Index H
- Haemophilus ducreyi infection (chancroid): Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- Haemophilus infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- in epiglottitis: Sec. 19, Ch. 222
- immunization for: Sec. 4, Ch. 42 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 272; Sec. 23, Ch. 272 [sidebar]
- pneumonia: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
- Hair: Sec. 18, Ch. 201 [figure]; Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- bezoars of: Sec. 9, Ch. 123
- excess: Sec. 18, Ch. 207; Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- in polycystic ovary syndrome: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
- growth of: Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- ingrown: Sec. 18, Ch. 207; Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- lice in: Sec. 18, Ch. 210; Sec. 18, Ch. 210 [figure]
- loss of (balding): Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- pulling of: Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- removal of: Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- transplantation of: Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- Hair cells, in ear: Sec. 19, Ch. 217
- Hair follicles: Sec. 18, Ch. 201 [figure]; Sec. 18, Ch. 207
- infection of: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- keratosis pilaris of: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- staphylococcal infection of: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- Hairy cell leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176; Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- "Hairy" tongue: Sec. 8, Ch. 110
- Halitosis: Sec. 8, Ch. 115 [sidebar]
- Hallucinations
- alcoholic: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- in delirium: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- in depression: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- in narcolepsy: Sec. 6, Ch. 81
- in schizophrenia: Sec. 7, Ch. 107
- smell-related (olfactory): Sec. 6, Ch. 97
- Hallucinogens: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- adolescent use of: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
- Hallux (big toe)
- arthritis of: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
- displacement of: Sec. 5, Ch. 72; Sec. 5, Ch. 72 [figure]
- fracture of: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62 [figure]
- gout in: Sec. 5, Ch. 70
- Hallux rigidus: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
- Hallux valgus: Sec. 5, Ch. 72; Sec. 5, Ch. 72 [figure]
- Haloperidol
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- in mania: Sec. 7, Ch. 101
- in Tourette's syndrome: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Halos: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
- Hamate bone, fracture of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]
- Hammer (malleus): Sec. 19, Ch. 217; Sec. 19, Ch. 217 [figure]
- Hammer toe: Sec. 5, Ch. 72; Sec. 5, Ch. 72 [figure]
- Hamstring injury: Sec. 5, Ch. 75
- Hand (see also Finger[s]; Wrist)
- abscess of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- arthritis of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- birth defects of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265; Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- bite injury to: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- blue discoloration (acrocyanosis) of: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- carpal tunnel syndrome of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71; Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]
- computer keyboard position for: Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]
- deformities of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71; Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]
- Dupuytren's contracture of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- erythromelalgia of: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- fracture of: Sec. 5, Ch. 62
- ganglia of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- infections of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- injuries to: Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]; Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- Kienböck's disease of: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- laying on of: Sec. 25, Ch. 302
- Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's phenomenon of: Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 5, Ch. 68; Sec. 5, Ch. 68; Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- reattachment of: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [sidebar]
- reflex sympathetic dystrophy of (shoulder-hand syndrome): Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- severed or constricted: Sec. 24, Ch. 299
- Hand-foot-and-mouth disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- Hand-Schüller-Christian disease: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- Hand washing: Sec. 17, Ch. 188
- Hansen's disease (leprosy): Sec. 17, Ch. 194
- Hantavirus infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- Hardening, of arteries (see Atherosclerosis)
- Hartnup disease: Sec. 11, Ch. 146; Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- Hashimoto's thyroiditis: Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 16, Ch. 186 [table]
- Hay fever: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- HCG (see Human chorionic gonadotropin)
- ß-HCG (beta-human chorionic gonadotropin): Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- HDL cholesterol: Sec. 3, Ch. 32; Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Appendix II
- progestin and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- Head (see also Brain)
- banging of: Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]
- injury to: Sec. 6, Ch. 87; Sec. 6, Ch. 87 [sidebar]; Sec. 6, Ch. 87 [figure]
- in children: Sec. 6, Ch. 87; Sec. 6, Ch. 87 [sidebar]
- coma with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84
- consciousness alterations with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84; Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
- dementia with: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in Paget's disease: Sec. 5, Ch. 61
- Headaches: Sec. 6, Ch. 79; Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]
- after spinal tap: Sec. 6, Ch. 77 [figure]
- in brain hemorrhage: Sec. 6, Ch. 86
- in brain tumor: Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88
- cluster: Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 79
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- migraine: Sec. 6, Ch. 79; Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [drug table]
