 285
- physical disorders and: Sec. 7, Ch. 101; Sec. 7, Ch. 101 [sidebar]
- postpartum (after childbirth): Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- pseudodementia of: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- suicide and: Sec. 7, Ch. 101; Sec. 7, Ch. 102
- transient: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- Depth perception: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- DeQuervain's syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 74
- Derealization: Sec. 7, Ch. 106
- Dermabrasion: Sec. 18, Ch. 204
- Dermatitis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- of anus: Sec. 9, Ch. 130
- atopic: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- chronic: Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- contact: Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]
- diaper: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- exfoliative: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- in food allergy: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- hot-tub: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- in infants and young children: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- nummular: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- perioral: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- poison ivy: Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]
- scratch: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- seborrheic: Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 20, Ch. 228
- stasis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- Dermatitis herpetiformis: Sec. 18, Ch. 209
- in celiac disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 125; Sec. 18, Ch. 209
- Dermatofibroma: Sec. 18, Ch. 215
- Dermatomes: Sec. 6, Ch. 93 [figure]
- Dermatomyositis: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- Dermatophytid eruption: Sec. 18, Ch. 212
- Dermatophytoses (fungal skin infection): Sec. 18, Ch. 212
- Dermis: Sec. 18, Ch. 201; Sec. 18, Ch. 201 [figure] (see also Skin)
- Dermoid cyst: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
- DES (diethylstilbestrol): Sec. 22, Ch. 252; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- Desensitization (immunotherapy): Sec. 16, Ch. 185; Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- Desert rheumatism: Sec. 17, Ch. 197
- Deslorelin: Sec. 23, Ch. 271 [sidebar]
- Desmopressin
- in bed-wetting: Sec. 23, Ch. 269
- in central diabetes insipidus: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- Desquamative gingivitis: Sec. 8, Ch. 115
- Desquamative interstitial pneumonia: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- Detergents: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- Detoxification
- in alcohol abuse: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- in antianxiety drug dependence: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- in cocaine abuse: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- in opioid dependence: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Development
- adolescent
- behavioral: Sec. 23, Ch. 270
- problems in: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
- intellectual: Sec. 23, Ch. 270
- physical: Sec. 23, Ch. 270; Sec. 23, Ch. 270 [figure]
- social: Sec. 23, Ch. 270
- child
- behavioral: Sec. 23, Ch. 268; Sec. 23, Ch. 268
- mental retardation and: Sec. 23, Ch. 285; Sec. 23, Ch. 285
- intellectual: Sec. 23, Ch. 268; Sec. 23, Ch. 268
- normal: Sec. 23, Ch. 268; Sec. 23, Ch. 268 [table]
- pervasive disorders of: Sec. 23, Ch. 286
- physical: Sec. 23, Ch. 268; Sec. 23, Ch. 268 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 268 [table]
- problems in: Sec. 23, Ch. 269; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]
- infant
- behavioral: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [table]
- intellectual: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [table]
- physical: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
- Deviated septum: Sec. 19, Ch. 221
- Dexamethasone (see also Corticosteroids)
- in canker sores: Sec. 8, Ch. 112
- in transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
- Dexamethasone suppression test: Sec. 13, Ch. 164; Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- DEXA (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) scan: Sec. 5, Ch. 59; Sec. 5, Ch. 60; Sec. 12, Ch. 152 [sidebar]; Appendix II
- Dexchlorpheniramine: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [drug table]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Dextromethorphan: Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
- Diabetes insipidus
- central: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- high sodium levels in: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- nephrogenic: Sec. 11, Ch. 146; Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- urine output in: Sec. 11, Ch. 142
- Diabetes mellitus: Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- atherosclerosis in: Sec. 3, Ch. 32; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 281; Sec. 23, Ch. 281 [sidebar]
- cholesterol levels in: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- complications of: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- coronary artery disease in: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- eye problems (retinopathy) in: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- foot care in: Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 3, Ch. 34 [sidebar]; Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [sidebar]
- gestational: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- infection in: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [sidebar]
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- insulin-dependent (type I): Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 16, Ch. 186 [table]
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- ketoacidosis in: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 281; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- kidney problems in: Sec. 11, Ch. 144; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 166; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- nerve problems (neuropathy) in: Sec. 6, Ch. 95; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- non-insulin-dependent (type II): Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 281; Sec. 23, Ch. 281 [sidebar]
- oral contraceptive use and: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- over-the-counter drug precautions in: Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]
- pancreatitis and: Sec. 9, Ch. 124