- tension-type: Sec. 6, Ch. 79; Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]
- Health care professionals
- communication with: Sec. 1, Ch. 4; Sec. 1, Ch. 8; Sec. 1, Ch. 9; Sec. 2, Ch. 16
- decision making by: Sec. 25, Ch. 300
- disclosure by: Sec. 1, Ch. 9
- mental health: Sec. 7, Ch. 98; Sec. 7, Ch. 98
- needlestick injury in: Sec. 17, Ch. 199; Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- prevention and: Sec. 1, Ch. 5
- Health insurance: Sec. 1, Ch. 4
- drug policies of: Sec. 2, Ch. 17
- for dying person: Sec. 1, Ch. 8
- Hearing
- age-associated changes in: Sec. 1, Ch. 3; Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 19, Ch. 217
- loss of: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- after eardrum perforation: Sec. 19, Ch. 220
- age-related (presbycusis): Sec. 19, Ch. 217
- aids for: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [figure]
- in Alport's syndrome: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- in autoimmune disorders: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 276; Sec. 23, Ch. 276 [sidebar]
- conductive: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [sidebar]
- drug-related: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- in ear infection: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- noise-related: Sec. 19, Ch. 217; Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- in osteogenesis imperfecta: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- in otosclerosis: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- prevention of: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- rehabilitation for: Sec. 1, Ch. 7; Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- sensorineural: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [sidebar]
- tests for: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [sidebar]
- treatment of: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [figure]; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [figure]
- temporary threshold shift in: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- testing of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]; Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [sidebar]
- Hearing aids: Sec. 19, Ch. 218; Sec. 19, Ch. 218 [figure]
- for children: Sec. 23, Ch. 276
- Heart (see also entries at Cardiac and Cardio-)
- abnormal rhythms of: Sec. 3, Ch. 27; Sec. 3, Ch. 27 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 27 [drug table]; Sec. 3, Ch. 27 [figure] (see also Arrhythmias; Heartbeats)
- age-associated changes in: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 3, Ch. 20
- anatomy of: Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 3, Ch. 20 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 20 [figure]
- aneurysm of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [sidebar]
- angina of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [drug table]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- travel and: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- arteries of (see Coronary arteries)
- of athlete: Sec. 1, Ch. 6 [sidebar]
- auscultation of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Appendix II
- biopsy of: Sec. 3, Ch. 31
- birth defects of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 265; Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [figure]
- blood flow in: Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 3, Ch. 20 [figure]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- bypass surgery of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- cancer of: Sec. 3, Ch. 31
- catheterization of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Appendix II
- in angioplasty: Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- in cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- in pericarditis: Sec. 3, Ch. 30
- coronary artery disease of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [drug table]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [figure]
- disease of
- diagnosis of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 21 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 21 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- in DiGeorge anomaly: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- fainting in: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- in Kawasaki syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- low blood pressure with: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- oral contraceptive use and: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- over-the-counter drug precautions in: Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]
- pericardial: Sec. 3, Ch. 30; Sec. 3, Ch. 30 [figure]
- in pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]
- rehabilitation for: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- sexual activity and: Sec. 21, Ch. 240 [sidebar]
- shock in: Sec. 3, Ch. 24
- symptoms of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- during travel: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- electrical pathway of: Sec. 3, Ch. 27; Sec. 3, Ch. 27 [figure]
- enlargement of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- in acromegaly: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
- failure of (see Heart failure)
- inflammation (infection) of (see Endocarditis; Pericarditis)
- lightning effects on: Sec. 24, Ch. 293
- murmurs of (see Murmurs)
- muscle of (myocardium): Sec. 5, Ch. 58
- blood supply of (coronary arteries): Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 3, Ch. 20 [figure]
- inadequate: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- dysfunction of: Sec. 3, Ch. 26; Sec. 3, Ch. 26 [figure]
- inflammation of: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- in rheumatic fever: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- rupture of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [sidebar]
- radiation injury to: Sec. 24, Ch. 292
- rupture of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [sidebar]
- sarcoidosis of: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- scar tissue of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [sidebar]
- sounds of: Sec. 3, Ch. 20
- fourth: Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- in high blood pressure: Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- transplantation of: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- in heart defects: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in heart failure: Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- tumors of: Sec. 3, Ch. 31; Sec. 3, Ch. 31 [figure]; Sec. 4, Ch. 57