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- fetal effects of: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- screening for: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]
- tests for: Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- travel and: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- treatment of: Sec. 13, Ch. 165
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- insulin for: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- oral drugs for: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [drug table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- pancreas transplantation in: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- urine output in: Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM): Sec. 7, Ch. 98
- Diagnostic tests: Appendix II, Appendix II [table]
- Dialysis
- hemodialysis: Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 143 [table]; Sec. 11, Ch. 143 [figure]
- in hypercalcemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- in maple syrup urine disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- peritoneal: Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 143 [table]; Sec. 11, Ch. 143 [figure]
- peritonitis and: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
- in poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- reasons for: Sec. 11, Ch. 143 [sidebar]
- Diapering: Sec. 23, Ch. 263
- Diaper rash: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- Diaphragm (contraceptive): Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 255; Sec. 22, Ch. 255 [figure]
- bladder infection with: Sec. 11, Ch. 149
- Diaphragm (respiratory muscle): Sec. 4, Ch. 38; Sec. 4, Ch. 38 [figure]
- age-associated changes in: Sec. 4, Ch. 38
- hernia of: Sec. 9, Ch. 123; Sec. 9, Ch. 123 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- paralysis of, in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- spasms of (hiccups): Sec. 6, Ch. 91 [sidebar]
- Diarrhea: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [table]
- in amebiasis: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- antibiotic-associated: Sec. 9, Ch. 127
- in carcinoid tumors: Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- in cholera: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- in Clostridium difficile infection: Sec. 9, Ch. 127
- in Clostridium perfringens food poisoning: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- in collagenous colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- in Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- in cryptosporidiosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- dehydration in: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 12, Ch. 158
- drug-induced: Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [sidebar]
- drugs for: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [drug table]
- in Escherichia coli infection: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- exudative: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in food poisoning: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- in gastroenteritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 275
- in giardiasis: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- in infants and young children: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- in irritable bowel syndrome: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in lactose intolerance: Sec. 9, Ch. 125
- in lymphocytic colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- osmotic: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in radiation illness: Sec. 24, Ch. 292
- in salmonellosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 188 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- secretory: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in shigellosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- in staphylococcal food poisoning: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- traveler's: Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- in ulcerative colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- Diazepam: Sec. 7, Ch. 100 [drug table]
- during breastfeeding: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [sidebar]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation): Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- in labor and delivery: Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- in placental abruption: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- Dicloxacillin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Dicyclomine, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Didanosine (ddl): Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [drug table]
- Diet: Sec. 12, Ch. 152 (see also Food; Nutrition)
- bland: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- during breastfeeding: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- in burn injury: Sec. 24, Ch. 289
- cancer risk and: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
- in celiac disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 125
- coronary artery disease and: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- in Crohn's disease: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
- in diabetes mellitus: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- in dialysis: Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- in diverticulosis: Sec. 9, Ch. 128
- elimination: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- fad: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- food-combining and food-cycling: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- food guide pyramid for: Sec. 12, Ch. 152; Sec. 12, Ch. 152 [figure]
- in fructose intolerance: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- in galactosemia: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- in gastroenteritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- gluten-free: Sec. 9, Ch. 125
- in Hartnup disease: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- high-fiber: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- in constipation: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in coronary artery disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- high protein-low carbohydrate: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- in irritable bowel syndrome: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in kidney failure: Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- liquid: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- in liver encephalopathy: Sec. 10, Ch. 135
- in liver failure: Sec. 10, Ch. 135
- low-carbohyrate: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
- low-cholesterol: Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]