- valves of: Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 3, Ch. 20 [figure]
- in cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26; Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- disease of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 28; Sec. 3, Ch. 28 [figure]
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in heart failure: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- infection of (endocarditis): Sec. 3, Ch. 29; Sec. 3, Ch. 29 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 29 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 190
- in Marfan syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- replacement of: Sec. 3, Ch. 28; Sec. 3, Ch. 28 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 28; Sec. 3, Ch. 28
- valvuloplasty of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 28; Sec. 3, Ch. 28
- Heart attack: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- cholesterol level and: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- complications of: Sec. 3, Ch. 33; Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [sidebar]
- estrogen and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- in hypercholesterolemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- mitral regurgitation with: Sec. 3, Ch. 28
- oral contraceptives and: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
- pericarditis after: Sec. 3, Ch. 30
- radionuclide imaging after: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- rehabilitation after: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- shock with: Sec. 3, Ch. 24
- ventricular fibrillation after: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- ventricular premature beats after: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- Heartbeats (heart rate): Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in apnea of prematurity: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in atrial fibrillation and flutter: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- awareness of (palpitations): Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in arrhythmias: Sec. 3, Ch. 27; Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in mitral regurgitation: Sec. 3, Ch. 28
- control of: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- electrocardiogram of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 21 [figure] (see also Electrocardiography)
- in exercise: Sec. 1, Ch. 6
- fetal: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 260; Sec. 22, Ch. 260; Sec. 22, Ch. 260 [sidebar]; Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- in heart block: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in heart disease: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in long QT syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266
- in pacemaker dysfunction: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- premature
- atrial: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- ventricular: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in sick sinus syndrome: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in ventricular fibrillation: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in ventricular tachycardia: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- Heart block: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- Heartburn
- in gastroesophageal reflux: Sec. 9, Ch. 121
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- remedies for: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- in scleroderma: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- Heart failure: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 25 [figure]
- acute: Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- after heart attack: Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [sidebar]
- in aortic regurgitation: Sec. 3, Ch. 28
- in cardiomyopathy: Sec. 3, Ch. 26; Sec. 3, Ch. 26
- diastolic: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 25 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- drugs for: Sec. 3, Ch. 25 [drug table]
- gallop rhythm in: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in heart defects: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in kidney failure: Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- liver damage in: Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- in mixed connective tissue disease: Sec. 5, Ch. 68
- in Paget's disease of bone: Sec. 5, Ch. 61
- pregnancy and: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- in rheumatic fever: Sec. 23, Ch. 272
- in septic shock: Sec. 17, Ch. 191
- sexual activity and: Sec. 21, Ch. 240 [sidebar]
- systolic: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 25 [figure]; Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- thrombophilia in: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- travel and: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- in vitamin B1 deficiency: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- Heart rate (see Heartbeats)
- Heat
- allergy to: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- disorders from: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- injury from (see Burns)
- Heat cramps: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- Heat exhaustion: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- Heatstroke: Sec. 24, Ch. 290
- Heat therapy: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- Heavy chain disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- Heberden's nodes: Sec. 5, Ch. 66; Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- Heel
- bursitis in: Sec. 5, Ch. 72; Sec. 5, Ch. 72 [figure]
- pain in: Sec. 5, Ch. 72
- spurs of: Sec. 5, Ch. 72; Sec. 5, Ch. 72 [figure]; Sec. 5, Ch. 72
- Height
- in adolescent: Sec. 23, Ch. 270
- children's charts for: Sec. 23, Ch. 268 [figure]
- metric equivalents for: Appendix I
- pregnancy and: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- in preventive care: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]
- short: Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 23, Ch. 271; Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- Height-weight chart: Sec. 12, Ch. 152 [table]
- Heimlich maneuver: Sec. 24, Ch. 299; Sec. 24, Ch. 299 [figure]
- Helicobacter pylori
- chamomile effect on: Sec. 2, Ch. 19
- in gastritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [sidebar]
- indigestion and: Sec. 9, Ch. 119
- in peptic ulcer: Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [sidebar]; Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121
- HELLP syndrome: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- Helper T cells: Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]; Sec. 16, Ch. 183