- low-fat: Sec. 12, Ch. 152; Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]
- in coronary artery disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [sidebar]
- low-fiber: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in MCAD deficiency: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- in nephrotic syndrome: Sec. 11, Ch. 144
- obesity and: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
- in osteoporosis prevention: Sec. 5, Ch. 60
- in pancreatitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 124
- in Parkinson's disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- in peptic ulcer: Sec. 9, Ch. 121
- in phenylketonuria: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- in porphyria: Sec. 12, Ch. 160
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- in rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 67
- stomach cancer and: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
- tooth decay and: Sec. 8, Ch. 114
- in ulcerative colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- in urinary tract stones: Sec. 11, Ch. 148
- vegetarian: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- weight loss: Sec. 12, Ch. 152; Sec. 12, Ch. 156
- Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (1994): Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- Dietary supplements: Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- drug interactions with: Sec. 2, Ch. 13; Sec. 2, Ch. 13; Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- Diethylpropion: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
- Diethylstilbestrol (DES): Sec. 22, Ch. 252; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- Diethyltoluamide (DEET): Sec. 17, Ch. 190 [figure]; Sec. 17, Ch. 195
- Diffusing capacity, of lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- Diffusion, in gas exchange: Sec. 4, Ch. 38
- DiGeorge anomaly: Sec. 16, Ch. 184; Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- Digestive system: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [table]
- age-associated changes in: Sec. 9, Ch. 118
- air in: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- anthrax infection of: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- biology of: Sec. 9, Ch. 118; Sec. 9, Ch. 118 [figure]
- birth defects of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 265; Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [figure]
- bleeding in: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 132; Sec. 9, Ch. 132 [table]
- blockage of: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 120; Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 132; Sec. 9, Ch. 132 [figure]
- Campylobacter infection of: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- cancer of: Sec. 9, Ch. 131; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 131 [figure]
- bleeding in: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
- carcinoid: Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- staging of: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- disorders of: Sec. 9, Ch. 119 (see also specific structures, eg, Esophagus; Stomach)
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 275; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 275 [sidebar]
- in diabetes mellitus: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 166
- in dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- emergency: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- in multiple endocrine neoplasia: Sec. 13, Ch. 167
- in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Sec. 14, Ch. 177 [table]
- in premature infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- symptoms of: Sec. 9, Ch. 119
- tests for: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 119 [figure]
- diverticular disease of: Sec. 9, Ch. 128; Sec. 9, Ch. 128 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 128 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- examination of: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 119 [figure]
- foreign objects in: Sec. 9, Ch. 123; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- hormones of: Sec. 13, Ch. 161; Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]
- indigestion and (see Indigestion)
- infection of (see Gastroenteritis)
- in infection prevention: Sec. 17, Ch. 188
- inflammatory disorders of: Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
- malabsorption in: Sec. 9, Ch. 125; Sec. 9, Ch. 125 [table]
- in niacin deficiency: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- radiation effects on: Sec. 24, Ch. 292
- sexually transmitted diseases of: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- tumors of: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
- carcinoid: Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- Digital substraction angiography: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- Digits (see Finger[s]; Toe[s])
- Digoxin
- in arrhythmias: Sec. 3, Ch. 27 [drug table]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- food interactions with: Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [table]
- generic substitutions for: Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 17
- in heart failure: Sec. 3, Ch. 25 [drug table]; Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- in mitral stenosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 28
- in pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- Dihydrotestosterone: Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- Dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26; Sec. 3, Ch. 26 [figure]
- Dilation and curettage (D and C): Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 242 [figure]; Appendix II
- after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- in dysfunctional uterine bleeding: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
- Dilation and evacuation (D and E): Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- Dimenhydrinate: Sec. 6, Ch. 81 [sidebar]
- Dimercaprol: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Dimethyl sulfoxide: Sec. 11, Ch. 149 [sidebar]
- Diphenhydramine: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [drug table]
- in common cold: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- in sleep disorders: Sec. 6, Ch. 81 [sidebar]
- Diphenoxylate: Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [drug table]
- Diphtheria: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- immunization for: Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 272 [sidebar]
- Diphyllobothriasis (fish tapeworm infection): Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- Dipivefrin: Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [drug table]