- Hemangioblastoma: Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
- Hemangioma: Sec. 10, Ch. 139; Sec. 18, Ch. 215; Sec. 18, Ch. 215 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [sidebar]
- Hemapheresis: Sec. 14, Ch. 171 [sidebar]
- Hematemesis: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 119
- Hematochezia: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 119
- Hematocrit: Appendix II
- measurement of: Sec. 14, Ch. 170 [table]
- in polycythemia vera: Sec. 14, Ch. 178
- Hematoma
- brain (intracranial): Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 87
- dissecting: Sec. 3, Ch. 35; Sec. 3, Ch. 35 [figure]
- ear: Sec. 19, Ch. 219
- spinal: Sec. 6, Ch. 93
- Hematopoietic syndrome: Sec. 24, Ch. 292; Sec. 24, Ch. 292
- Hematuria: Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 11, Ch. 151; Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- asymptomatic proteinuria with: Sec. 11, Ch. 144
- Heme: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 160
- Hemianopia: Sec. 20, Ch. 235 [sidebar]
- Hemiballismus: Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Hemifacial spasm: Sec. 6, Ch. 96
- Hemochromatosis: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [sidebar]
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- Hemodialysis: Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 143 [sidebar]; Sec. 11, Ch. 143 [table]; Sec. 11, Ch. 143 [figure]
- in hypercalcemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- in maple syrup urine disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- in poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Hemoglobin: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 14, Ch. 169; Appendix II
- abnormalities of: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- carbon monoxide in: Appendix II
- deficiency of (see Anemia[s])
- measurement of: Sec. 14, Ch. 170 [table]
- in polycythemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 178
- in urine: Sec. 11, Ch. 142
- Hemoglobin A1C: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- Hemoglobin C disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- Hemoglobin E disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- Hemoglobin S-C disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- Hemoglobinuria, paroxysmal nocturnal: Sec. 14, Ch. 172 [table]
- Hemolytic anemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 172; Sec. 14, Ch. 172 [table]; Sec. 14, Ch. 172 [table]
- autoimmune: Sec. 14, Ch. 172; Sec. 16, Ch. 186 [table]
- Hemolytic disease of newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- Hemolytic reaction, with blood transfusion: Sec. 14, Ch. 171
- Hemolytic-uremic syndrome: Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- Hemoperfusion, charcoal, in poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Hemophilia: Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- prenatal testing for: Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]
- transfusion-related HIV infection in: Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- Hemophilus infection (see Haemophilus infection)
- Hemoptysis: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- Hemorrhage: Sec. 1, Ch. 1 (see also Bleeding)
- cerebral (see Stroke)
- Hemorrhagic colitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis: Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- Hemorrhagic fevers: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- Hemorrhagic telangiectasia, hereditary (Rendu-Osler-Weber disease): Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- Hemorrhoids: Sec. 9, Ch. 130; Sec. 9, Ch. 130 [figure]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- Hemostasis: Sec. 14, Ch. 173; Sec. 14, Ch. 173 [figure] (see also Clotting)
- drug effects on: Sec. 14, Ch. 173 [sidebar]
- Hemothorax: Sec. 4, Ch. 52; Sec. 4, Ch. 52
- Henoch-Schönlein purpura: Sec. 5, Ch. 69 [table]; Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- Hen worker's lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
- Heparin: Sec. 14, Ch. 173 [sidebar]
- after surgery: Sec. 4, Ch. 46
- in hemodialysis: Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 259 [table]
- in pulmonary embolism: Sec. 4, Ch. 46
- in stroke: Sec. 6, Ch. 86
- Hepatic arteries: Sec. 10, Ch. 133; Sec. 10, Ch. 133 [figure]; Sec. 10, Ch. 138; Sec. 10, Ch. 138 [figure]
- aneurysm of: Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- occlusive disease of: Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 3, Ch. 34; Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- Hepatic coma: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Hepatic ducts: Sec. 9, Ch. 118 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 118; Sec. 10, Ch. 133 [figure]
- Hepatic encephalopathy (coma): Sec. 10, Ch. 135
- Hepatic veins: Sec. 10, Ch. 133; Sec. 10, Ch. 133 [figure]; Sec. 10, Ch. 138; Sec. 10, Ch. 138 [figure]
- in Budd-Chiari syndrome: Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- in heart failure: Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- occlusive disease of: Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- Hepatitis: Sec. 10, Ch. 137; Sec. 10, Ch. 137 [table]
- acute: Sec. 10, Ch. 137
- alcoholic: Sec. 10, Ch. 136 [sidebar]
- autoimmune: Sec. 10, Ch. 137; Sec. 10, Ch. 137
- cancer and: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [table]
- chronic: Sec. 10, Ch. 137
- immunization for: Sec. 1, Ch. 5; Sec. 17, Ch. 189; Sec. 17, Ch. 189 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]; Sec. 25, Ch. 303 [table]
- ischemic: Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- liver cancer and: Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [table]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- prevention of: Sec. 1, Ch. 5 [table]; Sec. 24, Ch. 299
- sexually transmitted: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- transfusion-acquired: Sec. 14, Ch. 171 [sidebar]
- in traveler: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
- Hepatoblastoma: Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- Hepatocellular adenoma: Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- Hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatoma): Sec. 10, Ch. 136; Sec. 10, Ch. 139
- Hepatomegaly: Sec. 10, Ch. 135
- Hepatorenal syndrome: Sec. 10, Ch. 135
- Herbal medicine: Sec. 25, Ch. 302
- Herbs, medicinal: Sec. 2, Ch. 19; Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]
- for cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
- Hereditary angioedema: Sec. 8, Ch. 110; Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [sidebar]
- Hereditary diseases (see Gene[s]; Genetics and specific diseases)
- Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu-Osler-Weber disease): Sec. 10, Ch. 138; Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- Hereditary (familial) spastic paraparesis: Sec. 6, Ch. 93
- HER-2/neu: Sec. 22, Ch. 251; Sec. 22, Ch. 251
- Hernia and herniation
- brain: Sec. 6, Ch. 86; Sec. 6, Ch. 87; Sec. 6, Ch. 87 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 88
- diaphragm: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- hiatus: Sec. 9, Ch. 123; Sec. 9, Ch. 123 [figure]
- inguinal: Sec. 21, Ch. 238; Sec. 21, Ch. 238 [figure]
- intervertebral disk: Sec. 6, Ch. 94; Sec. 6, Ch. 94 [figure]; Sec. 6, Ch. 94; Sec. 6, Ch. 94
- intestinal: Sec. 9, Ch. 132; Sec. 9, Ch. 132 [figure]
- Heroin: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- adolescent use of: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 259
- Herpangina: Sec. 23, Ch. 273 [sidebar]
- Herpes gestationis: Sec. 22, Ch. 257 [sidebar]
- Herpes simplex virus infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- in atopic dermatitis (eczema herpeticum): Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- brain (encephalitis): Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- cornea (keratitis): Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- erythema multiforme with: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- fingertip (herpetic whitlow): Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- genital: Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [table]
- mouth: Sec. 8, Ch. 112; Sec. 8, Ch. 115
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [table]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- Herpesviruses: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- Herpesvirus 6 infection: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- Herpesvirus 8 infection, cancer and: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [table]; Sec. 18, Ch. 216
- Herpes zoster (shingles): Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [sidebar]
- cornea: Sec. 20, Ch. 230
- mouth: Sec. 8, Ch. 112
- pain after: Sec. 6, Ch. 78; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [sidebar]
- Herpetic gingivostomatitis: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
- Herpetic whitlow: Sec. 5, Ch. 71
- Hers' disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 282 [table]
- 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid): Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- Hiatus hernia: Sec. 9, Ch. 123; Sec. 9, Ch. 123 [figure]
- Hiccups: Sec. 6, Ch. 91 [sidebar]
- Hidradenitis suppurativa: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- High blood pressure: Sec. 3, Ch. 22 (see also Hypertension)
- arteriosclerosis and: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 3, Ch. 32
- causes of: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 3, Ch. 22 [sidebar]
- in cirrhosis: Sec. 10, Ch. 136
- classification of: Sec. 3, Ch. 22 [table]
- diagnosis of: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 3, Ch. 22 [figure]
- drug therapy in: Sec. 3, Ch. 22 [drug table]; Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- essential (primary): Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- eye damage and: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- headache with: Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]
- heart failure and: Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- in kidney cancer: Sec. 11, Ch. 151
- in kidney failure: Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- in Liddle's syndrome: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- in lungs: Sec. 4, Ch. 54; Sec. 4, Ch. 54 [sidebar]
- in malignant nephrosclerosis: Sec. 11, Ch. 145
- measurement of: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
- in nail-patella syndrome: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- in nephritic syndrome: Sec. 11, Ch. 144
- over-the-counter drug precautions in: Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]
- in pheochromocytoma: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- in polycystic kidney disease: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- in portal vein: Sec. 10, Ch. 135; Sec. 10, Ch. 138; Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- in pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 22, Ch. 259; Sec. 22, Ch. 261
- in pseudoxanthoma elasticum: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
- in renal artery stenosis: Sec. 11, Ch. 145 [sidebar]
- retinopathy in: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 20, Ch. 234
- secondary: Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- sexual activity and: Sec. 21, Ch. 240 [sidebar]
- systolic, isolated: Sec. 3, Ch. 20; Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- treatment of: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 3, Ch. 22 [drug table]
- Hip
- avascular necrosis of: Sec. 5, Ch. 64
- congenital dislocation (developmental dysplasia) of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- degeneration of: Sec. 5, Ch. 64
- fracture of: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62 [figure]; Sec. 5, Ch. 62 [figure]
- rehabilitation after: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 278
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 263
- pain in
- in Calvé-Perthes disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 278
- in slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Sec. 23, Ch. 278
- replacement of: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 62 [figure]; Sec. 5, Ch. 64; Sec. 5, Ch. 66
- Hippocampus: Sec. 6, Ch. 76
- Hirschsprung disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- Hirsutism (excess hair): Sec. 18, Ch. 207; Sec. 22, Ch. 242
- in polycystic ovary syndrome: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
- Histamine (see also Antihistamines)
- fish, poisoning from: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- receptors for: Sec. 2, Ch. 12 [table]
- Histamine-2 blockers
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- in gastritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 121
- in gastroesophageal reflux: Sec. 23, Ch. 275
- in indigestion: Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 23, Ch. 275
- in peptic ulcer: Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [drug table]
- Histiocytoma: Sec. 5, Ch. 63
- Histiocytosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- Histocompatibility: Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]
- Histoplasmosis: Sec. 17, Ch. 197