- Diplopia (double vision): Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- in Graves' disease: Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- Dipyridamole
- in Kawasaki syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- in stroke prevention: Sec. 6, Ch. 86
- Directive to doctor (living will): Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]; Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- Dirithromycin: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- Disability, information resources on: Appendix IV
- Discharge
- nipple: Sec. 22, Ch. 251
- vaginal: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 247
- after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- Discipline problems
- in adolescents: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]
- time-out procedure for: Sec. 23, Ch. 269
- Disclosure: Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- Discoid lupus erythematosus: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- Discrimination testing, of hearing: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- Disinfecting agents: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- Diskectomy: Sec. 6, Ch. 94
- Disks, intervertebral: Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]
- degeneration of: Sec. 6, Ch. 93
- herniated (ruptured, "slipped"): Sec. 6, Ch. 94; Sec. 6, Ch. 94 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 94; Sec. 6, Ch. 94
- Disopyramide, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Dissection, aortic: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 35; Sec. 3, Ch. 35 [figure]
- in Marfan syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC): Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- in labor and delivery: Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- in placental abruption: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- Dissociative identity disorder: Sec. 7, Ch. 106; Sec. 7, Ch. 106 [sidebar]
- Disulfiram: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Diuretics
- abuse of: Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
- dehydration with: Sec. 3, Ch. 23; Sec. 12, Ch. 158
- in diabetes insipidus: Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- in heart failure: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 25 [drug table]
- in high blood pressure: Sec. 3, Ch. 22 [drug table]; Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- in mitral stenosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 28
- orthostatic hypotension with: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- potassium deficiency with: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- urinary incontinence with: Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [table]
- in urinary tract stones: Sec. 11, Ch. 148
- Divalproex
- in manic-depressive illness: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- in seizure disorders: Sec. 6, Ch. 85 [drug table]
- Diversion colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 126
- Diverticula (see also Diverticulitis; Diverticulosis)
- bladder: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- esophageal: Sec. 9, Ch. 120
- Meckel's: Sec. 23, Ch. 275; Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- Diverticulitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 128; Sec. 9, Ch. 128 [figure]
- in Meckel's diverticulum: Sec. 23, Ch. 275
- surgery for: Sec. 9, Ch. 128 [table]; Sec. 9, Ch. 128
- Diverticulosis: Sec. 9, Ch. 128; Sec. 9, Ch. 128 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 128 [figure]
- Diving
- air embolism with: Sec. 4, Ch. 46; Sec. 4, Ch. 46
- barotrauma with: Sec. 19, Ch. 220; Sec. 19, Ch. 220 [figure]
- decompression sickness (bends) with: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- injuries with: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- risk factors for: Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- Diving reflex: Sec. 24, Ch. 294
- Divorce: Sec. 23, Ch. 287; Sec. 23, Ch. 287 [sidebar]
- Dix-Hallpike maneuver: Sec. 6, Ch. 80
- Dizziness: Sec. 6, Ch. 80 (see also Vertigo)
- tilt table for: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- DNA: Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]
- cell transfer of (gene therapy): Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- laboratory copying of: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- mitochondrial: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- Doctor (see Physician)
- Docusate: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129 [drug table]
- Dog bite: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- DOM (2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine): Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Domestic violence: Sec. 22, Ch. 253
- effects on children: Sec. 22, Ch. 253 [sidebar]
- Donation
- of blood: Sec. 14, Ch. 171; Sec. 14, Ch. 171 [sidebar]; Sec. 14, Ch. 171; Sec. 14, Ch. 171 [sidebar]
- of organs: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- Dong quai: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- Do-not-resuscitate order: Sec. 1, Ch. 8; Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]; Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- Dopamine
- in chorea: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- in Parkinson's disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- in pheochromocytoma: Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- Doppler ultrasonography
- in deep vein thrombosis: Sec. 3, Ch. 36
- in heart disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in neurologic disorders: Sec. 6, Ch. 77
- in peripheral arterial disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- Dornase alfa: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
- Dorzolamide: Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [drug table]
- Double vision: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- Douching: Sec. 22, Ch. 247
- Dowager's hump: Sec. 5, Ch. 60
- Down syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266
- accelerated aging in: Sec. 1, Ch. 3
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- prenatal testing for: Sec. 22, Ch. 256
- risk for: Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]
- Doxazosin: Sec. 21, Ch. 239
- Doxepin, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Doxorubicin: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
- Doxycycline: Sec. 17, Ch. 192 [drug table]
- in acne: Sec. 18, Ch. 204; Sec. 18, Ch. 204 [drug table]
- in malaria: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- Drainage
- of lung (postural): Sec. 4, Ch. 40
- of skin abscess: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- Dressing
- after surgery: Sec. 25, Ch. 301
- occlusive: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- for pressure sores: Sec. 18, Ch. 205
- Dressler's syndrome: Sec. 3, Ch. 30; Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- Dronabinol
- in HIV infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- in undernutrition: Sec. 12, Ch. 153
- Drotrecogin alfa: Sec. 17, Ch. 191
- Drowning, near: Sec. 24, Ch. 294
- Drugs: Sec. 2, Ch. 10 (see also specific drugs)
- for abortion: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- absorption of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
- abuse of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10; Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
- by adolescents: Sec. 23, Ch. 271; Sec. 23, Ch. 286
- alcohol (see Alcohol use and abuse)
- amphetamines: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- antianxiety drugs: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
- cocaine: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- definition of: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- endocarditis and: Sec. 3, Ch. 29
- gamma hydroxybutyrate: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- hallucinogens: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- HIV infection transmission and: Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- ketamine: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- marijuana: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- opioids: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- phencyclidine: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- prescription drugs: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
- sedatives: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
- sleep aids: Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
- solvent inhalants: Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]; Sec. 7, Ch. 108; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
- action of: Sec. 2, Ch. 12
- addiction to: Sec. 7, Ch. 108 (see also Drugs, abuse of)
- administration of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
- adverse reactions to: Sec. 2, Ch. 10 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 15; Sec. 2, Ch. 15 [table]; Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 18, Ch. 214; Sec. 18, Ch. 214 [sidebar]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14
- aging and: Sec. 2, Ch. 14; Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- allergic reactions to: Sec. 2, Ch. 15; Sec. 11, Ch. 144; Sec. 16, Ch. 185; Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- anesthetic: Sec. 25, Ch. 301
- antidiuretic hormone secretion with: Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [sidebar]
- anxiety reaction with: Sec. 7, Ch. 100; Sec. 7, Ch. 100
- benefits vs. risks of: Sec. 2, Ch. 15
- bioequivalence of: Sec. 2, Ch. 17
- during breastfeeding: Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [sidebar]
- classification of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10
- clotting effects of: Sec. 14, Ch. 173 [sidebar]
- compliance issues in: Sec. 2, Ch. 10 [sidebar]; Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [sidebar]; Sec. 2, Ch. 14; Sec. 2, Ch. 16; Sec. 2, Ch. 16 [sidebar]
- consciousness alterations with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84; Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
- constipation with: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- contact dermatitis with: Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]
- delirium with: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- dependence on: Sec. 6, Ch. 78; Sec. 7, Ch. 108 (see also Drugs, abuse of)
- depressive reaction with: Sec. 7, Ch. 101; Sec. 7, Ch. 101 [sidebar]
- dermatitis with: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- design and development of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10; Sec. 2, Ch. 17
- diarrhea with: Sec. 9, Ch. 127
- dietary supplement interactions with: Sec. 2, Ch. 13; Sec. 2, Ch. 13; Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- digestive tract bleeding with: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
- disease interactions with: Sec. 2, Ch. 13
- distribution of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11; Sec. 2, Ch. 12
- dry mouth and: Sec. 8, Ch. 111
- for dying persons: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- dynamics of: Sec. 2, Ch. 12
- effectiveness of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10
- efficacy of: Sec. 2, Ch. 12
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14; Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 15; Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 10, Ch. 133
- elimination of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
- fetal effects of: Sec. 22, Ch. 259; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [figure]; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- folic acid deficiency with: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- food interactions with: Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 13
- formulations of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
- galactorrhea with: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- gastroenteritis with: Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [sidebar]
- generic: Sec. 2, Ch. 10; Sec. 2, Ch. 17; Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]
- gingivitis with: Sec. 8, Ch. 115
- hair loss with: Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- hearing loss with: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- heat disorders with: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- hepatitis with: Sec. 10, Ch. 137
- homocysteinemia with: Sec. 3, Ch. 32
- immunosuppressive (see Immunosuppressive drugs [immunomodulators])
- for indigestion: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- for inflammation: Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]
- injection of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11; Sec. 2, Ch. 11 [figure]
- interactions between: Sec. 2, Ch. 13; Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [sidebar]; Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- kinetics of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
- during labor and delivery: Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- manic reaction with: Sec. 7, Ch. 101 [sidebar]
- metabolism of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
- multiple: Sec. 2, Ch. 15
- names of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10; Sec. 2, Ch. 17; Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]