- pneumonia and: Sec. 4, Ch. 42
- Histrionic (hysterical) personality: Sec. 7, Ch. 105
- Hives: Sec. 16, Ch. 185; Sec. 16, Ch. 185; Sec. 18, Ch. 202 [sidebar]
- in solar urticaria: Sec. 18, Ch. 214
- HIV infection (human immunodeficiency virus infection, AIDS): Sec. 6, Ch. 89 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 199; Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [sidebar]; Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [figure]
- CD4+ lymphocyte count in: Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- dementia with: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- erythema infectiosum in: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- heart inflammation in: Sec. 3, Ch. 30
- in infants and children: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- infections in: Sec. 17, Ch. 188; Sec. 17, Ch. 193; Sec. 17, Ch. 196; Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [table]; Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- Kaposi's sarcoma in: Sec. 8, Ch. 109 [sidebar]; Sec. 8, Ch. 113; Sec. 18, Ch. 216
- low white blood cell count and: Sec. 14, Ch. 174
- meningitis in: Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 6, Ch. 89 [sidebar]
- opioid abuse and: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in: Sec. 4, Ch. 42; Sec. 23, Ch. 273; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- prevention of: Sec. 17, Ch. 199; Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [sidebar]
- prognosis for: Sec. 17, Ch. 199
- toxoplasmosis in: Sec. 17, Ch. 196
- transfusion-acquired: Sec. 14, Ch. 171 [sidebar]
- transmission of: Sec. 17, Ch. 199; Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 273; Sec. 24, Ch. 299
- treatment of: Sec. 17, Ch. 199; Sec. 17, Ch. 199 [drug table]
- tuberculosis in: Sec. 17, Ch. 193
- HLA (human leukocyte antigen): Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]
- in organ transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- HLA-B27: Sec. 5, Ch. 67
- HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [drug table]
- food interactions with: Sec. 2, Ch. 13 [table]
- Hoarseness
- in laryngitis: Sec. 19, Ch. 222
- in vocal cord disorders: Sec. 19, Ch. 222
- Hodgkin's disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 177; Sec. 14, Ch. 177 [table]; Sec. 14, Ch. 177 [table]
- paraneoplastic syndromes in: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- Holter monitoring: Sec. 3, Ch. 21; Sec. 3, Ch. 21 [figure]
- in angina evaluation: Sec. 3, Ch. 33
- in arrhythmias: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in fainting: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- Home care: Sec. 1, Ch. 8 [sidebar]
- antibiotic administration in: Sec. 17, Ch. 192; Sec. 17, Ch. 192
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- oxygen therapy in: Sec. 4, Ch. 40
- Homeopathy: Sec. 25, Ch. 302
- Homeostasis: Sec. 1, Ch. 1
- Home pregnancy test: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- Homework: Sec. 23, Ch. 268
- Homocysteinemia
- atherosclerosis and: Sec. 3, Ch. 32; Sec. 12, Ch. 154 [sidebar]
- thrombophilia and: Sec. 14, Ch. 173; Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- Homocystinuria: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
- Homosexuality: Sec. 7, Ch. 104
- in adolescents: Sec. 23, Ch. 270
- Honey: Sec. 23, Ch. 263
- Hook of hamate bone: Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]
- Hookworm infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 196; Sec. 17, Ch. 196 [figure]
- of skin (creeping eruption): Sec. 18, Ch. 210
- Hordeolum: Sec. 20, Ch. 228
- Hormone(s): Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 13, Ch. 161; Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]
- in anorexia: Sec. 7, Ch. 103
- disorders of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162 (see also specific hormones)
- generic substitutions for: Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]
- marijuana effects on: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
- Hormone, sex (see Estrogens; Testosterone)
- Hormone replacement therapy: Sec. 22, Ch. 243; Sec. 22, Ch. 243 [drug table]
- Horner's syndrome: Sec. 3, Ch. 35; Sec. 4, Ch. 57; Sec. 6, Ch. 96 [sidebar]
- in esophageal cancer: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
- Hornet stings: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Horsefly bites: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
- Horse serum: Sec. 24, Ch. 298 [sidebar]
- Hospice care: Sec. 1, Ch. 8 [sidebar]
- Hospitalization
- for burns: Sec. 24, Ch. 289
- for children: Sec. 23, Ch. 287
- delirium and: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- Host defenses (see Immune system)
- Hot flashes: Sec. 22, Ch. 243; Sec. 22, Ch. 243 [drug table]
- prevention of: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
- Hot-tub folliculitis: Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 18, Ch. 211
- House dust, allergy to: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- Household products
- burns with: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- nontoxic: Sec. 24, Ch. 297 [sidebar]
- HTLV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus) infection
- leukemia and: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- lymphoma and: Sec. 14, Ch. 177
- myelopathy and: Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 6, Ch. 92
- Human body: Sec. 1, Ch. 1
- aging of: Sec. 1, Ch. 3; Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 14
- anatomy of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [figure]; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 (see also Anatomy)
- barriers of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1
- cells of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [figure] (see also Cell[s])
- composition of: Sec. 12, Ch. 152; Sec. 12, Ch. 152 [sidebar]
- mind interactions with: Sec. 1, Ch. 1
- organ systems of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [figure]; Sec. 1, Ch. 1 [table]
- tissues of: Sec. 1, Ch. 1
- Human chorionic gonadotropin: Sec. 22, Ch. 241
- in hydatidiform mole: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- in ovulation problems: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
- in pregnancy detection: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- ß-Human chorionic gonadotropin (ß-HCG): Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [table]
- Human Genome Project: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
- Human leukocyte antigen (HLA): Sec. 16, Ch. 183; Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]
- in organ transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187