- nephrotic syndrome with: Sec. 11, Ch. 144; Sec. 11, Ch. 144 [sidebar]
- optimal benefit from: Sec. 2, Ch. 10 [sidebar]
- oral color changes with: Sec. 8, Ch. 109 [sidebar]
- orthostatic hypotension with: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- overdose toxicity of: Sec. 2, Ch. 15
- over-the-counter: Sec. 1, Ch. 4; Sec. 2, Ch. 17; Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [sidebar]; Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [sidebar]; Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [sidebar]; Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]
- patent for: Sec. 2, Ch. 17
- pericarditis from: Sec. 3, Ch. 30
- photosensitivity reactions with: Sec. 18, Ch. 214; Sec. 18, Ch. 214 [sidebar]
- placebos: Sec. 2, Ch. 10; Sec. 2, Ch. 10 [sidebar]
- potassium levels and: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- potency of: Sec. 2, Ch. 12
- during pregnancy: Sec. 2, Ch. 15; Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 259; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [figure]; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- rash with: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- response to: Sec. 2, Ch. 13; Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [figure]
- risk-benefit analysis of: Sec. 25, Ch. 300; Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- safety of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10
- seizures with: Sec. 6, Ch. 85 [table]
- side effects of (see Drugs, adverse reactions to)
- site selectivity of: Sec. 2, Ch. 12; Sec. 2, Ch. 12 [figure]; Sec. 2, Ch. 12 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 12
- for sleep problems: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- sperm problems with: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
- Steven-Johnson syndrome with: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- storage of: Sec. 2, Ch. 11
- testing of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10 [table]
- tolerance to: Sec. 2, Ch. 13
- topical: Sec. 2, Ch. 11; Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- toxic epidermal necrolysis with: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- trade names of: Sec. 2, Ch. 10; Appendix III
- for travel: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- undernutrition and: Sec. 12, Ch. 153
- urinary incontinence with: Sec. 11, Ch. 147 [table]
- weight gain and: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
- Dry eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 225; Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- in Sjögren's syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- Drying agents: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- Dry mouth: Sec. 8, Ch. 111
- in dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- radiation therapy and: Sec. 24, Ch. 292
- in Sjögren's syndrome: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- Dry skin: Sec. 18, Ch. 203; Sec. 18, Ch. 203 [sidebar]
- Dry socket: Sec. 8, Ch. 117
- DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders): Sec. 7, Ch. 98
- DTs (delirium tremens): Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA): Sec. 5, Ch. 59; Sec. 5, Ch. 60; Sec. 12, Ch. 152 [sidebar]; Appendix II
- Duchenne's muscular dystrophy: Sec. 5, Ch. 73; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]
- Duck-bill deformity: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- Ductus arteriosus: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- coarctation of aorta and: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- patent: Sec. 23, Ch. 265; Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [figure]
- Duodenum: Sec. 9, Ch. 118
- blockage of: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
- gastrinoma of: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
- ulcers of: Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [drug table]
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 275
- Dupuytren's contracture: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- Durable power of attorney for health care: Sec. 1, Ch. 9 [sidebar]; Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 25, Ch. 301
- Dura mater: Sec. 6, Ch. 76; Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 76 [figure]
- Dusts
- asbestos: Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]
- in asthma: Sec. 4, Ch. 44; Sec. 4, Ch. 44 [sidebar]
- beryllium: Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- coal: Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]
- fiber: Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- house: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- organic: Sec. 4, Ch. 51
- silica (quartz): Sec. 4, Ch. 49; Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]
- Dwarfism: Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 23, Ch. 279; Sec. 23, Ch. 271
- Dwarf tapeworm: Sec. 17, Ch. 196 [table]
- Dyclonine: Sec. 8, Ch. 112
- Dyes
- food: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- radiopaque (contrast): Sec. 11, Ch. 142 [sidebar]
- anaphylactoid reactions to: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [sidebar]
- Dying (see Death and dying)
- Dysarthria: Sec. 6, Ch. 82; Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- rehabilitation for: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- Dysbetalipoproteinemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- Dyschezia: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- Dyschromatopsia (see Color blindness)
- Dysentery (see also Diarrhea)
- bacillary (shigellosis): Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- Dysesthesia, oral (burning mouth syndrome): Sec. 8, Ch. 110 [sidebar]
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
- Dysgeusia: Sec. 6, Ch. 97
- Dysgraphia: Sec. 6, Ch. 82
- Dyshidrosis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- Dyslexia: Sec. 23, Ch. 269
- Dysmenorrhea: Sec. 22, Ch. 244 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 244
- Dysmetria: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Dysosmia: Sec. 6, Ch. 97
- Dyspareunia: Sec. 22, Ch. 250
- Dyspepsia: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 121
- Dysphagia (see Swallowing, difficulty in)
- Dysphagia lusoria: Sec. 9, Ch. 120
- Dysphonia: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Dysplastic nevi (atypical moles): Sec. 18, Ch. 215; Sec. 18, Ch. 216
- Dyspnea (see Breath, shortness of)
- Dysthymia: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- Dystocia, shoulder: Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- Dystonia: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Dystrophin: Sec. 5, Ch. 73
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