- Human papillomavirus infection
- cancer and: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- genital warts and: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
- of newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 [table]
- skin warts and: Sec. 18, Ch. 213
- Human parvovirus infection: Sec. 23, Ch. 273
- Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infection
- leukemia and: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
- lymphoma and: Sec. 14, Ch. 177
- myelopathy and: Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 6, Ch. 92
- Humidifier: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- in croup: Sec. 23, Ch. 274
- Humpback (kyphosis): Sec. 23, Ch. 278; Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [figure]
- Hunger (see Appetite)
- Huntington's disease: Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 6, Ch. 91; Sec. 6, Ch. 91; Sec. 6, Ch. 91 [sidebar]; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]
- Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome: Sec. 1, Ch. 3
- Hyaluronate injection: Sec. 5, Ch. 66
- Hydatid disease (echinococcosis): Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 17, Ch. 196 [table]
- Hydatidiform mole: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- Hydranencephaly: Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [table]
- Hydrocarbon poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
- Hydrocele: Sec. 21, Ch. 238
- Hydrocephalus: Sec. 6, Ch. 88; Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]
- brain tumor and: Sec. 6, Ch. 88
- congenital: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- normal-pressure: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
- Hydrochloric acid, in stomach: Sec. 9, Ch. 118
- Hydrocolloid dressings: Sec. 18, Ch. 202; Sec. 18, Ch. 205
- Hydrocortisone
- in fungal infection: Sec. 18, Ch. 212
- in itching: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
- over-the-counter: Sec. 2, Ch. 18
- in proctitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 130
- in skin disorders: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
- Hydrofluoric acid: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- Hydrogen peroxide, in trench mouth: Sec. 8, Ch. 115
- Hydrogen sulfide: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
- Hydromorphone: Sec. 6, Ch. 78 [drug table]
- Hydronephrosis: Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 148; Sec. 11, Ch. 148 [figure]
- Hydrophobia (rabies): Sec. 6, Ch. 89; Sec. 6, Ch. 89 [sidebar]
- Hydrops (see Swelling [edema])
- Hydroquinone cream: Sec. 18, Ch. 208
- Hydrostatic (underwater) weighing: Sec. 12, Ch. 152 [sidebar]
- Hydroxyapatite: Sec. 5, Ch. 58
- Hydroxychloroquine
- in porphyria: Sec. 12, Ch. 160
- in rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [drug table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 67
- 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA): Sec. 13, Ch. 168
- Hydroxymethylbilane synthase deficiency (acute intermittent porphyria): Sec. 12, Ch. 160
- 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, triptans): Sec. 6, Ch. 79; Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [drug table]
- Hydroxyurea
- in polycythemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 178
- in sickle cell disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- in thrombocythemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 178
- Hydroxyzine: Sec. 16, Ch. 185 [drug table]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- in physical allergy: Sec. 16, Ch. 185
- Hymen: Sec. 22, Ch. 241; Sec. 22, Ch. 241 [figure]
- Hymenolepsis nana infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 196 [table]
- Hyoscyamine, in elderly persons: Sec. 2, Ch. 14 [table]
- Hypacusis: Sec. 19, Ch. 218
- Hyperactivity, in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 269; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]; Sec. 23, Ch. 269 [sidebar]
- information resources on: Appendix IV
- Hyperaldosteronism: Sec. 13, Ch. 164; Sec. 13, Ch. 164 [sidebar]
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: Sec. 24, Ch. 295
- in altitude illness: Sec. 24, Ch. 296
- in decompression sickness: Sec. 24, Ch. 295
- Hyperbilirubinemia: Sec. 23, Ch. 264 (see also Jaundice)
- Hypercalcemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [sidebar]
- in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- constipation in: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in multiple myeloma: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- in Paget's disease of bone: Sec. 5, Ch. 61; Sec. 5, Ch. 61
- in sarcoidosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
- in vitamin D excess: Sec. 12, Ch. 154
- Hypercalciuria: Sec. 11, Ch. 148
- Hypercholesterolemia (see Cholesterol, high blood levels of)
- Hyperchylomicronemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- Hyperemesis gravidarum: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- Hypereosinophilic syndrome: Sec. 14, Ch. 174
- Hyperglycemia (see also Diabetes mellitus)
- coma with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
- in premature infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- Hyperhidrosis: Sec. 18, Ch. 206
- Hyperhomocysteinemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 173; Sec. 14, Ch. 173
- atherosclerosis and: Sec. 3, Ch. 32
- Hyperimmunoglobulinemia E syndrome: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- Hyperinsulinemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
- Hyperkalemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- in kidney failure: Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- periodic paralysis with: Sec. 5, Ch. 73
- Hyperlipoproteinemia (hyperlipidemia): Sec. 12, Ch. 157; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [sidebar]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [table]; Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [drug table]
- hereditary: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- Hypermagnesemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- Hypernatremia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- coma with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
- Hyperopia (farsightedness): Sec. 20, Ch. 225; Sec. 20, Ch. 226; Sec. 20, Ch. 226 [figure]
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 277 [sidebar]
- Hyperosmia: Sec. 6, Ch. 97
- Hyperparathyroidism: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155 [sidebar]; Sec. 13, Ch. 167; Sec. 13, Ch. 167
- Hyperphosphatemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- in kidney failure: Sec. 11, Ch. 143
- Hyperproteinemia, idiopathic (intestinal lymphangiectasia): Sec. 9, Ch. 125
- Hypersensitivity (see Allergy and allergic reactions)
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: Sec. 4, Ch. 49 [sidebar]; Sec. 4, Ch. 51; Sec. 4, Ch. 51 [table]
- Hypersensitivity vasculitis: Sec. 5, Ch. 69 [table]
- Hypersomnia: Sec. 6, Ch. 81
- Hypersplenism: Sec. 14, Ch. 179
- Hypertension: Sec. 3, Ch. 22 (see also High blood pressure)
- intracranial: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]; Sec. 20, Ch. 235
- malignant: Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 3, Ch. 22; Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- kidney failure in: Sec. 11, Ch. 145
- portal: Sec. 10, Ch. 135; Sec. 10, Ch. 138
- pulmonary: Sec. 3, Ch. 25; Sec. 3, Ch. 28; Sec. 4, Ch. 54; Sec. 4, Ch. 54 [sidebar]
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- pregnancy and: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
- renovascular: Sec. 3, Ch. 34
- secondary: Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- white coat: Sec. 3, Ch. 22
- Hyperthermia, malignant: Sec. 2, Ch. 13
- Hyperthyroidism: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163 [drug table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 163 [sidebar]
- after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- apathetic: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- arrhythmias in: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- in elderly persons: Sec. 1, Ch. 3
- heart failure with: Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- masked: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- over-the-counter drug precautions in: Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]
- during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 257
- in thyroiditis: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- Hypertriglyceridemia (see Triglycerides, high blood levels)
- Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
- Hyperuricemia: Sec. 5, Ch. 70; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [sidebar]; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [drug table]
- Hyperventilation
- alkalosis with: Sec. 12, Ch. 159
- in diver: Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
- Hyperventilation syncope: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- Hyperventilation syndrome: Sec. 4, Ch. 39
- Hyperviscosity syndrome: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
- Hyphema: Sec. 20, Ch. 227
- Hypnosis: Sec. 7, Ch. 98; Sec. 25, Ch. 302
- in conversion disorder: Sec. 7, Ch. 99
- in dissociative amnesia: Sec. 7, Ch. 106
- in dissociative identity disorder: Sec. 7, Ch. 106
- for pain: Sec. 6, Ch. 78
- Hypoalphalipoproteinemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- Hypobetalipoproteinemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- Hypocalcemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- in DiGeorge anomaly: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- Hypochondriasis: Sec. 7, Ch. 99; Sec. 7, Ch. 105 [table]
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 286
- Hypogammaglobulinemia, in infants: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
- Hypogeusia: Sec. 6, Ch. 97
- Hypoglossal nerve: Sec. 6, Ch. 96 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 96
- Hypoglycemia: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 166
- in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 281
- coma with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
- in large-for-gestational-age infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in pancreatitis: Sec. 9, Ch. 124
- in postmature newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in premature infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- Hypokalemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155 (see also Potassium, low blood levels of)
- Hypolipoproteinemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- Hypomagnesemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- low calcium levels and: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- Hypomania: Sec. 7, Ch. 101; Sec. 7, Ch. 101 [sidebar]
- Hypomenorrhea: Sec. 22, Ch. 244 [table]
- Hyponatremia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- coma with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
- in gastroenteritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 122
- in lung cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
- Hypopharynx: Sec. 19, Ch. 217; Sec. 19, Ch. 217 [figure]
- Hypophosphatemia: Sec. 12, Ch. 155
- rickets and: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
- Hypopituitarism: Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 162 [sidebar]
- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [table]
- Hyposmia: Sec. 6, Ch. 97
- Hypospadias: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
- Hypotension: Sec. 3, Ch. 23 (see also Low blood pressure)
- orthostatic: Sec. 1, Ch. 7
- in anemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
- in dehydration: Sec. 12, Ch. 158
- idiopathic (Shy-Drager syndrome): Sec. 6, Ch. 91
- Hypothalamic-pituitary axis: Sec. 13, Ch. 161; Sec. 13, Ch. 161
- Hypothalamus: Sec. 6, Ch. 76; Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [figure]
- in body temperature regulation: Sec. 17, Ch. 188
- in female reproductive function: Sec. 22, Ch. 241
- in hormone control: Sec. 13, Ch. 161; Sec. 13, Ch. 161; Sec. 13, Ch. 164
- Hypothermia: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
- coma with: Sec. 6, Ch. 84 [table]
- Hypothyroidism: Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- after childbirth: Sec. 22, Ch. 262
- after thyroid removal: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- arrhythmias in: Sec. 3, Ch. 27
- cholesterol levels in: Sec. 12, Ch. 157
- constipation in: Sec. 9, Ch. 129
- in elderly persons: Sec. 1, Ch. 3; Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]
- heart failure with: Sec. 3, Ch. 25
- in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
- in thyroiditis: Sec. 13, Ch. 163
- Hysterectomy: Sec. 22, Ch. 243; Sec. 22, Ch. 246; Sec. 22, Ch. 252 [sidebar]
- in cervical cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- in endometrial cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- in fallopian tube cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- in vaginal cancer: Sec. 22, Ch. 252
- Hysteria (see Conversion disorder)
- Hysterical fainting: Sec. 3, Ch. 23
- Hysterosalpingography: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 254
- Hysteroscopy: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 254; Appendix II
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